Simcha Shore - Founder and CEO - AgroScout

AgroScout: Bringing Sustainable Farming Mainstream

Agricultural supply demand will grow by 60% (by 2050) according to FAO.Agriculture, unpredictable by nature, will struggle to supply quantities and consistency

With the intent to aim for ‘zero hunger’ and sustainable farming AgroScout AgTech was founded in 2017 in Israel. The firm offers unique crop intelligence to support processor supply in real-time, to more accurately plan processing and manufacturing operations across regions and growers.

The company helps suppliers of fresh produce and food production companies to transform their supply chain and improve margins with greater visibility and data driven insights.  The deep learning algorithms of Agroscout solutions are based  on artificial intelligence in order to enable an efficient detection, identification, and monitoring of crop throughout the whole year. The system inputs data from  different sources aerial , satellite and plant level.

AgroScout is dedicated to  Leverage Supply Chain Insights to maximize the productivity and efficiency of the entire agro production operation to produce actionable reports with supply insights.

The Steadfast Leader

Simcha Shore is the CEO, and founder of AgroScout AgTech company seeking to impact global food security  with and AI helping agro industry  make informed and better decisions and grow more with less. Simcha brings vast experience leading development projects in information systems, remote sensing, image processing, AI, and drones.

Innovative Services

Our current food systems are not sustainable for either the planet or the market. AgroScout solutions based on AI reduce agricultural waste and improves food production efficiencies in order to help conserve global resources, bringing more value to growers, manufacturers, retailers, and consumers, and making food manufacturing more resource-efficient , and sustainable than ever before.

Dedicated to developing advanced technology for  crop monitoring in order to boost Supply Chain and Production Efficiency AgroScout has launched its dedicated platforms :

  • Web App:  The robust data architecture and AI engine process the real-time data of tens of thousands of crops  and farms lines globally. Constantly optimizing  end-to-end solution and offering highly specialized supply chain optimization and intelligence.
  • The WebApp with AI reporting and analysis platform generates an internal report with comprehensive and informed insights geolocation of all abnormalities found in the crop. With a  dashboard enterprise AgroScout is aggregating data and insights from leaf level to field level to enterprise level to better supply and procurement decisions generating real-time actionable insights, and getting smarter and more personalized with every new signal.
  • AgroScout Sky: The AgroScout solutions are accompanied by mission planning intelligent support with Skyapp where a user will apply autopilot flight patterns. To get a informed insights for procurement and sustainability areas, one needs an auto scouting app.
  • AgroScout mobile App: The mobile app is a complement of the webapp and get all the insights on the go.  Just like any other road navigation app, this app helps its users to navigate each infected location. This mobile app provides an additional level of agronomy services in the field, which eventually helps to detect pests and diseases in real-time, monitor the crop and view based on layers satellite, aerial or plant level. The  mobile app also has a live option of Consulting to an Expert, which provides additional support via direct chat within the app for spotting irregualrites and asking for recommendations.

Helping Farmers to Increase Yield

AgroScout’s platform brings simple-to-operate and easy-to-understand technology to Maximise commercial opportunities with insights and analtics designed to offer food & beverage companies comprehensive and informed insights.

With the AgroScout platform, win and maintain contracts with more accurate forecasting and a and a better quality of service and you dont  have to maintain or install any complex infrastructure, thus keeping investment to a bare minimum. The organization also offers variable pricing plans to give the much-needed flexibility.

With the ability to have leaf-level detection and see GPS-tagged images to locate and navigate directly to individual plants or areas, now agronomists and  procurement  teams can target areas that need to be treated and, more importantly, determine the best type of treatment to implement. Information provided by the AgroScout software will eventually enable food industry to reduce the number of pesticide or fungicide applications and use fewer resources in a sustainable way for future generations.

Increased Support for Farmers

Recently, AgroScout has announced that it has acquired the assets of TerrAvion, which is a market leader in imagery data management for agriculture. The acquisition adds to  AgroScout a higher-resolution agriculture imagery capabilities and agro data artificial intelligence for a wide variety of crops. With this acquisition, both the clients of AgroScout and TerrAvion will be able to access a powerful combination of aerial and satellite imagery products and precision agriculture services for their fields.

Effects of the Pandemic

Simcha believes AI space helps AgroScout to work with developers and specialists globally in further developing its capabilities. As AgroScout is a SaaS-based company utilizing AWS cloud to collect and analyze data via AI. It is providing the firm right speed to help all its customers. Covid-19 had extended the outreach to professionals on a global scale that contributes to AgroScout’s software development.

Satisfied Clients

“Easy to use and easy to operate, AgroScout could change everything about my day-to-day with insects, diseases, and viruses.”– Alexandre Dzierwa, Grower and Agronomist Dzierwa Group, Licensed Pepsico Grower.

“I have over 35 years of experience in professional counseling for Yir’on Agrobusiness , Israel, preventing, detecting, and monitoring pests and diseases for a variety of crops. Yir’on has about 20 fields with a total area of 240 hectares. Without a doubt, I have found the use of drone and the AgroScout software very friendly, especially with its ability to get up-to-date reliable information on a much larger scale in a shorter amount of time.”– Mirit Shulman, Chief Inspector, field crops, Yir’on Agrobusiness.

“I have been a professional crop advisor for the last 25 years. As soon as I started using the AgroScout Platform, I realized how this technology is going to change my work. For example, in just 20 minutes, I can scout an area that would have taken me 3-4 hours by foot- and I would have sampled less than a tenth of the number of the plants.”– Amon Fried, Agronomist and Field Crop Inspector.   

A Unique Firm

Driven by unique Crop-Intelligence & made to improve agricultural  supply-confidence, planability & sustainability  for the food processing industry.

AgroScout is an agro analytic platform empowering crop monitoring that collects user-generated data to create timely analytics providing actionable insights.

However, AgroScout has seen its share of ups and downs as, Simcha says, “The main challenges we faced were collecting data, tagging data as biological data are very challenging.”  

Although the firm aspires to be a future leader in the sustainability factor, as Simcha says, “We aim to be part of and have a positive impact on global food security and sustainability.”

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