An Indian Born CEO now runs Twitter.

An Indian Born CEO now runs Twitter

Parag Agarwal has now become the CEO of Twitter. This is undoubtedly a proud moment for every Indian that a person from India has become the CEO of Twitter. Indians are ruling most of the top brands, so it can be said that this is another feather that is added to the Indian crown. Previously, Sundor Pichai has become the CEO of Google, and since then, the journey of Indians as CEO has been growing rapidly. Besides, Twitter and Google, Microsoft, IBM, VMWare and Adobe also have Indian CEOs, and they are also repeatedly working efficiently in these companies.

Satya nadela has become the CEO of Microsoft, Arvind Krishna is in the IBM, santany Narayan is now in the CEO post of Adobe and Raghu Raghuram is currently in the CEO post in VMware. A country like India, residing in a third world country, is becoming the top officials in top-rated companies. This is becoming a very proudest moment for every Indian,

According to the officials, Parag Agrawal is replacing Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, and now, he has taken charge of this post. On Monday evening, the founder resigned from this post and appointed Parag Agarwal as the company’s CEO.

The educational career of Parag Agarwal was also a brilliant one. He is a student of the Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, and he was a scholar. Besides that, he was currently in the post of CTO of Twitter. Where he was responsible for dealing with machine learning and AI so that the users will be able to get top rated services whenever they appear on the graphical user interface of Twitter; according to his words, he is now willing to start his extraordinary career in twitter, and he will assure the best service from Twitter to the users.

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