Best Mobile Apps for Woman Safety [ Business Blog ]

Best Safety Apps For Woman To Keep On Your Phone

Every year, 25 November is observed as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to spread awareness for women’s safety. Still, the number of incidents and crime rate against women are increasing especially in the metro cities where women have to stay out for long. As per the report of Cornell University, around 85 percent of women had faced some or the other kind of harassment before moving out of their teenage years.

As women have to travel late at night sometimes, it is vital for them to stay alert and safe. The government takes major steps to ensure women’s safety. These days, Smartphones are going mainstream and are supporting us to improve our lives in different ways. Even in women’s safety, they can play a major role in avoiding untoward incidences.

So, on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we are presenting here some amazing mobile apps that women should consider installing on their smart phones:

  • Women Safety

Women Safety sends an instant message to the emergency numbers and emails to preconfigured contact email IDs with the location and a link to Google Maps. In order to add more valuable information to the sender, it captures two pictures from the phone’s camera from the front camera and the back camera, along with a video or audio clip.

  1. bSafe

bSafe provides the guardians and friends a channel by which they can know the live location of the user. It also allows you to leverage the SOS service in distress situations that will send the message along with GPS location to all the emergency contacts. Besides, it records and sends audio and video messages to the guardian group.

  1. My SafetyPin

If you are stuck at a crossroad and looking for the best optimal and safe route to your destination My SafetyPin works great. In case, you are caught in an unfamiliar or unsafe location, it will send alerts to family friends who would track you then.

  1. Himmat Plus

Launched by Delhi Police, Himmat Plus was is a highly recommended safety app for women. If you are moving along and facing unpredictable issues and emergencies especially when they move around alone, you must use this app.

The moment you feel unsafe, select the panic button so that your precise location will be instantly shared with the Delhi Police unit along with audio or video content.

  1. Chilla

A wonderful women safety app, Chilla can detect the scream of women in danger, even if the phone is in her purse or pocket. It can easily be triggered by only a shrill scream or by pressing the power button 5 times. Once it is triggered, it sends a text to the guardian with location and automatically places a call.

  1. Smart 24×7

Safety 24X7 helps the user to call the police by pressing the panic button. Besides, the option of calling some pre-designated contact is available on this app. If the GPRS does not work, the location is sent via SMS. Apart from calls, it also clicks photos and records audio-video of the situation.

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