Kevin MacRitchie: Helping The Men And Women In Uniform

Meet the Executive Team of Tactical Rehabilitation, which works to deliver the best possible service, solutions, and healthcare to the biomechanical needs of the world’s greatest heroes- the men and women of the United States Military. All of Tactical Rehabilitation’s products are battle-tested having been used by service members deployed across the planet. The organization’s staff is trained to provide the highest quality care and fit for patients and to be a resource for providers.

The organization was founded by David Marr in 2013. As the founder of Tactical Rehabilitation, David surveyed the providers and solutions offered before laying the foundation stone of the company in 2013. While surveying, David saw a need for healthcare that is entirely focused on healing patients with the best possible solutions and less focused on maximizing profits at the expense of those that ensure the freedom of every citizen of the United States and its allies.

The Leadership Team

David Marr is the founder and CEO of Tactical Rehabilitation. He leads the oversight of Compliance and Financial oversight with the CFO. He founded the company in a modest 640 square foot storefront in 2013 with a simple mission to ‘Serve those that serve’ and honor those who protected our nation with the best solutions available. As the founder of the organization, David spearheads the diligent research of new products and is the core of Tactical Rehabilitation’s knowledge and compliance base. He continually seeks innovations in technology and has made available a superior line of products that the organization makes available to its patients to ensure the best possible healing process creating one patient at a time-serving their individual needs. He says; “It is an honor to serve the world’s greatest heroes and lead the way to Service Readiness for those that ensure freedom around the globe.”

David prides himself on maintaining a family atmosphere and a caring culture for the employees and their families of Tactical Rehabilitation. With David’s long-standing commitment to serving others in law enforcement, as a Game Warden, and for other pioneering DME providers growing their patient success each year, it is easy to see why the military and industry welcomes David and Tactical Rehabilitation’s down to earth approach to ensure the best in healthcare to the servicemen and women.

With over thirty years of experience working in the healthcare and IT industry, Kevin MacRitchie currently serves as the Chief Operations Officer of Tactical Rehabilitation. As a leader in the healthcare sector, Kevin MacRitchie has worked tirelessly to create the best possible patient experience. He specializes in high customer satisfaction, engineering leadership, and information technology.

Kevin says, “Maximizing patient success will always be our most critical of priorities.”

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Information Systems and Operations Management from the University of Toledo. Kevin MacRitchie has received multiple healthcare industry awards for his incredible work in transforming the organization and the industry to enable more focus time on patient care and improving business operational efficiencies of healthcare behind the scenes as not to interfere with patient care.

Karen Lyons is the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Legal Counsel for Tactical Rehabilitation. Karen has more than 30 years of experience working in healthcare, non-profit, and construction industries. As a financial professional, Karen also combines operational information with financial outcomes to enhance company performance and provide trends and analysis to meet the need of multiple stakeholders.

“Balancing the priorities of the day-to-day with the long-range financial goals and stability of our company will ensure our company can continue to “serve those that serve” for decades to come and create life-long careers for our employees.”- says Karen.

James Polka, on the other hand, serves as the Vice President of the organization. He is also the founder of many Tactical Rehabilitation early systems and policies, supports the company growth through strategic planning and property management along with optimal location and site selection/build-out of locations. James also co-leads new product solutions with Reed for inclusion in Tactical Rehabilitation’s plethora of incredible partners and solutions, works closely on CRM activities and how they positively impact sales and sales reach to new providers in order to help heal additional servicemen and women.

James says, “Understanding the community we serve through listening to our providers and partners, ensures our patients will always be provided the best possible care.”

Reed Abernathy serves as the Vice President of the company. He is the founder of the vision/mission/goals and purpose statements and the keeper of the company culture of Tactical Rehabilitation. Reed also plays a crucial role in mentoring Business Development/Sales Team members and seeks out many of the new products and solutions Tactical Rehabilitation reviews for inclusion in their plethora of incredible partners and solutions.

“Ensuring our Mission and Vision is at the heart of all we do ensures everyone in our company is working together as a team”. – Says Reed.

Also, the executive team of the organization works as a family among themselves and with their employees. It is a strong binding partnership and heartfelt responsibility to communicate well with each other and, as a result, with their employees to ensure the best solutions and vision are executed to enhance the well-being of their patients and continuously improve the quality of the Healthcare provided to their patients.

Serving the Men and Women in Uniform

David sought out the best possible brand names from Sole Supports Orthotics to Aspen, Don Joy, Intensity, and more in Orthotics, Bracing, Intramuscular Pain Management, and more to help address the most common injuries that affect 68% or more of the most common areas that prevent soldiers from a constant “Service Ready” status. Through incredible partnerships and a steadfast Mission to humbly “Serve those that Serve”, David set the initial focus for the company Tactical Rehabilitation continues to become.

Since its inception, Tactical Rehabilitation has expanded into various additional areas including Bone Stimulation, Portable Ultrasound, Para-Somnia Solutions, and more.

These areas are similarly critical to ensuring the “Service Ready” of freedom. Tactical Rehabilitation is not a typical DME with solutions in every DME category, rather a highly specialized and trained team servicing the very specific needs of their patients and ensuring they can return to “Service Ready Status” as quickly as possible.

Tackling Challenges

As the COO Kevin MacRitchie believes, growth brings change, and change brings new challenges and acceptance to change itself. As the company grew, so did its awareness to bring in new skills from outside the company in critical roles like CFO and COO. The very same growth created new leadership and promotional opportunities from within the company allowing team members to rise to new challenges and lead their peers while developing new employees in new markets. The Executive Team works tirelessly to create the delicate balance of internal and external employee growth which has been a crucial part of ensuring the longevity of Tactical Rehabilitation’s culture to serve those in uniform.

Also, Covid was everyone’s nemesis, but the executive team invested in and grew the company and never once shut, paused, or closed their doors. All this ensured providers and patients that Tactical is there to serve the needs of its patients. During the pandemic, Tactical grew and nearly doubled as others closed their doors to the needs of their patients and providers. Tactical Rehabilitation grew in their current locations and opened doors in new locations where patients no longer had services available. Throughout the pandemic, the organization ensured employee safety and its presence for patients and providers.

Giving it Back to the Society

CSR plays a crucial role in understanding the partnerships between Tactical Rehabilitation and the providers that entrust their patient care to Tactical Rehabilitation. Understanding who Tactical Rehabilitation serves ensures the company to better align itself with the needs of the providers and ultimately the patients served.

According to Vice President James Polka, “The most crucial step in understanding the business of Tactical Rehabilitation is understanding the needs of those we serve.” He also adds, “This is best accomplished through constantly ensuring our business development and sales reps have the tools and information critical to know and support our providers”.

Mission and Vision

Kevin MacRitchie believes in the foundations set by Vice President Reed Abernathy, with core values like patient care to die for, profound level of respect for one another, and to make a positive difference in the lives of employees, patients, and providers, Tactical Rehabilitation can continue to provide highest quality products and the highest level of service to active-duty service members, veterans, and their family members.

Advice for Upcoming Entrepreneurs

When we requested Kevin MacRitchie to provide any advice for young upcoming entrepreneurs, he said, “Know your strengths and leverage them. Know better your weaknesses and ensure your plans include how to garner this perspective in-house until you can hire it in-house. Allowing yourself to become blind-sided is an intentional plan… to failure.

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