Annabel Biggar-David : Promoting Natural Health Essentials Dynamically

Sustainable farming practices ultimately contribute towards a sustainable ecological environment for future generations. When buying organic, you are assisting in reducing the amount of pesticides used on our planet since these unwanted toxic chemicals have farreaching effects on our bodies, wildlife, and the environment. More than ever before, people have become conscious of their health. There has been a dramatic spike in
demand for plant-based, natural and certified organic products. The majority of certified organic essential oil and aroma health product purchasers are people looking for natural solutions and products for their family. Organic products are in high demand and the natural care movement is strong. Bacteria strains are becoming resistant to antibiotics and there is an awakening of going the natural route.

Preaching this awakening and enabling the right natural solutions for people is one inspiring business leader, Annabel Biggar-David. She is the Founder of OCO Life by Organico. “Destined to be an old woman with no regrets, I am an adventurous, independent, spirited, curious, passionate human living who adores people who make me laugh until I’m physically in pain, yeah they are some of my favorite kind of people,” says Annabel joyously.

To Begin With….

Growing up in Kwa-Zulu Natal, Annabel’s grandmother played a massive role in her life. She had a farm bordering a river in Ixopho where Annabel used to spend weekends and school holidays. “It was then that my love for traditional African medicine was born,” she shares. Annabel’s grandmother was the one who instilled
the entrepreneurial spirit in her. “I started my first business at 9 years old. Growing up I questioned everything I read. I questioned everything I was told,” says Annabel.

Annabel then moved to Mitchells Plain in Cape Town, known as the Cape Flats. The city was infested with gang members but she still continued with her small business and extended the range to toffee apples. As she got older, while holding a full-time job, Annabel would make dream catchers and candles at night and sell to stores and colleagues.

Being of mixed race, growing up in the apartheid system, Annabel always appreciated the saying, “Poverty is like paying for a crime you didn’t commit.” “I have always known no amount of security was worth the suffering of a mediocre life,” describes Annabel. She wanted to contribute to something bigger than herself. She was done working in a job she didn’t enjoy. She was done feeling depressed on a Sunday night knowing that Monday was coming, which she considered Day 1 of the Hostage situation.

Annabel did not want to be imprisoned by a haunting thought of ‘I wish I had’ so she was willing to risk almost
everything. She wants to make a difference in society and create employment. Annabel sold almost everything she owned, applied for loans and when money ran out would barter furniture for services.
“With tensions high in our country and communities, our high unemployment rate as well as more than 50% of South Africans living in poverty as an SME, we are here to make a difference economically,” states Annabel.

The OCO Life

As a multiple award-winning brand, born in Africa, OCO Life is pioneering the health industry with a revolutionary
range of air purifiers, organic essential oil blends, ultrasonic aroma diffusers and traditional medicine. Proudly 100% black woman owned, OCO Life comprises of mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and neighbours. “Our social responsibility is not only an integral part of our business model, but it is our natural way of doing what we do,” says the team of OCO Life.

The company’s mission is to enable employment in South Africa and create a lifestyle of harmony, where a balance and collaboration exist between people, as it exists in nature, with ethics, integrity, care and respect for surroundings, people and the environment. OCO Life harvests essential oils in their native regions to get the best quality oils available through sustainable agriculture. This benefits the environment by maintaining soil quality, reducing soil degradation and erosion, and saving water. In addition to these benefits, sustainable agriculture also increases biodiversity of the area by providing a variety of organisms with healthy and natural environments to live in.

“Our sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals: environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity,” says Annabel and her team. A variety of philosophies, policies and practices have contributed to these goals. There is a saying that there is no softer pillow than a clear conscience. Team OCO’s social and environmental conscience ensures that they are contributing to something greater towards the world. Annabel and the OCO family assists in reducing the amount of pesticides and toxins used that have enormous effects on our bodies, wildlife, and the environment.

Growing Organically

The difference that OCO Life makes is on a grass roots level as a company. With over 50% of South African’s living in poverty and the staggeringly high unemployment rate, companies like OCO Life, are a driving force of inclusive economic growth & development in S.A. It has a passionate, purposeful driven team that captures the essence of economic value by up skilling employees while reducing its own ecological footprint. “We have a great company culture and strive to be flawless in our service and impeccable with our word,” describes the team of OCO. Annabel does not take the smallest gestures for granted as they speak the loudest. As a team, OCO exists to serve, and they are eco warriors who believe in changing the world, naturally.

“Simply put, we improve lives and have created solutions to our client’s health needs,” says Annabel. OCO Life’s family is a bunch of people who are customer-centric and will never fail to deliver what they are known for. In terms of future professional growth prospectus, Annabel is interested in mentoring the youth during their entrepreneurial journey as it is something, she is very passionate about. Personally, she is an eternal
student and loves to learn and travel. Spending time with her dogs, the theatre, arts, photography, music, reading, adventure sports, and dancing are some of her most favourite things to do.

Penny Holburn: Implausible Businesswoman, Focused towards Changing lives through her venture, Penny Holburn Coaching

“Live out of your imagination, not your history.” Stephen Covey.

A Quote that describes the mindset of the visionary entrepreneur Penny Holburn behind her brand and its motto i.e., one of the greatest gifts human beings have been given is imagination. We use imagination in the wrong way when we use it to worry and fear. We use it in the right way when we use it to transcend what we may think are limitations and disadvantages that life has dealt us.

With a strong  belief ,that like most things, we can use imagination in the right way or wrong way, Penny leads in various roles as HR Professional turned entrepreneur, a certified Personal Coach, Business Coach, and Internal and External Consultant. She holds a rich experience of 25+ years in the fields of psychology, industrial psychology, neuroscience, personal and business change, leadership development, training, counselling and coaching.

Penny has always known what she wanted to do. At the age of 14, she saw herself doing what she does today. She studied in the area she felt was right for her, and has been in a series of jobs that, with hindsight, she can see prepared herself for everything that she does today. If anything influenced her decisions in her career it was her intuition and gut feel. Somehow, she has just always known what the next step needed to be.

About the Brand and the Primary Challenges

Established in 2010, Penny Holburn Coaching provides coaching, counselling, and consulting services to private clients and organizations of any size. The three main areas she focuses on are general life issues around mental wellbeing and personal growth, careers, and business. In addition to one-on-one assistance, which is most of what she does, she also offers courses, toolkits, workshops, and talks.

The primary challenge has always been a constantly changing external environment in which Penny does business. Every year something about the economy, ways of doing business, consumer spending, technology, and legislation changes. So, each year has to be approached differently and each year, and possibly every six months, a new strategy is required. There is no such thing as “this plan worked well last year, it should work well again next year.”

Team & Clientele  

Penny Holburn lives by values. She does not have permanent full-time employees; she works with contractors, other companies, freelancers, and other business owners on an as-need basis. However, in the people she chooses to work with, values are incredibly important. Her three most important business values are – Respect – Excellence – Growth, and the people and businesses she works with need to demonstrate these values. She believes you can get on with people who are different from you. It doesn’t work if you have different values though.

“My clients are the most wonderful human beings. I see almost anyone who wants to work on themselves, their career, and/or their business. Most of my clients are private clients who are committed to growing and developing themselves to be the best they can be. I connect with that. I ensure I help them achieve their objectives,” Penny stated.

Daily Routine and Hobbies

“I am not a morning person, so I gradually get into the morning. The first thing on waking is to work on my mindset and beliefs. I have a book full of affirmations, scripts (including hypnotic scripts), and writings to set my mind for the day. This takes about 30 minutes. Then from about 8.30 am to 6 pm I work. Sometimes I see a client in the evening so I finish later. There is no standard day and no routine. Generally, the workday covers the following: client appointments (most of the time), admin, writing courses, writing blogs and articles, updating social media and doing marketing”, Penny shared.

“After work, I have a 30 minute time to wash away the stresses of the day. I do this relaxation in the garden when possible. I read for about an hour before going to sleep. Hobbies include gardening, listening to music, reading, attending theatre and concerts”, she further added.

Favourite Book

Dr Joseph Murphy’s, “The power of your subconscious mind.” Your subconscious runs your life. If you want your life to work, then you need your subconscious mind to work for you.

Future Goals

While talking about future goals, Penny said, “The mission of my business is to facilitate mental well-being, personal development, and peak performance so that everyone is enabled and empowered to reach their full potential. I can still see that being relevant in the next year, together with the services and products I offer. The mix of products and services will depend on the needs of the market and clients. I have always offered online services, and possibly this may be a growth area next year. Fortunately, as a very small company, I can change direction very quickly if required to. This year, with Covid-19, so many people have had their lives, careers, and businesses thrown into disarray, and so there has been plenty of need.”

Jewels in the Crown

Here is the list of awards won by Penny in the last five years:

  • 2016: Executive Coaches of the Year, awarded by AI Global Media
  • 2016: Winner best for personal and business coaching Johannesburg, awarded by Corporate Vision Magazine.
  • 2017: Best personal development coaching company in Gauteng, awarded by AI Global Media
  • 2017: Excellence award for anxiety coaching, awarded by AI Global Media
  • 2018: Shortlist Business Coaching Advisor of the year in South Africa, by Finance Monthly Global.

Advice for New Leaders

Be brave, but don’t be reckless. If you believe in your business idea then keep at it and always stay in touch with your customer and their needs. Be flexible – the world is constantly changing – and it will continue to do so. You may have to change your strategies and tactics very quickly. Be able to do that. Your business will never be better than you are, so keep working on yourself as a person and as a leader.

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