Ken Gosnell: Creating Great Leaders

Experiences shape great leadership. Many leaders often think they are not good enough or don’t know what to do. In reality, most of those leaders have the needed answers, but they require a place that can inspire their best thinking to achieve the best results in business and life.

Every business leader needs a place to get an unbiased and different perspective to generate new ideas and thoughts about their business during their leadership journey. They need a safe place to share their doubts, fears, and concerns. Additionally, they also require an Executive Team of Mentors who can help them learn the best business practices.

So enters Ken Gosnell, the founder of CEO Experience, a full-service private consulting company helping CEOs through various types of retreats to learn business principles to help them grow their business with Kingdom Impact. The organization offers peer retreats, private retreats, team retreats, and strategy retreats, all featuring the monthly Executive Retreat Guide, which serves as a business magazine and executive journal.

As a founder of the organization, Ken always wanted to highlight the value of each person’s personal experience and then benefit from the idea of learning from others’ experiences so that one doesn’t have to suffer years of disappointments and setbacks to understand what took years for them to learn.

He believes CEO Experience equals Well Done, which are the two most essential words in the world of business and have the potential to transform any leader’s performance and life.

Ken states, “It is not good enough for a leader to only succeed in business. True success is being significant in business and life.

Starting the Journey

Initially, Ken tried to do life and leadership alone. However, he felt lonely at the top and wasted too much time repeating the same mistakes, and then he learned a better way. It was learning from his own and others’ experiences as well. He realized that a wise business person would never underestimate the lessons they can learn from various businesses and business experiences, even if those have no value at all. Ken believes that business success and innovation often come from others who have never done it before or can see the business in a new and fresh way.

Ken authored a book entitled “Well Done- 12 Biblical Business Principles for Leaders to Grow Their Business with Kingdom Impact” in 2021. In that book, he explained the best ideas he learned in businesses from the Bible and other business owners and CEOs. It highlights over 200 companies and business leaders who have led some of the largest organizations in America over the last 150 years.

Under Ken’s leadership, CEO Experience seeks to build the CXP CEO Executive Retreat Guide and each CEO retreat to discuss what is currently happening in the marketplace through a lens of timeless truths proven to work in every generation and location. The organization promises never to repeat an executive guide but instead provide new content that is current and relevant for the marketplace each month. Additionally, the CEO Retreats ( use several innovative methods, including biblical case studies, CEO interviews, assessments, tools, and best ideas from the past.

Ken states, “We understand that the market is constantly changing and their new challenges to face every day, but we believe that leaders who succeed today are the ones that prepared yesterday.

Women Leaders are Changing the World

Ken believes that women CEOs are slowly becoming the norm, which is good for businesses. As an organization, CEO Experience often reminds CEOs that God established the first woman CEO when he created Eve and gave her a landscaping business. However, it has taken the rest of the world thousands of years to catch up.

Women leaders are different from men leaders. They are far ahead of their men counterparts in many areas, and there are areas where they are still behind.”- Says Ken.

CEO Experience’s retreats are Collective and Individualistic; its CXP Executive Retreat Guide is one part personal and business journal and one part business magazine. The guide is full of Experience Questions, Win Activities, Writing Blocks, and CEO Tools to help business owners capture their best thoughts and the best ideas of others. The organization believes every leader is essential and valuable and must work to improve themselves. Leaders who work to improve their leadership style become better leaders and produce better results.

Motivating CEOs

Ken believes energy is the most significant asset for any business leader. CEO Experience has designed its CEO Retreats and CEO Executive Retreat Guide to be inspiring and informative. Several leaders often feel they are not suited or don’t know what to do. However, the organization understands that every CEO has the answers, but they often need a place that could inspire their best thinking to achieve a breakthrough in business and life. The CXP CEO Retreat helps leaders to make the decisions they need to make and provide them with the needed courage to make the critical decisions to move their life and business forward.

“Self-awareness always precedes self-improvement.”

Business is always complicated, and many leaders often reach a stage where they feel like giving up. This is where CEO Experience help leaders build momentum by highlighting wins and creating a monthly winning wall to press into what is working. While too many organizations work to fix leaders’ problems, very few look to maximize their win and success rate.

Additionally, CEO Experience uses a leaders’ dashboard to help them determine their energy levels and enhance focus. The leaders’ dashboard also allows leaders to review the most critical areas of leadership to understand where to focus their energy and time.

Preparing for the Future

With the promise to provide the best leadership experience to its partners, CEO Experience works to develop the culture at the retreat to be inspirational and informative. Both the CEO Retreats and the CEO Executive Retreat Guide are authored to encourage and inspire CEOs and business leaders.

Ken says, “Our mission is to help dynamic CEOs practice continual growth for Kingdom Impact to hear the words Well Done. We want to work with Christian and faith-driven CEOs and coaches in every major city in America and worldwide.

Every year, CEO Experience offers training for coaches to launch CEO Retreats in their respective cities. It has also prepared a Christian coaching training retreat, starting in January 2023, in Orlando, Florida.

Johnny Casana: Building a Grid Bigger than the Weather

Meet Mr. Johnny Casana, a true leader in the renewable energy business with a clear vision for a clean grid. He directs North American strategy for Pattern Energy and knows there is a straightforward two-step process to solve climate change: clean the grid and electrify everything. “We have the tools, we have the technology, we have the time,” he said. “It’s actually such an exciting moment to be in this business-wind and solar are now the least-cost power that the world has ever known, electric transmission is nearly everywhere already, and the gaps can be connected. The grid can be big, it can be clean.”

Mr. Casana is an internationally recognized expert in wind, solar, & transmission development, and is especially known for his role in electricity market reforms that the grid needs in order to rise to the challenge of decarbonization. Since his transition to the private sector from anthropology, Mr. Casana has been a dynamic force in the clean energy industry.

Presently Mr. Casana serves on the leadership team of Pattern Energy, the largest independent renewable energy company founded and headquartered in the United States. As a powerful driver of energy policy at the national level and as the Chair of State Policy for the national clean energy trade group, he has represented the business voice of real climate solutions on several industry boards. He has also lent his experience and expertise to multiple international delegations on business and climate, including a trade mission hosted by the President of Mexico, a Vatican Executive Summit convened by Pope Francis, and the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris, where countries across the planet signed the historic Paris Accords. Mr. Casana knows that renewables can do the job, which is an incredible industrial story of technological innovation, corporate ingenuity, strong supportive policies, and the entrepreneurial spirits of companies like Pattern Energy. He believes the power switch from a combustion grid to the ones run by the weather is much cheaper, better, and more reliable than the outdated, expensive systems built centuries ago. “We can build a 21st Century grid,” he said. “We can source our power from the sky instead of the ground. We can survive; we can thrive. To affordably and reliably run our grid, our society, our entire economy on the abundance of the weather, we really just need a grid that is bigger than the weather.”

The Steadfast leader

With his impeccable track record of commercial success in renewable energy and a hand in developing and constructing over 2,500 megawatts of wind and solar energy projects in the U.S., Canada, and Central America, Mr. Casana is entirely committed to his vision of a clean grid. Over the years, he has built numerous wind, solar, storage, and transmission projects that now provide clean, zero-emission electricity to more than 55 million end-use customers daily.

After proving himself as a wind and solar project developer, Mr. Casana moved into political and regulatory affairs, helping to lead government relations for Pattern Energy and building coalitions with a myriad of stakeholders and state and local governments to design and pass some of the most critical, outcome-oriented and business-friendly climate policies in the world. Back in 2018, he provided lead testimony for the most important 100% Clean Energy state legislation in the U.S., the California law SB100, and within two years he successfully helped to pass similar state laws throughout the West, to such a point where the U.S. Western electricity grid is more than 80% aligned on clean energy goals. “The challenge is now less technical, and less political, and almost entirely in implementation, on excellence in execution, and that is precisely where Pattern Energy thrives.”

Building the Largest Wind Project in the U.S. History

Pattern Energy has a reputation for achieving the impossible, taking on the most challenging projects, finding solutions & partners, and getting them done. Mr. Casana played an instrumental role in one of Pattern Energy’s most recent success stories, Western Spirit Wind, the largest clean power project in the history of the U.S. With Mr. Casana as the head of State and Local Government Affairs, this interregional wind and transmission concept was an innovative collaboration between Pattern Energy, the State Government of New Mexico, and the municipal governments of San Jose, and the City of Los Angeles. Even bigger than a nuclear plant, Western Spirit Wind provides more than a gigawatt of the country’s greatest renewable resources to California, one of world’s largest energy markets. The wind from Western Spirit is now delivered across a combination of new transmission lines built by Pattern Energy, and old revitalized transmission lines that were originally built by the city of Los Angeles decades ago to service power from coal plants. This partnership, the retirement of coal, and the use of existing grid capacity was a meaningful public-private collaboration that yielded a superhighway of clean energy directly into the city of Los Angeles. Thanks to the powerful combination of new and old, the political will of many governments, and the transformative technical approach to bridge transmission gaps in the grid have helped produce clean power for the country’s biggest industrial economy. The Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, said that Pattern Energy’s Western Spirit Wind “shows that solutions to the climate crisis have never been cheaper, and helps realize our promise of lower emissions, less pollution, and more clean energy innovation.”

“We have the tools, we have the technology, we have the time”

Indeed, the wind facility was a very cost-effective solution for the Californians that the city council described as “the best overall value” to the residents of L.A. after Pattern Energy won a competitive solicitation for a power supply contract, besting over 100 other project proposals. Western Spirit Wind will now meet more than 6% of the climate change goals of over 4 million residents of Los Angeles. It also serves its clean power to millions more throughout the state.

Mr. Casana was also involved in the half-gigawatt New Mexico to California wind and transmission project named Broadview & Grady Wind, which was fully commissioned in 2019. He is presently running the strategy for his company’s next big project, SunZia Wind, which will be three times larger than Western Spirit Wind at over 3,200 megawatts of wind. The wind project is coupled with a 550-mile high-voltage transmission line, with anticipated commissioning in 2026.

When it comes to the climate, Mr. Casana believes in big swings. With the completion of Pattern Energy’s third suite of wind transmission projects in New Mexico, Pattern Energy will be responsible for more 20 million megawatt hours a year of clean power to California, which is more than all of the state’s rooftop solar panels combined. “When governments, corporations, and large utilities make the right choices on climate, those choices impact tens of millions of people for the better all at once. It’s a great big societal swing.”

Opportunities to Grow

Pattern Energy has broken the gigawatt barrier this year, but for Mr. Casana, the exciting part is within a decade that scale will be a common occurrence. “When I first started in this business, we were amazed when someone could pull off 100 megawatts in a single shot, but today that is about the minimum we could consider. We’ve done a gigawatt now, our next one will be three times the size, and that will become the new normal. It’s incredible.”

Wind and solar are so economical compared to conventional power like coal and fossil gas that Mr. Casana believes there’s a high chance that the necessary transmission gaps in the grid will get plugged, the necessary reforms will be enacted, and the economy will be in a position to run primarily on the weather without disrupting the life of everyday Americans. However, he also knows that the scale of buildout to maintain climate commitments will require exponential growth, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for an entire generation of energy professionals starting their careers.

When it comes to switching power from combustion to renewable weather-based power, Mr. Casana cites studies from U.S. National Labs that show America’s clean energy industry would need to deploy as much as 80 gigawatts of wind and solar energy every year from 2025 to 2040. However, the high water mark was only 29 gigawatts last year, nearly double the deployment level from as early as 2019. “There is an appetite in the U.S. for the clean energy industry to double in size and double again in just the next few years, with still more room to grow new businesses.”

The Future

Mr. Casana carries a calm and quiet optimism about the business role in building a 21st-century grid. He emphasized the growing need for new talents and projects when asked to advise young professionals. He believes the U.S. needs a grid bigger than the weather, a grid that can move power across the continent for a constant source of reliable, renewable power as different regions rely on weather patterns from each other. The country will need many more mega-projects like Western Spirit and SunZia. “It’s like a symphony,” he says, “there are different sections, horns, wind, what have you, and this one or that may be quiet for a beat, but the blend of music is always playing, always beautiful.”

He believes there is so much business opportunity and room for growth and he is optimistic too about the climate emergency. He doesn’t get bogged down on blame for greenhouse gas emissions. He says, “this era right now, our time, it is the first moment in history that we have all of the tools and enough time to act. We have a runway just long enough to stem the worst of climate change, to act on emissions. We have real, commercial technologies that are viable, scalable, ready-for-primetime, with supply chains and global talent that can execute, finance and deliver the billions of dollars of infrastructure that will necessary for survival of our species.”

“Renewables have been de-risked, we know how to get them built, we know how to run the system. We need more of course, both power and transmission, sure. But it is no longer a question of inventing something or hoping for some future political will. The business case is here. The moment has come to really do it.”

When asked about whether alternative energy is the future, Mr. Casana turns says wryly, “Wind and solar were the future twenty years ago. It’s such a 90’s idea to say that, to call them the ‘future,’ to call them even ‘alternative.’ Wind and solar are a $500 billion global industry and growing, they are the vast majority of new power projects worldwide, they have been for years, and will be for decades. Renewables are not alternative and they are not the future – they are mainstream and they are today.”

Rabih Fakhreddine: Fuelling the Global F&B Revolution

Led by the visionary CEO and founder, Rabih Fakhreddine, Dubai-based 7 Management’s regional recognition has been established due to its uniqueness and creativity in connecting with a diverse range of audiences through providing memorable entertainment and dining experiences.

Born in Lebanon, Rabih pursued his graduation from the American University of Beirut in 2006, where he learned the intricacies of Business Marketing. After completing his studies, he joined the FMCG sector, starting with a sales position at Transmed, where he handled the account of P&G. Later, Rabih joined British American Tobacco and served in various managerial positions for the Levant region.

With entrepreneurship in mind, Rabih soon stepped out of the corporate world to pursue his dream of the food and entertainment industry. A few years after graduation, he established his first bar named Faces in 2012 and a couple of others by 2015. Later, he founded Seven Sisters, a luxurious combination of music and cuisine in the heart of Beirut, and shortly afterward, he formed 7 Management to handle the operations.

Rabih says, “I have been cooking with passion since I was a young child. During my university days, I was active in several social clubs. I started saving money that I later used to invest in several bars and restaurants.”

Currently, 7 Management owns and operates various entertainment concepts like Feb30 and Antika Bar, Seven Sisters, culinary offerings, Kahwet Beirut, and Super Snack El Kbeer in Lebanon and Dubai.

Since the first day of his organization, Rabih has aspired to broaden the target audience of 7 Management, which has led to a diversified portfolio that includes bars, restaurants, beach clubs, nightclubs, and cafes. The organization also exposes its audience to brands with tremendous potential in Beirut by bringing them to Dubai, where it operates 7 different brands.

The Greatest Accomplishments

Rabih believes 7 Management achieved its most outstanding achievement in 2021 when the organization emerged from the pandemic in a solid position. With all the challenges the food and beverages industry faced, 7 Management successfully came out the other side carrying a big success story.

Soon, within eight months, Rabih and his colleagues launched six homegrown brands, putting 7 Management on both international and regional maps. Its star brands that stand out in the crowded F&B market are Lucia’s, The Theater, February 30, and Café Beirut, with each brand now leading its segment.

Also, thanks to Rabih’s lifelong quest to provide memorable entertainment and dining experiences, he has recently won the Caterer After Dark Awards for Nightlife Entrepreneur of the year.

Tackling Challenges

Being a regional leader also presents more challenges in creating moments and developing lifestyle brands that can put smiles on people’s faces and create memories for many people. Rabih believes this puts extra pressure on the leadership team to keep leading, creating, and upgrading experiences that can successfully cater to the needs and tastes of consumers in a competitive market like Dubai. This also makes him go the extra mile to consistently stay ahead of the competition and retain 7 Management’s lead over its rivals.

Rabih explains that as the CEO and founder of 7 Management, creating and innovating are two never-ending processes, and the entire team feels proud to be regional and international trendsetters.

He says, “People may tell me, this concept is a copy-paste venue,’ but I feel rewarded when I hear this as I don’t see it as a negative thing. 7M is a trendsetter and a lifestyle brand that many people and organizations aspire to, and as CEO, one of the most important things is to have a healthy culture within the organization for other people to keep on creating and innovating.”

Key Learnings

All the obstacles that Rabih and his team faced are vital learnings and pivotal to 7 Management’s journey. Now, after spending a decent amount of time in the industry and going through a lot of wild experiences, Rabih looks at things from various perspectives, which has helped him learn many key strategic lessons for 7 Management’s success. He also believes this accumulation of experiences has made the organization what it is today and made 2021 a great year with numerous launches across the region.

“We are certainly going to continue facing obstacles, and we will keep learning and evolving. This is all part of our journey, and hopefully, all of this is for the better and contribute to the continued growth of this organization.”– he asserts.

Putting Smiles on People’s Faces

For Rabih, success is going to 7 Management’s venues and seeing people happy, enjoying their time, and creating memories. He feels all the hard work is worth for these moments. After such a tough year, putting smiles back on people’s faces is something that he deeply cherishes.

Rabih feels proud of his team and their actions, especially when he comes across random people talking about 7 Management and its brands across the region. Such pride encourages him to keep moving, creating, building, and expanding.

Picture of the Future

Founded in 2015, 7 Management is present in markets like Beirut, Doha, Dubai, and Riyadh. To make the company a major international player, Rabih and his team have plans for several new markets where they would like to expand their portfolio, including Athens, London, and entire Europe.

As a company, 7 Management is always one step ahead of everyone else. Rabih and his team are pretty excited by the growing tech industry. They have firmly tapped into the explosive power of this sector, resulting in a new payment option, where clients can pay with cryptocurrencies at all of the 7 Management’s Food and Beverages outlets.

Suggestions for Young Leaders

Rabih believes each leader needs to be humble and keep their feet on the ground because no matter what position they reach, they are still human beings. Everything that happened over the last two years is a grim reminder that nothing is more valuable than loving and respecting each other.

James Michael Lafferty: Helping Clients with World Class Hygienic Products

Since the pandemic, uncertainty, and volatility are continuously affecting all business organizations worldwide, it is clear that visionary business leaders should address the new changes of the pandemic and the 21st century as a whole. One such visionary leader, James Michael Lafferty, is effectively managing and leveraging these constant changes with his foresight and innovative leadership.

James is an American business leader, award-winning journalist, philanthropist, and Olympic Coach. He started his career as a fitness coach and has been at the top of many well-known organizations worldwide. Presently James is serving as the CEO of one of the most well-known wellness groups and manufacturer of hygienic paper products, Fine Hygienic Holding.

During the mid-1980, James established his own business in the developing world of corporate wellness. Later he was hired by his hometown company, Procter and Gamble, to teach its employees how to stay fit. While working for the organization, James met a Brand Manager who inspired him to join the Brand Management department of the organization. Eventually, he made a couple of attempts but was offered the role of a Brand Assistant, which he gladly accepted

Thanks to his excellent business and organizational results in the U.S. business, P&G soon transferred James into an international career that eventually took him to Central and Eastern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Western Europe, and Asia.

With a marketing and general management career spanning over 30 years, James is one of the most well-known, leading global experts in business building, marketing, and branding in emerging markets. He has had a long and successful career building businesses and organizations across all the continents for some of the fast-moving consumer goods companies. He has served as CEO of companies like Procter and Gamble, Coca-Cola, and British American Tobacco.

The Shining Star of Arab FMCG World

Elia Nuqul founded Nuqul Brothers Company in 1952. Initially, it was a modest trade and import business for food and consumer goods. However, with the founder’s commitment to innovation and sustainability, the business grew steadily, and he began to seek new ways to expand. At that point of time, hygienic paper products were unavailable in the MENA region, and Elia saw a tremendous opportunity in the market segment, so he went ahead and established Fine Hygienic Holding in 1958, previously known as Fine Hygienic Paper Company.

Presently, Fine Hygienic Holding is one of the largest FMCG companies in the Middle East and North Africa. It is a proud 65 year old family business making high-quality wellness products, from consumer tissues to adult and baby diapers, and a full line of nutritional supplements and disinfection products.

“Our core brand is the “Fine” brand name, which is synonymous with tissues in this region. I am hugely honored to be asked to lead this great company with a rich history.”- says James.

Defining Success

James believes success is often defined by the eyes of the beholder. What he describes as success, someone can consider that hell on earth. Each person can define success differently. On the other hand, James was always an achiever, and climbing the ladder was very important for him. However, he understands this doesn’t spike everyone in the same way, which he respects.

For James, success ultimately boils to happiness and a sense of fulfillment. He says, “If you are happy, and you feel you have led a fulfilling life, and have few regrets, then I would say that person was very successful—regardless of their title or salary or other superficial factors.”


James is most proud of his struggles as a gym instructor from Cincinnati, Ohio, who worked his way up to lead top companies worldwide. His unbelievable story breaks many myths about having an MBA, going to an elite school, or who your parents are. It shows that nothing really matters, and the cream always rises to the top. James feels it’s all about the intangibles of attitude that often dictate a person’s attitude in the area he/she chooses to endeavor.

Recently James Michael Lafferty was awarded the CEO of the year by Burj CEO awards, which is associated with the government of Dubai. GCC Best Employer Awards also recognized him as CEO of the year. Additionally, he was named by Daman Health as “The Wellness Visionary of 2019“, and Forbes Magazine Middle East has listed him as one of the Top 50 CEOs.

Preparing for the Future

As the leader of Fine Hygienic Holding, James’s vision is to improve the wellness of his customers. The organization offers a wide range of world-class products that work to enhance its users’ health in a small but tangible way. Every day James receives multiple letters of thanks from consumers who have realized that FHH’s products improved their lives.

James would like to see FHH going public in the next 5 years and become a shining example of its region’s talent, potential, and innovation. The entire team of FHH is immensely proud of the company’s heritage and roots and its humble beginning in Jordan.

Advice for Budding Entrepreneurs

James Michael Lafferty has two pieces of advice for budding entrepreneurs, The first is to recognize that over 80 percent of new businesses fail within the first 5 years of establishment. So, he encourages new entrepreneurs first to start learning with a leading company and then only start their endeavors. He says, “Don’t go off and risk your own money until you have had some “reps” in running a real business. Once the learning curve slows, then go for it.”

The second one is to be prepared to work hard. “There is no safety net. Every time you think you can’t do it, you have to be prepared to dig deep and find another gear. The best entrepreneurs are incredibly persistent and don’t know what it means to give up.”– adds James.

Mr. Julio P. Gonzalez: One of the Most Innovative CEOs to Follow in 2022

Meet Mr. Julio P. Gonzalez, the Most Interesting Man in Tax, the founder and CEO of USA’s most prominent specialty tax engineering firm, Engineered Tax Services, Inc (ETS). The firm started its journey in 2001 with the hopes of bringing specialized tax credits and incentives to mainstream America, which were only available to the Fortune 500 and public companies through the Big 8 National Accounting firms. Recognizing Mr. Gonzalez’s selfless contribution to the American society, Tycoon Success magazine has awarded him as one of The 10 Most Innovative CEOs to follow in 2022.

Consistently named one of the Top 100 most influential people in Accounting by Accounting Today, Mr. Gonzalez acquired The Growth Partnership, The Rosenberg Survey and ABLE CRM to establish USA’s largest specialty tax and consultive firm to the accounting community.

Nation’s Forefather of Specialty Tax Services

As ETS CEO and Founder, Mr. Gonzalez’s main priority is to arm the accounting firms with needed resources, enabling them to provide tax credits and incentives to their clients, resulting in job growth.

He works closely with Congress on tax reform and is the go-to tax expert representing many national organizations and associations around the country as it relates to federal tax code and tax law. Additionally, he is a regular public speaker on the national level specializing in tax reform and tax sophistication for wealth preservation.

In 2021, Mr. Gonzalez founded Rockerbox to bring the accounting industry best in class resources in employment retention credits and work opportunity training credits. Also, at the end of 2021, he acquired Inside Public Accounting to strengthen his company’s ability to become a go-to resource for the accounting community.

Mr. Gonzalez is known as the nation’s forefather of specialty tax services. He and his companies have also been recognized multiple times for their assistance in preserving jobs in the United States. Presently Mr. Gonzalez and his company ETS are USA’s biggest licensed engineering tax resource to more than 1000 CPA and accounting firms.

Helping Organizations in R&D Credits

Engineered Tax Services focus entirely on federal, state, and local tax benefits as a licensed engineering firm. There are many federal tax incentives, for which the IRS requires professional engineers and scientists to determine the tax benefits in areas like real estate and manufacturing. The firm also uses its engineering, scientific, and tax teams to provide one of the most crucial federal and state tax credits available to businesses in the United States in the form of Research and Development tax credits. These tax credits are meant to incentivize manufacturing, innovation, technical design, and job creation in the country.

The R&D Tax Credit is a crucial federal incentive that helps U.S. companies remain globally competitive. In order to qualify for the R&D credit, companies may develop new techniques to improve their products.

Mr. Julio P Gonzalez’s vision was to first bring awareness to mainstream America by educating the accounting firms. Over the years, ETS has become an industry leader in these services, eventually increasing cash flow, job creation, and expansion.

Engineered Tax Services tax attorneys, engineers, and scientists are the experts who have performed millions of these tax services over the past decades. Through this service, Mr. Julio P Gonzalez and his team have generated billions of dollars in stimulus that has positively impacted millions of jobs across the country.

Picture of the Future

When it comes to the organization’s future, ETS will continue to influence excellent tax codes in the U.S. by working with the president’s administration and congress. Additionally, Mr. Julio P Gonzalez will continue to grow and support small businesses while educating them about the tax laws with their CPAs and accounting firms to assure their success.

Zack Blakeney: Capitalizing Expertise and Passion To Help Leaders Maximize their Potential at Invincible Intelligence

In 2019, a visionary took the entrepreneurial plunge with Invincible Intelligence LLC, a unique and innovative blend of science-based methodology, consciousness, and accountability that quickly shifts your limiting perceptions and rapidly accelerates the development of your emotional intelligence and authentic habitual alignment.

Among the few pioneers to bring innovation in the industry, Zack Blakeney has been graciously awarded as one of the best influences on the Austin, Texas health community by Austin Fit Magazine. He has also been recognized by Fox, NBC, and CBS for his work with business leaders and founders.

He is the CEO of Invincible Intelligence and works as a peak performance and consciousness coach, published author and accomplished public speaker. His mission is to help raise the collective consciousness of the world by guiding business leaders, founders, and businesses to develop emotional intelligence to master their emotions and navigate through change efficiently and effectively.

Empowering Entrepreneurs & Businesses

There are two verticals that they serve in both B2C and B2B.

For B2C, Zack Blakeney works 1-on-1 with the support of his team to guide leaders and founders to maximize their potential and create sustainable balance with their Freedom 4 Framework: Physical, Emotional, Relational, and Financial. They provide one of the most in-depth analyses of their client’s current state using their proprietary Invincible Intelligence© Assessment, hormone, cell, and metabolic testing, and gut intelligence testing. We use this data to create one of the most in-depth and truly personalized programs that unlock their peak performance and maximum potential.

For B2B, they package their Invincible Intelligence© Assessment and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) coursework for HR Departments to optimize their hiring process for the best candidate selection, team EQ discovery, and team workshops to foster emotional intelligence development.

What Influenced Your Decision to be an Author?

“Writing stimulates my version of the flow state. It allows me to express myself fully and truthfully and unlocks new understandings of myself and my teachings. I also enjoy the challenge of creating consumable analogies for complex concepts and offering perceptions that can create instantaneous understandings and, in some cases, healing”, said Mr Blakeney.

Clientele & Unbreakable Faith

The visionary works 1-on-1 with business leaders and founders and he finds it both challenging and fulfilling. He creates the opportunity for his clients to achieve an invincible self-belief from his own certainty while showing up for them consistently with love, truth, and my intention to serve them to the best of his ability. His passion for emotional intelligence and personal development drives him to continuously learn, teach new relevant concepts, and stay ahead of the game.

Major Hurdles & The Driving Force

The biggest challenge was overcoming Zack’s own pride and trusting his team to do the tasks he no longer needed to do. He told them when he brought them on he only wanted to create content, coach, and do deals and they have stepped up to the plate to make that happen for him. He is so incredibly grateful for his life because he gets to wake up every day doing what he loves, with the people he loves.

For Zack Blakeney, it’s been a journey to discover his authentic self, as it is for all. It was filled with a string of painful experiences stimulating from addiction to substances and porn that ultimately led to a divorce. He learned so much from the emotional intensity of these experiences that granted him the vision to know what he wants, and who he wants alongside him. He has had many mentors in his life across business, mindset, and spirituality that have given him the guidance and permission to be the man he is today.

Creating a Balanced and Equal Industry

The leading man does not believe the industries should be balanced and equal because it’s not about the industries, it’s about the people in them. It is his belief that there is more than enough for all to succeed. Infinite resources are available to anyone wanting to live their purpose and passion, but many do not recognise this. Instead, they allow fear, uncertainty, and doubt to imprison them into limiting beliefs that contribute to the imbalance industries. In order to create balance in the industries, they must create balance within themselves first.

A Day in Zack Blakeney’s Life

He wakes up at 5:30 am every morning and immediately drinks 16 oz of ice-cold water to wake up, then he takes his two dogs out and enjoys some fresh air. After he comes in and starts his meditation with morning devotion to the Creator, practice singleness of thought, set his intentions for his day, and give gratitude for his life. Then he hits the gym for a little over an hour, eats breakfast, and begins looking over his schedule to create priorities and affirm his intentions. Most of Zack’s workday is filled with communicating with his team, coaching clients, creating content, and creating strategic connections and partnerships. He ends his day by reviewing his tasks and looking ahead to the next day and week to ensure he knows his priorities and direction for the next day.

Favourite Book

Zack’s go-to book for his clients because of the sustainable impact it made on his life is Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Road Ahead

“We find ourselves in a market with emotional intelligence that is an immediate need and desire by businesses, but sorely under-resourced. I believe we are in the next phase of business evolution that has come from the technology and internet integration of the late ’90s and early 2000s. This integration has created a need for greater empathy, compassion, and trust in both company cultures and with customers. We are most excited about developing our proprietary technology that will house our Invincible Intelligence© Assessment and EQ position-specific courses to support emotional intelligence development in organizations, specifically for non-supervisory roles”, Zack Blakeney further apprised.

A Piece of Advice for Female Entrepreneurs

Do not sacrifice your feminine energy to conform to the predominantly masculine marketplace. Your intuition and empathy are superpowers needed now more than ever to create sustainable change that fosters a new standard of business excellence with trust and transparency leading the way.

Favourite Quote 

“Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage.” – Thucydides

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