Yossi Abadi: Selected Among 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Revamping The Future, 2022

Abadi, rated by FORBES as the most recognized Israeli in LATAM, has been selected for his social vision, entrepreneurial spirit and technological development in both America and Africa. 

Meet Yossi Abadi, the CEO, and Co-founder of Tenlot Group. Yossi was born and raised in the Holy Land, he is 100% Israeli, but with a Latin spirit. He lived several years in Mexico and the Dominican Republic and speaks fluent Spanish. Yossi is married and the father of two wonderful children.

A person with a clear vision, Yossi is motivated by an abundance of passion. He thinks what best characterizes him is his motivation to create new initiatives, and ideas to start projects from scratch. Yossi felt, he has fulfilled his mission when the other members of his team are as passionate and motivated as he is to lead a project. Yossi is also passionate about diplomacy, social responsibility, business, and entrepreneurship.

Yossi earned his Law (LLB) and International Relations (BA) degrees from Reichman University (IDC) in Israel, specializing in Homeland Security and Terrorism, graduating summa cum laude.

From 2012 to 2015, he was the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic, responsible for international negotiations and alliances with other countries. Yossi had previously served as an International Advisor to the National Authority for Maritime Affairs of the Dominican Republic. He was also appointed as the Honorary Consul of El Salvador in Israel.

The Steadfast Leader

Throughout his life, Yossi has had many people who have left their mark on his vision and career. Above all, Yossi feels blessed to have had the unconditional support of his family.
He has also been privileged to work with a phenomenally successful mentor: Jacob Engel, Chairman, and Founder of Elenilto Group and EngelInvest, as well as Chairman and Co-founder of Tenlot Group. His work in developing markets and philosophy of giving back to communities in which a company works have truly inspired Yossi.

Leading Projects in Various Sectors

Tenlot Group is a high-tech corporation, active in the gaming industry. In addition to providing B2B and B2G services, based on the firm’s advanced, proprietary gaming platform, the firm specializes in private investment in lottery operations in cooperation with various governments worldwide. Its investment group also leads projects in the mining, renewable energy, and infrastructure sectors, with private investments and government alliances on several continents.

Most of the time, Yossi and his colleagues work with governments, and charity organizations, operating under license on their behalf. This requires a lot of responsibility, much more than a simple private project, because there is no room for failure.

Yossi says, “When your team grasps the scope of the responsibilities that come with working on behalf of mega-institutions, you have taken the first step towards a successful operation.” He also adds, “When the client sees the commitment and dedication of the team, they understand that ours is a company that truly looks out for their interests. That is the key.”

A Child who Dreamt of Being a Lawyer

As a child, Yossi always dreamt of becoming a lawyer– a passionate litigator, who fights for justice, as we see in the movies. He prepared himself from a very young age for a career in law, well before university. But once Yossi achieved his goal, he felt that his passion for business, investment, and being able to contribute to the social development of communities was stronger than his love for litigation in court.

Losing fear of taking risks was the first lesson Yossi learned and the first real decision he made. It is what led him to leave what he was doing, change course and embark on new paths. Since then, Yossi always remembers that to reach new heights, you sometimes have to break paradigms.

Yossi decided to leave something solid and promising, in his own country, Israel, and fly abroad to chase a dream that was not even clear. This completely changed the course of my life.

Tackling Primary Challenges

Being an Israeli who works mainly in Latin America and Africa, Yossi Abadi thinks what most caught his attention is the need to adapt to the local culture. Many multinationals come to global markets wanting to impose their style, and they are destined to fail.

He says, “You cannot expect to visit a country and ask whoever invites you to enter their house to have the same style you have. There are so many cultural differences. It’s the biggest challenge in any operation we’ve had.”

Yossi Abadi believes it takes patience, respect, and a willingness to adapt. He adds, “What had surprised me is the patience and confidence my entire executive team has had in the countries in which we operate when faced with significant challenges.

Picture of the Future

What excites Yossi Abadi most about the future is knowing that anything is possible. To know that there is nothing, that is too out of reach or too difficult – if you only believe it. His personal goal is to continue generating businesses that impact people’s lives and help them change for the better – to make a difference. Knowing that as a company, and as a businessman, Yossi not only generates wealth but also hope.

Matthew Hodgson: Reshaping the Banking Industry

Mosaic Smart Data was born directly out of the challenges its founder and CEO, Matthew Hodgson faced in his career working as a senior trader in fixed income markets. Despite the massive size of the fixed income market, which is worth about 100 trillion globally, the availability of data-driven insight for banks on the deals they are making with clients is often remarkably rudimentary.

Matthew always wanted to ask questions like, “who are my most profitable clients?” “Which ones aren’t trading with me as much as I would like them to?” and “how can I win back their business?” he also added, “If I was running a supermarket, I would know exactly what the answers to those questions were. But in an investment bank, we just didn’t have the data in the right shape to answer these fundamental business questions.”

Eventually, Matthew came up with the idea to build the systems that everyone would need in the banks to make the data available to the traders to do their jobs more effectively. Initially, Matthew and his team tried to build it in-house, but because of the way banks are set up, and the scale of the technological challenge, that wasn’t possible. Later they realized the easiest way to do this was to set up an independent start-up and work with the banks to help them implement the Mosaic technology to fit their needs.

Journey of Mosaic Smart Data

“Starting a company looks easy from the outside but can be enormously challenging.”- says Matthew. He completely focussed on the timing of launching Mosaic Smart Data’s new software ensuring ‘product-market fit.’ Matthew believes, this is an iterative process and requires relentless dedication to find the exact pain point customers feel and then solve for it. However, it’s all about timing, and launching too early can lead to failure as the market is not ready yet. On the other hand, going too late can lead to new competitions as new entrants are already competing away market share and profitability. This is the single most important decision for early-stage companies to consider and this balancing act cannot be sufficiently emphasized.

Matthew says, “It’s vitally important to make sure that the product you are launching has a sustainable proposition and is extensible.” He and his team members are often asked about Mosaic Smart Data’s roadmap for new features and functions looks like and this drives the team’s thinking around ensuring that it remains relevant to its clients. That being said, sometimes it makes sense to take bold risks in anticipation of client demand and this requires deep analysis.

Under Matthew’s leadership, the organization has always focused on accessing broad networks which opens up the avenues to partner with other complementary businesses. One thing must be remembered, a business can’t build everything by itself, so one needs to focus on the existing competitive advantage and outsource where he/she can get to the market faster.

When Self-Belief is a Driving Force

Building a technology like Mosaic is always a huge undertaking. Matthew believes no one has built this kind of real-time and predictive analytics system for FICC (Fixed Income Currencies & Commodities) markets before, so he and his team were breaking new ground.
Matthew says, “At the very beginning, I’d always ask myself why the Apple for fixed income analytics wasn’t available and so that then became the goal – to build a platform that offered the beauty and intuition of an Apple product that masked the enormous complexity and computation behind the user’s experience.

To that end, the entire team of Mosaic needed the self-belief that it was possible and its designers and engineers were capable of delivering on those objectives. However, at the same time, the team had to remain focused on the micro details and flawless execution necessary to capture the imagination of the biggest players in the financial markets.

Matthew believes, “You need some really powerful analytics which will interrogate the vast flows of trade data to get the information you need. But, beyond that, you also need to find a way to present that data in an intuitive, graphical way so the trader or salesperson can very quickly look at their Mosaic dashboard and get the information straight away.”

The firm has put a lot of effort into building something beautiful and a joy to use, as well as bringing incredibly powerful real-time analytics into the hands of the trading and sales desks.

Data Analytics is the Future

According to Matthew Hodgson, Data analytics is going to become the cornerstone of a bank’s competitive advantage. One of the very interesting trends Matthew Hodgson and his team at Mosaic have seen recently, illustrates, although banks are in many cases reducing their technology spend, they are putting more money into purchasing market data. At the same time, venues are charging more for the trade data services which they offer, reflecting the value that data represents to trading institutions.

With the leaps forward that Mosaic Smart Data is seeing in machine learning and analytics more broadly, the banks can see the potential that data holds to improve the performance of their trading desks, picking out trends and patterns that no human could compute at the speed of thought. That is why they are prepared to spend so much on this data.

However, in many cases, they are underutilizing the data which they already hold. Banks’ trade data is spread across their organization in different databases and held in different formats. If banks bought that data together into one secure, standardized data lake, it could speed up their big data adoption and slash the cost of buying in market data at the same time.

Some Advice

When we asked Matthew Hodgson to provide a few suggestions for young entrepreneurs he says, “I think it comes down to building the best team. As the founder of a start-up, you cannot possibly do everything or be intimately involved in every decision.” He adds, “You have to find people who you really trust and are the very best at what they do and then give them the space to perform. My role is then to make sure that everyone is pulling in the same direction and ensuring we are making progress.

New entrepreneurs need to remain positive under the most challenging times as teams will respond positively to consistency and a ‘can-do-never-say-die’ attitude. Matthew Hodgson always keeps reminding himself to operate from a transformational rather than transactional perspective. With software such as Mosaic’s, it is focused on improving the clients’ profitability and market share and that requires consultative sales and deep domain expertise.

He adds, “If you know what you are talking about, it’s only a matter of time before you can transform your clients’ environment and as a consequence, the transaction with them and invoice will follow.”

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