Fai Chan: A Ground-breaking Leader stimulating growth in the Luxury Skincare Segment

A charismatic personality and resourceful leader, Fai Chan is the Founder of Deli Aroma. Founded in 2014, the company brings forth luxury skincare of the highest quality at the most competitive price. Presenting forth Fai’s professional and personal journey.

Early Days

After graduating with a Marketing Degree in Hong Kong, Fai’s career jumpstarted in the US with the American Dream for immigrants to pursue. She started as a homemaker but got involved in community charitable work.

At that time, she worked in a Chinese Christian Community Organization in Dallas as a cashier in the bookstore. She wrote articles for their monthly newspaper. After six months, her boss asked her if she wanted to get promoted to the Manager position.

She was also a member of the International Women’s Club of Dallas Chapter and they offered her a board position. If she took it, she would be the first Chinese to be on board.

Additionally, she was also the secretary of the Ikebana club in Dallas, the Japanese Floral Arrangement Club. Unlike other homemakers, she actively participated in promoting the art and cultural activities of Dallas when she was there.

Then she moved to Jackson MS with her husband’s job relocation. She stayed there for six years and then moved to Austin TX.

Fai successfully finished her aromatherapy or aroma medicine courses and has been actively helping people with aromatherapy. She had more than ten publications while she was a student.

She then went ahead to set up her clinic offering therapeutic work. Somehow, she got invited to speak at research conferences and wrote a few articles on Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease, and High blood pressure.

In terms of career, her medical research work gains popularity and got accepted by the mainstream. This motivated her to set up a laboratory for carrying out her original invention both in products and treatment protocols.

Instead of applying for research grants, she independently published her work through marketing and promoted the work that can be monetized through treatments, product innovations, and collaboration with other labs in promoting their innovative products.

In this way, she could do things her way and need not be twisted by her original purpose in satisfying the preconditions set by her sponsors.

About the Clinic – Deli Aroma

Fai has a clinic to provide treatment work through her award-winning treatment protocols through her peer-reviewed conference speech and publications.

She sells her innovative formulations but in safe and effective dosages and usages. To be specific, she chooses her subjects for treatment to participate in a small clinical trial with the hope to provide insights for more research to follow.

Her positioning is more ideas/insights related to other participating research to do the detailing.

Motivation: A Constant Drive

When Fai started her company, she did not aim for heights. In the beginning, she just wanted to make some extra money, however, with time, as she started successfully growing, her vision for the company got clearer.

She further decided to expand her horizons to boost women’s careers, especially those who strike between ends and means.

She also shifted to support Artists who need money to develop their careers. “As I like to say, the light of a match is dim, but a bunch of matches makes the light bright. Something a person starts small and trivial, but with more people joining, the results are different. Without governmental support, what we can do is very limited. I think our government should research more good causes that really can boost our economy in meaningful ways too”, adds Fai.

Thoughts about the Asian Business Environment

The Asian business environment is super promising. One can find 100 reasons why they should invest in a place or not or where to have their headquarters.

Fai measures this by recognizing how eager a place’s/country’s people are willing to spend money. The EU people are not too eager to purchase consumer goods, and that’s why their economic conditions are very stagnant. They talk about environmental friendly which is to minimize wastage. However, without wastage, can an economy grow?

However, in Asia, this is different. People in Asia are more willing to spend, upgrade, or seek pleasure through purchasing. As the economic conditions are improving, their behaviour is more hedonistic, which makes prediction simpler and easier.

A Take on Gender Pay Gap

Fai openly expresses her pragmatic opinion regarding the gender pay gap. People always complain about the gender pay gap but Fai doesn’t think it is created by employers.

She believes the interview performance determines the pay one will get. The interview and work performance determines how much the employers will reward, even with bonuses.

When Fai was working in Hong Kong, she didn’t experience a gender pay gap. While everyone likes to express how passionate he or she has about a job, she thinks showing thoughtfulness, skills, and EQ can give you a better edge in achieving what you want to achieve.

Fai suggests an excellent way of handling the gender pay gap, “There are cases that one asks for the reward system but only finds that he or she is underpaid after they take the job. I think people’s talents and abilities are different. It would be good if you have a middleman to bargain the package for you in a more satisfying way like through a recruitment agency or talent acquisition or headhunter. They have more market information accessible and know what the market wants and is willing to pay. With the middlemen, both sides may feel more accepting and have fewer complaints.”

The Vision

Fai and her company will focus on medical research advancement and bring advanced healing to the community. It includes self-care protocols to be inclusive, apart from treatment protocols done by professionals.

Accelerating an Innovative

Future Currently, Deli Aroma is operating based on the existing theoretical frameworks. The company will be bringing in more inventive frameworks which are more laser-focused to make the treatment prediction more precise.

Recently, it is also targeting more on genetic healing and brought in a new formula to rebuild on Einstein’s relativity formula that is widely used in functional medicine.

Fai thinks their invention is more accurate and can improve conventional medicine treatment results.

From 2023, Deli Aroma will have more to disclose on new treatment frameworks. As Fai envisions, what seems impossible today, technological advancements can bring miraculous treatment results tomorrow. “So, if you are not happy with what the present medical system can provide, a little patience and good communication can bring good results. We compete with time, and many researchers work hard and burn the midnight oil to make this happens”, concludes Fai.

Fai pens Words of Wisdom

Every person has a life value if turned to the monetary value which is the money that he or she can generate in one’s whole life. I like to capitalize on one’s lifelong value in formulating my strategy. That it is not the present value, but makes use of the past, present, and (discounted) future value.

Ben Fairbank: A Global Leader in Immersive Metaverse Experiences Focused on Media, Retail, Gaming and Rewards

Meet Ben Fairbank, the founder, and CEO of RFOX (RedFOX Labs), building a metaverse of opportunities for people through virtual worlds that empower everyone.

Known for being a customer experience, culture change management, and turnaround expert, Ben is a global C-level executive and has worked for several multination companies, including GRAB, Virgin, and Ooredoo. From a very young age, he always had the vision of having a coffee shop on a beach where he didn’t need to sell a cup of coffee to stay in business, and he could have all his friends come and brainstorm business ideas that they would put into practice.

Ben says, “I started in contact centers and thought of this work as a transition phase, while I looked for something more ‘serious’ and long term to get me to my goal. It turns out that I fell in love with operations and numbers, as contact centers were all about metrics. This leads to my love of Customer Experience and collecting data on why customers respond, engage, and remain loyal. I used this experience to become a consultant in Customer Experience and later graduated to cultural change management and company turnarounds.”

These skills and experiences eventually allowed Ben to travel, live and work in 12 countries and consult for organizations like GRAB, Ooredoo, and Virgin. This was the first part of his dreams becoming true, and it gave him the needed exposure to a wide range of cultures and industries. Being an expatriate for quite a few years, Ben started looking for cheaper options to send money from abroad to his home country Australia. At this point of time, cryptocurrency showed signs of promise, but little in terms of adoption, so he started looking deeper into the world of cryptocurrency and understood that he couldn’t afford to miss out on the revolutionary movement.

Ben states, “I began looking at how companies like Red Hat had introduced applications on Linux and other models where better user experiences and products had been added to great technology base layers. This led to my co-founder and I brainstorming how we could potentially build several products, services, and tools that click together to form a metaverse, where they are all on display in one super dApp. This was the realisation of friends brainstorming business ideas and allowed me to focus on several products, services, and businesses that click together, much the same as I had envisioned for the coffee shop on the beach.”

Building a Platform Focused on Digital Inclusion

Ben always wanted to build a platform entirely focused on digital inclusion and borderless applications that can help creators and users work together. Primarily focused on long-term customer experience, RFOX also builds products it wants to use and can be genuinely proud of.

Since its early days, the founding team was told the idea was either lofty, too ambitious, or couldn’t be done, and most commonly, metaverse would not be a thing because no one was looking at it or its use cases. However, the Covid pandemic expedited the adoption of digital platforms and RFOX’s motivation to succeed, as the need for digital inclusion had never been more real.

The Organization

Ben’s company started its journey in 2018 as RedFOX Labs, and since then, it has become popular as RFOX. Once established, RFOX decided to build several click-together products and tools that would form a multi-medium creator platform in the form of a metaverse. Its RFOX Finance deals with token stalking and farming; RFOX Games has play-to-earn games coupled with interoperable NFT collection and a soon-to-be-launched SDK.

On the other hand, RFOX TV is a part of the firm’s media arm offering TV, streaming, and live minting, RFOX NFT is a complete contract farm, site deployer, marketplace, and creator tool for new collections; RFOX VALT is the brand’s VR virtual world and clicks together all the product offerings. RFOX is also planning to launch its RFOX E-commerce streaming, giving artists, creators, and performers a chance to engage in real-time with a live audience while selling products and services.

The Asian Business Environment

Ben believes that the Asian business environment is vastly different in every country. However, as a region, Asia is extremely promising. A tech-savvy young population and progressive tax systems in some Asian countries have made the region more friendly for foreign businesses. With a population of more than 4.5 billion, it’s clear why this region has and will continue to have a big say on how things move ahead as consumers speak with their spending.

Ben states, “We see GDP rivaling China in countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, and others fast scaling consciousness and entering the same conversations as China, India, and Japan. It is an exciting time to be in the region and to see its evolution in real-time.”

Preparing for the Better Future

“We didn’t ever do an equity raise, so the importance of community and those building on the platform can’t be understated. We will ensure that the tools, products, and services we offer are part of an unmatched ecosystem and suite.”– explains Ben.

With RFOX, people with great ideas and products that couldn’t get off the ground previously are now able to thrive. It wants to see brands and organizations born within its metaverse platform and a more collaborative approach to launching based on demand, voting, and collective voices.

RFOX wants to build a platform everyone could use to build and interact. It has realised its job is to get the ball rolling and build the foundation; from there, where it goes depends on who chooses to build with the brand.

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