Proscovia Nabbanja: The Leading Lady Behind UNOC, Empowering the Growth and Sustainable Development of Uganda’s Petroleum Industry

The narrative here is to bring your attention to Uganda National Oil Company (UNOC) – a venture that strives to drive sustainable growth in the oil and gas sector by promoting national involvement and forging strategic alliances. At the forefront of this, we have highlighted the tale of Proscovia Nabbanja’s crucial roles in shaping Uganda’s petroleum sector and establishing the nation as a major player in the world energy landscape.

In the key position of CEO at UNOC, Proscovia is responsible for executing the company’s corporate strategy and plans, overseeing the business facets of state participation throughout the petroleum value chain, encompassing upstream, refining, transportation, and storage, and discovering fresh, profitable ventures. She started off working for the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development as a geologist. In academics, she earned a Master of Science in Petroleum Geoscience from the prestigious Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine in London, a Bachelor of Science in Geology and Chemistry from Makerere University, and a Master of Business Administration from the Imperial College Business School in London.

To gain a better understanding of how she contributes to alleviating Uganda’s energy scenario, we conducted a one-on-one virtual interview with Proscovia Nabbanja. Based on the conversation, we crafted this exclusive story, which will shed light on her innovative ideas and her distinctive leadership approaches that take the company to the next level.

What Inspired Proscovia to Join the Uganda National Oil Company?

Proscovia, the magnificent woman, has always had a strong interest in Uganda’s oil and gas resources. She played a significant role in forming Uganda’s petroleum industry for the past 23 years. She began her career in the field as a geologist and worked her way up to become the head of the Technical Division in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development’s Petroleum Exploration and Production Department. In this role, she experienced projects through all stages of development, from inception to maturity, and investment-ready projects with detailed development strategies and plans.

Joining the Uganda National Oil Company (UNOC) was a natural progression for her. She was inspired by the company’s vision—to be an innovative and profitable oil and gas company that operates across the entire petroleum value chain for the benefit of all Ugandans—to position Uganda as a significant player in the local and global energy landscape.

Being part of a business that has a footprint across the entire petroleum value chain, from the reservoir to the consumer, was an opportunity to deliver value and a positive impact on her country. They have shown their commitment to helping Uganda’s economy change by investing in the infrastructure related to oil and gas along the whole petroleum value chain. Her main motivation for joining UNOC was this objective and the opportunity to positively influence Uganda’s energy sector.

Overcoming the Hurdles Along the Way

Proscovia has observed that business leaders grapple with several challenges, some of which are as follows:

  • An uncertain business environment due to changes in the global landscape.
  • Technological advancements demand that corporations keep pace and harness these innovations to ensure growth.
  • Besides, the constantly changing regulatory environment adds another layer of difficulty. Having dedicated employees to keep an eye on these changes is essential, as is ensuring compliance while managing these transitions. The consequences of non-compliance are getting worse.
  • Managing the expectations of stakeholders, ranging from shareholders, business partners, civil society, and the local communities where they operate, All these stakeholders have varied expectations, and aligning these expectations requires communication.
  • Recruiting and keeping talent present difficulties as well, particularly when the industry’s need for talent changes.
  • Last but not least, as sustainability becomes more and more of a worldwide priority, businesses like UNOC are under more and more pressure to embrace eco-friendly policies and work toward a sustainable future. The imperatives of social-economic transformation must be addressed while managing them.

Some potential solutions to these problems are listed below.

  • Leaders need to ensure that the strategies are agile and adaptable.
  • It is important to review the organization’s mission from time to time to ensure it continues to serve the goals of all of its stakeholders.
  • A culture of ongoing exposure to and learning from the newest industry trends is necessary for the growth and retention of talent.
  • Investing in research and development allows businesses to stay at the forefront of the latest technologies.
  • Collaborations with other industry players to provide fresh perspectives and solutions.
  • Establishing transparent channels of communication with all parties involved will ensure agreement and anticipate issues.

The Key Takeaways: Directly from Proscovia’s Mouth

Incorporating emerging technologies into the operations and client services of UNOC has offered a wealth of insights. One of the primary lessons is the importance of embracing change. Every new technological advancement, while promising, needs to be meticulously evaluated for its relevance to our specific operational needs. every technological decision is weighed against its value proposition. With the digital revolution, the sanctity of data has become paramount, underscoring the criticality of robust cybersecurity measures.

The rapid evolution of the technology landscape requires staying updated with the latest developments, ensuring adaptability to technological changes. An innovative approach approach guides our choices, focused on flexibility and scalability to address current and future needs.

Lastly, fostering a collaborative working environment at UNOC has proven great. Adopting the culture of One UNOC, where no staff is left behind, we have unlocked innovative solutions that drive efficiency and growth, ensuring that our technology, systems, and business processes align seamlessly with our vision.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Issues 

UNOC acknowledges the rising importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in the current corporate environment. Their commitment lies in reducing their carbon footprint and making sure that the production activities are conducted with the utmost care for the environment. Thus, when designing projects, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are prioritized. This includes investing funds in greener technology, cutting back on waste, and keeping an eye on and minimizing any environmental dangers related to business operations.

UNOC launched an Alliance for Climate Resilience program that brings technical, financial, cultural, religious, local government, and development partners under one umbrella to define and implement nature-based solutions to address the impacts of climate change.

In the same spirit, they led the creation of a forum for women working in the energy and extractive industries, which they introduced in May 2023 in an effort to bring together women who directly experience the effects of these sectors.

The Futuristic Outlook

For UNOC, this journey has been marked by remarkable growth and expansion. Further, Proscovia envisions a dual role for UNOC. As a responsible producer of oil and gas, the company’s first goal is to optimize operations by making sure they are effective, considerate of the environment, and in line with industry best practices. Secondly, they diversify their energy portfolio to look forward to the future while simultaneously maximizing the value of their oil and gas assets.

Pearls of Wisdom by the Inspiring Lady

  • You need to have the right mindset, attitude, and mentality. It’s important to have faith in your own abilities and insights.
  • You must be steadfast and dedicated, taking on obstacles head-on and not giving up until you achieve them.
  • Clarity and direction are always available when you ask seasoned professional coaches and mentors for advice.
  • Be the mentor; support your team to be a better version of themselves. Use your voice to push boundaries and support other women.

The Inspirational Journey of Mike Kavanagh: A Tale of Efforts and Achievements

One of the foremost contractors in Hong Kong, incorporated in 2000, S&Techs is a globally recognized brand reckoned for its dedicated professional service and successful project delivery thanks to the wise guidance of its visionary leaders. Mr. Mike Kavanagh is the COO of the establishment and emphasizes customer-centricity and transparency. Mr. Kavanagh, a licensed quantity surveyor with more than 30 years of experience in the construction sector, is recognized as a visionary luminary who has held several managerial positions with the StructureTone Organization in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific Region. prior to senior roles with S & techs.

As a proactive professional, Mike has been shifting the tides and collaborating closely with clients and consultants to ensure the teams have the tools and expertise to provide top-notch service.

With a proven track record of building successful businesses from scratch and positioning them as market leaders, Mike is perceived as a guiding light to modern-day entrepreneurs who look up to him for inspiration and business wisdom. His extensive experience working with multinational clients enables him to understand their unique requirements, making him a trusted partner in the Asia-Pacific region.

Mike Kavanagh’s Success Journey: From Quantity Surveyor to the Company COO

He began his career as a Chartered Quantity Surveyor in the fit-out and refurbishment industry in the early 1980s in New York City after emigrating to the US from Ireland. Working for the sizable construction firm Structure Tone, he eventually moved into management positions, running the business’s office in Washington, DC, for six years after staring in estimating and rising to head of purchasing for the corporation in New York. Mike spent much time working outside of Washington, DC, including in Baltimore, Charlotte, Philadelphia, and, of course, the city itself.

The leadership team encouraged the aspiring executive to move to London to take a position as the commercial director of the London office as the business started to grow in Europe. From that point on, he worked with offices throughout Europe, including Paris, Milan, Madrid, Frankfurt, and Dublin, as the regional development director. His achievement of this key milestone allowed him to gain crucial experience working with people from many cultures and nations.

They began receiving queries about projects in Hong Kong at that time, which ultimately resulted in the opening of the office there 23 years ago. He helped the business flourish in the region by serving as a director on the board of the organization as a result of his involvement in Asia. He moved to Hong Kong in 2010 and has been there ever since.

Since then, Mike Kavanagh and his business partner, CEO Nobuo Shigemitsu have acquired ownership of the company and are concentrating on two distinct business sectors. The first is the industrial manufacturing sector, which entails planning and erecting factories, logistics centres and R&D centres in mainland China lead by Nobuo Shigemitsu. The other is the company’s interior fit-out and renovation division, which covers the entire APAC region. Mike Kavanagh is in charge of this department of the company, which currently has several offices spread out around the area.

“Throughout my journey, I’ve learned many impactful lessons, including the importance of adapting to different cultures, the value of taking risks and making big leaps, and the necessity of being open to new opportunities. I believe these lessons have been critical to my success, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow as a professional”, the magnificent man shared.

Highlights: Key Driving Force

Client Service: Putting the customer’s needs first has been a recurring theme throughout Mike’s career, and it has assisted him in developing a reputation for competence in the field. Mike has gained his client’s trust and respect by offering great service and producing work of the highest caliber.

Excellence: The inspiring leader is dedicated to producing the best outcomes on each project and has a high regard for excellence. Additionally, he stands out in a competitive business due to his focus on quality and attention to detail.

Partnering: Understanding the value of enduring partnerships with customers, vendors, and other stakeholders. The visionary leader has produced excellent results on even the most challenging projects by collaborating and encouraging open communication.

Relationship Building: Recognize that successful connections are the foundation of the construction industry. You have put much effort into cultivating enduring bonds with your customers, staff, and other stakeholders, which has played a role in your long-term success.

Integrity: Always act professionally and with the utmost integrity. You are known as a respected leader in the sector thanks to your dedication to moral business conduct.

Enthusiasm: Take a positive outlook and an enthusiastic approach to every project. Mr. Kavanagh’s infectious enthusiasm and dedication to his work have motivated the team to remarkable success.

Technology Innovation: Another significant driving force is the constant search for new methods to use technology to enhance processes and provide clients with better results. Mr. Kavanagh has been able to stay up-to-date with the most recent technological developments by embracing innovation and staying ahead of the curve.

Defeating the Obstacles 

As always, the challenges are adapting to differing market conditions, which include budget and schedule challenges, as well as continuously being ahead of the curve in terms of delivery and service excellence.

Purpose-Driven: Mission and Vision

Their mission is to deliver great construction services to clients that exceed their expectations. The team is dedicated to providing top-notch work, creative solutions, and prompt project completion. They are guided in all facets of their work by their principles of customer service, excellence, collaboration, connection development, integrity, excitement, and technological innovation.

Their vision is to become the top construction company in the sector by offering clients unmatched quality and service. They strive hard to develop strong bonds with their clients that are founded on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. The degree to which their customers are happy and the volume of repeat business they get each year indicate their success.

Five Years Down the Line 

Looking ahead, Mr. Kavanagh’s visionary perspective entails a future where the focus would be on enhancing and building more solid industry expertise as well as expanding the company’s reach to at least three additional APAC locations.

An Inspiring Message to Budding Entrepreneurs from the Desk of the COO

Adopting an attitude of ownership can help you develop a sense of responsibility and a deeper understanding of management. Furthermore, do not hesitate to seek out senior management in the company for mentoring and guidance. Building strong relationships is another key factor in the growth of any business. This can help expand your company’s reach and develop new local and international business opportunities.

Going the extra mile for your clients is another crucial element. It’s also important to gain diverse experience across different parts of the business to understand how the business works and help you develop a diverse set of skills. Finally, continue to learn and educate yourself. Investing in your personal development will help you stay ahead of the curve and advance your career.

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