Trust Capital TC – Enriching lives, creating Reliability!

Businesses come and go, what stays is the presence, the impact, and the name of the enterprise. Business is more about creating a relationship between the company and the customers than selling something to someone.

A company is always on the search and hunt for the next big innovation, which could carve their name in the hall of fame, but, what about the existing products/services they offer?

There are a lot of companies offering similar products/services but only a few prevail and take the top spot. What makes the customers follow these names only, and overlook any other, despite discounts, extra benefits, etc.?

The answer is Trust and Reliability.

Farah Hawilo is one of the leading and eccentric businesswomen of 2021. She is not only an effervescent leader but also a great persona, inspiring budding entrepreneurs and exiting businessmen/businesswomen.

Farah is the Executive Director of Trust Capital TC. Trust Capital TC provides a secure, reliable, and transparent environment to trade CFDs on Forex, Metals, Commodities, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies.

Offering direct access to the financial markets with the benefits of competitive pricing, tight spreads, low commission, and negative balance protection.

Since Brokers do not share a good image in the market, Farah and her company aim to eradicate that by providing services that are unmatched, top-notch, and completely transparent. Trust Capital TC revolutionizes the traditional image and perception of Brokers.

Farah, and her will to create something extraordinary and change the face of trading and the air around it, makes her one of the most dynamic businesswomen to watch in 2021

“To achieve something that you’ve never achieved, you have to do something that you’ve never done”

The Company, the Journey

Trust Capital TC started a revolution in the securities market. Licensed in 2018, with a mission to provide an environment where traders have transparency and reliability. Their base of operations is set up in Cyprus, with the representative office in Dubai UAE.

They offer a trading platform for clients to invest, whether they are retail or professional clients. They offer a lot of instrument support, such as Forex, Metals, indices, energies, Commodities, and now cryptocurrencies.

To cater to clients of all kinds and offer different account types suited for all kinds of investors, professional or starting out, Trust Capital TC offers a one-stop solution.

Being a broker, a company faces many claims, which are on the negative side. But Trust Capital TC rises as the knight in shining armor for all those cheated, mistreated, or conned by traditional brokers. The defining characteristic feature of Trust Capital TC is the education they offer, and that too free of cost! They conduct webinars, seminars, and provide online education. They also have a program called the Forex Mentor, providing one-on-one training.

Trust Capital TC and its team know trading into Indices, Forex, etc. is a risky job. They offer education so people and their clients can learn. They impart education, not to get accounts, but to establish trust and eradicate improper knowledge which stains the occupation of trading as a whole. They are the change, by being the change!

They also offer practice accounts, so people can practice trading with virtual money. This does not stop here as Trust Capital TC monitors the account with them, and tries to give them some tips, etc. on how to trade and how to get better, and much more.

One of the most challenging tasks for Trust Capital TC and its team was to get their license. As they moved and chose Cyprus as the base of operation, CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) had introduced regulatory changes, implied stringent rules, and regulations. As the leverages were reduced to 1:30 from 1:100, making it less risky for traders, brought in a lot of compliance work, etc. to get a license.

Moreover, to get the license they had to plan and regulate policies, in adherence to the regulations, keeping it completely transparent at all times. With dedication, hard work, and luck on their side, they were one of the last companies to get a CySEC license!

After the license, next was the task of setting up the company, but that was something they were already prepared for, making it easy for them to establish their firm.

What pushes Trust Capital TC to grow and succeed?

A lot happened during the pandemic, and for Trust Capital TC it was a make-or-break situation. There were many changes going on in the markets and people’s mindsets too. The shuffle in employment opportunities pushed people to become more aware of what trading can offer, especially as a second income source.

To tap this space, Trust Capital TC conducted online webinars, a lot of them. Projected towards educating and creating awareness about trading online, what it means to invest online, and it is not as difficult as it seems. This not only led to more clients, but traders who are educated, aware, and understand trading, which Trust Capital TC strives to achieve.

People of different fields also became more interested in trading, because Trust Capital TC broke many myths along its journey for its clients and students.

‘You can only trade if you know finance’.
“This is not true; you can learn anything that you’re interested in. All it takes is time, effort, and education. This is why we are here to help”. – Farah Hawilo, Executive Director, Trust Capital TC

Trust Capital’s roots for its long-standing success

What makes Trust Capital TC successful and the first choice of traders is its reputation with its clients. As there are hundreds of brokers, spread across different instruments, regulated, and not regulated, etc. The unregulated ones, unfortunately, have made a bad reputation. There are many cases where clients face difficulty receiving their profits, customer service was bad after they opened an account, and so on.

Trust Capital’s ethics is to have great customer service and to make sure client is aware of every stage of their account. Even after they closed the account, they make sure they’re doing okay. They keep a check and make sure their clients receive anything they need, along with the surety of debiting/crediting funds on time. They do frequent follow-ups, making sure the client has received profits, is up to date, etc.

Another factor making Trust Capital TC sought-after and acclaimed is the transparency with cost. Their pricing is everywhere, on the website, and on terms and conditions, etc. They make sure the client doesn’t miss anything because it is the money that they’re investing. So, they make sure to take care of that very much and be transparent with the client!

Services offered by Trust Capital TC, and what sets them apart

Trust Capital TC offers a variety of instruments to trade in, right from Forex, Metals, Gold, Silver, Commodities, Indices, and now offering Cryptocurrency. They offer CFDs (Contract for Differences) on these instruments. CFDs are more based on speculation, thus allowing one to trade without purchasing an instrument. This means one can trade with a higher quantity, with a lower amount. CFDs on crypto are being offered by very few, but with reliability and trust on Trust Capital TC, there is no better option out there!

As mentioned earlier they provide education too. They have created a mobile app that helps the client track their trades, making their trading simple and easy, thus, saving their on-screen time. Clients also get pop-up notifications showing trade information, etc. They also receive other benefits right from the calendar of news to calculators that they might need, and much more.

They also offer affiliated partnerships. If someone wants to refer clients, they have a program for them. Also, liquidity offering is also provided. If it’s a corporate account and they want to open an account, get liquidity, etc. Trust Capital TC also provides that.

There are a lot of factors that set Trust Capital TC and its services apart. They make sure that pricing is competitive. They offer different account types with different pricing and different commission. So, clients can choose accounts, pricing, etc. to their needs.

They also provide as many payment methods as possible. They have PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, credit card debit card, and bank transfer, so no one feels restricted with one payment method.

Also, the free education is a huge plus, because almost all the Brokers have great offerings but only a few offer education, and that too on a condition if you’re a funded client with them.

Trust Capital TC also offers immersive and proactive customer service. It’s 24 hours, 24×7, all days a week, even when the markets are closed, making sure clients receive regular updates about everything, are always in the light!

New additions to Trust Capital’s service arsenal

They are in the works of offering equities, which would make Trust Capital TC a one-stop-shop for the client. Clients will be able to open a trading account with them and trade Apple, Amazon, and other equities. The best part being, one account with Trust Capital TC enables you to trade a variety of instruments, right from crypto to gold, crude oil, currency, and much more!

What makes it interesting as now equity CFDs will be available to trade along with education, making Trust Capital TC a complete solution for traders and investors.

How Trust Capital TC goes ahead with changing times and trends

Trust Capital TC offers various instruments to trade and invest. They are integrating new instruments, such as cryptocurrency, which is being offered by very few in the market. Also, the regular additions and updates to the mobile app, making the whole experience seamless. Moreover, the team is always looking for changing trends, new technology, etc. which can be integrated to make sure their services are unrivaled and always the best the industry has to offer!

The Leading Lady, Farah Hawilo

Farah started her education in finance, got her bachelor’s degree in banking and Finance in Lebanon. Right off the bat she started working and initiated her journey to get some experience in the Forex industry.

She started from customer support, to learn all the ins and outs of the Forex world, right from client account opening, back office, etc. She also pursued and accumulated few certificates including risk and investment compliance by Reuters, Bloomberg terminal, etc. that fetched her more knowledge, skills, helping her get up the ladder.

All this prepared her and provided her the knowledge she needed to start her company. Followed the start of Trust Capital TC, where she was handling different roles and departments, such as operations, HR department, Compliance department, dealing with sales, etc.

Farah feels the highlight of her professional journey is getting the CySEC license, owing to stringent norms, compliance, regulations, etc., and nurturing her company to become a successful and respectable name in the market.

From there to open up a new office in Dubai, dedicating herself to bring more awareness and education amongst traders, eradicating the bad image around Brokers, and expanding the business is one of the major highlights of her career!

What Farah thinks are the responsibilities of an entrepreneur

Number one is to be true to what you are doing. If you’re working on something and comparing yourself all the time to similar businesses, you won’t ever be ahead of the competition. Your work should keep you more into a tunnel vision, towards the goal, in the end, to have other people look at you, copy you, and not the other way around!

Be true to yourself, true to what you are doing, and at the same time don’t only look at it as a profit-making making business. It will get there as long as you have your ethics and the company. You have to make sure about the way you treat your employees, make sure to relay the message that the employees are not working for you, they’re working with you. To build a culture where works towards the same goal.

Always keep learning. No One Ever Knows enough. Keep trying to develop yourself, make sure you’re up to date with whatever new is going on in the markets and technology because times are changing very fast.

“They say you have to do what you love but to be honest to get to that goal you want; you have to go through phases, where you are not enjoying the process so much. I was doing compliance work, working in different departments that were not my initial passion. But in the end, this is what led me to the goal. You’re going through phases that you don’t love and you don’t enjoy at that point. You have to get through them. And you will reach your end goal!” Farah adds.

Team of Trust Capital TC

Every member of Trust Capital TC goes to work with the goal of personal development, which is something that they love in the company.

They don’t go for a nine-to-five shift, they focus on their personal development in the company, and how to best provide their clients. Trust Capital TC and its environment promotes learning and pushes its team to pursue certifications, seminars, and education.

So, this approach helps the team grow and motivates them to apply their knowledge and skills, bringing out the best of Trust Capital TC!

This culture inspires the team to branch out, and do even more than their job description. Inspiring a feeling of oneness towards the company, providing clients with 110% dedication and focus, and innovating along the way, make the team of Trust Capital TC exceptional and one of the best there is!

Farah’s views on constant vigilance- as a need or strategy

You cannot be naïve about what you’re doing, the company, etc. thus. You have to be aware, and keep up with the changes. So, definitely, it’s a need and a strategy!

You need to see what’s going on around you, need to see what market is offering, so you can offer better.

“Whether it comes to marketing your products, you always have to be listening”

You have to be doing your research, see the trends, etc. Then comes the part of keeping up with the trends around practices, this is where your strategy kicks in!

Farah’s take on the competition in the market, and how she deals with it

On a personal level, one has to get some balance in the personal life. As the work doesn’t stop after 5 or 6 p.m. and keeps going. So, you have to have that balance, for your mental health, for your well-being, etc. you need to balance.

Also, spending time with oneself is important. Give your thoughts space and time, moreover, give yourself the time you deserve!

On a professional level, always read the news. Stay in tune with what’s happening, so you can keep up. “If you get drowned in your work only and you’re not aware of what’s going on the outside, you won’t be able to reach the daily tasks that you want to reach.” – Farah adds.

Wies van ‘t Slot, An Award-winning Business Woman, Mother,& An Outcast Visionary Entrepreneur Heading 365Werk in Pursuit Of Excellence

With a passion to do things differently. More transparent above all, and more digital, Wies van ‘t Slot, Director, 365Werk spearheads her brand to do just that – Digitalize the recruitment and hiring process. She aimed at creating her own culture in her teams and this is what kicked her off and keeps her speeding forward. Forty two-year-old Wies became director and co-owner of 365Werk six years ago, after a career in the Randstad and YoungCapital world.

Full of ambition and full of confidence, Wies van ‘t Slot, a passionate, enthusiastic, hard-working entrepreneur, is the mother of three beautiful boys (13, 11, 9). Being a mum has always been her active wish, as has to be an entrepreneur. The inspiring lady had been dreaming of leading her own company for quite some time before she actually had collected enough guts to go out and give it a shot. “Being an entrepreneur is who I am. It’s who I’ve always been”, said Wies.

More about the Firm

In a shrinking market, the online employment agency, 365Werk has managed to grow, year after year. Besides, Wies started concentrating on the service, saying: if we want to be as online as possible, we need the best human service ever in combination with that’. It was a decision and a focus that really led the team to where they stand now. Investing in the software continues undiminished, A-level service is their main goal. To achieve that, the way the teams are composed and working together is key.

In the last six years, 365Werk has been honoured with FD Gazellen Awards four times, a prize for companies with the largest rise in revenues. Also, because of the rapid growth of 365Werk, Wies has been recognized as one of the hundred most successful businesswomen in the Netherlands.

Clientele & Branding Strategies

365Werk is operating in four different industries: catering, logistics, cleaning, and business services. To ensure their service level keeps surpassing the expectation of their clients, the 365Werk team regularly investigate their wishes and criticism. Their wishes are put directly on top of their innovation agenda. Wies and her team always keep in mind that they have to stay flexible, being able to adapt to new insights and desires.

We are young, fresh, different, a bit puckish, cheerful, not formal at all. Our message is that anyone can be a boss. That’s our tagline as well. Thanks to us, you’re able to manage how, when, and where you’re working”, asserted Wies while talking about her unique branding strategies.

Impacts of Covid-19 & Solutions

From one day to the next, 365Werk lost about two-thirds of their revenues, mainly due to their hospitality and catering clients being closed down. Immediately following that shock, they started mediating their people to other branches. Meanwhile, they went out to connect more clients from businesses that weren’t torn down by the crisis. One of the riskiest parts of their strategy was that Wies decided to stop sending bills to her clients in hospitality, to protect them from stressing out. The plan worked out beautifully when the government started to help out businesses, which she had anticipated. Today, their client portfolio is more differentiated than it ever was, thanks to the strategy during the deep Covid crises.

From the Founder’s Desk

From within my organization, I can’t see any challenge other than always keeping in mind our teams having an eye on diversity. And of course, there’s the ever-going struggle to use ‘female skills’ like empathizing and being vulnerable on the one hand, and being strict and clear on the other, without growing the label ‘bitch’. Outside my own company, challenges are bigger. Inside the business networks, I feel part of, there are only a few women. It’s always difficult to mix naturally with large groups of men. Whereas they seem to be pals, talking about guy’s stuff, I will never completely fit in. Partly because the stuff palls talk about doesn’t really interest me, but mostly because palls tend to feel forced to switch subject and attitude when a woman is around. That’s something no woman wants to happen.

Wies’s Approach to Entrepreneurship

First of all – and this sounds a bit trite – you have to maintain your own course, stay close to who you are. In her opinion, the worst thing you could do is try to change the way you act. Being a woman in a male-dominated surrounding offers opportunities to your advantage as well. For example, it’s much easier for me to stay top of mind than it is for a man in a blue blazer.

Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs & Wies’s Advice

Wies said, “In my country, the biggest challenge is facing criticism regarding motherhood. A lot of people don’t understand or do not wish to understand how a mother can spend so much time being an entrepreneur whilst having young kids. The danger of being labelled a “bad mother” is one of the biggest factors of woman entrepreneurship being relatively rare. ‘How do you manage at home?’ is a F.A.Q. to a female entrepreneur. Men never receive that question.”

She continued, “I think the way to handle this pressure is to believe in what you are doing. The only way to feel free to do so is to make sure things at home are well organised. Once you’re convinced your family is taken care of, and your professional ambition is undisputed, you should be able to withstand the criticism of that kind and move forward in order to achieve your goals. Just accept that people might have other opinions.”

The Current Hurdles

Wies’s main worry now is how to move the company to the next step, with revenues of around 60 million euros. It’s a big and fantastic challenge to figure out in which way my teams are up to it and to prioritize the tasks ahead. It means She is looking into investments, opening new branches, hiring new talent, and strengthening the IT backbone.

A Day in Wies’s Life

The alarm rings at 06.30. Wies gets up, goes out to have a short hike with her dogs, returns to have breakfast with her husband and sons, takes a shower and leaves at 08.00 for a twenty minutes drive to the office. Every day, the leading lady’s agenda is filled with numerous appointments inside and outside the office. Most of the time, she arrives back home at around 1800 so she can assist her kids with their sports training and have dinner. A couple of times a week she goes out in the evening to the gym, on other nights there’s a network meeting. And sometimes she is at home, watching Netflix with her husband.

365Werk  in the Next Five Years

The next few years are dedicated to growing even faster. We’re going to achieve that thanks to a combination of IT and an ever-improving service. Our means is to extend our efforts on making the best ‘Tinder for work’. That’ll give us the possibility to stay strong and grow. In the next five years, we’ll definitely open more offices around the country and strengthen our brand”, Wies proudly shared.

Words of Wisdom

Just do it. Take it step by step, but get started. You don’t need extensive plans, because they’ll change along the way. There are a thousand reasons not to start as an entrepreneur. Don’t listen to them. Give it a shot, the best shot you have.


Dr Sharon Jones: A Passionate Techpreneur & Award-Winning Educator Spearheading dot. Consulting & Dottie Rose Foundation Successfully

“Believe in yourself, your talent, and your ambition.”- Dr Sharon Jones

A self-motivated, out-of-the-box thinker who brings real-life business problems to tech training and teaches applicable technological solutions to those problems, Dr Sharon Jones leads the dot. Consulting & Dottie Rose Foundation in the key position of CEO.

An award-winning, dedicated educator of computer science and technology for 17 years and throughout her career, she has created, implemented, and facilitated computer science workshops that apply the concepts of technology to everyday activities. She has found her passion in education and has served as a Career and Technical Education teacher in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and Wake County Schools as well as a Sr. Technical Trainer with Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC). Besides, she is a well-known industry teacher, trainer, and mentor working for organizations with like-minded missions.

The Initiative & Exclusive Product Portfolio

At the dot. is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to Computer Science education and technology learning. From face-to-face training to blended training techniques, their technology consulting services deliver a distinct advantage for organizations looking to grow. They help people invest in the technical knowledge of individual employees to create an overall collective sharpness, savviness, and greater productivity. Thus, increasing the technological speed and quality of the expertise in your organization. Delivering the key strategies and tools for immediate implementation of short-term and future value. They partner with companies and customize the plan. They offer three ways to work: strategic planning, professional development, and coaching. Their specialty resides in the development of the K12 technology/Career and Technical Education curriculum. Through their hands-on and real-life scenario approach, teachers will use critical thinking and technology skills to solve problems and gain insight.

thedot. Consulting offers three signature virtual or in-person Professional Development opportunities, or they have the ability to create customizable options, so one can choose what best fits his school’s current needs. Below are the three top professional development workshops.

Hello World: Big Concepts of Computer Science and Computational Thinking

Finding Your Tech Genius

Data Science Applied: Creating a Data Culture Through Application

Clients & Branding Strategies

The clientele consists of K-12 entities, including but not limited to Schools, Districts, and even K-12 programs outside of a school. Dr. Jones works directly with teachers, principals, and even the State to ensure they have what they need to integrate Computer Science standards into their curriculum.

 Their branding strategy is one that gives educators a glimpse into opportunities to bring computer science into their classrooms. They provide engaging content through their social media, website, and their newsletter that allows teachers to see how easy it is to implement technology into their everyday curriculum.

Major impacts of Covid-19

The major impact has been to move our work to a virtual platform. All of the in-person workshops were moved to online platforms. In addition, we created videos and content to be shared virtually and created opportunities for students & teachers to connect with community members through virtual talks, podcasting, and live video demonstrations and chats. As we continue to navigate the COVID 19 pandemic, we continue to do a blend of virtual and in-person work. As a technology education company, we have utilized online platforms to communicate and build content for many years as a way to expand our reach, however, the power of in-person can never be replaced. Therefore, the key to our continued success and impact will be with the blend of virtual and in-person” shared the leading lady when asked about the challenges and opportunities during the pandemic.

Challenges for Women Entrepreneurs & Advice to Overcome Them 

There are many challenges but here are the top four according to Sharon Jones:

  •     Defying social expectations
  •     Accessing Funding
  •     Owning your accomplishments
  •     Coping with the fear of failure

Each of these challenges has its own hurdles but at the core, each challenge can be approached one step at a time. Own your strengths and be clear on what success means to you. Success is defined by you, not anyone else. Define your goals and take one step forward to achieve them each day.

From the CEO’s Desk

When I went to college, my sophomore year I was asked to create a PowerPoint for our project and I clearly remember turning to the person next to me and asking, what is PowerPoint?

And that is the pivotal moment that really changed my direction in technology. I taught myself PowerPoint and realized how much I enjoyed the learning. Fast forward a few years, and I go to East Carolina University to work on my master’s in education. There I entered my first programming class, Visual I had never programmed before and mind you had just figured out how to do the Microsoft suite of products.

However, I read, worked, failed many, many times, and finally mastered my first two projects of Hello World and turned the light bulb on and off! I received my master’s in teaching in Business and Information Technology and started my teaching career teaching in Career and Technical Education high school in Apex, NC, and then back to my home city of Charlotte. Over the years, my teaching career has been so rewarding as I have adapted learning technology to real-world applications.

I am self-taught in all of the programming languages I know and have continued to learn from my students, in professional developments and continued my education to earn my doctorate in Adult Education. My business started as a side hustle to bring in extra income for my family. I started doing workshops for teachers through and showcasing that platform and the success of those workshops grew to districts hiring me to lead further workshops around computer science. I stepped into

I have been a K12 educator, a secondary education professional, a corporate trainer, and now a business owner. My work has been a wonderful path of discovery, failures, and finding my true passion.

A Day in Sharon’s Life

  •     Wake around 6:30
  •     Short workout (try to do 30 minutes at least 3 times a week)
  •     Coffee! I love a cup of coffee
  •     Email catches up (8:00-9:00)
  •     Meetings begin
  •     Planning meetings for workshops or content
  •     Collaboration connections
  •     Curriculum planning with teachers during their planning sessions
  •     Curriculum/Content development for Dottie Rose Foundation and schools
  •     Lunch
  •     Meetings continue or in-person visits with schools or Professional Development sessions Dinner with my family
  •     After dinner research and planning for the next day
  •     A good girly show on TV
  •     Bed by 9:30

Future Plans & Jewels in the Crown

Sharon Jones wants her to venture to be the go-to for all things strategy and professional development for computer science integration into a K12 school or district. Here is the list of achievements;

  • NC Tech Education Technology – Industry EdTech Finalist
  • Jones was Woman of the Year, Charlotte Magazine
  • National Women’s Business Enterprise Certification
  • Top 100 Global Educators Presented by the Global Forum of Educational Leadership, June 2021

Karin Volo, Leading A Novel Training Firm, Evoloshen Academy Bringing Joy to the Workplace

Standing strong on the sturdy shoulders of a flourishing businesswoman, a global leader, an employee engagement expert, and a recognized HR Influencer, Karin Volo, CEO, Evoloshen Academy endeavours to guide employees to be empowered, engaged, and help them reach their full potential. Evoloshen transforms business through culture. It is the team of expert trust advisors to CEOs, CHRO’s, and top management teams to help them work strategically on culture issues.

With over 20 years of experience working with Fortune 500 companies globally, this inspiring leader has insights on business building, cultural transformation, and high performance. Aside from becoming an expert in culture, employee engagement, personal and organizational development, she is an international bestselling author. She is also an accomplished inspirational speaker and a Certified C-IQ™ Coach. Her purpose is bringing joy to the workplace.

Further Karin apprised “I’ve had my own company since 2003 when I started an Executive Search firm in Sweden. My work has evolved from taking the best talent out of companies to helping companies keep their talent through working on their culture. The catalyst for this change came from writing a book called Engage! in 2012 which became an international bestseller. It lead to me speaking on culture, engagement, trust, and purpose and developing impactful training programs in these areas.”

Successful Clientele & Core Values

Evoloshen Academy works actively with progressive CEOs and CHROs who understand the value of culture. They have worked with a number of industries and types of organizations from fast-growing tech companies, global consulting firms, manufacturing, private equity, and governmental agencies to give some examples.

The core is focused on developing and training employees to be empowered, engaged, and to help them reach their full potential. They have training programs such as Ignite Your Trust Factor, am International Cultural Engagement Specialist certification, and Discovering Your Purpose.

The deeper they are able to work with their clients, the stronger the trust and relationships grow. Besides training, they have expanded to offer coaching and group masterminding as well. This has developed from their clients asking the team to support them even more.

Progressing In Entrepreneurship

The absolute key is to know your purpose! Evoloshen aims to bring joy to the workplace and that is what drives Karin and her team every day. They know the power of reaching their full potential and thriving. They share tools and knowledge that are empowering and help people understand who they are. As an entrepreneur, Karin finds it as the complete commitment to a bigger purpose that will drive her through the challenging times. It gives inner confidence and commitment to never give up and to keep going forward no matter what.

From the CEO’s Desk

The two biggest challenges I’m looking at currently are how best to grow my business and to offload many of my daily tasks and projects. As a leader, I’m evolving and growing as well. This is why I’m a big believer in coaching and mentoring! It helps along the way and can save a lot of time and mistakes.

While talking about the branding strategies of Evoloshen Academy to stay ahead, Karin said, “We rely a lot on word of mouth and recommendations. Giving value and building strong relationships over time builds high levels of trust. I also have a podcast called The Amazing Leader Series where I love to showcase progressive CEOs and leaders who are proving that working with culture is great for business because they are actually doing it. This provides a lot of value and inspiration to leaders. In addition, we have published a number of free reports on our website that have great value and information to help support people who want to learn more about cultural transformation.

Challenges for Women Entrepreneurs & Karin’s Views

She finds it tough to generalize this. She says we all have our own experiences and journeys we are on. Women need to support each other and lift each other up as much as possible. In Karin’s view, young women feel pressure to balance between their personal/family lives and their professional lives. She has noticed that once kids are grown, women seem to step into their power. They have a lot of drive and energy and can really make an impact. And she always encourages mothers to enjoy their time with their children because they grow up too quickly! It’s important to enjoy each stage of life and know that the journey is constantly changing. When you can embrace the phase of life you are in and truly appreciate it, that helps to handle the ups and downs that life will bring your way no matter what. It’s a part of the human experience. So why not enjoy it along the way?

Karin’s Daily Routine

“With an ideal day, I normally wake up around 6:30 or 7:00. I like to enjoy my mornings by easing into the day, working out at home, drinking my daily green smoothie and walking my dog. My days are always different based on the projects I’m working on, which I normally have two to three at a time. It often includes meetings with clients and/or my team, sometimes preparing for workshops, writing articles, checking emails, making videos, working on web pages”, Karin shared when asked about her daily routine.

Milestones & Future Roadmap

Evoloshen has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Organizational Development Companies in Europe by HR Tech. Karin Volo has also been recognized as a Top Thought Leader in Trust, named on the Engagement 101 Influencers several years in a row, Top 10 HR Influencers, and many others.

Evoloshen is on the way to be known globally as the trusted company to help develop leaders and employees, create high trust organizations, and the team is working diligently to transform many lives! Plus, with every client project, Evoloshen will also contribute to support education, clean water, or fighting child sex trafficking.

A Piece of Advice for Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs

The world needs women entrepreneurs now more than ever. Women are naturally caring and nurturing and the business world is changing to be more supportive on a human-to-human level. Karin Volo believes that will make it even easier for women to be themselves and step into their power. There is nothing that can hold female power back and their time is now!

Turning Solutions towards Covid-19

Karin Volo said, “Our world has gone through some severe trauma in recent times. We need to come together to heal and support each other. I absolutely see a world in the future where every person can thrive and reach their full potential. Our children deserve this and together we can solve the problems in our world. It all comes down to love. Love is the currency of business—we want to love our jobs; we want to Live Our Values Daily. So, it’s time for us to realize that when we are united, we become an unstoppable force and we can use this to create momentum to change the world. We must have the courage to care for and love one another!”

Kamales Lardi, Moving Businesses into the Digital Age with Brainchild Endeavour Lardi & Partner Consulting

Kamales Lardi, a Digital Business Transformation Expert & Thought Leader successfully contributing top-line growth of businesses, their operational excellence and capabilities development through digital transformation. She combines over 21 years of deep cross-industry experience with the latest digital and technology solutions and is presently leading Lardi & Partner Consulting in the key position of CEO.

In academics, Kamales did B.Sc. in Computing & Information Systems where she found her interest in technology, programming, and business strategy. The inspiring lady began her career at Accenture (Andersen Consulting back then) after graduating in 1999. Then, she enrolled in MBA at Durham University Business School in the UK (2003). Kamales worked in Zurich Insurance for a while, and then at Deloitte Consulting. In the year 2012, she decided to start her own consultancy.

Further Kamales shared about her journey, “I became a parent and found the consultancy business model not conducive to a balanced lifestyle. This became the premise for my ‘modular consulting’ business model, a term that I coined to combine high-quality solutions with a flexible and agile delivery model. This approach has resonated well with many business leaders and has helped my company stand out in the digital space.”

In addition to consulting, Kamales Lardi is active in teaching as well and has lectured at several higher institutions like ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, HWZ Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Business, and Durham University Business School. She is the Chairperson of the FORBES Business Council Women Executives group and a dynamic and influential speaker.

Lardi & Partner Consulting, Transforming Traditional Business Models

Lardi & Partner Consulting GmbH is a boutique consultancy specializing in digital business transformation and emerging technologies. We enable organizations to transform traditional business models, processes, and operations to meet the needs of the digital economy and customer experience. We help companies define their customer’s needs and identify the best ways to utilize digital and emerging technologies across the business value chain to gain sustainable returns.

The firm provides advisory services to mostly multinational companies across various industries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In addition, over the years they have also advised SMEs, start-ups, and the public sector.

Kamales’s focus on creating value in business enabled by technology has helped the Lardi & Partner Consulting firm stand out. She often says, ‘technology is not a silver bullet solution, a clear value proposition should drive any transformation effort’. This approach resonates well with many business leaders and has helped her stand out in the digital space.

The Impacts of Covid-19

COVID-19 has shifted mindsets towards greater adoption of technology and digital platforms. As experts in Digital Transformation, Kamales and her team have extensive implementation experience in this space and actively support companies in driving. They have taken a people-first approach that focuses on team wellness and prioritizing clients in their work. This works well as they have strong personal relationships with their clients and understand their personal and business challenges. In addition, their capabilities in business transformation and emerging technology solutions are exactly what companies need now to create business continuity and resilience.

From the CEO’s Desk

When asked about her views on challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and advice to overcome them, Kamales Lardi said “I do believe there is still a certain level of bias, conscious or unconscious, in the field of tech, entrepreneurship, and business. This could relate to a range of challenges such as women getting fewer opportunities in the field, struggling to gain funding, not receiving the credibility or recognition that they deserve for their work, or even manifest in the technology solutions being developed because of the lack of diversity in the development teams. This challenge should be addressed at various levels to be effective, including education, support, and deliberate actions and policies to enhance diversity – not just across gender but in every area.”

What Fascinates You the Most about Running your own Business?

“I take an active role in every client engagement that we deliver. I like working with clients and each company is unique, bringing new experiences, challenges, and opportunities. I find this fascinating and exciting. Also, the best part for me is seeing our solutions and advisory moving from vision to action, driving transformation in the company, and delivering real business results. This brings satisfaction and motivates me to keep doing what I do”, shared Kamales Lardi while disclosing the fascinating part in her business role.

“By running my own business, I have full control over the types of projects we do, who we work with, and what kind of results we can bring. For example, we usually work with multinational corporations, however, if there is an interesting project with a small company or start-up, we could still take it on. I am also excited about exploring new capabilities and skills. For example, back in 2016, many clients asked about the impact of blockchain and crypto in their business. This led me to deep dive into the topic, including understanding the technology and programming in this scape and eventually designing and building a blockchain-based traceability solution for the agriculture supply chain”, she further added.

Awards and Milestones on the Way

The company has hit the 10-year milestone for the business this year and they are still going strong. This is a big achievement considering the competitive market. Lardi & Partner Consulting has been honored with the 2020 Global Corporate Excellence Award from Business Worldwide Magazine in the category ‘Digital Business Transformation Firm of the Year’.  In addition, Kamales Lardi has received numerous awards including:

  • “Top 10 Global Influencers & Thought Leaders in Digital Transformation” (Thinkers360, 2021)
  • The Top 50 Women in Tech – Influencers to Follow (2021)
  • Top 20 visionaries of the media and technology industry (Adello Magazine, 2021)
  • First-ever Forbes Business Council Women Executives Chair (2021)
  • Women in Fintech Powerlist (2017)

Lardi & Partner in The Next Five Years

Lardi & Partner Consulting aims to flourish into a globally recognized brand and expert partner in digital business transformation in the near future. Also, the team is planning to work on more technology projects that deliver towards sustainability and climate change solutions

Advice for Female Entrepreneurs

Don’t limit yourself to what others or society or even you think you should be doing. The possibilities are unlimited, as long as you are bold and take a leap of faith in yourself. Build the right capabilities and experience required to succeed, but remember you do not need to be 100% ready, leverage teams that can help you build the right capabilities.

Jane Stevensen: Woman Behind JS Global Advisory Resolving Environmental Issues

Finding the path to motivation and purpose is uniquely carved by every individual. Jane Stevensen, Founding Director of JS Global Advisory, is leading by example as an inspirational woman leader with over 20 years of experience advising businesses on sustainability strategy and practice. She is an expert in the creation of global engagement programmes to achieve consensus and drive visionary change.

Understanding the need for robust solutions for fragile ecosystems with enormous environmental challenges, Jane established JS Global in 2018 after holding senior executive roles in both corporate and  not-for-profit organizations .

JS Global brings together an industry-leading team of advisors in climate-related policy & regulation, sustainability strategy, and practical ways of enhancing ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance – performance. Experienced in working across sectors, with particular expertise in oil & gas, shipping, mining & metals, and financial services, they have deep understanding of the new technical, regulatory, commercial and digitalisation challenges confronting Boards, CEOs and executive management teams.

Prior to setting up  JS Global, Jane led Grant Thornton LLP’s Sustainability Advisory Practice, is a former Managing Director of the highly influential Climate Disclosure Standards Board, was Chair of the Oil & Gas Advisory Group at CDP – the global climate information disclosure specialists (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project) – and headed CDP’s engagement with the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (or TCFD) set up by Mark Carney, ex-Governor of the Bank of England and now the UN Special Envoy on Climate and Finance. She has advised the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative and the UK-City of London Green Finance Initiative.

Jane began her career in the Oil & Gas industry – as an exploration geologist, her working environment encompassed the oil rigs of the North Sea, the rare Jarrah Forest of Western Australia, the rainforest of Papua New Guinea, the Apennine Mountain home of the European Brown bear and the cities of London, Milan, and Paris.

Many of these places comprised fragile ecosystems with enormous environmental challenges, and indirectly led Jane Stevensen to ultimately setting up her own business. With an early understanding that the planet was a stakeholder in all operational activity and a belief that business has the potential to be a real force for good, Jane’s journey has brought her to where she is today, advising global companies on environmental risk and opportunity, governance, climate strategy and across the whole spectrum of ESG.

More about the Company and its Distinct Offerings

JS Global works across sectors and brings particular knowledge, insight, expertise, and understanding of the natural resources and energy industries – often called the “hard-to-abate” sectors. Their bespoke approach to sustainability consulting and climate change strategy and engagement is built on a unique understanding of the diverse perspectives that influence the way governments, businesses and financial market participants address the mega-trends affecting our planet and society.

The key areas JS advisory work encompasses consist of:

Engagement programmes – the company specialises in the design and delivery of engagement programmes to bring together key influencers with often conflicting viewpoints to catalyse real change.

Sustainability strategy – JS Global helps clients address key issues related to sustainability strategy, environmental and social impact across operations, stakeholder engagement, sustainability-related growth, and cost opportunities, and understand the reputational implications.

TCFD Advisory – the recommendations of the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (the TCFD) provide a vital catalyst to enable companies to achieve climate-related targets in line with the Paris Agreement, and in particular map out a route to Net Zero carbon.

ESG services – Environmental, Social and Governance – ESG – criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. JS Global works with businesses to support them in the development of ESG policy and strategy and strengthen understanding of the rapidly evolving regulatory environment.

Clientele & Corporate Ethos 

The JSG clientele ranges from global FTSE 250 companies to small independents. Climate change and the need for a sustainable business strategy affect every business and everyone in it. They all receive the same care and attention to ensure that each consulting project is bespoke, tailored to their objectives. Above all the team builds relationships, and their clients trust them.

Major Impacts of Covid-19

Covid-19 brought the whole world to a standstill, and some clients were unable to continue with the advisory work they had commissioned. The philosophy of JS Global is to engage with the clients and build trust to give the team the confidence that once the crisis abates, they will be back, and that is already proving to be true. The practical implications of the pandemic for the business have meant travelling to clients’ premises and working alongside them has stopped completely and they have all had to work from home, and so building those relationships has meant working much harder as it’s all had to be done over Zoom and Teams!

From the Founding Director’s Desk

“Having started my career in the Oil industry, being the lone woman is something I’m very used to! Once you’ve been in charge of an oil drilling rig in the North Sea or remote Western Australia there’s not much that phases you”, asserted Jane Stevensen while discussing her biggest challenges as a woman entrepreneur.

Jane’s Approach towards Entrepreneurship

The sheer unpredictability of the business world is something that fascinates Jane Stevensen the most!

Jane’s style is collaborative, thoughtful, she likes to listen to all the viewpoints, and determine the facts. She is able to draw on a whole career in business and industry, has run multidisciplinary teams around the world, and worked in difficult and dangerous environments where it was essential to be able to think on your feet and anticipate multiple outcomes. She has also spent time as Managing Director of a highly influential global climate NGO and sat on the Boards of charities as well as commercial entities. Furthermore, she has a wealth of experience to draw on, and as an entrepreneur she is able to deal with whatever comes up – the key is always to expect the unexpected.

A Day in the Life

“I’m an early riser – a lark not an owl, so usually up well before 6.30, cup of English breakfast tea as I stroll around my garden (weather permitting) with my dog. Then I will start the day with the 5 Tibetan Rites, an ancient yoga practice. Then it’s usually time to check the emails, work on client pitches, and respond to requests. During the pandemic with working from home I will have a daily morning Zoom call with my senior business partner where we touch base on what’s needed for the day, review new opportunities, discuss the current projects, and generally catch up”, said Jane Stevensen when asked about her daily routine.

“Lunch is a sandwich, and I will have a break and take my dog for a walk. Then back to it for the afternoon, often with client calls and reviews. I enjoy cooking and dinner is usually around my kitchen table with whoever is at home from my family”, she added. “As the world opens up post-pandemic I’m looking forward to getting back to the theatre and opera which I love, and supporting the arts again”.

JS Global in the Next Five Years

The foundation of JS Global Advisory was to support businesses in their sustainability journey, tackling the most pressing issue of the current time – climate change. The vision of JS Global in the next five years is to be able to provide the toolkit for businesses, regardless of sector or size, to address both the risks and opportunities of climate change and be part of the global solution. Moreover, they want to be able to inspire organizations to believe they really can do it and radically increase ambition to achieve much greater targets than they thought possible.

A Piece of Advice

Stay focused, have a target in mind, but don’t be inflexible. Stuff happens along the way, and being too rigid will not help you. Accept help whenever it’s offered – if you can find a mentor you really like who supports but also challenges your thinking that is enormously helpful.

Above all – keep calm and carry on!

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