ALPI Associates: Transforming Strategies and Solutions to Sustainable Results

Led by Snehal Shah, ALPI Associates assist organizations in doing factual projects with strategic alliances that correctly make the best use of their time, talent, and budget. With decades of customer service excellence in providing Turnkey and Up-Gradation solutions in high-impact industry sectors, ALPI Associates continues to make significant strides in many parts of the world. ALPI Associates can manage its clients’ projects from concept to creation and help to bring projects back on track that are falling behind schedule or losing steam.

Based in Ahmedabad, Gujrat, ALPI Associates has worked on projects worldwide in accordance with the requirements of the modern world. It strongly focuses on production efficiency, legal compliance, environmental balancing, economy and energy efficiency.

The Farsighted Leader

Snehal Shah, CEO of ALPI, is a multifaceted and successful leader with over three decades of expertise in pharmaceutical engineering, including conceptualization, design, manufacture, utility, process, filtration, aseptic filling, and high-speed packaging equipment with installation to commissioning. He has managed projects and engineering at multiple production plants for organizations and brings a high-level management approach in planning, implementation, and operation.

Innovative Services

ALPI Associates is led by an idealistic management and powered by a team of highly proficient engineers and associate management professionals. The team’s experience and skill set ensure quality adherence at every stage while delivering economical and sustainable designs within the stipulated schedule. This customer-centric approach with the highest level of professionalism has made ALPI a much more demanding organization.

Currently, the organization offer services like

  • Projects & Project Management
  • Engineering and Documentation
  • 2D-3D Design and Drawing
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Procurement Assistance

Biodegradable Moulded Fibre (Tableware)

“We at ALPI Associates are a company with associates of having more than 90 Years of Collective Experience in API & Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Perfume & Aerosol, Food & Beverages, Healthcare, Cosmetics (Colour & Personal Care), Decoration (Lacquering, Coating, Metallizing, Printing), Biodegradable Moulded Fibre (Tableware), FMCG & allied industries…”– said Snehal

Assisting Clients

Under Snehal’s leadership, ALPI Associates has evolved into a multi-product, professional and committed organization with a clear focus on providing value-based solutions for its customers. ALPI’s associate team guides its clients through its solution and work with them to offer an optimal product for their need. With its ethos of keeping customers first, ALPI’s associate team guides its clients through its solution and work with them to provide an optimal product for their need.

A dedicated Project Team supports ALPI’s clients and coordinates with them throughout the procurement lifecycle till commissioning. The Project Team also assists clients with much-needed technical understanding and logistics support to ensure a smooth and timely project implementation.

Adding to that, a committed, technically qualified, and principal certified team of engineers provides installation, commissioning, validation, and startup services for all the equipment, which ALPI’s clients can procure under the organization’s Procurement Assistance Service.

“Our essential purpose is Concept to Creation & provides exceptional leadership to transform strategies and solutions to sustainable results. We are dedicated to uncompromising integrity and continuous improvement. Through our dedicated and talented family of professional associates, ALPI Associates provides unmatched quality, caring, and value to our clients,”– explained Snehal.

Mission and Vision

ALPI’s mission is to focus on Concept to Creation and provide exceptional leadership to transform strategies and solutions to sustainable results. Dedicated to uncompromising integrity and continuous improvement, ALPI Associates offer unmatched quality and value to its clients through its dedicated and talented family of professional associates.

CSR Consulting: The Maestro of Sustainability

An established personality, Carmelo Santillán Ramos leads CSR Consulting, with his vision for a sustainable future. His expertise in sustainability has made him a consulting icon in Mexico for contributing to the change that the world needs today.

Education Background

He is an Industrial Engineer with three Master’s related to the Implementation of Management Systems, Quality, Environment, Energy, Safety, Health at Work, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Carmelo has completed an Executive Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Barcelona and the EAE Business School and a Doctorate in Sustainability at the Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores (UNICEPES).

He is also an ESG advisor certified by the EFPA (European Financial Planning Association) and a professor at the doctorate/master level and Ph.D. in Sustainability with more than 15 years of experience.

An Overview of Carmelo’s Professional Journey

Carmelo is a proud Founder and Director of the royal consulting firm CSR Consulting-Asesoría de Sustentabilidad y Economía Circular, with its own offices in Monterrey.

With his diligence, he has achieved many honors and fulfilled many leading roles in the sustainability industry. Some of them include:

  • He has been a teacher of sustainability issues and climate change for five years, providing academic training on these issues.
  • Recently, he got appointed as the sole prescriber in Mexico for circular economy and sustainability by the MIA (Madrid Investment Attraction) office.
  • Additionally, Carmelo was one of the guests at the Entrepreneurship Declaration Signing by the Global Honor Entrepreneurship.
  • He is one of two sustainability influencers for SAP, which is one of the world’s leading producers of business process management software, developing solutions that facilitate efficient data processing and information flow between organizations.
  • For two years, he was the coordinator of Quality within the Sustainability area, in the corporate of OMA (Grupo Aeroportuario Centro Norte). In this company, Carmelo implemented Brazilian software for sustainability indicators.
  • In Banorte corporate, a company born in Monterrey, he was the deputy director of sustainability at the group level for five years.
  • Carmelo is also a member/advisor to the Technical Council on Climate Change in Nuevo León, in the Nuevo León Agrifood Cluster, and the Environmental Impact Commission in Canaco Monterrey.
  • He is the President of the Sustainability Committee at the Mexican Association of Investors (AMI), a Partner of Foretica, which is a sustainability and social responsibility organization in Spain.
  • For four years, he has been a member and mentor of the evaluation committee of the Green Latin America Awards (PLV), which is a sustainability festival that rewards and gives visibility to the best 500 social and environmental projects in Ibero-America.
  • These last six years, Carmelo has served as synodal, thesis advisor, and professor for master’s and doctoral degrees in 14 subjects at 6 universities to more than a thousand students in Spain, Mexico, and Ecuador. He has given more than 100 presentations in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, and Spain. He has also successfully published more than 20 articles in specialized magazines.

The Foundation of CSR Consulting

Carmelo states, “We are going through a critical moment in environmental, social, and economic matters; therefore, industries play a very important role in achieving change for a better world.”

CSR Consulting aims to increase the competitiveness and positioning of companies in sustainability issues. Its mission is to support companies with their Business Sustainability Strategies, providing consulting with personalization attention and the necessary tools to achieve their goals in environmental, social, and corporate governance matters.

CSR’s values include commitment, integrity, efficiency, respect, and service excellence.

About Service Offerings

CSR Consulting offers the creation and implementation of socio-environmental strategies, as well as submission and response diligence to questionnaires in order to obtain recognition and certifications on initiatives such as CDP, SMETA (Sedex), EcoVadis, Socially Responsible Company (ESR) or Dow Jones Sustainability Index, among others. It also prepares diagnoses and sustainability reports and designs KPIs for quality, health, and safety at work, energy, environment, and social responsibility.

The company implements management systems such as ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, carries out circular economy diagnoses, offsets the GHG emissions emitted, and also prepares sustainability events, and offers training through diplomas or courses, among many other services.

The Wall of Achievements

CSR Consulting’s greatest achievement is to have the opportunity to work with multinational clients and obtain satisfactory results.

Not only this but also one of its other greatest achievements has been that both small and large companies trust them to achieve their goals.

Also, CSR Consulting is glad to have been considered for several awards. Throughout its four years in the market, it has successfully obtained the following awards:

  • 2021 and 2022. Socially Responsible Company (ESR).
  • 2022. The best environmental consultant in the XI Edition of the El Suplemento National Awards.
  • 2022. The third most important environmental consultancy in Mexico according to the Consulting Magazine.
  • 2022. One of the 50 most important consultants in Mexico according to Consulting Magazine. 2022. European Award for Technology and Innovation.
  • 2022. Best Management Consulting Provider-North eastern Mexico Within the Small Business Awards, hosted by Corporate Vision.
  • In addition, since 2020 it has been a company adhering to the United Nations Global Compact and with zero CO2 emissions.

Standing Tall amongst all Competitors

CSR Consulting offers an excellent service, which is reflected in the achievement of the objectives of its clients in terms of sustainability. The company is certain that all of its clients have improved their strategies on environmental, social, and corporate governance issues. CSR Consulting invites everyone to meet them on their website in the “customers” section.

In addition, it makes the following promise to its clients:

  • Position them as the center of our activity, to maintain a lasting relationship based on mutual trust.
  • Promote clear, transparent, and effective communication throughout the consultation process.
  • Favour the development of practices and policies that adapt to the company’s culture.

Also, CSR Consulting is committed to hiring its associates based on recognition and merit, without regard to any other considerations.

Therefore, CSR Consulting commits to its collaborators to respect diversity and promote equal opportunities, promote practices that contribute to a good work-life balance, and promote a healthy business culture where collaborators can develop organically, through shared values.

The entire team at CSR Consulting is committed to respecting the Human Rights found in the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Declaration of the International Labor Organization on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

It ensures that all its collaborators offer excellent customer service and can lead customers to achieve their goals.

Cherishing a Good Work-Life Balance

CSR Consulting recognizes the importance of the balance between work and personal life. It provides its collaborators with favorable working conditions by having the opportunity to work from home and flexible hours.

Likewise, the company promotes work habits and practices for better performance in the activities carried out.

It promotes the professional and personal growth of its collaborators, as well as the support of basic education through training and professional development programs. In CSR, workers are provided with the option of training on topics such as social responsibility and circular economy, to promote an internal environmental culture.

CSR Consulting has programs for hiring people with disabilities with adequate facilities to work in favorable conditions.

A Promising Future

CSR Consulting is expanding. The company aims to implement its services in Spain by the last quarter of the year.

In Mexico, it is working to implement more services such as the purchase of carbon credits. In addition, it recently began to offer compliance services since it became a part of Becompliance. It also offers services related to the creation of complaint channels, privacy and data protection, and criminal liability, among others.

CSR Consulting is thankful to work together with Becompliance as the company can now offer the services mentioned above in the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Spain.

Words of Wisdom

“Environmental strategies are becoming more important in the current and future context; the concern to reduce the social and environmental impact is now vital in any business model”. – Carmelo Santillán

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