Dawn Maroney: An Inspirational and Visionary Leader Heading Alignment Health in Pursuit Of Organizational Success

Spearheading marketing efforts around the brand, Dawn Maroney, President, Markets of Alignment Health, and CEO of Alignment Health Plan, crafted a unique stance for herself as an inspiring woman leader after being part of Alignment Health, a tech-enabled Medicare Advantage company championing a new path in senior care.

In her role, Ms. Maroney oversees Alignment’s growth and expansion in all areas, from sales strategy, product strategy, market expansions, and acquisitions to partnership account management. She focuses on leading the development of unique products, directing marketing initiatives, and handling direct response initiatives. She also oversees the complex planning and implementation of sales strategies as well as combining these channels with Alignment’s wide network of providers, health plans, and hospital systems. Ms. Maroney has spent the last 30 years working in the field. Prior to her current position, she held a number of leadership positions in the development of new products and growth in the Medicare market, with a focus on the expansion of membership, revenue, and plan ratings.

“Our mission is to change health care for the better, one patient at a time. I want to be a part of that by driving change to improve care for seniors across the United States. Competitors in our industry are following our lead. That is exciting to see, and it tells us we are moving in the right direction”, the leading lady apprised.

The Key Motivation Behind the Inception of Alignment Health

John Kao, Founder & CEO of Alignment Health, first encountered the distress caused by how disjointed and unconnected the healthcare system has become while providing care for his ailing mother and a brother with a disability. He collaborated with industry leaders in healthcare to create a new type of patient-centric healthcare company. And Dawn Maroney is one of those proud individuals to whom he reached out.

Milestones and Achievements: Membership Growth

The team’s and Alignment Health’s success is evident in their yearly membership growth. They recently achieved a significant milestone by signing up 100,000 new members. Alignment Health is currently supporting the California Assembly Bill, which would guarantee that low-income seniors in California with serious health issues receive more highly integrated and coordinated healthcare options.

Plans in the Pipeline

Alignment Health envisions a world where getting older is a source of confidence and where it is embraced and appreciated rather than discounted or treated as a disease. The team hopes that more senior citizens will have access to the Alignment Health experience in the coming years.

The Primary Industry Hurdles

Due to a growing provider shortage, the U.S. healthcare sector is dealing with a number of difficulties, including affordability and accessibility. By offering a wide range of services that make use of technology, assist the doctor, and prioritize the elderly, Alignment Health responds to these difficulties. To give their clinical teams insights to deliver individualized care at scale, Alignment’s proprietary AVA technology platform analyzes data from more than 200 unique data sources using more than 170 artificial intelligence models.

Ms. Maroney’s Take on the Leadership

For me, leadership involves gathering and nurturing a group of experts who are connected, cooperative, have the same goal, and are driven to succeed. I want anyone who works for me to grow and succeed. Everything I do and every decision I make is grounded in my faith in those who work for and with me. I expect all of us to use the stop, Challenge, Choose approach in our business activities.

Parting Words by the Influential Lady

Try to leave your comfort zone, which often means having the courage to take risks and learn from failure. Remind yourself of the value of resilience, so you can find a way to persevere when the chips are down. Always know your value. If you do not, few will. Take a seat at the table that you want. If there is no seat for you, build your own table.

Good to Great by Jim Collins illustrates how we can all triumph as time and experience pass and how that success can be ingrained into your corporate culture, taking your organization and the individuals within it from good to great.

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