Cloud migration and its effects

Cloud migration and its effects

Zuckerberg’s “Move fast and break things” is old now. These days entrepreneurs trust in something else, “moving fast without breaking things”. The Facebook founder wanted to explain the inner construction of a company with that trendy line.

These days, people are eager to showcase their products before clients without checking their proper condition. Sometimes, the product is not suitable for the country or the surroundings. But entrepreneurs never think of these points, and they want to showcase the product anyhow. Hence the tendency of using substandard products is increasing with each passing day. People are not bothered about the quality of the product, and therefore, moving fast is breaking things easily!

Present conditions: 

But post-Covid 19 and worldwide lockdown, this tendency changes. Every day, new data are collected by companies out there. These amounts of data can be reused, rechecked, and modified for the sake of anyone’s business.

Covid 19 made the whole world change their work policies. Under such circumstances, people handling these new data are also changing their way of working. Taking time to analyze the data and then reuse it per the company’s requirements is essential. People are thinking about new cloud migration policies.

What is Cloud Migration? 

Every company possesses a vast amount of raw data. Now all these data are not required for their on-site projects. Most of these data can be used for research purposes. Hence, companies need to shift unimportant data to the cloud.

This shifting is known as cloud migration. Choosing the right amount of data and proper cloud-native architecture is essential. Companies do have experts who have been working in this sector for several years. Selecting the appropriate files for the migration is very important. Hence, the experts take the help of a lot of policies. Let’s discuss some for a better understanding of this.

Cloud Migration Policies: 

Generally, four ways are used for cloud migration policies. Planning, Choosing the right place, Migrating the data, and validating the task.

  •     Planning the whole migration from scratch: First of all, you need to know which data you want to move. Specific projects are going on in your company. You need to give privilege to the projects going on.

You have to buy resources if required for your project. So, before migrating your data, you should know whether this will be necessary or not! In the case of cloud space, you have to buy cloud space to contain more data than you will move from your on-site computer to the cloud. So, be sure whether you want to make more investment or not! If you are sure about this, then only choose the migration option. Discuss everything with your data expert personnel.

  •     Choose the right cloud for the migration: Different types of clouds are available; Public cloud, private cloud, multi-cloud, or hybrid cloud. Depending on the type of cloud-native data you will place there, you need to choose the cloud type.
  •     Migrating the data and apps: Now, you need to migrate your files to the cloud you have chosen. But before you do so, please check the data recovery and security policies of the cloud you have chosen. Some clouds are not reasonable when it comes to protecting your important data. So, be sure before moving your essential data to the selected cloud.
  •     Validating the task: After migrating the data to the cloud, you should access it easily with the password. Please check whether the system is working the way it should work! If the process is smooth and hassle-free, your job is done!

Cloud migration strategies: Six types of  Strategies are generally available in the market.

  •     Rehosting: Here, you are shifting an exact copy of the data being used in your environment. There are no changes made. You lift the data and copy and place it in the cloud.
  •     Repurchasing: Moving the data to a new cloud requires a particular modification. Your employees may need to learn new policies and programs to work in this atmosphere.
  •     Replatforming: This is almost the same as the Rehosting thing. A few changes are made in this case.
  •     Refactoring: It is like rebuilding all the applications from scratch. Though it is the most expensive process, it would be the best to choose if you see a promising business future!
  •     Retiring: We end up procuring lots of applications for several projects. Sometimes, many of these applications stay on the stack for years without being used! If you find some of these applications during the migration, you can turn them off as you may not require them anymore!
  •     Retaining: Sometimes, we may find that our business is not ready for any movement at present. You may not see it worth using the migration at all! If you feel so, please visit the migration page a few months later, and then you might find it reasonable enough to invest in!


Now, you have been told to move your data to the cloud. The first question that might arise is, ‘Why should I?’ Here are a few reasons you should or can move your data to the cloud!

Cost-effective: Hosting cost is enormous. If you keep all the data to your server, you need to bear many expenses. In the case of cloud hosting, someone else is taking care of your data in exchange for a significantly less amount!

Agility: Your team may stay at different corners of the world. You can work on the same project when all data is available on the cloud! Simple, it increases agility.

Recovering data is easy: Some third parties take care of your data, and they have a backup of it. So, even if the server crashes down and all data are gone, they are ready for backup!


Cloud migration is all about the present. Whether you want to work on data or development, cloud migration is totally new and very much in demand right now.

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