CloudWize: Helping Companies Get Maximum Cloud Security and Compliance

Cybersecurity has always been a never-ending race against time, but the changes are gaining momentum. Companies are slowly investing in various technologies that can help them run businesses. Thanks to technological advancements, companies are now layering more systems into their existing IT network to support their customer experience, and generate value, and remote work. However, adding these new layers often comes with the cost of creating new vulnerabilities.

On the other hand, cybercriminals use various integrated tools and capabilities with machine learning and artificial intelligence to exploit vulnerabilities. Therefore, the threat is growing fast, and no organization is immune. Everyone, from small and medium enterprises to various municipalities, governments, and large multinational companies, faces such risks.

With the mission of providing an easy-to-use tool for complex environments and 24/7 maximum
cloud security and compliance to every company, Chen Goldberg, Co-founded CloudWize, a no-code platform for maximum cloud security and compliance from architecture design to runtime.

Chen is an experienced cloud engineer with knowledge and hands-on experience in various technologies like Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, Consulting/Software Development, DevOps tools, and Risk Management. During the last 15 years, he has worked in the development and operations, building infrastructure and implementing best practices in different leadership roles.

Since CloudWize’s foundation, Chen and his team have been building and improving the best tools for cloud security and compliance with the vision to include all the cloud pillars.

Helping Companies to Secure their Cloud

As a no-code platform for maximum cloud security and compliance from architecture design to runtime, CloudWize helps organizations secure their cloud and uphold regulations. During the period of the last 10 months, as much as 79% of companies have suffered from cloud data breaches, exposing them to hefty fines from regulators, getting a bad reputation, and ultimately losing customers.

Thanks to CloudWize, companies can now get more than 800 rules that are continuously running on their cloud services. “But to really better cloud security and compliance, we have investigation abilities like no other. The CISO, DevSecOps, or anyone else can easily detect and fix cloud issues, no code required.“- says Chen.

CloudWize has various alerts and insights showing security, compliance, operations, costs, and performance coverage reports. It also provides much-needed recommendations to users on how to improve their coverage based on the severity and auto-remediation with just a click of a button. Additionally, CloudWize’s drag and drop interface makes it easy to customize security, compliance, cost, operations, and performance rules. Anyone who wants peace of mind should choose CloudWize because it’s a personal virtual CISO that works automatically 24//7.

Chen believes one of the biggest challenges for the companies lies in their cloud’s access control, mainly because various stakeholders need to access the cloud. However, with CloudWize, companies can now see who did what, where in the cloud, and when. As a holistic platform to cloud security and compliance, CloudWize is often referred to as a cloud security center of excellence. It also provides users extensive context in minutes and helps SMBs, enterprises, and even MSP and MSSP to reduce operating costs by up to 90%.

The Differentiating Factor

Chen explains that CloudWize’s competitors offer an out-of-the-box solution, while his company has not only made rules, but it also has no-code customization. Also, with the platform’s graph engine, users can investigate events, metrics, data transfer, configurations, network relations, and cost business impact in minutes.CloudWize combines the risks with actual pentest to enable prioritization of the company’s risks, which gives real context to the company and reduces the noise. Also, as a client-focused company, CloudWize’s dedicated support team helps right from onboarding and anything else that its users need.

The Pandemic’s Effect

As we all witnessed, the pandemic has accelerated the move to the cloud as people had to work from home. So, along with big tech companies, small and medium businesses also moved online, and with that move came many security breaches and regulatory compliances. So, CloudWize is working with companies of all shapes and sizes to make everyone secure and compliant.

We want everyone who uses the cloud to have maximum cloud security and compliance, understand what’s going on, and see the connection and business impact. After all, there are reasons behind the configurations and how the architecture is built. If someone is unaware of those reasons, he can do something that will impact other stakeholders and can also impact the entire company.“- asserts Chen.

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