Gehad Hamdy | Founder | Speak Up | Business Magazine | Tycoon Success Magazine

Gehad Hamdy: Supporting Egyptian Women from Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a serious problem in Egypt and has become increasingly pervasive in recent years. The country has one of the highest sexual harassment rates in the world, with nearly 99% of Egyptian women reporting experiencing some form of sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment often takes the form of verbal or physical harassment, including catcalling, unwanted touching, and even rape. It is often seen as a normal part of everyday life in Egypt, and many women feel powerless to do anything about it. Even if they report the harassment, they are often met with indifference or even denial from the authorities. Although the Egyptian government has taken steps to address the issue, much is still to be done. Many laws have been passed to protect women from sexual harassment, but they are rarely enforced. So, in 2020 Gehad Hamdy, a 27-year-old dentist, founded the Speak Up initiative against sexual harassment and gender-based violence in Egypt. Speak Up is the number one destination for the victims of gender-based violence in Egypt, looking for perpetrators’ exposure, psychological support, legal guidance, and solidarity. In 2022, BBC recognized Gehad as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in the world. She is also a winner of two Women SME Leaders 2022 awards, including The Change Maker and The Humanitarian. Additionally, she was a finalist for the Women Empowerment Award by Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum 2021 and the current finalist for the International Humanitarian Award by Women4Africa 2022.

Establishing Speak-Up

Since its foundation in 2020, the Speak Up movement has gained immense momentum. With its followers increasing each passing day, Speak Up has filled a much-needed gap for women in Egyptian society.

“Speak Up expanded widely and has been a direct cause of female-empowerment legislation issued by the Egyptian parliament. Also, we have initiated various campaigns against harassers and rapists, many of which resulted in their arrest and accountability,”– states Gehad.

Women from all backgrounds have found refuge in the Speak Up community for perpetrators’ exposure, legal guidance, and psychological support. Since the initiative’s inception, Gehad has witnessed an unbelievable rise in the number of women coming out and reporting their harassers, despite the threats made against every woman in Egypt who does so. After gaining unbelievable support from the majority of Egyptian celebrities, Speak Up also exposed many male public figures for promoting rape culture in their work and became widely feared by the harassers.

Bringing Perpetrators to Book

The most prominent example of Speak Up’s commitment to this cause is the famous campaign against a serial child rapist, Michael Fahmy. Gehad launched, managed, and mobilized all her resources for this campaign until the perpetrator was behind bars and tried for severe charges that eventually ended in a life sentence. Gehad was so devoted to the process of seeing these victims get justice that she had to quit her profession as a dentist in order to focus on the case.

“We also pushed for public figures to be canceled after promoting rape culture in their work, such as singer Saad Lamjarred who was accused of rape and whose shows in Egypt were canceled after a collaborative feminist campaign in which Speak Up played a big role,”– explains Gehad.

Gehad also spearheaded Speak Up’s viral campaign against the iconic Egyptian singer Amr Diab who took part in a Citroën advertisement that promoted non-consensual photographing of women. This viral campaign eventually resulted in the cancellation of the advertisement and an apology from the car manufacturer.

Bringing an Immense Societal Change

Under Gehad’s Leadership, Speak Up worked on more than 400 cases, bringing justice to victims. Through its vast network of connections, the organization has provided free legal and psychological assistance to more than 14,000 victims by connecting them to volunteering professionals.

Speak Up advocated for amendments to Egyptian law that criminalized Female Genital Mutilation, which the Egyptian House of Representatives adopted, and the law came into effect in march 2021. In response to its campaigns, Speak Up has collected over 15,000 sexual harassment testimonies and 20,000 testimonies of domestic violence, marital rape, bullying, virginity tests, female genital mutilation (FGM), violent obligation on religious rituals, and medical bias against women. Also, a viral campaign by Speak Up has ensured the provision of free sanitary pads in more than 80 schools and 11 cafes across Egypt.

Looking at the Future

In the future, Gehad will continue to advocate for creating a special unit at the ministry of interior trained to handle female blackmail and extortion. She also plans to scale the initiative to get higher reach in all governorates of Egypt with professionals addressing local issues in each Egyptian governorate and launch a professional blog to increase awareness on various topics related to sexual and reproductive health, legal issues regarding harassment, and general awareness.

Being the initiative’s founder, Gehad envisions Speak Up solidifying and officializing its role as the primary actor and channel of communication coordinating between the victims and the authorities.

“My vision for a better world is one free of gender-based violence in all its forms, where women and minorities are empowered to speak up for themselves and not be shamed by their societies,”– Gehad concludes.


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