Artificial Intelligence

How AI Will Change Your Future!

Evolution and modification are important terms to bring change in technology now.  Technological evolution comes with extraordinary changes, and day by day, it assists human beings in making life better. The primary purpose of machines and technology is to simplify complicated and time-consuming tasks for humans. In the evolution of technology, there is most interesting and advanced term is arrived known as Artificial Intelligence. In 1950, Minsky and McCarthy developed the first AI-based technology, which proved as a great initiative. Firstly, we will try to know what intelligence is. Intelligence is not a skill or any god-gifted thing, but it is the art of learning new things easily, in the case of humans as well as machines, but intelligence in machines is known as Artificial Intelligence. 

AI is not now only a wish for the future; it is established in the present also. In the form of self-driving vehicles, automation in public transport, automotive semiconductors, and many more things are examples that Artificial intelligence tech has entered our life. AI tech is adapted to some human behaviors like problem-solving, reasoning, working speed, manipulation, and gaining knowledge; these are some demonstrations that tell us that artificial intelligence is a replication of human intelligence. In AI-based technology, input data is given to a system or machine to do work, resulting in the output of that AI-based device. Smart devices like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are the best examples of AI tech today. 

As AI is becoming a vast technology field, many software engineers and developers are continuously researching in innovating AI technology. AI technology tools help many businesses to handle their data and workload within a few minutes. So along with the company, other sectors like the governmental, educational, and transport facilities are adapting these AI features. As AI is trying to walk in every field, there are certain types of Artificial intelligence, which are given below. Some of these types of AI aren’t possible in the present situation. It will be possible in the future if engineers will able to develop specific algorithms and software.

Types of AI

  • Reactive AI Devices

In this type, data or information is provided to the respective device to perform certain actions and give output as results. Reactive AI devices only use current data to perform any action and don’t have capabilities like advanced AI. Reactive AI devices don’t remember past details and don’t use any experience for future activities. These types of devices are worked and processed for that given data, and this action makes them limited in the AI field. But this type acts as a foundation for the next inventions in AI.

Examples of Reactive AI: IBM, Chess playing supercomputers, Spam filters, 

  •  Limited Memory AI

This type of AI has the capability to use past data and experience for the prediction of future actions. Historical observations with pre-programmed data help to make and predict decisions. But all this past information is stored in that device’s memory for a short time. For example, Self-driven cars observe other cars on the road, store that information and use it during automotive driving. This understanding and interpreting of observed information are stored in their limited memory.

There are several types of Limited Memory AI:

  1. Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning deals with teaching computers or machines with the help of a particular programming language. This learning helps machines learn and do things—for example, many advanced games Like chess on computers. 
  2. Long-short term Memory(LSTM): In this type, machines can store information in the form of memory like human behavior. Using recent information or memory, machines can predict things to do complex tasks. 
  3. Evolutionary generative adversarial networks(E-GAN): E-GAN is an advanced type of limited-memory AI. According to this type, machines will evolve in every specific generation and do modifications and mutations in their systems. If any previous generation system had an error, it would be modified by the next generation because certain types of programming system models would be fixed in machines. Therefore, E-GAN is quite an interesting part of machine learning and AI. 

Examples of Limited Memory AI: Apple’s chatbot Siri, Self-driven cars.

  • Theory of Mind AI

Up to the 19th century, no one imagined that one-day machines would have emotions too. But the magical and revolutionary changes happening in humans’ technology and intelligence power make it possible today. Theory of Mind in Artificial intelligence is the most advanced type of it. In this type, scientists try to build emotional intelligence and psychological knowledge in machines that will think like humans. Basically, machines will have emotions and feedback on every action. We know it might be hard to digest, but much research is going on to make it happen. Currently, this technology is not established by anyone, but many scientists make efforts towards it.

  • Self-aware AI

Many scientists and engineers predict that the future of AI is Self-aware AI. This type will make machines think and be aware of themselves. There are mainly two terms, self-aware AI and robotics. Sometimes many people think that AI technology and robotics concepts are the same, but these two are completely different concepts. AI technology is used as a programming language or system in robots; robots are entirely machines that improve themselves with AI. In the case of Self-aware AI, many people think this type will dominate human power and intelligence. So can’t predict anything, but what do you think about this type, and what will happen if it becomes reality? 

Advantages and Disadvantages of AI

Advantages OF AI :

  • Help to reduce human error in challenging work.
  • AI is proven as the digital assistance of humans. The use of AI makes human life more manageable.
  • Speed of working is faster than any human power.
  • AI is available at any time to humans.

Disadvantages of AI :

  • AI technology and machines make humans lazy.
  • AI devices do not have any emotional intelligence yet.
  • AI systems don’t have creativity and out-of-the-box thinking like humans.
  • Establishing any AI technology costs higher.
  • Unemployment is the thing that makes us rethink the research on this technology
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