Lee McKing

How I Live After Death

Lee McKing started his journey to being a hypnotist on a rather rough track. It started when he was about 18 years old when his father passed away suddenly. Filled with grief and guilt, he fell into depression the first time, wanting to escape from reality. Just a couple years later, just 2 months before his 21st birthday, McKing’s right lung mysteriously burst in his sleep, and according to his doctor then, he could have died in days or minutes as the escaped air could crush his heart. You could say it was a medical anomaly, as many doctors came and saw him but couldn’t explain what had happened, or why it happened. This near-death experience traumatized him, and he develop PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and fell into depression again. He suffered for another 2.5 years with mental, emotional and physical breakdowns, collapsing onto the sink of the toilet, tears, mucus, and saliva flowing non-stop down his face.

It wasn’t until a few years later where he decided he had to make a change in his life, since no one can explain not heal him, McKing decided to take matters into his own hands. He came across Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP for short, and this course from an Australian school was going to share about holistic health techniques, which was what he wanted for himself. During the basic NLP course, he realized what was happening in his mind and more importantly, that he can be cured. Furthering his learning into the Master Practitioner course of NLP with the same school, he realized that hypnosis was the core of NLP. As luck with have it, a German hypnosis trainer was coming to Singapore for the first time to train people in the concepts and principles of hypnosis, and so he signed up and attended that course. If NLP was the foundation or the breadth, the hypnosis course provided the height or depth, and putting this two together allowed McKing to understand the mind deeply, especially his own. In doing so, he started to use a combination of NLP and hypnosis techniques to resolve his own mental health issues, of which there were many.

After settling his mind and recovering, he helped a few people for a meal. This opened his mind to the possibilities of helping people professionally, especially the ones who are suffering from mental health issues in silence. McKing then decided to start a practice professionally in 2015 to help people resolve mental health issues. Over the next few years, due to his unique Conversational Hypnosis style where clients are still conscious and alert during the hypnosis, it has gotten him exposure to various print and online media, both local and overseas. Lee McKing also won the SEA Business Award for Hypnotist of the Year 2020. He is able to do his best for his clients and hearing testimonials from them surprised and delighted on how much they have recovered in just 1 session is deeply satisfying and spurs him on during the rougher times. This is because Lee McKing believes that starting a business requires passion and perseverance, the passion to do your best for your clients or customers, and the perseverance to endure even through hardship. For example, Covid is a tough time for all of us, and in fact, there were thoughts closing down the business at one time. But a reminder of how many clients have been helped, who have recovered from their anxiety and depression, and how many more can be helped if this business continue to exist, gave Lee McKing the courage to continue through such a time.

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