How Smartphones revolutionize the society

How Smartphones revolutionize the society

According to some statistical data, global smartphone users increased by 49.89% during 2017-22. There are about 91% of people use smartphones in the world today. These data reflect how smartphones revolutionize society in less than one decade. Smartphones are now becoming irreplaceable things in the lives of people. With better means of communication and convenience, people are embracing smartphones and their new groundbreaking features. After introducing smartphones, smartphone applications and cutting age features are rapidly evolved and made people’s lives easy and unexpectedly fast. From car games to Netflix and iTunes, the concept and the way of consuming entertainment media have changed remarkably.

The most revolutionized sector in the world because of smartphones is Business. Extraordinary and unbelievable growth in E-Commerce business is only possible due to smartphones. All E-Commerce businesses are able to directly contact and target their customers via smartphones to sell their products. Along with Business and entertainment, sectors like finance, healthcare, travel, and tourism also changed drastically.

Smartphones also transform social interaction into virtual meetings. People can contact their near ones at anytime and anywhere in the world, which greatly impacts people’s social life. Let’s seek into more detail to understand how smartphones revolutionize society and the world.

Enhance social interaction

If we go ten years back, it is hard to interpret that we will talk to people in different towns or even in different countries via video call. With the power of the internet and the arrival of groundbreaking, new technologies smartphones can bring video calls and online meetings. Social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram on mobile phones increase the quality of communication and interaction between people and their families. Applications like Zoom and Google Meet show their incredible use and features of video conferencing and meeting in the last two years. Overall, smartphones and their next-level features are always amazing and help people to connect and interact with everyone.

Impact on Business

A smartphone is an irreplaceable tool in the world today because almost all businesses in the world use E-Commerce websites to acquire customers and launch their products or service to their target audience. Having smartphones in each hand becomes the opportunity and marketing strategy for many E-Commerce businesses in the world. Online shopping is the key service delivered by all Ecom businesses up to people via smartphones. So, online smartphone purchasing and selling greatly impact trades and services.

Marked transformation in education

Education is one of the vital pillars in the society of any nation. Quality of education and educated people define the overall growth of the country. The foremost purpose of education is to equip young people for tomorrow. In the past, many decades have only changed the process of the education system. Today worldwide internet service and handled smartphones revolutionize the educational system drastically. Gone are the days when students relied on their parents, teachers, and school to liberate themselves. Currently, there are uncountable sources from which students can add and gain knowledge on their own with the help of mobile phones and internet services. Smart content allows students to learn with joy and applications that reflect the world’s bright future.

Shift concept of entertainment

Advancements in smartphones have been followed by a plethora of amazing applications. Thanks to google and the apple play store for providing millions of smartphone apps. Ten years back, the concept of entertainment was totally different; people generally went outdoors to enjoy themselves in cinema theaters, traveling only. But today, smartphones and apps like Netflix deliver theater to one’s smartphone. Reportedly, films released on OTT platforms are becoming more successful and popular than in cinema theaters. So, the choices of people are changing regarding content consumption and entertainment.

Considerable change in media and journalism

Smartphones and the internet have incredibly changed journalism and mass media. At times of newspaper, reporters had to wait for 24 hours to publish their breaking news. This sounds like a fairy tale in today’s fast and updated generation because today breaking news from any corner can reach around the world in a few minutes. In the past years, television was selected over newspapers by people. Today television is replaced by all smartphones because TVs cannot broadcast all news at once. Today’s audiences want faster news updates on channels and social media platforms, so the speed of news publishing is the priority for journalists now.

Optimize Financial processes

Smartphones bring banks and all financial processes into one place. Payment apps like Google pay and Amazon pay convert lengthy bank transactions into seconds. In large population countries, it isn’t easy to handle customers for banking institutions for daily transactions, but mobile phones revolutionize all transaction processes by making them easier for people. The use of smartphones replaced physical wallets with digital wallets. Smartphones not only help to pay bills but help to optimize and manage money and assets of people by having online apps. We analyze our spending, investing portfolios, and bank accounts on a single device.

Travel and navigation

Planning for any trip and travel becomes easy when you have a smartphone. With advanced apps on the smartphone, you can book your tickets and residential facility out of your town or country with a single click. From buying tickets for your flights to searching must-watch destinations and famous food of any place is possible due to the use of smartphones. After visiting any new place, the vital requirement is for a navigator, which is also provided by Google maps, to find out the route that you want. Advanced navigation features in smartphones can help you to live and accommodate in unfamiliar destinations easily.

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