Career Leap

How To Prepare For A Career Leap After A Slowdown

A career slowdown can happen to anyone, from women leaving the workforce due to a maternity break to young professionals returning to college for education. Whatever the reason, a slowdown leads to a loss of momentum. You may struggle to make a comeback, regardless of your skills and experience. Fortunately, a little planning can get you on the right track and even set you up for a successful return. Here are a few actionable tips to prepare for a career leap after a slowdown. 

Start with a vision 

The best way to rebuild your professional foundation is to start with a vision. Identify your purpose because it can motivate you to invest effort for a challenging comeback. For example, a new mom may want to prove her point that it is possible to rebuild a career after motherhood. Likewise, a middle-aged professional may envision himself in a dream role after starting afresh. Having a clear vision of your final goal puts you in a better place to achieve it. 

Upgrade your skills 

Upgrading your skills sets the stage for a leap because you need to offer extra to gain a winning advantage. After all, any employer will need a good reason to give you a higher salary or role than what seems feasible according to your current position. An upgrade can also counter the negative impact of the slowdown and make you relevant. The good thing is that you can easily add a new skill to your arsenal by enrolling in an online course.  

Get smart with negotiations  

A career leap requires a jump in your salary figure, which is possible only if you are great at negotiating offers. You can do it with good research of your industry and role. Digging deep into company-specific figures is an even better idea. For example, a professional looking for a job at salesforce can learn How to negotiate salesforce job offer by checking the numbers online and connecting with employees. Also, work on your persuasion abilities to get recruiters on your side. 

Ask for help 

Returning to the workforce after a slowdown is daunting, and things get even more challenging if you have a leap in mind. But asking for help can make a real difference as you may land a dream opportunity if someone gives a referral or recommendation. Tap your network, reconnect with colleagues, and reach out to business leaders in your niche. Who knows, you may strike gold in an unexpected place! 

Skip a Plan B 

You may be low on confidence after a career break, but having a plan B can give you more reasons to lose opportunities. Conversely, focusing single-mindedly on your goal and plan sets you up for success. Be open to a slow start because you can always pick speed and get a big leap once you are back into action. But do not give up on your dream job or employer, and stick with your comeback vision. 

A career leap after a slowdown sounds contradictory, but it is absolutely doable. You only require a strategic approach to emerge as a winner even after a break. Follow these tips to climb the growth ladder sooner than later

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