Janifer Wheeler, Founder, JOYFully BadAss Business Academy™

Janifer Wheeler: An Influential Womanpreneur, Creating A Success Path For Other Aspiring Entrepreneurs

The Proud Entrepreneur and Productivity & E-Learning Consultant, Janifer Wheeler, Founder, JOYFully BadAss Business Academy is an influential business figure. Apart from being a Time Management Junkie and Growth Mindset Enthusiast, Janifer is renowned as an International, Best-Selling Author, and Award-Winning Speaker.

She has a Masters in Education – Integrating Technology in Grades 3-12 from Walden University and a Bachelors in Education, Field Of Study Early Childhood Education from Georgia Southern University.

JOYFully BadAss and Its Unique Solutions

The JOYFully BadAss Business Academy™ provides training courses and consulting as follows:

  • Custom Curriculum and Workshop Design
  • Productivity Courses and Consulting
  • Keynote Speaker or Workshop Facilitator
  • E-Learning Consulting and Design

While searching for an innovative way to swizzle from in-person to completely online, she discovered an exciting new method for delivering courses and content via TEXT messages.

  • NO ZOOM!
  • No logging in!
  • No weekly calls!
  • Just short, easy to access, easy to implement e-learning delivered right to your phone!

The primary goal of the  JOYFully BadAss Business Academy™ is to help other small business owners, coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs’ burnout prove their business with JOYFull Productivity!

Janifer’s clientele includes busy, badass female business owners and entrepreneurs who are overwhelmed and overworked. They are struggling to stay organized and work efficiently. Their To-Do Lists are endless. They may be constantly stressed, exhausted, and irritable. Many are headed for burnout. Most don’t have employees or any assistance. Or, if they do, they aren’t utilizing them.

Janifer Wheeler works closely with Virtual Assistant Agencies. Although their clients may be delegating to a VA already, many are still underutilizing their contracted hours. New clients may not know where to start and feel overwhelmed by weeding through their task lists to figure out what to delegate.

The Source of Inspiration

In May 2011, Janifer Wheeler realized that after nearly 20 years of working for schools and small businesses, she was burned out…not just on work, but on the goals and expectations she was trying to achieve. She felt trapped by her own choices and decided to take a risk and quit teaching so she could get to know herself better and forge a new path. It wasn’t easy, but she learned so much about her work style, work attitude, the type of work she wanted to do, and her values. Her highest value is freedom … no wonder it was so hard to work for other people! All of this information helped her confirm that she was born to be an entrepreneur.

Major Hurdles on the Way & The Driving Force

Before Covid, Janifer Wheeler was presenting workshops, training, and consulting in person. Although she can do it, she is not a fan of teaching via Zoom and wanted to find another way to deliver her courses that did not include a lot of virtual presentations. This was a huge challenge and it took her several months to find a Learning Management System that would meet her needs. This led to a total rebranding and redesign of offers, programs, etc., so she has spent most of the last year reinventing herself.

This is Janifer’s confidence and her self-belief that keep her growing. Some of it she was born with but so much of it came from the amazing people who encouraged her, validated her, and gave her suggestions for growth over the years.

From the Founder’s Desk

When I’m not helping you crush your goals and level up your productivity, you can find me in my little RV… by the water, communing with nature.  It’s what I do to drop my stress and re-focus. I’m also a super big reading nerd (yes, I’ve been known to read on the treadmill #likeaboss).

I’ve built my life on the idea that efficiency and productivity have the power to make life spacious enough to hold your dreams. If you snuck a peek at my resume, you’d see that I’m a Certified Teacher & Curriculum Designer, Certified Diversity Professional®, and I have over a decade of experience as both an adult educator and business operations expert. Did I mention I take getting things done seriously? I can’t give you more hours in the day, but I can help you get so much more juice and life out of the hours you have.

Have you ever found yourself thinking…?

…how in the heck can I do it all?

…oh snap – did I forget something seriously important?

…I’d accomplish so many goals if I just had a little more time.

…nobody understands how many plates I’m juggling right now.

…building my own business wasn’t supposed to feel this way.


I’ll come alongside you, create a clear path for success, and put my proven productivity and organization strategies to work for you. Because I know how much amazing stuff you can accomplish with the right systems and perspective—and I want to share my know-how with you.

A Day in Janifer’s Life

She does not have a strict daily schedule or routine. She generally begins her day with coffee and some journaling. Then, she does household chores and appointments in the morning when possible and works on business tasks throughout the afternoon. She tries to finish working by 4:30 or 5. From there, she has dinner, watches movies, or sees live music. Bedtime is usually around 10:30 and she ends her day with a book.

Favorite Books & Favourite Quote

STRONG and FREE! This collection features stories of women from around the globe who broke up with society’s expectations and lived life on their terms. The Values Factor by John DeMartini is the second favorite.  This book showed her that freedom was her most important value.

“Beautiful girl, you can do hard things.” – Sloane Ketchum

This is a go-to quote for Janifer Wheeler. It reminds her to believe in herself and not let “what ifs” get in the way of what she wishes to achieve.

Future Roadmap

While talking about her future goals, the leading lady apprised, “I hired a new marketing agency in November. I am thrilled with our strategy for 2022 and SUPER excited about the launch of two new JOYFully BadAss Business Academy™ courses in January 2022, along with the paperback copy of STRONG and FREE.”

She continued, “Our strategy also includes adding an affiliate program, a membership model, and more speaking opportunities. I get ideas for new courses all the time so there will certainly be more learning offers in 2022. I am considering a JOYFully BadAss Business Academy App and/or another book!”

Jewels in the Crown

Here is the list of awards won by the business lady:

  • Certified Diversity Professional Designation 2020
  • 2021 Brainz CREA Global Award
  • 2019 Women’s Economic Forum Exceptional Woman of Excellence
  • 2021 Netwomen.co Ambassador
  • 2018-2021 Polka Dot Powerhouse Board Member
  • 2021 Amazon Author: Strong and Free

A Piece of Advice for Female Entrepreneurs

Learn enough to make wise decisions, but don’t try to learn it all. Ask for help! And remember, if it’s not JOYFull, why do it?


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