Matthews Healthcare

Matthews Healthcare Education is a first of its kind for Illinois’ job seekers

“Matthews” started July 5 th , 1978.

His name was Matthew A Collura he died in February 2002, but the impact of his life would be eternal. Matthew would make an impact on countless lives who never knew him.

It was an important message that we feel at this time needs to be shared. A question that needs an answer. Why? Why did we start Matthews Healthcare Education? Matthew was everything you hope to have in a Brother. Someone that is caring of others, fights for what is right, has impeachable integrity and above all else inspires others without effort. Matthew the boy grew into Matthew the man and embodied everything that was good in a person. He was the best of us, and his life was tragically lost just as it began.

In 2008, Michael A Collura Matthews eldest Brother, finally had the chance to properly say goodbye to his younger sibling. He built a one of a kind training program that, like Matthew himself, embodied everything that was good about people. Matthews Healthcare Education was created, and, in that moment, Matthew was part of Michael’s life again.

Today Matthews is among the first and only programs approved to operate by the Private Business and Vocational Schools Division of the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

Aside from being just as unique as the man himself, Matthews has set out to develop and deliver a training program allowing its students to obtain real world, high demand and employment ready skills in the health care industry, specifically focusing on the most in demand of our time, caregivers.

The program, now approved by the Board of Higher Education, is the embodiment of the spirit of Matthew and over the past decade plus of operation it has developed a reputation for producing some of the best caregivers in the market. It now readies itself to launch in all 50 states by January 2022!

Matthews Healthcare Education is intended to do good, and it does. It provides training, skills and continuing education at a low cost and fast pace allowing its participants to join a growing job market that is in high demand and with secure income potential.

“This is not a celebration of an achievement for the business. This is a celebration of what has been achieved in the name of a young man that mattered. My Brother, who I miss every day, and who I hope is proud of what has been created in his name.” -Michael A Collura, President Matthews Healthcare Education

Matthews Healthcare Education is on the frontline of rebuilding the local community, the job market and the healthcare system. It is achieving these milestones in the midst of a pandemic. Why? Because Matthew himself cared for people, he would fight for what is right, his integrity was beyond reproach and he inspired. As such, so do we.

More breaking news on Matthews! Now until July 5th, 2022 the entire online catalog and courses offered through Matthews in all 50 States is FREE to everyone and anyone in celebration of the life and inspiration behind this mission and brand.

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Media contacts:      877.499.0066


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