Mike Van Pelt | Founder | True Man Life Coaching | Business Magazine | Tycoon Success Magazine

Mike Van Pelt: Helping Men Gain Control of Their Lives

Meet Mike Van Pelt, the founder of True Man Life Coaching and the host & Creator of the True Man Podcast. Mike’s passion and experience in coaching, guiding, and mentoring men have come from his earlier involvement in leading Christian men’s groups, along with his own journey to redirect his life journey and achieve success. Mike brings over two decades of deep organizational expertise and thought leadership in account management, consulting, and leadership development. He has a B.A. degree in Business Leadership and a Master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of Arizona.

Known as the “Comeback Coach,” Mike founded True Man Life Coaching as a specialized coaching service to help others reach their maximum potential and achieve excellence. Mike’s primary purpose in starting True Man Life Coaching was to assist men who have misinterpreted the directions of their lives. He believes men want success and satisfaction in each and every area of their lives and are looking for a roadmap of discovery back to their true minds and hearts. His goal is to become an instrument of guidance and healing to lift the heavy heart loads that many men carry with them every day.

Helping Men Gain Control of Their Lives

Initially, Mike started his business as a business consultant, helping small businesses plan for success. However, during the Covid pandemic, he pivoted into men’s life coaching, because it offered a much more personal way to walk alongside men and help them find their way in business and life.

Mike works mainly with men who are at the midpoint in their lives. He believes that this is a crucial time in a man’s life because many have regrets or wounds from their past, and they are ready to move in a new direction. Often, they are looking to recover from these past wounds and are beginning to consider their legacy and how they want to make a positive impact. The greatest satisfaction Mike has is seeing the light come on in a client when he begins to understand his full potential.

“If you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. If you have good people around you, they will show up to help you. If they don’t, change the people around you.”

Under Mike’s leadership, True Man Life Coaching offers 1-on-1 coaching, small group coaching, and mastermind groups. It also provides coaching services to businesses and organizations looking to coach their employees from a Christian perspective.

Standing Apart

Mike’s ability to listen to what’s on a man’s heart and mind and help them process the outcome they want during the coaching process sets him apart from other coaches. While this might sound simple, in a world flooded with coaches, Mike seeks out the answers men already have inside them. He helps his clients reflect on and refocus their past experiences and find the answers they need to create a new roadmap.

The Biggest Accomplishment

Initially, Mike had to zero in on how to best connect with potential clients on the True Man Podcast. This podcast helps Mike reach his audience weekly and talk about topics that are important to men on their life journey.

The True Man Podcast has provided an excellent opportunity for Mike’s potential clients and strategic partners to hear, know, like, and trust him before making a business decision to work together. Mike has also expanded this to a YouTube channel to further bolster his outreach.

Currently, Mike is working on his first book and planning for the first True Man Men’s Summit in 2023. Along with his book and the summit, Mike is available to speak at any Christian or business event. In addition, Mike is a regular guest on other podcasts, speaks at business and professional conferences, and strategically partners with other leaders who share a similar passion and focus.

In addition to being a coach, Mike is happily married to Jill, his wife and best friend of 26 years. They are also proud parents of two talented teenagers. When not coaching, Mike enjoys spending time at one of many family activities or getting in a quick round of golf with friends.

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