Misbah SP | CMO | Uno Re

Misbah SP: The Woman at the Marketing Helm of Uno Re, Enabling the Global Adoption of Web3 as an Industry

Such is the spirit of the woman CMO who inspires us in 2023. Misbah SP is a remarkable business leader, wearing numerous hats at the marketing helm of Uno Re. She is a problem-solver at her core and is driven by the infinite possibilities of achievement and exploration.

An Insight into Misbah’s Professional Journey: Misbah was very interested in science right after high school, and she particularly wanted to study genetic mental diseases and their therapies. She then decided to major in biotechnology. But soon she realized she was better suited for something perhaps a little more fast-moving, with a more rigorous effort to result in flow, than the tedious pace and nature of the study.

Around that time, Web3 and crypto went from being a by-passing hobby to a full-fledged profession. The field was still in its infancy in 2019—and even more so in the MENA area. Because there weren’t many opportunities, Misbbah took advantage of the resources that were available to gain new skills. After some trial and error in Web3-based operations management, employee management, content creation, and more, the magnificent woman had found her niche: Web3 marketing.

The market itself is uncharted, to put it simply; there isn’t much precedent on what might work and what might not, and the conventional tried-and-true guidelines are ineffective when you’re marketing a market that was only created five or six years ago! But that was precisely what had attracted her to it in the first place. The absence of established rules mixed with the industry’s lightning-fast growth made for an intoxicating combination, and her innate drive to bring order and plan to things worked remarkably well inside this framework.

Being a pedant by nature, Misbah wanted to contribute to the space in a way that added value and structure, and the absence of trust and security in the area was a major problem (one that persists to this day, in fact). So when Misbbah was given the chance to work with Uno Re, a Web3 security and insurance protocol, she seized the opportunity without delay.

“My drive to excel myself and my protocol came from pure need; the industry cannot grow without confidence within it, and confidence does not come to industries that are monetarily dangerous. And so, Uno Re (and myself!) have since been on the path to improving DeFi security and crypto fund safety ever since”, quoted Misbah.

Uno Re – At a Glance

Uno Re is the protocol that the DeFi space and its users and builders need right now. It is devoted to offering holistic security through a variety of specially designed tools and services.

DeFi and Web3 are vulnerable to attack since they are new industries and have less established security protocols and rules in place. They are also likely an easier target due to their inherent uncompromisable decentralization.

If Web3 is ever to be globally adopted, this is the biggest and first hurdle that Misbah and her team need to get over. After all, would you put your money on the chain if there was no guarantee of its safety?

Uno Re is achieving this; the protocol was designed to address the problems of trust and security in on-chain markets, enabling the industry to develop and innovate in ways never before possible. Their goal is to facilitate Web3’s widespread market and industrial acceptance so that it becomes as commonplace as the stock market or the iPhone. Misbah is thrilled to be helping with this effort since she thinks that widespread adoption cannot be achieved without security.

Just over two years have passed since the protocol went live, and during that period, numerous security and insurance solutions have been introduced, turning the tide against attackers and malpractices.

“We’ve offered over $4 million in total coverage, underwritten over 99 protocols, and our most recent product, UNO WatchDog (a comprehensive security audit and insurance tool), has produced over $100K in income since its beta introduction in Q2023)“, the leading lady apprised.

Revolutionary Transformations by Misbah

“My objective is to make security and insurance fascinating—a part of the industry that’s perhaps not as happening as gaming, trading, or NFTs—but one that is unquestionably essential to their success,”, asserted the magnificent woman.

Misbah has always put the community first in her work at Uno Re, both in terms of service and involvement. This is one of her key values. She strives to change her point of view from huge to small by adopting that of a DeFi customer and community member.

So overall, the change she is bringing to the brand is reinforcing the perception that the end-user is a builder too, just in a slightly mote-roundabout way, and builders and marketers that realise that, she believes, will succeed in their endeavours more than most.

Overcoming the Hiccups on the Way

The industry comes with its cons, as does any industry; the primary one that Misbah has dealt with in her experience has always been complacency.

She is aware that this may come as a surprise because the DeFi and Web3 spaces were designed to return power to those who engage in them, but she has discovered that users of the spaces frequently become complacent in the knowledge that so-and-so founder claimed that their funds, their NFTs, or their stables were secure until it is regrettably too late.

Uno Re’s mission is to change this perception, to introduce and reinforce an even greater degree of self-sustenance and responsibility within the space, and to take control not just of their funds but also of their safety.

Diversity and Inclusion at Uno Re

According to Misbah, The Web3 space is naturally diverse in terms of cast, colour, gender, and creed, but this does not absolve us of the duty to further this diversity inside our projects.”

Uno Re is built, managed, and operated by individuals from all walks of life, all over the world, and belonging to all genders. Being a woman of colour in a position of power, she is constantly aware of the fact that it’s up to them to maintain this inclusion and to reinforce it at all levels of the organisation.

Keeping Up with Recent Development and Evolution

Uno Re is a basic service, but it’s important to remember that fundamental services must be tailored to fit each new innovation they aim to support. In an industry that evolves nearly daily, so much Uno Re. Their highest level of customization in response to these evolutions and the constant stream of new products and services in Web3 is what sets them apart.

“I’d even go so far as to say that one prominent trait we have—you come to us with a product, a technique, or simply an idea—is responsible for a significant portion of our success. I assure you that we can safeguard it if it involves a smart contract of any kind“, revealed the visionary leader.

The Expansion Binge and Road Ahead

When questioned about the plans for the future, Misbah responded, “I myself am very excited about Uno’s future, thanks to two primary aspects. The first is our most recent security audit and insurance tool, UNO WatchDog, and the enormous potential that it has. We’ve gotten a peek of this potential realised since our test launch roughly 2-3 months ago, and it signals strongly that if we go public with the product, the sky’s the limit!”

“Secondly, Uno Re is currently working to become the first Web3-regulated crypto-native; this opens up a world of opportunities for us as a company, not the least of which is facilitating the injection of Web2 capital into Web3 and being able to service a much larger customer base globally,” she continued.

Words of Wisdom by the Inspiring Lady

Find what comes naturally to you, what feels like something you could accomplish with little work, and then devote all of that wasted effort to mastering it. With a clear route to success comes the opportunity to pursue your passions outside of work as well!

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