Mr. Julio P. Gonzalez | Founder and CEO | Engineered Tax Services, Inc | Tycoon Success | Business Magazine

Mr. Julio P. Gonzalez: One of the Most Innovative CEOs to Follow in 2022

Meet Mr. Julio P. Gonzalez, the Most Interesting Man in Tax, the founder and CEO of USA’s most prominent specialty tax engineering firm, Engineered Tax Services, Inc (ETS). The firm started its journey in 2001 with the hopes of bringing specialized tax credits and incentives to mainstream America, which were only available to the Fortune 500 and public companies through the Big 8 National Accounting firms. Recognizing Mr. Gonzalez’s selfless contribution to the American society, Tycoon Success magazine has awarded him as one of The 10 Most Innovative CEOs to follow in 2022.

Consistently named one of the Top 100 most influential people in Accounting by Accounting Today, Mr. Gonzalez acquired The Growth Partnership, The Rosenberg Survey and ABLE CRM to establish USA’s largest specialty tax and consultive firm to the accounting community.

Nation’s Forefather of Specialty Tax Services

As ETS CEO and Founder, Mr. Gonzalez’s main priority is to arm the accounting firms with needed resources, enabling them to provide tax credits and incentives to their clients, resulting in job growth.

He works closely with Congress on tax reform and is the go-to tax expert representing many national organizations and associations around the country as it relates to federal tax code and tax law. Additionally, he is a regular public speaker on the national level specializing in tax reform and tax sophistication for wealth preservation.

In 2021, Mr. Gonzalez founded Rockerbox to bring the accounting industry best in class resources in employment retention credits and work opportunity training credits. Also, at the end of 2021, he acquired Inside Public Accounting to strengthen his company’s ability to become a go-to resource for the accounting community.

Mr. Gonzalez is known as the nation’s forefather of specialty tax services. He and his companies have also been recognized multiple times for their assistance in preserving jobs in the United States. Presently Mr. Gonzalez and his company ETS are USA’s biggest licensed engineering tax resource to more than 1000 CPA and accounting firms.

Helping Organizations in R&D Credits

Engineered Tax Services focus entirely on federal, state, and local tax benefits as a licensed engineering firm. There are many federal tax incentives, for which the IRS requires professional engineers and scientists to determine the tax benefits in areas like real estate and manufacturing. The firm also uses its engineering, scientific, and tax teams to provide one of the most crucial federal and state tax credits available to businesses in the United States in the form of Research and Development tax credits. These tax credits are meant to incentivize manufacturing, innovation, technical design, and job creation in the country.

The R&D Tax Credit is a crucial federal incentive that helps U.S. companies remain globally competitive. In order to qualify for the R&D credit, companies may develop new techniques to improve their products.

Mr. Julio P Gonzalez’s vision was to first bring awareness to mainstream America by educating the accounting firms. Over the years, ETS has become an industry leader in these services, eventually increasing cash flow, job creation, and expansion.

Engineered Tax Services tax attorneys, engineers, and scientists are the experts who have performed millions of these tax services over the past decades. Through this service, Mr. Julio P Gonzalez and his team have generated billions of dollars in stimulus that has positively impacted millions of jobs across the country.

Picture of the Future

When it comes to the organization’s future, ETS will continue to influence excellent tax codes in the U.S. by working with the president’s administration and congress. Additionally, Mr. Julio P Gonzalez will continue to grow and support small businesses while educating them about the tax laws with their CPAs and accounting firms to assure their success.

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