Reuven Aronashvili | Founder and CEO at CYE

Reuven Aronashvili: Changing the Cyber Security Market for Better

After completing his tenure in the army, Reuven Aronashvili realized that his passion lies in creating an innovative solution that would change the cybersecurity market forever. Sensing a need for a solution encompassing several different protective and defensive methods, Reuven established CYE with a vision to revolutionize the cybersecurity decision-making process and bridge the gap between businesses and their cybersecurity requirements.

Reuven’s path toward entrepreneurship was not a decision taken lightly. Driven by an unwavering belief in the power of pursuing his passion and creating something truly meaningful, Reuven embarked on a transformative journey of his own. Armed with his visionary ideas, Reuven fearlessly transformed his concepts into a thriving enterprise, giving rise to both CYE and its flagship product, Hyver.

About CYE and its Products

The primary objective of CYE is to help businesses shift their approach to cybersecurity from a security-based approach to a business-based one. By correlating the security risks a company faces with their effects on the business and quantifying the cost of potential breaches relative to the cost of risk reduction, organizations can make educated decisions about security budgets and plans. As a cyber security company, CYE focuses on putting its customers in a position to make educated and informed decisions that value efficiency above all else.

Reuven and his team at CYE have developed the groundbreaking Hyver platform to aid businesses in achieving the aforementioned objectives through a three-pronged approach. Firstly, identifying an organization’s risk profile, then quantifying the risk from the business perspective, and finally, taking that information and doing what CYE calls “mitigation optimization,” which is essentially finding the optimal way to invest the cybersecurity budget of the organization.

Hyver provides continuous value in a way that addresses the hardest problems we see in the industry today. Taking those specific issues I’ve just mentioned and putting them into one cohesive and coherent system that provides a single pane of glass view of a company’s security posture was my vision, and that’s exactly what this product does,“- explains Reuven.

Navigating Challenges

Reuven believes that the cybersecurity industry is confronted with an increasingly complex landscape marked by formidable challenges due to the economic downturn. Criminal syndicates actively exploit vulnerabilities within organizations, driven by the pursuit of financial gains or the desire to inflict significant harm. These vulnerabilities can be classified into two distinct categories: pressure points and weak points.

Pressure points encompass areas within an organization where unauthorized access or control can be leveraged to extort ransom payments. Examples of pressure points include ransomware attacks, which encrypt critical data until a ransom is paid, or the theft of sensitive information subject to regulatory frameworks like GDPR.

On the other hand, weak points represent more traditional attack vectors that exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks. These may include denial-of-service (DoS) attacks that disrupt business operations by overwhelming networks with excessive traffic, or exploiting vulnerabilities in online banking or eCommerce platforms, leading to financial losses, damage to reputation, intellectual property theft, and breaches of privacy involving sensitive data.

Disrupting the Industry for Better

With ever-growing demand in the cybersecurity industry, many companies have burst into the cybersecurity scene with partial solutions. However, unlike any other partial solutions on the market, CYE’s solution is based on a comprehensive and integrated approach, which is hard to come by.

While CYE has many competitors in each aspect of its offering, finding another solution that matches the breadth and depth of services that CYE provides is hard. Consulting firms may come close to focusing on providing strategic solutions based on financial analysis. However, their services end there, while CYE’s platform goes further to execute the complete solution based on mathematical calculations that translate technical risks into business risks. This enables CYE to deliver an immediate, ongoing, visually appealing, interactive solution.

When the Pandemic Changed the Industry

Undeniably, the pandemic has ushered in a lasting change in the hybrid work model, where remote and on-site work has become the norm. While remote work offers numerous benefits, it has also introduced significant cybersecurity challenges, particularly in industries that previously did not extensively rely on remote operations, such as the military.

When considering the nature of military operations and their inherent daily vulnerabilities, introducing a hybrid work model amplifies the severity of potential attack vectors. Military organizations are entrusted with safeguarding sensitive information, critical infrastructure, and national security interests. The shift to remote or hybrid work necessitates implementing robust cybersecurity measures to mitigate the heightened risks associated with distributed operations.

Similarly, government agencies, organizations, and banks encounter comparable challenges. These sectors handle sensitive data, financial transactions, and critical systems that demand the utmost protection. The hybrid work model introduces additional complexities, such as securing remote access to sensitive systems, ensuring data privacy, and safeguarding against sophisticated cyber threats that exploit the expanded attack surface.

Today, despite the pandemic being mostly over, organizations still need to support remote access. When an organization doesn’t have a perimeter, every device can be part of the network at some point. That’s something that changes the basic understanding of perimeter protection for the organization. It is why everything perimeter-oriented should be reevaluated and ultimately changed to provide more asset-driven protection rather than perimeter-driven protection. The idea is that you aim your protective measures at the final targets or objectives and not the paths to these objectives,“- explains Reuven.

Future Roadmap

Some of CYE’s key plans for 2023 include helping organizations focus on risk quantification strategies and policies and procedures to protect themselves. CYE also aspires to assist the security market in moving away from a maturity program-based approach and towards a business impact-driven strategy that emphasizes risk reduction and efficiency. Above all else, driving informed decision-making processes by measuring the effectiveness of security solutions and their overall contribution to organizational risk and focusing on capabilities and not only tools. Some organizations overburden organizations with more cybersecurity protection tools, that increase their attack surface, leading to low efficiency and increased risk.

Additionally, CYE has plans to continue its global growth and the development of new solutions for clients’ changing needs. The organization will also expand its investment in its employees’ professional advancement and personal development.

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