Ryan McCarty: Creating a Culture of Good

Just think how our workplaces would look like if all the employees were given the necessary permission to care about not only their jobs but also their colleagues, clients, and the things they are most passionate about. What if all the people got a chance to make positive changes worldwide while doing their job?

This is the story of a wonderful movement named ‘Culture of Good’, which Ryan McCarty and Scoot Moorhead started inside their company, The Cellular Connection (TCC). After growing the Culture of Good at TCC for quite a while, both Scott and Ryan McCarty established Culture of Good as a separate entity to start teaching organizations and their leaders about the Culture of Good.

As an organization, Culture of Good offers a Culture Champion Certification, where organizations can choose an internal leader to improve their workplace culture by sponsoring them to attend a three-day training. Being a part of this training schedule, the Culture Champion has access to all of the tools, tactics, and necessary team support to create a more robust and more engaging business culture for a year. Each of the Culture Champions learns to align their company’s strategic goals with the passion of their clients and employees.

“The certification provides a self-paced way to support all those within an organization working on employee and customer engagement, CSR, and culture change initiatives. If desired, we also offer keynote presentations on championing people and culture and partner licenses in addition to this certification.”– says Ryan McCarty.

Top Priorities

As the Co-founder of the organization, Ryan’s top priority is to ensure the organization is profitable and making a meaningful and important contribution to the world and the entire industry by doing what it preaches. He explains that solvency plays a critical role in the organization’s existence, but the work of Culture of Good is primarily driven by helping leaders implement a purpose-driven work process that involves people’s souls. “This is what I call “purpose ability.” Profitability is driven by purpose, and profits enhance purpose.“- says Ryan McCarty.

“I find my calling when my greatest passion collides with my greatest contribution to make the world better”

On the other hand, the second priority is to continue reviewing the organization’s tools and processes to meet clients’ evolving needs. Ryan McCarty strives to ensure that the Culture of Good not only engages leaders to become Cultural Champions but also empowers them to become an agent of change.

Unique Marketing Strategies

Ryan McCarty hosts a 30-minute podcast on LinkedIn Live every week. This podcast discusses the creation of Cultural Champions and great work culture in workplaces. Culture of Good’s team then repurposes the podcast content for various blogs, emails, posts, and articles. Additionally, the organization depends significantly on word-of-mouth referrals from past and present clients who have worked with it or have heard Ryan presenting his keynote, “Bring Your Soul to Work.” This eventually creates new opportunities for the organization to speak to and for organizations that want to share their mission and purpose with their audience. “Many of my efforts are directed toward trade organizations who want to provide their members with a purpose-driven process that engages their stakeholders.“- Ryan adds.

Suggestions for Young Entrepreneurs

Ryan says young entrepreneurs must “Keep work as simple and beneficial to your whole well-being as you can (don’t make rules or follow rules that don’t exist), look for strategies that scale your ideas (ideas without strategy are lifeless), always have a mentor (someone you aspire to emulate through your work/and pay them for their time), and tie your story into your work (this is what gives you a sense of meaning and purpose). Oh, and take care of yourself before anyone or anything else in your life. Yes, I’m telling you to put yourself first.”

Future Roadmap

The organization’s strategy is to certify as many as 10 Culture Champions monthly after a three-day training. The organization also plans to offer a virtual certification that can be taken from anywhere worldwide. Eventually, Ryan would love to host all the Certified Culture Champions and their teams at an annual conference to share their stories, learn best practices, and build a purpose-driven community of leaders.

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