Sarah Lines, Founder of Goddess Alchemy Academy

Sarah Lines: Answer your Awakening with Sarah Lines through Goddess Alchemy Academy

Meet Sarah LinesFounder of Goddess Alchemy Academy, an influential leader who enhances your awakening and helps you explore an unexpected yet beautiful journey of spirituality. She leads visionary women into superconscious creation., she assists them to awaken the goddess within and shine their light to the world. She offers an exceptional experience where these women are able to manifest the life and business they desire.

A compassionate leader

Sarah describes herself as a soul-driven and heart-centered individual, who is very much fond of cats. Through her work, she helps spiritual entrepreneurs on their mission disrupt the old paradigms to more deeply connect with their inner being and activate their purpose. As a Soul Coach and channel, she assists visionary women to become a superconscious creation and catapulting them into a new energy of radiance, abundance and purpose-driven lives.

Sarah Lines admires discipline. She understands that well-being requires a perfect blend of compassion with discipline to motivate oneself every day. She wakes up at 7 am, without delay, to help her son who has special needs, and help him to ready for school. At 8 am, she spends an hour having coffee, attaining peace, meditating, and talking to her spirit team about the day ahead. Later after an hour till 10 am, she integrates her energy in office-related work and where she facilitates a meeting or prepares for presentations or launches. The rest of the day she spends with her son and cats, whom she loves the most, and channelizes her energy towards peace of mind state. Through her daily routine, she encourages women to follow their call and accept their well-being at first. It was Sarah’s soul calling to go big, to help women across the globe birth their dreams into reality.

Be the Goddess with the Goddess

Her company—Goddess Alchemy Academy is an educational, healing school for women who want to ascend in their life and business. She and her team teach women how to achieve success and 5 figure months while living their soul mission. Her clients are dedicated to changing their typical early lifestyle to accept their spiritual calling. Her clients are female spiritual entrepreneurs and are ready to create their dream life through sharing their sacred purpose work with the world. These clients are aware of the honesty Sarah Lines offers on the platter and she will never break integrity to win popularity. She always advises everyone, to tell the truth, be authentic and serve their purpose wholeheartedly. Her team understands that she must maintain the integrity and be heart-centered when dealing with any aspect of her business. “Good Intention, honesty and soul-service is very important to me,” she asserts.

She, too, encountered difficulties along the way and did not change course. She stayed soul-aligned and followed the next right thing to do each month. In 2014. Sarah Lines was homeless and was suffering from addiction, but she found her awakening and changed her life altogether. She lived her life in poverty, addiction and despair thus wanted to share how possible transformation is. Because she truly believes that it’s possible for anyone. It was her determination that helped her in achieving many milestones in her pathway, she says, “I never considered giving up. Ever.” She has consistently released blocks, beliefs, and people in the way of her success. “Anything not of my highest good – goes,” she adds. She always has a coach at any given or specific time, as it is very important for her to have someone that carries out the functioning and holds her space in her absence.

With over 4 books published, she has become a multi-best-selling author on Amazon with books also being published by Lovely Silks and Austin Macauley. She was always fond of writing and thus she invested her energy and time into it. She states that each one of us could live from our hearts— “we truly could change the world through successful heart-centered entrepreneurship,” she adds.

Insight worth Appreciating 

Being a self-help enthusiast, she suggests every individual, suffering and non-suffering, to not give up on his/her ambitions or life. Rather one must furiously adapt to an ideology to be optimistic and apply decisiveness to evolve. He/she must fabricate a growth strategy that depicts a crystal-clear notion of one’s approach and try to sustain that strategy. Whereas, if a business aspirant desires to make a name and influence others with the work, then he/she should also implicate the above-discussed points. One must offer all of the energy to make prevail in achieving their ambitions and set an example for others to follow. She suggests leaders never back down from an opportunity and invest whenever seems fit. Lastly, she also mentions her favorite book Secrets of a Millionare Mind by T Harv Ecker, and recommends every individual to read this masterpiece as it assists them in the early bit of entrepreneurship. “I loved it. I still go back to it,” she highlights.

She comprehends the sufferings of the less fortunate and feels compassionate towards helping them. She desires to become to secret millionaire so that she can help such individuals across the globe and end their sufferings. She paraphrases Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Moreover, she is at the beginning stages of planting a forest in partnership with tree-nation., and desires to contribute towards the well-being of the environment.

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