The Healthy Tips-Ahead for a Business Trip

The business trips we plan are not always about endless work and no enjoyment. There is natural tendency to let go, eat, become all laid back, even if it is a business trip, from the exotic fine-dine with clients to experimenting with specials of the city from the food trucks becomes the rave. But amidst this belly hustle for food and eating these delicious food stalls, we forget to realize the fact that everything that satisfies our tongue it just not right for our health.

Here are a few tips on how you can pick on if you are on a business trip to ensure that health is not compromised while focusing on your work and fun;

  • If you are a frequent flyer and know well the kind of food served in flights, it is better to request food accordingly. Go green, avoid cold cuts and frozen meat from the flights these are not good for health. Always prefer low-fat choices, if they only serve snacks, blind off to that entire peanut and chips. Instead, carry some fruits, salads, whole-wheat bread and nuts with you.
  • Always book your rooms on hotels that provide rooms well equipped with stove, refrigeration, and microwave. Also, when you are on your way to the hotel, look for a local grocery where you can get some fresh natural food. Buy low calories, ready to eat meals that hold low sodium and fat contents.
  • If you spend too much time on business trips, shying away is not your option. So when you decide to pick any particular place to eat, put across that you are looking to dine in somewhere that provides food that is beneficial for your health. But if you still go to a place that offers a plate full of calories, make the customized request.
  • Meetings can go long, so stock up on healthy snacks. When you take small amounts of healthy food throughout the day instead of large meals a couple of times a day, you send a kind of signal to your brain that food supply is proper and it is okay to burn through calories.
  • Drink a lot of water to flush toxins from your body. Water is also helpful in avoiding travel lag and junk food cravings so that you can stay energized on your trip. Take a bottle of water when you look for the second cup of coffee.
  • When you are going to order your food, ask about the portion size at the restaurant, many restaurants order portions too big to finish. In case, you are already made your order and portion are too big to finish. Get the food packed and eat it later.

That’s it for now. Treat your business trip like another day at work; it will be easier for you to take care of your health. If you start taking all the trips like a holiday and keeping hogging food, it affects your health badly. Incorporate physical activities and eat healthy to maintain your work with health and benefit you in the end.

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