Tal Israeli Gassar | CMO | Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd

The Confluence of Inspiration, Dedication, and Experience: Meet the Marketing Leader behind Ramot – Tal Israeli Gassar

E‘nvisioned to empower Tel Aviv University’s researchers to commercialize and license their technologies and bring their innovations worldwide, Ramot has been setting new realms in how innovation is converted into products under the fine supervision of Tal Israeli Gassar, CMO of Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd.

Tal Israeli is a seasoned marketing and branding executive with over 15 years of strategic management experience. She is highly proficient in establishing and implementing bespoke marketing and branding strategies for businesses of every size. She is a results-driven professional who offers creative solutions in a dynamic and ever-changing marketing environment.

After completing her studies in visual communication and practical engineering, Tal Israeli kicked off her career as a graphic designer in 2002. She had a deep relationship with branding and concept development. She appreciated tasks that challenged her to be creative, comprehend the essence of the product, and translate it into a clear and visual statement. The aspiring businesswoman pursued further studies (BA and MBA) in Economics, Business Management, and Marketing due to her inherent ability to perceive the larger picture and comprehend processes in depth. As a result, she has held marketing management positions at various kinds of companies.

“I’ve had the privilege of overseeing entire marketing processes, from concept to audience targeting, strategy development, and tactical implementation.” “I find these areas fascinating and enjoy being involved in them,” the magnificent woman explained.

Driven by her constant belief and focus on competitive advantage, the leading lady has always felt that opportunities are all around and that we should take complete charge of them. Tal Israeli, in the key position of CMO at Ramot, is striving hard to advance the technologies of Tel Aviv University’s outstanding researchers in a timely and accurate manner, allowing them to realize the full potential and value of their solutions in fields such as medicine, pharmaceuticals, robotics, transportation, agri-tech, food-tech, and many others. From a personal point of view, Tal also wants to focus on continuous learning and exploration, as they are essential prerequisites for personal and professional excellence.

Tal’s Inspiring Journey with Ramot

It was by chance that the inspiring lady ended up in her current position as the CMO of Ramot, the technology transfer company of Tel Aviv University. She was previously unfamiliar with the field of technology transfer. However, Tal Israeli was keen to get involved in the high-tech industry, considering Israel’s position as a world leader in high-tech exports. Ramot acts as a connection between professors’ research in university labs and possible industrial partners. Their long-term goal is to turn this research into goods. They also create start-up companies based on technologies, and we currently have about 100

companies in our portfolio. In this role, she gets exposed to cutting-edge research in a variety of sectors and cooperates with major companies throughout the world. It’s an exciting and varied role that requires a deep understanding of marketing and curiosity in many different areas.

The Key Motivation Behind the Initiation

Israel is an esteemed nation in the worldwide high-tech sector, commonly referred to as the “Startup Nation.” According to a recent Israel Innovation Authority report, high-tech accounted for 18.1% of Israel’s GDP, making it the largest industry in the country. Beyond being a driving force in the local economy, startups and innovations improve our lives by filling unmet requirements. Tal Israeli Gassar was most likely encouraged by the enterprising and innovative attitude of the local community, which pushed her to work in this industry.

Breakthrough and Revolutionary Changes by Tal

Marketing for technology transfer has been largely one-dimensional. When required, industry addressed well-known researchers directly. Patent registration, contract preparation, and negotiation were all carried out by technology transfer firms. However, tech transfer firms have become increasingly active in recent years, which is where Tal focuses her efforts. Her marketing strategy is vigorous as well as highly targeted. She develops different platforms and channels to reach specific audiences, carries out active marketing efforts, and focuses on the macro-level to reach the right audience with the correct message. She routinely organizes virtual researcher-industry events, manages campaigns, publishes information on key platforms, and is always aware of the ever-changing marketing scene.

“I believe in embracing changes. In my domain, this is often referred to as an “early adopter.” I always strive to incorporate technological tools into my marketing activities. Recently, I started implementing AI tools into these operations, and I’m already seeing positive results”, Tal further revealed.

Overcoming the Obstacles Along the Way

Apart from the inherent challenges of marketing fields that are constantly changing, the biggest challenge in technology transfer is the diversity of fields and particular audiences to target. Each technology is unique, necessitating extensive research and the identification of separate markets for it. In contrast, marketing a business centered on a particular technology allows its marketing manager to gain knowledge over time. Tech-Transfer interacts with many different domains, which is both a challenge and an advantage because it keeps me involved and learning.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Work Culture

The Ramot team is committed to diversity. 71% of the workforce is female, and the majority of the leadership is female, led by a female CEO, Keren Primor Cohen. Tal and other key executives believe that “diversity is an integral part of the company’s success in today’s world.” Tal is a well-known

marketing leader and also serves as a marketing advisor for a nonprofit that assists women in starting their own enterprises and becoming economically independent. This is a subject important to her heart, and she continues to devote time and effort to it.

The Future of Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd.: Road Ahead

While moving on its flourishing path, Ramot will continue to focus on raising global and local awareness, recognizing opportunities, and broadening its global reach. Strategic connections with global leaders in the tech industry will be a priority, as will keeping current on the latest developments. Their mission is to transform creative research into meaningful solutions for society and the world.

Words of Wisdom

If I had to choose one, it would be this: Understand your audience! Learn about the people you want to reach and the significant value you can provide them. Everything will become easier if you understand “win-win.” Increase your “reach out” as much as possible; effective marketing methods begin with a broad pyramid foundation.

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