Yossi Abadi, CEO, and Co-founder of Tenlot Group

Yossi Abadi: Selected Among 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Revamping The Future, 2022

Abadi, rated by FORBES as the most recognized Israeli in LATAM, has been selected for his social vision, entrepreneurial spirit and technological development in both America and Africa. 

Meet Yossi Abadi, the CEO, and Co-founder of Tenlot Group. Yossi was born and raised in the Holy Land, he is 100% Israeli, but with a Latin spirit. He lived several years in Mexico and the Dominican Republic and speaks fluent Spanish. Yossi is married and the father of two wonderful children.

A person with a clear vision, Yossi is motivated by an abundance of passion. He thinks what best characterizes him is his motivation to create new initiatives, and ideas to start projects from scratch. Yossi felt, he has fulfilled his mission when the other members of his team are as passionate and motivated as he is to lead a project. Yossi is also passionate about diplomacy, social responsibility, business, and entrepreneurship.

Yossi earned his Law (LLB) and International Relations (BA) degrees from Reichman University (IDC) in Israel, specializing in Homeland Security and Terrorism, graduating summa cum laude.

From 2012 to 2015, he was the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic, responsible for international negotiations and alliances with other countries. Yossi had previously served as an International Advisor to the National Authority for Maritime Affairs of the Dominican Republic. He was also appointed as the Honorary Consul of El Salvador in Israel.

The Steadfast Leader

Throughout his life, Yossi has had many people who have left their mark on his vision and career. Above all, Yossi feels blessed to have had the unconditional support of his family.
He has also been privileged to work with a phenomenally successful mentor: Jacob Engel, Chairman, and Founder of Elenilto Group and EngelInvest, as well as Chairman and Co-founder of Tenlot Group. His work in developing markets and philosophy of giving back to communities in which a company works have truly inspired Yossi.

Leading Projects in Various Sectors

Tenlot Group is a high-tech corporation, active in the gaming industry. In addition to providing B2B and B2G services, based on the firm’s advanced, proprietary gaming platform, the firm specializes in private investment in lottery operations in cooperation with various governments worldwide. Its investment group also leads projects in the mining, renewable energy, and infrastructure sectors, with private investments and government alliances on several continents.

Most of the time, Yossi and his colleagues work with governments, and charity organizations, operating under license on their behalf. This requires a lot of responsibility, much more than a simple private project, because there is no room for failure.

Yossi says, “When your team grasps the scope of the responsibilities that come with working on behalf of mega-institutions, you have taken the first step towards a successful operation.” He also adds, “When the client sees the commitment and dedication of the team, they understand that ours is a company that truly looks out for their interests. That is the key.”

A Child who Dreamt of Being a Lawyer

As a child, Yossi always dreamt of becoming a lawyer– a passionate litigator, who fights for justice, as we see in the movies. He prepared himself from a very young age for a career in law, well before university. But once Yossi achieved his goal, he felt that his passion for business, investment, and being able to contribute to the social development of communities was stronger than his love for litigation in court.

Losing fear of taking risks was the first lesson Yossi learned and the first real decision he made. It is what led him to leave what he was doing, change course and embark on new paths. Since then, Yossi always remembers that to reach new heights, you sometimes have to break paradigms.

Yossi decided to leave something solid and promising, in his own country, Israel, and fly abroad to chase a dream that was not even clear. This completely changed the course of my life.

Tackling Primary Challenges

Being an Israeli who works mainly in Latin America and Africa, Yossi Abadi thinks what most caught his attention is the need to adapt to the local culture. Many multinationals come to global markets wanting to impose their style, and they are destined to fail.

He says, “You cannot expect to visit a country and ask whoever invites you to enter their house to have the same style you have. There are so many cultural differences. It’s the biggest challenge in any operation we’ve had.”

Yossi Abadi believes it takes patience, respect, and a willingness to adapt. He adds, “What had surprised me is the patience and confidence my entire executive team has had in the countries in which we operate when faced with significant challenges.

Picture of the Future

What excites Yossi Abadi most about the future is knowing that anything is possible. To know that there is nothing, that is too out of reach or too difficult – if you only believe it. His personal goal is to continue generating businesses that impact people’s lives and help them change for the better – to make a difference. Knowing that as a company, and as a businessman, Yossi not only generates wealth but also hope.

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