Jennifer Desloges | CEO | Jade Clinics

A Fine Example Of Dynamic Leadership: Jade Clinics’s Jennifer Desloges

In this modern age, women are not only flocking to the world of entrepreneurship- they are trailblazing it. Be it healthcare, education, technology, retail, women are trooping out of their comfort zones and emerging as leaders and change-makers. And Jennifer Desloges is the perfect reflection of the world’s emerging business leaders.

Not everyone secures a well-cushioned position and a family business; some invest their dreams, visions, and seat to drive their entrepreneurial realm. Jennifer Desloges is the CEO of Jade Clinics, a renowned name of franchising for permanent hair removal, and helping people to end the torment of unwanted hair and leave them feeling thrilled.

The foundation of her leadership journey was taken in 1983 when she gave birth to her first child at the age of 19. Being a mother at such a young age helped progress her life cycle and thrust into owning her own business at 27 years old. But business didn’t fall into her lap; she had to seek it out because of a condition that started to develop throughout her pregnancies. Polycystic Ovaries is a condition in which women can develop male-type hair growth on their faces and bodies. She was ashamed of the hair and felt unaccepted by society until she found electrolysis.

For the first few years of her career as an electrologist, she just worked 1-on-1 with clients before she opened a government-approved vocational electrolysis school in 1996. From recruiting, hiring, to teaching, passing/failing a lot more went into her day-to-day routine then just greeting, working on and taking payments from a client. Now she was in command of a group and training put her in this position to lead, developing skills and mindsets. At this point, she learned to lead by example.

Just as the transition to teaching electrolysis was a big jump so was the transition to franchising in 2010. She was now selling individuals on what she created for herself, was a viable option for them to financially support their lives. At this point, she wasn’t just teaching them how to do electrolysis; she was teaching them how to sustain a business.

Throughout the years, she has spent numerous hours reading and listening to audiobooks related to business, leadership, and marketing to gain insights. She is a member of a Business Networking International chapter in Richmond; the connections she has made have been another great resource for her business.

Differentiating Factors

Unlike other hair removal services, electrolysis is a permanent solution for any person with a hair problem and a desire to change. It doesn’t matter the colour of the hair, the colour of the skin, all that matters is the desire.

I’ve also spent 30 years developing and redeveloping how we do electrolysis. Never being satisfied and always on the lookout for a better way, I would put my skill or the skills of any of our Jade practitioners against any hair removal method or practitioner in the world. I know we can deliver to levels not found anywhere else,” asserts Jennifer.

Vital Attributes For Business Personnel

Know your strengths and weaknesses. Fill the gaps you are lacking and lean on the strengths you possess. And most importantly have the tenacity to work through the hard times and never give up and don’t forget to celebrate when things are great. Specifically, in my industry you have to be a perfectionist,” states Jennifer.

Major Hurdle And Advice To Tackle Them

Sharing your vision and people buying into it is the biggest roadblock. Jennifer’s advice for overcoming it is to hire a business coach and branding specialist to help nail down your vision and present it understandably. If the goal is accomplishment people will automatically want to be part of your business.

Our strategy is through educating the client to get them in the door and provide great service when they are a client”, Jennifer wraps up.

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