Axis Geffen

Axis Geffen: Dealing With Investigative Needs Comprehensively With His Venture, Axis Vero Incorporated

Headquartered in Ontario, Canada, a Private Investigation Agency, Axis Vero Incorporated offers an extensive array of investigative services and security consulting to a broad spectrum of clients worldwide under the competent leadership of Axis Geffen. Designated as the President and Founder of Axis Vero, Axis Geffen is an investigations specialist with extensive experience in Investigations, Undercover Operations, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM), and Digital Forensic Matters. His experience encompasses all aspects of the investigative industry, and he is a commissioned author as well.

More about the Firm

Incepted in the year 2015, Axis Vero provides only the best investigators who are carefully vetted, hands-on specialists with real-life experience and proven track records within their respective area(s) of practice.

Apart from the head office in Brampton, Ontario, Canada and they are currently opening branch offices throughout Canada to service the demand of their government and corporate contracts. The firm offers almost any investigative service you can think of from research to surveillance to fraud and criminal investigations, and are also industry leaders in TSCM “Bug Sweeping” and Digital Forensics (imaging, analysis. investigation, and data recovery).

Axis Vero serves mostly lawyers or law firms, but they also have a broad base of corporate and government clients. There is no set demographic for who they help. Striving to build long-term relationships with their clients, they are not a product to be bought, but a resource to hold close. Axis Vero is equally committed (if not more so) to resolving their client’s matters quickly, accurately, and as cost-effectively as possible.

The Inspiration behind the Public Initiation

Mr. Geffen was at one time contracted by several firms at the same time. He opened his doors to the public due to a push from one of those former customers that became greedy and wanted to make his services exclusive. Faced with an ultimatum that would have left numerous firms without options, Mr. Geffen agreed to open his firm. If not for that push and the immediate need to survive, he states “I would never would have made the leap”. After opening to the public, Mr. Geffen realized the positive impact that his firm has made on not only his employees’ lives but the overall file quality and influence on his clients’ lives. That has kept him motivated.

What Fascinates Mr. Geffen in the Legal Field?

The visionary loves the interactions with the lawyers and clients that contact him. It has always surprised him how little most lawyers know about what qualified investigators can offer them to build, fix or defend a case they’re working on. He sees this most in the Family Law sector but it applies to every form of law. As lawyers begin to learn what his firm can offer and more importantly how different his firm is to deal with than competing firms, relationships (and many friendships) grow and “it truly feels like you’re helping your friend solve a problem. That’s rewarding.”

What Gives Axis Vero an Edge over your Peers?

Axis Geffen and his entire team care about each case they take in. While it’s important to make money, that is not the primary motivator for this firm. As such, they make a legitimate difference in the lives of those they assist and that tends to be remembered and rewarded in the long run.

Hurdles on the Way

“Although we are investigators, the challenges we face are very similar to those we see in young lawyers or paralegals. When you come in the door you want to be the best on day one, but there is no script to achieve this and it depends on your own attitude as well as who you meet along the way as to whether or not you learn anything at all on the trip. I think the biggest hurdle (certainly for investigators) is finding someone that is invested in making you better at what you do. In many cases, people are happy to keep you where you are rather than risk you succeeding beyond them”, asserted Axis Geffen.

From the Founder’s Desk

I started writing Security Site Post Orders for Burns International Security Services at the age of 14. My mom was a Security Site Supervisor for the company at that time but lacked English writing skills and so I helped her. At the age of 18, the company surprised me with my first Security Guard Licence and gave me a Security Guard job. I remained a Guard for several years learning about the security industry, client care, and the importance of solid documentation.

After a few years, I was hired as a subcontractor by a Private Investigation Agency and very quickly became popular in the field because of my superior documentation skills, attention to detail, and client support. I worked for a few investigation agencies this way. In 2015, one of the PI firms that I worked for gave me an ultimatum, I could either open my own firm and continue to service all of my clients, including his company, or I could become an exclusive employee to his company and stop working for the other security and investigation companies in our industry.

“This was a difficult choice to make because the agency that issued the ultimatum was my best customer at the time; however, becoming exclusive would mean that nearly a dozen other agencies would have to drop TSCM services from their offering to the public. I agreed to open my own firm and the day that I did, the agency that forced the ultimatum terminated my contract stating that I was now a competitor to them. Luckily, the remainder of my client base appreciated that I did not sell them out and work began to come in almost right away. Over the years I’ve trained hundreds of security officers and private investigators and in turn, I’ve learned tremendous skill sets from some of the best investigators in the industry.” In the present day, Axis Vero employs dozens of competent private investigators and Mr. Geffen imparts that knowledge to them. “Collectively, we’ve built this firm into the Best Investigative Support Firm – Canada Wide (as we’ve been recognized for the last three (3) consecutive years and our clients include government agencies, law enforcement bodies, charitable organizations, law firms (around the world), everyday people, and yes, many of those same (and some new) competing firms from around the world.”

Milestones & Achievements

Axis Vero has won a lot of awards but it’s rare that Mr. Geffen displays them or ever accepts a physical award, to begin with. The greatest achievement for him is watching demand for his firm grow. “Every new client that calls feels great. Every existing client that calls in again makes me excited. Now, opening our firm across the country has me elated. It speaks to the quality of our work, the dedication of our employees and the need for our presence in markets that we previously only serviced from a distance”, advised Mr.Axis Geffen.

Message for Readers

It’s not easy to get to the top of your field. You will not do it alone despite what those around you claim. Treat everyone you interact with courtesy and respect regardless of who they are or what you think they may or may not be able to do for you. Many of those interactions will be the foundation of how you are seen in the industry you serve for years to come.

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