Amanda Blankfield-Koseff: An Inspiring Woman Focused on Empowering People With the YCAP youth programme

With a strong determination to empower people, Amanda Blankfield-Koseff has been running The Youth Citizens Action Programme since 2009, and Empowervate Trust which is where YCAP is run from April 2013 as a CEO. The superwomen and visionary leader, Amanda always wanted to help people by motivating them to reach their potential. Before being the part of this programme, Amanda worked at Afrika Tikkun for five and a half years doing marketing, events and communications in the community and youth development space. Her career began in the sales and communications industry at DS-Max, Camper Shoes, Ventureweb and Dennis Jankelow and Associates after completing. In academics, Amanda completed her Communication Science Bachelor Degree at Bond University and Honours in Communication at the University of South Africa.

Apart from her entrepreneurial success, Amanda is a black belt in Kung Fu, and also a guitarist and singer who has just released two albums. She went to Belgium last year on a climate exchange programme. She is a curious person, who loves learning.

About the Programme

The Youth Citizens Action Programme provides youth with a project management manual that explains how to create social projects in their schools and communities – and then there is a provincial competition and national competition where the winners of the best projects with the most impact receive prize money for their schools to use in expanding their projects or creating new ones. This programme has been running across all 9 provinces and the Department of Basic Education are implementation partners.

From 2020 the YCAP programme was pivoted to an online version with some changes because of the Covid19 pandemic, and it is called The Young Active Citizen Awards. The programme does the same as YCAP as it empowers and motivates students at the primary and secondary school level to be active citizens with a social entrepreneurial mindset. The focus is on practical social entrepreneurship skills development, values and personal development.

What Inspired To Be An Entrepreneur?

Amanda shared, “Both of my parents are entrepreneurs so I grew up knowing that I did not have to work for a boss. I started my own small businesses as a child and started teaching guitar lessons part-time from the age of 18. I studied Business Communication and did my honours in Communication Science and then worked at a direct sales company for a year and a half where we cold-called at businesses. Then I worked at a company that managed large corporate websites. I was yearning to do something that made a difference in people’s lives, so when I got a job as a marketing assistant at a child and youth development non-profit I was excited to do something meaningful. It was when I was promoted to the marketing manager and had to run a youth dialogue that I realised my passion lay with youth development. “The YCAP programme was incubated there and just under 4 years later, I moved it into its own non-profit organisation: Empowervate Trust.”

Clientele and The Team

Here, clients are two-fold: the sponsors and partners from the corporate world, foundations, government departments, individual supporters and the beneficiaries who are the learners and teachers at the schools nationally where we work.

There is a very lean model. They do not believe in spending donor money on fancy offices and loads of salaries. Instead, they partner with the Department of Basic Education who have the systems and staff in place to reach all the schools nationally and then we design the programme and manage it while fundraising for the programme and organisation. They work well as a team because they realise that they have a common goal: the empowerment of the next generation of active citizens and social entrepreneurs. Amanda and her team bring their own strengths to the partnership.

Major Hiccups

Our pivot due to Covid19 was to start the Young Active Citizens Award, which is an online version of YCAP and it has more freedom and options than YCAP The challenge with Covid19 is the fact that our district, provincial and national workshops and showcase events could not take place. Also, in South Africa, our schools were closed for months during the lockdown, and the programme we run needs to be run at the schools. So when the schools reopened in August we launched this new programme and it was a major success Amanda stated.

The Driving Force

The first element in the success Amanda has today is how she was raised – always knowing that she could be an entrepreneur. Then, her husband believed in her and encouraging her to do it even though Empowervate was started in the same year they got married so it was pretty stressful. Then she thanks her mentors, partners and those who believed in the vision and supported her.

Suggestion For A Balanced And Equal Industry

The days of only focusing on increasing shareholder profit are gone. Every company needs to shift to a model where the community and planet are top priorities, and if that means a slightly lower profit to ensure sustainability, then it will be worth it.

Daily Routine And Hobbies

While talking about her routine, Amanda shared, “I like to meditate, then exercise in the morning – either running or using apps (since Covid19 when gyms were closed) to do pilates, strength or cardio training. After breakfast, I get urgent and important work done. Then I meditate again, practice singing and then do more work after lunch. In the late evenings I teach guitar online (since Covid19). I do more work after that, then have dinner and watch Netflix with my husband and our two giant cats. Sometimes I have to travel for work, but during Covid19 most has been online.”

Favourite Book

Deepak Choprah’s “SynchroDestiny”, Michael E. Gerber’s “The E-Myth” as well as anything written by Richard Branson.

Road Ahead

I am excited about the future of Empowervate because we are looking to expand outside of South Africa. We see the value in the programme over the last 11 years and want to share our model with other continents. We also want to connect young people around the world so they can share the solutions they came up with in solving social, environmental, educational and economic challenges in their countries.

Awards And Milestones

Empowervate received the CPSI Special Ministerial Award in 2019, we received the Premier’s Youth Excellence and Service Award in 2018 for Education Excellence. We have the Community Support Organisation Award from ROCCI. Amanda, our CEO is one of 200 inaugural Obama Leaders: Africa, and she was one of the top 200 Mail & Guardian Young South Africans (2015). She has also been a finalist in the Europcar Women in Leadership Awards for three years running.

A Piece Of Advice For Female Entrepreneurs

Having some support is vital– no matter whether it’s personal or professional or both, this entrepreneurship journey can be a lonely one so it’s important to know you can ask questions and get advice when you need it from people you trust. Women must also promote themselves better – men are much better at self-promotion and appearing more confident than they are. Women are too apologetic and self-conscious at times. Own the space!

Favourite Quote

“It’s always darkest before the dawn” – Thomas Fuller

Women Leadership – Musings of a Co-Founder of a fashion start-up

My background is in advertising at Saatchi & Saatchi; Eileen, my Co-Founder, has a background in fashion working for Nichole Fahri. We have been friends for a long time, having met at the school gate when our children were little. We felt that our complementary backgrounds, skills sets and characters were the perfect combination to start a business together.

We have just celebrated our third anniversary, having launched in September 2017. It has been a roller coaster rider of fantastic highs, some nerve wracking lows, but mostly hard work and lots of fun. We have met some amazing people along the way and it has shown us that there is a kind way to do business – it doesn’t have to be to the detriment of those around you or indeed the planet.

Sometimes, with so much to do on a daily basis, we can forget to pat ourselves on the back and realise how far we have come in those three years, We hope that Cucumber will grow from strength to strength, but either way, we have launched a label that is a recognised brand worldwide with customers all over the globe. No mean feat for a tiny start-up on a shoestring budget with no outside marketing or PR help.

I think to launch any business takes three main characteristics; determination – if you want to go from something you have to give it your all and see it through; organisation – there is always so much to do and not all of it can be done at once; which leads me onto prioritising – and this means in a personal capacity too. You have to learn to prioritise yourself sometimes so that the business can be supported by two mentally and physically fit happy co-founders. If we are flailing, then the business will suffer so it’s in everyone’s interests to stay fit and focused.

The lightbulb moment for our business happened when we realised that we were spending so much of our day in our workout gear. Getting dressed for a gym or pilates session and then not changing as the materials used are so comfortable to wear, stay crease free and are easy to care for. We wanted to replicate all the qualities of anti-crush, cooling, stay fresh and comfortable clothing, but in more stylish everyday pieces from materials that looked as good as they feel. Every piece of Cucumber feels amazing next to the skin.

After researching fabrics for almost two years, we launched with a very small capsule collection of just six nightwear pieces to test the market. We were truly overwhelmed by the response we got which gave us the confidence to expand into more everyday pieces. There was and is clearly a market for ultra- modern performance fabrics that work with your body. Modern clothing should do more than just dress a body. All our fabrics and styles provide women with wardrobe solutions for their busy lives – timeless pieces that fit into their wardrobe, require minimal care and can be worn day or night, at home, at work or globetrotting the world.

Sometimes, being a tiny start-up can have real advantages – it forces you to make everything work that bit harder. We have always had to find innovative ways to achieve our goals. Unconventionality is what we stand for, both in terms of what we are doing and how we get things done. We see ourselves as, amongst other things, educators in this space. Technical fabrics can feel fabulous, they keep the wearer cool and fresh and they can be sustainable. So many women feel that human made fibres by their very nature cannot be sustainable and cannot be luxurious We are here to bust that myth! We are not the scratchy nylons of the 70’s; we are beautiful, luxuriously soft fabrics with all the added benefits of modern technology.

From the very start, we wanted to be mindful of the world around us. We realise that producing anything leaves a carbon footprint, but we want ours to be as light as possible. We are not perfect, but with every new collection we are getting a little better – no small feat for a tiny fashion label. Once our fabric arrives in the UK (nothing like this is produced here), we design, sample, grade and manufacturer all within a 5-mile radius. We also source all our labels and trims within England and have eliminated all plastics from our supply chain. We send out all online orders using Royal Mail, so as not to add to the number of deliveries on the road.

We have more exciting developments planned for the future, but for the moment, we are happy to have come this far and bring our wonderful loyal customer base with us for the ride.

QUESTIONNAIRE- League of Successful Business Women 2020.

Fatima E. Al Shirawi: Leading entrepreneur in GCC

1. At the outset, please give us a glimpse of yourself.

My name is Fatima Al Shirawi, and I am a colour consultant in GCC. I founded The Gracious F in 2008 in Dubai,after pursing my studies in Washington DC, London School of fashion and Polimoda. With a Passion for Travel, education and giving back to the community, my core values are : Empowering women to be educated and their best self individually and professionally Sharing her knowledge and expertise to serve the community and support local and youth talent Learning every day and developing helping her team to grow and exceed in their individual and professional lives.

2. Briefly describe your company and the products or services you are offering.

Successfully combining colour psychology in all spectrums of individual re-branding and self-development, to businesses that are looking to enhance their awareness and strategy through colour solutions in branding & marketing, Luxury Retail training, PR, Workshops or residential and corporate interior design.

3. Going back to your early career decisions, tell us what factors influenced your decision to be an entrepreneur?

My fathers’ side of the family are all mainly entrepreneurs with businesses in diverse industries, and my mother’s side all mainly doctors. At a very young age I was already very creative and perceptive with human psychology, therefore I pursed Sociology and Marketing as a bachelor’s degree, and later specialized in colour psychology from the colour affects Institute in the UK, combining both of my skills. I always wanted to help Individuals & Businesses overcome their barriers & reach their goals with support of colour science, and this was the primary for which I founded The Gracious F.

4. Who are your clients? How do you ensure the unbreakable faith of your clients?

Our services are applicable to many industries, from Interior Design, Retail, Government organizations to Coaching & Training centres. Most of our clients fall within luxury products & services segment.

5. Shed light on your team. What ethos is maintained for the employees in your company?

I believe that its important that your team is motivated personally as much a professionally. I hand them all the tools to help them develop their skills and grow within their careers. A good example is a Individual Colour Session – that allows them to understand their weaknesses & strengths through their personality report, the colour kit that they also receive, allows them to use colour to their power, personally or professionally with the knowledge of which hues fit them best and which occasions to use them.

6. As your company grew, or re-grew from your pivot, what were the primary challenges?

The first challenge was building awareness and understanding of this crucial science, when we speak of colours, individuals automatically assume this has to do with only with fashion, style, or trends. Even though colour psychology has been studied more intensely in early 1980’s, the impact of colour on our products, design, consumer behaviour is unimaginable. Simple way to explain is, 80% of our feelings and reaction over colour is Sub conscious.

7. How did you get where you are today, and who/what helped you along the way?

My family has been my pioneer of my support, and along the way every client, or organization that has benefitted through colour science has been my biggest motivation, to do more, help more individuals and organizations understand the importance of colour science and how to use it to your benefit. Most of my projects and new clients come through referrals.

8. What suggestion you would give for companies on how they can contribute to a more balanced and equal industry?

I suggest companies to Invest in understand their teams better, offer them tools and training which can also enhance their personal lives. Focus on the needs of your team as they are the pioneer of your success, and of course, learn and apply colour science to your branding tools, marketing tools, interior, team building – Your growth in revenues and efficiency will be a incredible 😊

9. Please take us to the routine of your day, from the time you wake up to the time you go off to sleep. Also, share your hobbies.

Once I wake up, I have my breakfast, message a good morning to my team and start planning my day. As the only colour expert in my team, my team and myself must make sure my calendar and schedule are set weeks in advance. My hobbies are reading, drawing, spending time with my family and my Yoga and & Gym keep me balanced and sane after a busy day at work.

10. Tell us about a favourite book that inspires you.

I have many favourite books, currently Its: Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Toll. This book shows us how to become your true self by accepting stillness and silence. The ideology is that when we are no longer limited or bounded  by our thinking mind, any suffering or pain disappears and we are able to move forward towards a new awareness of our relationships, environment and of the profound wisdom that is to be found in stillness. Truly inspiring and especially useful during the worldwide crises we are all currently facing where our overall emotions are very vulnerable.

11. What does the future hold for your company? Kindly share your future goals. What are you most excited about?

Our services have recently been launched online, our clients are now able to have their sessions online, and tool kit and reports are sent to the client upon completion. In 2018 I built a in house training COLOUR MATRIX – specifically for large retail organizations. This 360-program including, customer profiling, buying, visual merchandising and sales training is a cheat sheet to extraordinary performance and revenues. This program is now available online too.

12. Mention any awards and milestones that your company has received.

Business Leader Award

Winner of the Middle East, North Africa & Asia Best Business Leader Awards 2015 – 10th December 2015 – Burj Al Arab, Dubai


Honorary Awards for outstanding leading businesswomen across the MENA

APEA Award

Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards winner in 2015

SME Award

SME Beyond Borders. Global Model for Success Award

  1. As a source of inspiration for many, what would your advice be for female entrepreneurs, who are planning to enter in the business world?

I believe female entrepreneurs have a gift, the gift of multi-tasking. I would advise all female entrepreneurs to follow their dreams, nothing comes easy or without hard work, but if you focus and plan your goals, there will be nothing stopping you from success.

  1. What is your favourite quote?

‘Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic Motion’ by RUMI

Lindsey Myers: Fuelling Business Growth

1. At the outset, please give us a glimpse of yourself.

Lindsey Myers founded Concrete Blonde Consulting in November 2016 to pursue her passion for building reputations and revenues through business development marketing strategies.  The company has since been named one of the “Top 15 PR Agencies in New York” by The Manifest and one of the “Top 10 Best PR Agencies” by Web Surf Media.

Myers provides profit and growth solutions and thrives as a consultant. A communications expert and entrepreneur, she has over twelve-years of experience serving various industries including consumer products and services, tech, lifestyle, hospitality and nonprofit companies in NYC and the Hamptons luxury market. And in 2018, Insights Success magazine named her one of the “30 Most Innovative CEOs” of the year.

She graduated from Boston University with a BS in Communications and concentration in PR.   She began her career at WordHampton Public Relations, a firm headquartered in East Hampton, NY and ranked by Jack O’Dwyer’s as one of the country’s “Top 100 Independent PR firms”.  In 2013, she made partner and was chosen to launch the company’s NYC division.

Recognized as a strategic leader, she has earned a track record for counseling clients, including Fortune 500 companies such as NAPCO Security, Inc., to increase profits, manage brand reputations and gain market share. She’s continually driven by her enterprising spirit and innate understanding of consumer influence.  She takes ownership of the business she supports and partners with clients.

Professional, confident and well-respected by her peers, she has also been a guest lecturer at several universities including Hofstra University and Saint Joseph’s University, possessing a presence people often find unforgettable.

2. Briefly describe your company and the products or services you are offering.

Concrete Blonde Consulting is a full-service consulting and marketing firm in NYC.  We specialize in providing custom marketing solutions for profit and growth.  By examining your business development pipeline, we are able to identify new areas for growth, while also creating strategies to amplify current opportunities.  In addition, we provide a competitive media analysis, streamline marketing campaigns and build additional sources of revenue.  We service various industries including consumer products and services, tech, lifestyle, hospitality and nonprofit companies

​Communications is a rapidly changing field and our firm is continually transforming to harnesses the powers of both influence and interaction.  We offer clients a variety of tools from third-party PR endorsements to social influencer campaigns to reach consumers and drive business.

We believe every client is unique.  We partner with them to unearth their core business goals. Then we create bespoke strategic marketing plans with benchmarks to chart our progress and target our methods.  We feel a sense of responsibility to our clients and we are responsive not only to their needs, but also to the ever changing world in which they operate.

3. Going back to your early career decisions, tell us what factors influenced your decision to be an entrepreneur?

I always wanted to be an entrepreneur vs. going the corporate route.  I enjoying working on growing a business from the ground up and being able to see the fruits of your labor.

4. Who are your clients? How do you ensure the unbreakable faith of your clients?

Most of our clients are tech companies — both B2B and B2C.  We earn their faith by taking the time to get to know them and their business goals at the beginning.  We start by unearthing their core values and vision and then creating a bespoke marketing plan to help them reach their destination.  We have regular open and honest communication and monitor and measure specific KPIs to ensure everyone is on the same page about deliverables.  Trust in a relationship isn’t something that is given, but rather built and earned.

5. Shed light on your team. What ethos is maintained for the employees in your company?

Everyone is responsible for their own contributions while listening to and supporting each other.  We don’t micromanage each other.  We just show up.  We are there for one another and our clients.  Everyone brings their own unique viewpoints and experiences, talents and strengths to the table.  We find a way for everyone to shine.

6. As your company grew, or re-grew from your pivot, what were the primary challenges?

I think the biggest challenges for me have always been ones that involved personal growth.  I wasn’t great at setting boundaries, negotiating contracts and confrontation.  It’s taken me a long time to hone those skills and also to learn when to say “no” to a potential client if they aren’t a good fit.  Overall, I believe the biggest challenge for me has always been patience.  If you want to be successful — you need to learn to be just as patient as you are ambitious.

7. How did you get where you are today, and who/what helped you along the way?

Hard word, patience, a little bit of luck and a LOT of support!  There are too many people to name from friends and family, to amazing mentors and collaborations with other talented entrepreneurs.

8. What suggestion you would give for companies on how they can contribute to a more balanced and equal industry?

Remember that a rising tide raises all ships.  It’s not a competition … it’s all about co-creation.  Business isn’t a zero-sum game.

9. Please take us to the routine of your day, from the time you wake up to the time you go off to sleep. Also, share your hobbies.

I get up and the first thing I do is turn on the news and make myself a cup of Nespresso with vanilla creamer.  Then, I hit my email and read my daily news round up (The New York Times, Axios, The Skimm and Thrive Global).  I’ve got a never-ending Facebook messenger chat with a very dear friend where we share our favorite headlines of the day and it’s one of my favorite things.  So, by this point in my day you can guarantee that we’ve had a few back and forths already.  Then, I usually delete the spam and check to see if any emails need immediate attention and respond to those ASAP.  Next, I’ll put together my to do list for the day.  By this point, I’m usually pretty anxious and I Facetime another dear friend who I speak to pretty every morning for my daily dose of calm.  After that I take a shower, make the bed, get dressed and start tackling the to do list.  I try to push as many calls and zooms to the late afternoon as possible.  Then, I hit up my Facebook networking groups, LinkedIn, etc. at the end of the day.

10. Tell us about a favourite book that inspires you.

Atlas Shrugged.  It’s all about great thinkers, entrepreneurship and politics.  I love it!!

11. What does the future hold for your company? Kindly share your future goals. What are you most excited about?

Other entrepreneurs is what inspires me most about my business.  I love my clients and the people I’m able to work with and support is what really drives the heart of my passion.

12. Mention any awards and milestones that your company has received.

  1. As a source of inspiration for many, what would your advice be for female entrepreneurs, who are planning to enter in the business world?

Get a mentor and make sure you have a great support system.  It’s going to be harder than you think and it’s important to have an amazing team by your side.

  1. What is your favourite quote?

I love quotes so there are many!!  A current favorite though … “Underestimate me!  That’ll be fun…”

We appreciate you for filling this questionnaire. Thanks for your time & patience.

If you want to add anything, add here.


An internationally recognized speaker and a businesswoman with a sustained passion for woman empowerment, Ellen Voie is one such dynamic lady in the business world who has been encouraging and supporting women in the trucking industry.

The Women In Trucking Association, under the capable supervision of Ellen, has established its position as an industry leader to promote the employment of women in the trucking industry, to remove obstacles that might keep them from succeeding, and to celebrate the successes of its members. After forming in 2007 with the support of a passionate leadership team, highly engaged members, and committed sponsors and partners, this non-profit organization has made an impact globally.

In 2012 Ellen VOIE was recognized by the White House for being a “Transportation Innovator Champion of Change.”  This distinction gave the organization a higher level of both credibility and visibility in the trucking industry.


Ellen VOIE started her career in 1978 when she was hired at a steel fabricating plant in central Wisconsin. She worked in the drafting department, designing material handling equipment, such as steel pallets, bins, and racking. In 1979 she was transferred into the Traffic Department. She earned a diploma in “Traffic and Transportation Management,” and later became the Traffic Manager.

In her personal life, Ellen VOIE married a professional driver, and they started their own trucking company. Besides, she did free-lance work as a transportation consultant, ran a small carrier, raised two children, and attended college to earn her bachelor’s and then master’s degree in communication.

After twenty years, her marriage ended. Ellen VOIE accepted the position of Executive Director of Trucker Buddy International, where she led the program for six years. Then, she was recruited by Schneider National to lead their retention efforts.  Her job was to initiate corporate-level programs designed to attract and retain non-traditional groups, which included female professional drivers.

At the time, she was completing her pilot’s license, and she belonged to an organization for female pilots. It struck her that there wasn’t a similar group for women in the trucking industry, so she started one.

That was in 2007 when the Women In Trucking Association was formed!


As a member-based organization, their goal is to listen and provide the needed resources.  For an association, this typically means information such as best practices, research, and as much data as possible.  In 2007, there was very little data in the trucking industry related to gender.  In fact, many trucking companies didn’t even track the percentage of female drivers or managers hired.  The organization’s focus is to listen and learn and then provide the resources their members need to create a more diverse culture.


In thirteen years, the Women In Trucking Association has grown to about 5,200 members in ten countries. One of their goals is to expand into more international economies, to have a greater understanding of how to attract and retain women in other nations.  Not all challenges are the same.   For some, such as India, it might be cultural, and for others, such as in Western Australia, it might be due to the nature of the challenging terrain. They are also working to create more local and regional groups by forming chapters.


The goal during turbulent times is to be adaptable.  We need to make decisions in an agile way so we can be proactive instead of reactive.  For example, we decided to cancel our annual conference and to change it to a virtual event.  This created a challenge to deliver the needed and desired content without compromising the interaction.  We are all getting better at virtual meetings. However, it still removes the personal connections we make at an event, and our goal is to ensure our attendees feel included, educated, and entertained enough to want to come back next year”, stated Ellen.

She doesn’t look at any actions as failures; she views them as learning opportunities. There are decisions she has made that have turned her in a different direction, but that’s part of the journey.  She can’t think of anything she could have or would have done differently.


Ellen proudly said, “As a leader, my approach is to lead by example.  I work hard and expect our team members to work hard, as well.  Since we are a virtual organization with remote staff, it makes it more challenging to motivate and support, but we do that through consistent interaction.  More importantly, we hire people who can work independently and who are self-motivated.  We don’t count hours, and we don’t over manage.  Instead, we treat each individual as an adult and measure outcomes instead of hours.  This makes work-life balance easier when our team members choose their workdays and establish their own schedules. Outcomes are the goal, not timesheets or check-ins.”

Ellen’s vision, or perhaps her superpower, is that she looks ahead to the future.  She sees the opportunities to create change and grabs them.  She does not let anyone tell her she can’t succeed! Ellen is driven when it comes to looking forward and making the industry a better place.


 New ideas as a CEO include creating more opportunities for various demographic or professional groups to learn from our expertise.  For example, female professional drivers could be segregated by whether they work in teams or solo, owner-operators or company drivers, or by the type of freight they haul, such as flatbed, automotive, dry van or refrigerated.  Ellen loves to see more of an individualized approach to these connections.


Ellen Voie shared, “The best advice I ever received was to move out of my comfort zone.  Each one of us needs to test our limits to see what we are capable of accomplishing.  Without pushing ourselves, we’ll never experience the sense of accomplishment that comes from the challenge.  I have sky-dived, Bungee jumped, and learned to drive an 18 wheeler, fly a plane and ride a motorcycle.”

A Fine Example Of Dynamic Leadership: Jade Clinics’s Jennifer Desloges

In this modern age, women are not only flocking to the world of entrepreneurship- they are trailblazing it. Be it healthcare, education, technology, retail, women are trooping out of their comfort zones and emerging as leaders and change-makers. And Jennifer Desloges is the perfect reflection of the world’s emerging business leaders.

Not everyone secures a well-cushioned position and a family business; some invest their dreams, visions, and seat to drive their entrepreneurial realm. Jennifer Desloges is the CEO of Jade Clinics, a renowned name of franchising for permanent hair removal, and helping people to end the torment of unwanted hair and leave them feeling thrilled.

The foundation of her leadership journey was taken in 1983 when she gave birth to her first child at the age of 19. Being a mother at such a young age helped progress her life cycle and thrust into owning her own business at 27 years old. But business didn’t fall into her lap; she had to seek it out because of a condition that started to develop throughout her pregnancies. Polycystic Ovaries is a condition in which women can develop male-type hair growth on their faces and bodies. She was ashamed of the hair and felt unaccepted by society until she found electrolysis.

For the first few years of her career as an electrologist, she just worked 1-on-1 with clients before she opened a government-approved vocational electrolysis school in 1996. From recruiting, hiring, to teaching, passing/failing a lot more went into her day-to-day routine then just greeting, working on and taking payments from a client. Now she was in command of a group and training put her in this position to lead, developing skills and mindsets. At this point, she learned to lead by example.

Just as the transition to teaching electrolysis was a big jump so was the transition to franchising in 2010. She was now selling individuals on what she created for herself, was a viable option for them to financially support their lives. At this point, she wasn’t just teaching them how to do electrolysis; she was teaching them how to sustain a business.

Throughout the years, she has spent numerous hours reading and listening to audiobooks related to business, leadership, and marketing to gain insights. She is a member of a Business Networking International chapter in Richmond; the connections she has made have been another great resource for her business.

Differentiating Factors

Unlike other hair removal services, electrolysis is a permanent solution for any person with a hair problem and a desire to change. It doesn’t matter the colour of the hair, the colour of the skin, all that matters is the desire.

I’ve also spent 30 years developing and redeveloping how we do electrolysis. Never being satisfied and always on the lookout for a better way, I would put my skill or the skills of any of our Jade practitioners against any hair removal method or practitioner in the world. I know we can deliver to levels not found anywhere else,” asserts Jennifer.

Vital Attributes For Business Personnel

Know your strengths and weaknesses. Fill the gaps you are lacking and lean on the strengths you possess. And most importantly have the tenacity to work through the hard times and never give up and don’t forget to celebrate when things are great. Specifically, in my industry you have to be a perfectionist,” states Jennifer.

Major Hurdle And Advice To Tackle Them

Sharing your vision and people buying into it is the biggest roadblock. Jennifer’s advice for overcoming it is to hire a business coach and branding specialist to help nail down your vision and present it understandably. If the goal is accomplishment people will automatically want to be part of your business.

Our strategy is through educating the client to get them in the door and provide great service when they are a client”, Jennifer wraps up.

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