How Social Media Marketing is Changing Entrepreneurship

Social media has emerged as a transformative force in recent years, reshaping how businesses connect with their customers, build brands, and drive innovation. Social media plays a significant role in communication, information sharing, and doing business. This change has huge implications for entrepreneurs and small businesses. The rise of social media marketing has enabled new companies to level the playground and take a stand against established organizations. Social media provides unparalleled opportunities for startups and has transformed the entrepreneurship landscape. This write-up lets us understand how social media marketing is changing entrepreneurship.

Builds brand identity

Social media is essential for entrepreneurs striving to shape and communicate their brand identity. Through authentic and consistent messaging on social media, businesses can establish a unique brand voice, showcase their values, and personally connect with their target audience. That’s how social media marketing is changing entrepreneurship.

Social media platforms like Instagram use a grid structure to arrange and preview the photos on a user’s page. Brands can utilize this to their benefit by posting images with cohesive designs, aligned aesthetics, and pleasing colour palettes to display and flaunt their brand’s ambiance, making their page picturesque and eye-catching to the average Instagram user.

Customer acquisition and marketing

Entrepreneurs can utilize influencer collaborations, targeted advertising, and content marketing to expand their consumer base and penetrate their desired market segment. The skill to tailor messages and advertisements to a specific

demographic can improve marketing efforts, allowing entrepreneurs to maximize their budget and increase the likelihood of reaching potential customers. According to the latest research, there are over 3.8 million posts with the hashtag #ad per year. Famous influencers have substantial followings on multiple platforms, with millions of followers who trust their product recommendations. Brands can establish partnerships with influencers with

similar target audiences who can create content for the brand to penetrate the market and make their brand known.

Improves customer engagement

Through social media platforms, entrepreneurs can interact directly with their customers. Entrepreneurs can engage with customers via comments, direct messages, and interactive content. This can help them to create a loyal following. They can also respond to customer inquiries, address concerns, and gather real-time feedback. Such engagement encourages a sense of community and loyalty among customers, who feel a personal connection to the brand. This connection is further deepened by Q&A sessions, live video features, and interactive content. In this way, social media facilitates direct and immediate interaction between businesses and their customers.

Cost-effective market research

Every business requires market research. However, it is expensive and takes a while. Traditional marketing methods can be expensive, especially for startups with limited budgets. In such a situation, social media platforms offer entrepreneurs cost-effective marketing opportunities. It enables businesses to reach a massive audience at a fraction of the cost. That’s why social media is an attractive option for startups and small businesses to promote their products and services. Social media offers live insights into consumer desires and needs. Entrepreneurs can use them to their advantage to learn more about their customers or users, discover evolving tendencies, and adapt their approaches as needed.

Offers Global Reach

Social media easily crosses national and international borders and provides entrepreneurs with an opportunity to instantly reach millions of people around the world. It allows businesses to access the global market and grow their customer base exponentially. Even a small startup with no capital could find international markets with the right methods, previously only accessible to major corporations.

Last Thoughts

Undoubtedly, social media has revolutionized entrepreneurship in countless ways. Its power to enhance visibility, enable direct communication, facilitate market research, and foster customer engagement has empowered businesses of all sizes to flourish. Social media offers cost-effective marketing opportunities, opening doors for aspiring entrepreneurs. Its ability to access global markets has propelled established businesses to new heights. With the evolution of social media, its impact on entrepreneurship will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of business innovation and growth. Entrepreneurs who leverage social media’s potential will be well-positioned to thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Cappadocia: A Timeless Tapestry of Legends, Nature, and Flavors

Cappadocia is the heart of Turkey. It is a place where ancient stories blend perfectly with amazing, dreamlike natural scenery. Cappadocia is a special place that welcomes travelers with its unique charm. Here, history, art, and delicious food all blend together, creating a beautiful and rich experience for everyone.

Goreme – Where History and Nature Converge

Goreme, a historical town near Nevsehir Kapadokya Airport. It shows the rich heritage of Cappadocia. In the middle of Goreme, there is a special place called the Open-Air Museum, recognized by UNESCO. It holds the early Christian history of the area. The ancient monasteries, rock-cut chapels, and colorful church paintings carry the feelings of the past. They show how people used to connect with their spirituality and express their creativity. One special place among these ancient wonders is the Karanlik (Dark) Church. Inside that church, there are paintings on the walls that are very old but still look great. The paintings show how people in Cappadocia mixed their beliefs and art a long time ago.

Goreme’s Red Valley, also known as Kizilcukur, is a masterpiece crafted by nature itself. The bright red rocks, carved from a special stone, make a dreamlike land that comes alive during the sunset. When the sun goes down, the rocks and wildflowers turn orange and red, making a magical scene that captivates everyone who sees it. Walking through this valley is more than just a hike, it becomes a sensory journey. 

The rustle of leaves underfoot and the scent of wildflowers in the air accompany each step, creating an immersive experience that resonates in the soul. The sound of leaves underfoot and the smell of wildflowers fill the air. It makes you feel completely involved, touching your heart deeply. It feels completely involved, touching the heart deeply. Every rock and flower seems to have ancient stories. It makes people curious to discover more about this wonderful land.

Urgup – Where Legends Come to Life

In the east, there is a biggest town in Cappadocia named Urgup. It has amazing natural rock formations that share ancient stories. In the town, there are special rock formations called the Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys. They tell ancient stories about romance and tragedy. As night falls, lights make the rocks in Urgup look magical and mysterious. 

The culinary experience in the town is amazing, with traditional Turkish meze and manti that tastes really good. The Clay Pot Kebab is a delicious dish that is slow-cooked to perfection. It shows off the amazing cooking skills of the region. Dining in Urgup is more than just a meal, it is like listening to a beautiful song made of different tastes. Each dish tells a story of mixing old traditions with new ideas.

In Cappadocia, there is a captivating aroma. It is a mix of clay, aromatic spices, and the rich fragrance of freshly made Turkish coffee. Exploring local pottery workshops allows travelers to experience ancient traditions, shaping wet clay with their hands and understanding the delicate artistry involved. The region’s stunning nature blends perfectly with the delicious smell of Turkish food creating a sensory delightful experience with every breath. The dance of spices and the sizzle of kebabs create a wonderful smell in the air. It invites visitors into the heart of Cappadocia’s culinary traditions.

Uchisar – Where Beauty Touches the Sky

Uchisar has the highest point in Cappadocia, offering wide views to the horizon. Uchisar Castle has strange shaped rooms and winding paths. It tells stories about ancient battles and defense. Walking down the Pigeon Valley trail from Uchisar to Goreme feels like traveling back in time.

In Pigeon Valley, ancient people lived in caves, painted on walls, and had holes for pigeons. It is a peaceful place to learn about the past. In Pigeon Valley, there are  ancient echoes and natural wonders that make people think deeply. It invites travelers to think about the passage of time and the strong history of Cappadocia.

A Profound Encounter with the Soul of Turkey

Cappadocia is not just a destination, it is a deep experience that connects with the soul of Turkey. Its ancient wonders, culinary treasures and beautiful views come together to create a special and magical experience that lasts forever.

When travelers leave Cappadocia, they take more than just pictures and souvenirs. They carry a part of its magical feeling with them. This feeling makes them want to come back and experience the  fairy tales written in the rocks and skies of this amazing place.

Cappadocia is a magical place in the heart of Turkey, where ancient stories blend with nature’s wonders. Towns like Goreme, Urgup, and Uchisar offer glimpses into the past. Goreme’s Open-Air Museum reveals early Christian history through rock-cut chapels, while the Red Valley paints a charming scene at sunset. Urgup’s rock formations tell tales of romance and tragedy, complemented by delicious traditional cuisine. Uchisar flaunts ancient cave houses and broad views, inviting travelers to step back in time.

Leaving Cappadocia means taking its magical feeling with us. It makes us come back to its timeless magic, where stories and dreams feel real and magical.

Use These 5 Marketing Tools to Sharpen Your Marketing Strategy!

In this new modern era, the world is going at ease, provided by technology to people. Technology offers people things to do with a single click. At present, most of the customers are online users, so all smart businessmen and entrepreneurs change their path to online marketing, social media marketing, and related tools. So if you want to improve your marketing skills, you must know about the new marketing tools. After using these tools, your business becomes more creative and runs at an increasing growth rate.

  • Website Designing
  • Digital Marketing
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing
  • CRM Management

Website designing – If you are looking to start a new business, then a website is the first thing you need to create to connect with your prospective clients. Good design and development of the website help further by providing a better user experience. A good website often acts as your products’ catalog, creating an impression on customers. Your website is a reflection of your work and brand from which customers can attract to your service. User experience on a website determines how creative and attractive your website is!

Digital Marketing – Advertisement is the root of the marketing system. An impactful advertisement can make your product a best seller and promote your growth to the next level. It is a newly emerging advertising tool by using several social media platforms. This tool allows you to refine your marketing strategy effectively. The best digital marketer knows how to connect with customers and taking overview from them.

SEO – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is one of the most useful tools nowadays. It enhances the website’s value and helps it to gain a high rank on google, which eventually increases visibility. Optimized content attracts readers to the website, which relies upon creative writing, catchy titles, interesting wording, and content.

Social Media Marketing – Social media is an excellent platform for any marketing related to business, education, and travel. We can connect and make room in the minds of people by creating trust and quality by using apps like Instagram, Twitter, what’s app, and Facebook. These apps help your start-up to grow and sell your products and services to new customers.

CRM Management – Customer Relationship Management helps you to reach customers. This system makes you achieve your goal by getting customer feedback and improvisation in productivity, marketing system as well.

Conclusion – So, by using and working on these tools you will surely add value to your marketing tactics and strategies and put your company or business to the next level. We can conclude that marketing is completely turning toward digital innovations. As an entrepreneur, you have to pay keen attention to SEO, as it higher your rank on the search engines and then ultimately all other platforms like social media, email marketing, and so on. If you are able to use these marketing tools using your innovative ideas, you will definitely sharpen your skill and see admiring changes in your business. Digital marketing offers you to reach your targeted customers by accessing their personal information and knowing their interests, through which you can transform your business growth unexpectedly!

10 Key Benefits of SEO for Improving Your Business!

SEO is Search Engine Optimization, currently popular as the best marketing tool for many businesses. SEO works as an organic content identifier; the relevant content about that particular subject appears on the top of the search engines. Search engines have crawlers or bots that gather all the websites related to search results and put all the top websites for users. Search engines like Google and Bing always try to give users the best experience and give them the desired search results for their searches.

So, all online users and businesses use SEO tools as their best marketing strategy. There are two online marketing criteria: SEO (Organic Marketing) and PPC (Pay for Marketing). If your website is designed with appropriate and excellent content, then SEO bots pick your website on the top to show search results to users. Therefore, SEO marketing is known as Organic marketing, for which you don’t need to pay. On the other hand is Pay-Per-Click marketing, where a marketer has to pay. The content of the website should be useful for your users or customers. Content can be in the form of blogs, write-ups, or articles through which you can attract customers to your business.

We understand SEO in a more precise form with the help of an easy example by which you can get more familiar with that topic and be able to use it for your business in a practical manner.

For Example, you search for ‘Best book for self-development on Google or any other search engine. You will get hundreds of results related to self-development books, but which will you choose? Preferably, you will select those books shown at the top of the search engine and why the top search results appear first because of the quality and relevancy of their content on the website. So whatever business you have, you must come up with more quality content in the form of blogs, images, services, and products than other websites. The moral of the story is that you must put genuine efforts into designing your website and content unlike and unique from others. Hence your efforts and quality content give you the benefits of SEO marketing for your business. Let’s see the top 10 benefits of SEO tools for your business growth.

  1. Increase your customers by using organic search

Search Engine Optimization is a science through which we can improve our website’s ranking on search engines. It increases the visibility of our website when users search for any product or information. And more website visibility helps attract more customers to your website. So without any marketing strategy, SEO enhances your business by providing you with quality and organic customers if your content is informative and relevant.

  1. SEO helps to develop the trust of customers

Websites that rank high on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) will get more visibility because it appears on the first page of search results. The content or site with a high ranking on SERPs develops and increases the trustability of customers towards any business. So, without any payable marketing, you can reach up to your genuine customers and enrich your business growth.

  1. You don’t need to pay for marketing in SEO

Putting all efforts into enriching the quality of your product and delivering it to your customers creatively is the skill of a marketing strategy or marketer. If your content and product quality are not proper and you have applied any high-cost marketing strategy, not any marketing strategy will help you to get results and growth. But if your content and product’s quality are really good, it ultimately reaches your target customers using the SEO ranking method without paying any cost.

  1. SEO assists in content marketing

Many businesses currently use content marketing as their strategy to get more value and credibility in their business. Any business can make use of this content marketing which assists that business in describing their product’s quality, information, and about their service. Good content will effortlessly increase traffic on your site and offer you target customers to sell your service.

  1. SEO supports PPC marketing

SEO is an unpaid marketing promotion type, while PPC is a paid marketing advertising campaign. SEO helps to gather organic traffic for your site and by PPC with paid service, you can put your site at the top of the search results of web pages. So, it will become a perfect pairing if SEO and your PPC marketing go hand in hand.

  1. It increases the user’s network.

Search engines always try to give a better user experience to each. So by SEO features, search engines give top results to their users to provide the best and proper content to the user. If your site is at a high rank on SEO, then naturally, user traffic will attract you to your web page.

  1. Develop your digital marketing strategy

SEO marketing proves as one of the best and most trustworthy strategies for increasing your network and enhancing your business revenue. Your digital presence as a marketer will tell customers about your service and products. So your website designing, content relevancy, product quality, reviews from customers, and reputed business make you a good digital marketer these days.

  1. SEO helps to build a brand

SEO promotes your product by increasing your website visibility to customers and helping to create brand recognition on online platforms. Whether an enterprise, small business, marketer, or author can and should use SEO to build their brand and gain recognition online. Continuous content designing and website development efforts can help you to increase your brand reputation digitally.

  1. It helps to get more clicks than PPC

PPC means Pay per click. You have to pay search engines for every single click made by a user for your marketing strategy. So as per your PPC marketing period, your website may include in the top web page results. But in the case of SEO, you get more clicks and visits of users than PPC because SEO is based on the organic search result method. So using SEO, you can get more profit for a long period.

  1. Long term Benefits of website

Though SEO takes time to show its importance to growing your business, if you do your work consistently, it rewards you with long-term benefits and customers for your website. But you must add quality content to your website to attain long-term stability in SEO marketing.

Final Thoughts

You may have good product quality and service for your customers, but if your business is not available online, it won’t be easy to attain desirable growth. So you can start with a small try in digital marketing by creating your website and content on search engines, and then step by step, you will be able to use many digital marketing tools to improve your connections and network with users. In all these tools, SEO helps you to reach the organic and target audience for your business.

By following some simple methods, you can make your site more accessible to users, but taking SEO professionals’ help is more convenient and beneficial for the growth of your business.

Slime Rancher 2 will poop onto early access next month.

The slime rancher has become one of the most famous applications by the help of which people use to play the game, and now the game has become one of the most famous giving platforms for the users. Now the importance of the game is also relatively increasing, and it also helped in the early access process. 

The new version of the Slime rancher that is also noted as a Slime rancher part 2 has Means started, and people are also willing to start the early access Slime answer, and it also has become one of the most important parts of everyday life cycle. The importance of Slime Rancher has also become one of the most important gaming experiences for the users, and the users also think that the second part of the game will also become one of the most helpful ones for the users, and they will be able to take help from these games also. As a part of the new launch, the company has decided that they will profile early access to the users faster so that they will be able to get early access to the game, and they will be able to use the Slime Lancer for a longer period of time. This has become one of the most important marketing strategies for the company, the help of which they will be able to complete the marketing process of the client and server, and the gaming will also become even easier for the user faster. 

This is going to be one of the most famous games for the game lovers by the help of which they will be able to make necessary changes in the Slime rancher game, and they will be able to get one of the best games for them. Special people will be able to get early access to the game, and they will be able to get assistance for the required Slime rancher game

4 Tips To Make Your Business Stand Out On Social Media

Social media is hugely important in promoting your business. Right now social media is a multi-purpose tool. It’s a promotional tool, but it’s also a tool for engaging with your customers, and giving them immediate access to you, and your business. As social media is so important, pretty much every business is using it, which means that you really need to make sure that your business stands out from the crowd. 

1. Upgrade All Your Profiles

Make sure that your business is active on the same platforms that your customers are. If they’re on LinkedIn, make sure that you are too. You also need to be sure that your profile bios have all the information that you need to get across, but that they’re engaging, and relatable. 

Another tip is to set up a Google My Business account to make sure that anyone who is looking for you can find you easily. 

You’ll also need to make sure that all your social media profiles, across all platforms are consistent with your brand. All your profiles need to have a high-quality profile picture. It’s a good idea to use the same image on all your profiles, and it’s a better idea to make your profile picture your logo

As well as sharing posts, and posting directly on your social media, you should consider creating social media groups for your clients. Social media groups will help create a community of clients, and give you a different way of communicating with them. You can use the group to give your existing clients first looks of new products, news, updates, and you could even offer them specific discounts or rewards. 

2. Find New Ways To Engage

Another way to make your business memorable is to find new ways to engage with your customers, and potential customers. 

Live Streaming

Live streaming is a fantastic way of connecting with your audience, and attracting a new audience as well. Live streaming gives people a chance to see you in real-time, and interact with you in a way that posting doesn’t allow for. 

You could start with a Question and Answer stream, and give potential customers a chance to ask questions, and really show them what your business can do for them. Other live content ideas could be sneak peeks of new products, upcoming news or developments, or even a masterclass in using your products. 


Depending on your product, it could be an idea to offer online consultations to your customers. Many social media platforms offer video calling, or voice calling. If your product, and your schedule allows, make a call to action on your social media profiles offering your potential customers a one to one consultation. 

3. Keep Your Blog Up To Date

If you already have a blog, you should make sure that it’s kept up to date. If you don’t have one, you should consider starting one. 

A blog has several benefits for your website. Firstly, it gives search engines something else to crawl through, and this can help your place higher in the search engine rankings. It needs to be well written, and contain keywords, but it’s definitely a big plus as far as search engines are concerned. 

Secondly, it shows your customers that you have something of value for them. When you share your knowledge, you’re telling your customers that you have expertise that can help them solve their problems. 

Thirdly, it gives you something to share on your social media profiles. Social media users can begin to ignore your posts if you post more or less the same thing all the time. Sharing your blog posts is another way to keep their attention. 

4. A Mailing List

A mailing list means that you can engage with your audience from their own email inbox. One of the benefits of this is that it’s a direct connection with your clients. Make sure that your mailing list sign-up is on your social media profiles, and make sure that clients have a reason to sign up. It could be that you offer more specific advice, more detailed content, or a specific discount for people who sign up.

8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing

The Power Of Social Media

Social Media has become a phenomenon, unlike anything that we have witnessed in the Digital Age. It is no longer an infatuation that consisted of posting some geeky old pictures or some weird video content. Rather than that, it has become a full-fledged medium of employment. Social Media Marketing for Business has become a complete and mature business model for many of the organizations worldwide. Be it small or big; it has evolved to reach a more comprehensive set of audience in a limited period.

Social Media Marketing For Business

Techniques like SMOFacebook marketingTwitter Marketing, etc. has become the latest fad in the Social Media marketing for business, and we would be looking at some of the reasons as to why it is needed.

Social Media helps drive traffic-driving targeted traffic to your website is essential to understand whether it is as per the needs and wants of your clients. Social media marketing for business helps a vital portion of your clients and leads to include themselves on social media. Reason being that every organization has their social media account, and with every new update companies can relay them to the clients.

This will only drive targeted traffic to your website and not the generalized traffic, but you as a client would be surprised by the results that you can get.

  • Increasing the website’s SEO

There is increased usage of search engine crawlers when you use social media marketing for business, particularly SEO. Techniques like Instagram marketing and LinkedIn Marketing, thereby helps in expanding the site’s SEO tenfold. It enables you to connect with the professional crowd, which also includes notable industry leaders in your domain. Having a hard-hitting content is not enough, which is why you should have a great social media marketing strategy as well that would be good for business.

  • It helps you to understand the crowd.

Social Media Marketing for business acts as a useful tool for you to develop your client base for lead generation. You can understand your crowd by reading their posts, tweets, and social media updates and so on. This helps in getting you the target audience where you can focus. You will have a generalized idea as to what they buy, which you can then incorporate into your website to gain their trust.

  • Helps you build a relationship with the audience

Since you know what your audience needs concerning the product that you have, it is past time that you have an interaction with them. Because companies would see Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as marketing channels, but consumers look to it as a social media platform for networking.

Therefore, clients can network their way into the minds of their clients and build better relationships with them. The power of Social Media Advertising is the one to look out for as the years progress.

  • Social Media allows increased visibility on Google.

Marketing your website credibly will increase the site’s presence on many of the browsers like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Social media marketing for business will thereby improve your website’s rankings and thus enables your clients to click on any of your pages. It also gives an increased site exposure, which in turn boosts rankings and gives you traffic.

  • Increased sales conversion rates

Since companies can connect and attract more clients using social media marketing for business, they can, in turn, have an elevated amount of conversions as well. Your website and a perfect marketing strategy give your site a face which makes it an ethical. This is again important for effective conversion rate as well.

  • Creates brand loyalty

If an organization has an active social media presence, then that creates brand loyalty which is trusted by the customers. You engage your customers, build connections with them, and also provide vital information about the brand as well. This helps in creating a reputation and brand value as well.

  • Transforming your marketing strategies

Social media marketing for business is a way to transform your marketing strategy for the betterment of the organization and the clients as well. Companies need to be aware of all the different amount of media marketing tactics which would help them stay ahead in the game.

Digital Age has ushered in a new age of revolution in terms of social media marketing for business. Apart from a slew of advantages that it offers, organizations also need to aware that trends change, and with it, the strategies also need to change.

Staying one step ahead of the competition is the name of the game when it comes to social media marketing. It is a domain that is ever-changing and evolving day by day, which will benefit the organizations every time they step foot in it.

Alternative for Whatsapp | Whatsapp New Privacy Policy

Currently Whatsapp is the biggest and was first of its kind to be social engaging and connecting mobile application with contact-detailed identification. With over a billion users in 180 countries and counting, WhatsApp is the undisputed to-go instant messaging app on the globe. The social media giant—Facebook and its applications, including FB Messenger, Instagram, and other third-party apps, have been involved in several security breaches and have breached user privacy over the years. WhatsApp, on the other hand, is a Facebook-owned app that has resisted introducing user-centric security features such as End-to-End Encryption and other security protocols. WhatsApp began as an instant messaging service before being purchased by Facebook in the year 2014. While Facebook did not insert advertisements or violate users’ privacy on WhatsApp during the early years of its acquisition, it did cause security-conscious users to be worried about their privacy and security.

Facebook recently changed its privacy policies, allowing the company to use the data collected by WhatsApp in whatever way it sees fit. Instead of having to download three separate applications, As per various reports, Facebook is rumored to be merging Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger into a single platform, allowing users to communicate with others via messages and more in a single app. In certain cases, this will also include WhatsApp’s robust E2E encryption.

The changed policies by Facebook for Whatsapp, are stated below:

The latest privacy policy concerns WhatsApp’s service and how it manages user data. It provides end-to-end encryption, but with the recent policy update, WhatsApp and its family of applications and businesses under Facebook will be able to receive and transmit data from other companies. Operating, providing, understanding, improving, customizing, supporting, and marketing programs are all part of this.

One of the most surprising provisions of the privacy policy is the ability of WhatsApp to send necessary user data to the government in the case of unusual incidents. WhatsApp stores a large amount of data and is able to gather knowledge about these facets of your identity. Contact information, financial information, user material, usage data, diagnostics, identifiers, contacts, venue, and transactions are all included.

Moreover, Facebook and its subsidiaries, including WhatsApp, would be able to use data collected on the apps to enhance user experiences such as product recommendations, among other items.  Users’ messages are not saved, according to the privacy policy, but the user’s profile image, status message, profile name, and account information are. In layman’s words, WhatsApp stored user data on its servers that could be used for marketing purposes directly or indirectly on WhatsApp or any of Facebook’s other apps/companies.

1. Skype

Millions of people use Skype around the world. Skype has established itself as one of the most popular instant messaging and voice/video calling apps on the market. It allows you to hold a high-definition video call, and it won’t lag or display a pixelated or blurred video feed of other participants if you have 3 to 4 or more people on board. On Skype, you can have an HD video call with 1 to 49 of your family and friends.

You may form groups with other people. Make new connections by searching for people on Skype by username, email address, or even phone number. You can set your Skype status to “Busy” or “Available” so that others can contact you. If they aren’t on Skype, you can communicate with them using Skype Credit, which is a pay-as-you-go service. You can also make phone calls and send SMS messages to non-Skype users.

2. Signal

Signal—founded by the founder of Whatsapp, is one of the most obvious options for users. It has millions of users and was recently endorsed by Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Signal Private Messenger uses the open-source Signal Protocol to provide end-to-end encryption. This protects your chats and conversations while allowing security experts to identify and patch vulnerabilities and flaws.

Signal protects every call and message with open-course encryption. It is completely free to use and contains no trackers or ads, so go ahead and try it out. If you don’t want the brightness of your screen to irritate you, particularly at night, the application has a Dark Mode. There are a few drawbacks, such as the lack of animated emojis, but hey, if you’re serious about protecting your privacy from intruders and prying eyes, Signal is one of the best WhatsApp alternatives.

3. Telegram Messenger

When it comes to the best WhatsApp alternatives, Telegram Messenger is at its best. It’s fast, secure, and synchronizes across all of your devices. Telegram, which has over 400 million users, allows users to share unlimited multimedia files of any size or kind. Since it is a cloud-based app, the entire chat history will not take up a single byte of your internal storage. Above all, it protects your data from prying eyes and places a premium on privacy.

It has open-source encryption for chats and calls (both voice and video calls), but you must turn it on manually. It helps you to build groups of up to 200K people. Telegram is capable of sharing extremely large videos and files, such as 1.5GB of any movie. It is fully ad-free and has no advertisements at all. You can also download movies, TV shows, and other content from Telegram’s various channels.

4. Session private messenger

An email address or phone number is usually required when creating an account on any instant messaging app. Is that correct? To build an account with Session Private Messenger, you don’t need a phone number or an email address. Session generates a Session ID that you can ask anyone to enter once you’ve set up your account. Session has set up user-operated servers all over the world, which means it doesn’t have power over them and therefore reduces the risk of them leaking any user data.

When you use the app, no metadata is recorded, and no UP addresses are ever recorded on the servers. End-to-end encryption ensures that no one is expecting your messages. Session has no idea who you are, who you’re communicating with, or what the messages are about. One of its mottos is “free expression,” so if you use Session, you’re in for a treat.

5. Threema

It prioritizes your safety and privacy above all else. Despite the fact that there is no free edition, it is one of the most common safe messengers. On Threema, you will have uninterrupted and seamless end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls. E2E encrypted instant messaging is also included in the app. Unlike every other app you’ve used, the app is designed to produce as little data as possible. It employs the aforementioned encryption method for all audio, video, group chats, media files, and other elements of Threema that users communicate with on a daily basis. Threema Site, Dark Theme, Syncs Contacts Optionally, and Private Instant Messaging are some of the features.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Working in Film Industry

Working in the film industry is a lot of fun. By presenting stories through the camera and creating one masterpiece after another, a job at a film production company is just like working with a dream team. But as it is said, all that glitters are not gold, and things are different on the way how they are imagined outside.

In this article, we will show both sides of the coin; the advantages and disadvantages of working in film production.

  • The Pain

There are a variety of jobs in film product like a production assistant or intern. One has to do everything that no one else wishes to do. Besides, there are many different tasks in other fields of the film industry, where you can learn a lot.

After all, this important learning for beginners is an experience worth having. So if you are completely a fresher to the film industry, you will probably start with one of these jobs. But no need to worry, there is always a way to work your way up.

There are a lot of artists out there, but in reality, no one can assure you that you will manage to make a name for yourself. The fact is that it takes a lot of talent and luck to climb up high on the career ladder.

To get success in the industry, one needs to be in the right place at the right time and know the right people; it is something you cannot learn or buy from money. It takes a lot of courage and the blessing of luck. Frankly, when you are at the initial phase of your career, do not set your expectations too high. However, to get success and accomplish a goal, dreaming is important.

When you decided to do something different, de-motivation is common.  Your relatives, friends and even your family members will stop you from going on this path. This situation might seem discouraging, but don’t worry: everyone had to start this way.

Try to see the positive points of constructive criticism, but stay confident at the same time. Then, you will learn to flourish as a person and artist.

In several sectors in the creative business, it is not normal to only work the regular job. Certainly, you will work overtime during the production phase of the film.

  • The Joy

The art of film making includes giving your creative side free reign. You get the independence to express yourself and live out your talent. Some people can just dream about it, but you can make living at it.

Perhaps the most interesting part of creating a movement is how many different kinds of creativity are incorporated into a project.

In the film industry, almost all persons have ambitions, dreams, and mindsets like yours. So if filmmaking is completely your things, you can easily connect with amazing people. One of the best advantages of the film industry is an interesting environment and the experiences you create.

For a film artist, there is almost nothing more satisfying than watching a movie you are the part of once it is finally done. You will know it is the work for you, and your team, mainly when you realize all the time and work that went into making the film.

Amazon,Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase

The announcement of the healthcare partnership between Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase is either the major disruptor everyone in the industry has been awaiting or means little except to the three companies involved. Since the firms have given no indication of what they’re planning, everyone is reading into the collaboration.
Reaction has been like a Rorschach test, Kaiser Health News Chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner said during an America’s Health Insurance Plans forum Tuesday morning. People in the industry are either excited or scared.

“They’re focused on managing cost, also on that patient or employee experience,” said Tracy Watts, a senior partner with Mercer, during Tuesday’s AHIP panel discussion on employer insurance coverage. “Think about how the experience on Amazon is different than how we access healthcare delivery. I look forward to what they come up with. I don’t know if it will be dramatically different.” The Adis Group CEO Lyndean Brick said the whole thing is a mixed bag.
“Some are excited and others think it doesn’t mean anything. I think it’s reasonable to think that payers have to pay attention to this,” Brick added. “There’s the theoretical possibility that this could take insurers out of the system.”

Payers welcome this as an opportunity, according to Miki Kapoor, president and former CEO of the Tea Leaves Health division, which was recently acquired by Welltok.

“Payers are saying ‘it’s a jolt that was needed.’ I believe payers know there is always going to be a role for them. They want to evolve so they remain at the center of care.”
Many in the industry believe Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase will cut out the insurance middleman for coverage for their combined 1 million-plus employees.

Shares of Anthem, Cigna, UnitedHealth Group, Humana, Aetna and Aetna’s potential buyer, CVS Health, along with pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts, tumbled after the Jan. 30 announcements before the stock market took a general steep drop on Monday.
Analysts have viewed the $69 billion merger between Aetna and CVS Health as a preemptive strike against what many believed would be an announcement by Amazon that it would enter the pharmacy services business.

Toby Cosgrove, former CEO of the Cleveland Clinic who now serves as an executive advisor, said during a precision medicine conference this fall that the industry was concerned about major forces in the supply chain, notably “Amazon coming at us in purchasing.”
HIMSS CEO Hal Wolf said that, even short of details at this point, the fact that Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan have come together to address employer-related healthcare is intriguing.

“Depending on how this new idea gets positioned and where they go with it, the company could have an impact on a lot of health systems that have their revenue driven by payments in this same space,” Wolf said. “That’s why they have to hurry up and get faster with digital health.”
Wolf also said that he anticipates more companies outside healthcare moving to disrupt the industry in interesting ways.
“I don’t expect it to slow down,” Wolf said. “I think we’ll see more and more combinations in the future.”

JPMorgan Chief Executive James Dimon publicly tried to calm fears, saying the deal would only serve the employees of the three firms, according to The Wall Street Journal. But JPMorgan also confirmed that it welcomes others to get involved after JPMorgan spokesman Brian Marchiony said in the same WSJ report that the bank has “had hundreds of phone calls and emails from client CEOs, doctors and healthcare administrators looking to see how they can get involved.”
On a Thursday earnings call, Cigna CEO David Cordani said the deal is “presenting more opportunities than not.”

Cordani talked about the importance of its U.S. commercial employer business as a “very attractive growth opportunity.”
Should the Amazon partnership go in the direction of taking a million-plus lives out of the commercial insurance market, and should it welcome others to get involved, insurers could find they’re covering more higher risk beneficiaries.

Cordani indicated that Cigna has been thinking for some time about the future direction of the health insurance industry, and it’s not the same old model.
“Clearly the announcement was not lost on us,” Cordani said during the call in response to an analyst question on the Amazon call. “So stepping back I think one way we look at the announcement is, it reinforces something we’ve been talking about for quite some time, which is – it’s a pretty dynamic industry and the older orientation around focusing only on insurance or a fee-for-servicehealthcare delivery model is just fundamentally not sustainable as employers and customers demand more.”

That reinforces the imperative of focusing on transparency, alignment and a demonstrable way to drive healthy productive present employees and making the employer’s business better and more effective, he said.

The main threat, or opportunity, presented by the Amazon deal is the ability of the online giant, backed by data and funding, to fundamentally lower the cost of healthcare, and to target insured employees in a personalized, digital way, better and more effectively than traditional providers and insurers.
“If I bought books on Amazon two years ago, they still know what I like and need. I think Amazon is around changing the dynamic,” Pfizer CMO Freda Lewis-Hall, MD, said at the same precision medicine summit attended by Cosgrove.

She likened the industry’s efforts to delivering Star Wars advancement in a Flintstones’ system.
Amazon, JPMorgan and Berkshire Hathaway, however, will have the ability to manage employees as patients outside of the four walls of the healthcare system, Kapoor said. They will be able to influence behavior and measure those choices.

But the bottom line is that they chose to do this because they became frustrated with the cost of healthcare, he said. “Healthcare is breaking our economy,” Kapoor said. “I think these titans of industry have said, ‘we’re going to do something about it.'”
Brick said, “They’ve acknowledged they’d have to bend the cost curve. The way to bend it is to take out the middleman. They have the infrastructure. They can have their own little ecosystem, have Amazon deliver drugs to a person’s doorstep. They can buy providers.” The present system is regulated and fragmented to the point that it can’t really innovate, she said. “If we can innovate in an ecosystem like this, I think there may be some good examples that come out of this that are able to be adopted by the rest of healthcare,” Brick said. “I’m excited about this. It’s a public acknowledgment that employers are going to take charge and try and fix the system.”

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