Serge Martinod & Pharmabbie: Accelerating the Quality Life of Pets with Efficacious and Palatable Medications

While there are many inspiring success stories of business leaders and trailblazers, this article narrates the success story of Serge Martinod, who established Pharmabbie Inc.

A unique initiative that develops pharmaceuticals for dogs and other pets, prioritizing the quality of life for pets through efficacious and palatable medications. Their mission is to develop a top-quality product portfolio that serves the needs of pet owners and veterinarians alike. Established in the year 2020, Pharmabbie operates as a semi-virtual company with a network of consultants and contract organizations

Their patented innovation comes from the delivery systems. Their products are very palatable like a treat and pets love them. But they also meet the strict standards of the FDA for pharmaceuticals.

Dr.-Serge Martinod: The Man Behind the Brand

An innovative leader and an accomplished veterinarian with 35 years of expertise developing products for animal health, including more than 15 years with market leaders such as Pfizer, SmithKline Beecham, and Ciba Geigy.

He made significant contributions to the regulatory licensing of more than 20 products for companion animals and livestock in the U.S., Europe, and Japan – helping generate hundreds of million dollars in revenue.

His rich career is rooted in the creation and management of start-up companies including Smart Drug Systems, Arcanatura, TNG Pharmaceuticals, and Jaguar Animal Health (JAGX), Dr. Martinod is tapping into his experience and network to continue improving the lives of pets.

Clientele & Corporate Ethos

PharmAbbie has several tiers of clients: first tier, the animals and they keep them happy by providing drugs that taste and feel like treats. The second tier is the owners and their satisfaction come from changing the dreadful pill time into treat time, reinforcing the bond with their companion. In the third tier, the veterinarians for them, improving the success rate of therapies by guaranteeing compliance with the treatment schedule. Finally, the fourth tiers are the animal health companies selling pharmaceuticals, they provide them with ready-to-market high-quality products. Remember if your dog or cat do not bite your fingers when you give him    or her a pill you are going to be a customer for life.

Major Hurdles & the Driving Force on the Way

Pharmabbie is the result of the spin-off from another company so we can focus our time and resources on one technology with application on many products

The primary challenges are (i) obtaining FDA approval and (ii) securing funding to support product development.

Hard work is the main driving force behind Serge’s successful journey. Other factors that lead him to grow include taking risks, learning from experience, trying to work smart.

Creating a Balanced & Equal Industry

Break paradigms, you cannot win if you do what all the others are doing. Focus on your strengths and hire people to handle your weaknesses. Innovate all the time but be realistic about what you can achieve. Never overpromise!

A Day in the Visionary’s Life & Hobbies

His day begins with breakfast watching the morning news with several cups of espresso, then checking the emails to see what came during the night either from Europe or Asia and answering those emails, showering, going to the office. There are usually several conference calls or Zoom with collaborators or investors, lunch at the desk with more emails, then later in the day working on a dossier and writing documents. Usually, late dinner and one last check at email, or researching databases. Going to bed late watching the late-night news. Pretty much the same routine every day 7 days a week.

Dr Martinod loves to do skiing, sailing, reading good books, and gastronomy but he has little time for hobbies with his current workload.

From the Founder’s Desk

The major reason behind choosing this career was to leave private practice where we treat one animal at a time to join the industry to find solutions that can help millions of animals. It is the possibility of making a big difference that influences my career.

First and foremost professionally I am a veterinarian and proud of it. Although I do not practice anymore I still consider myself as a clinician and a scientist finding solutions to help the pets and their owners. I work slow and steady but I am not afraid of taking risks or innovating.

Favourite Book

Growing up in France, Serge Martinod is inspired by French literature. “L’Étranger” ( the stranger) by Albert Camus. It is a book about the philosophy of the absurd, the complexity of human emotions and behaviours, and how some events out of our control can change our lives completely. Once you start reading the book you cannot stop!

Future Roadmap

Under the dynamic leadership of Serge Martinod has accomplished a lot. Now, it has a lot more to achieve- getting the first FDA approval, licensing products to larger companies for commercialisation, finding more efficient ways to develop new products. Their goal is to bring a portfolio of products to the market to make a difference in the health care of the animals and then enjoy life to the fullest.

Achievements & Milestones

The major milestones were to obtain Intellectual property, successfully scale up the manufacturing to a commercial level, obtain concurrence on the protocols for the 2 last pivotal studies from FDA, complete a Series A financing during the pandemic.

A Piece of Advice for Female Entrepreneurs

Female power is the future in business and certainly in the pharmaceutical industry. Never accept less than men, there could be some obstacles but you are already weaning.  You work harder and smarter than most men and you make most of the buying decisions in most markets so you actually know better. Take risks and innovate.

Favourite Quote 

Carpe diem. But it is easier said than done.

Sujata Dasgupta: Leading the way for the Greater Good!

Amidst COVID-19 pandemic, many sectors in various industries have had faced difficult time. Be it healthcare, fintech or IT, the damages done to businesses ranges from lowest to the highest. Yet, in such striving/difficult times, some leaders have beautifully portrayed their exceptional skills on sustaining their organizations to its desired stature. One such professional is Sujata Dasgupta.

Being the Global Head – Financial Crimes Compliance Advisory at Tata Consultancy Services, Sujata has excellently implicated her unique ideas and methods to enhance the financial risk management and compliance.

Early in my career, my goal was to rise the corporate ladder, just like anyone else,” quote Sujata. She envisions to finding a purpose and adding value through the work she does, rather than to only focus over the career growth. That later become her driving force to last 5-6 years. Moreover, she is extremely active in the global community on financial anti-crimes, and wrote in multiple journals and spoke extensively at industry events about this subject.

Tycoon Success admire such leaders and takes pride in featuring Sujata in its special edition ‘The 10 Young and Inspiring Businesswomen to Watch’.

Below are the highlights interview:

A Journey worth Appreciating

She started his career as a Banker with India’s largest bank, State Bank of India (SBI), in the year 2000. Having worked across varied functions from retail banking to corporate credit, foreign exchange, risk and compliance in India and New York for close to 7 years, she moved to the IT industry as a banking advisory consultant. She states that in the last 14 years, she initially worked in IT services and eventually moved to IT and Management Consulting, focusing on non-financial risk and compliance. During this period, she worked earlier with IBM and Infosys, and now with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) where she head the global advisory on financial crimes risk management and compliance. She have worked in 7 countries across USA, UK, Europe, and Asia, in Risk and Regulatory compliance related transformational programs for leading global banks. And, she is currently based in Stockholm, Sweden.

Accomplishing many Achievements

Sujata states that there have been several achievements during her career which are very precious to her, as each has helped her to grow both personally and professionally. From being the topper in the selection for foreign postings from SBI India (leading to her New York deputation) to several awards in IBM, Infosys and TCS, being featured in interviews by leading international journals viz. She also states that the Economist and Bloomberg, the privilege to run her own column in Corporate Compliance Insights, USA, being invited to speak in the FinCrime World Forum where each one has been very special. However, she states that the most recent accomplishment, and probably the most notable yet, has been winning 2 prestigious international awards in the March 2021 – ‘Risk Professional of The Year’ by Waters Technology in their ‘Women in Technology & Data Awards’ and ‘Fraud Prevention Award’ by Themis in their Anti-Financial Crimes Awards 2021. “Industry recognitions like these are truly motivating and drive me to pursue my passion in the risk and compliance field with a stronger resolve!” quotes Sujata.

Overcoming the Challenges

Sujata addresses that her area – financial crimes risk and compliance – is a very dynamic, complex, and challenging space to work in. Thus, it takes a lot of effort to stay up to date with all that is going on in the financial world in terms of Regulations, technology advancements, emerging risks and designing corresponding controls. “But this is an area which has grown beyond my profession – it is more of my passion now, and I consider myself one of the many fincrime fighters who are doing their bit to prevent some of the disastrous impacts of these crimes on human lives, environment and the economy!” says Sujata. So, in addition to helping her clients develop robust risk management and controls framework around fincrime and other non-financial risks, Sujata is and has been very active in the global community writing and speaking on this particular subject to bring awareness in these areas as well.

A Unique Approach

Sujata asserts a commonly known definition of leadership which states that it is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could. And she tries to inspire by example, by pushing her own boundaries, reinventing herself and accomplishing new milestones, continuously learning while keeping her ear to the ground to stay ahead of the curve. She also believes in and also practice sending the elevator back down, to groom and nurture the next layers and build the leaders of tomorrow. When asked about success, Sujata explains that success for her is to be happy doing what she love and making a difference in the process by achieving tangible results. With years passing, her idea of success has changed from material wealth and rising the career ladder to pursue her passion of research and innovation, writing and speaking on the subject that has grown very close to her heart—anti-financial crimes. “The fact that I have had a positive impact on the businesses of our clients as well as the global community in this pursuit, and the recognitions that have come my way through this are what I hold as my successes!” Sujata adds.

Creating Room for new Ideas

Sujata states that she is a strong advocate of data-driven and AI powered solutions for financial crimes risk management & compliance (FCC), aligning with the business 4.0 agenda that is steering all industries globally. FCC is poised to witness a digital disruption in this new decade, and she has been sharing her ideas on leveraging digital innovations like smart identification and verification solutions for KYC, automated screening for customers and transactions including adverse media, AI based transaction monitoring, graph technology based linkage analysis for discovering criminal networks, dynamic risk monitoring and due diligence, to name a few. She advise that enriching financial institutions’ data quality through ongoing remediation and integration of internal data with external data, as the effectiveness of AI models are heavily dependent on the firms’ data quality. She describes herself as a people’s person and have strived to build effective relationships with her teams and all stakeholders she work with.

Through quoting, “A leader is as good as his team, and that is why I invest a lot of effort in grooming those who work with me, bringing out the strengths they are not sure of themselves!” Sujata states that she leads her team from the front, with a clear vision of what she and her team must and can achieve, enabling her team to work towards that goal. She trust her people and give them the autonomy to drive initiatives on their own, while providing all the required support to achieve the target.

Advice to Rely On

Sujata expresses that her parents have always advised her to stay humble and keep her feet firmly on the ground, no matter how high life takes her. Incidentally, after her successive international award wins this year which are undoubtedly some of the highest points of her life, a close friend of hers gave me this very advice which says, “I do not to get carried away by this success but stay humble and continue the hard work!

Sujata believes in ‘Empathy!’ She recites a quote that she read long ago: ‘if you want your team to accomplish great things, you must first show them that you truly care’ and has always stayed with her. She admire such quality in her superiors and do practice with her teams. She discovered that empathetic leaders are able to communicate with their team better, eliciting more effective feedback in the process.

121Advisor: Redefining customary Business ways through Digitalization

In an interview with Tycoon Success, Kevin Steer—the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of 121Advisor, emphasizes over the exceptional journey put forth by the company of achieving many milestones in its pathway. Its flagship product which is also to be the all-encompassing solution provider known as ‘Customer First Connected Enterprise Digital Framework’. Driven with strong motive, thus quoting “we don’t follow trends, we pioneer them” the company has paved a strong stature for itself to march on.

Through this special issue, “Recommended Insurance Tech Solution Providers For 2021,” Tycoon Success shows its gratitude and appreciation towards the contribution made by the 121Advisor in the business world.

Below are the highlights:

Products to Rely On

Kevin states that over the past 10 years the company has implemented many disruptive online solutions including Referral Management with Marketing Automation (for Banks), Mobile Point of Sales, Online Direct Selling, Online Claims, Agency Distribution, Online Customer Service Portals & Corporate Websites. He also emphasizes that with the growth of AI & chatbots; 121Advisor implemented disruptive solutions including multilingual Chatbots & Robo Advisors along with AI based Predictive Analytics / Machine Learning for predicting New Products, Lapsation, Fraudulent Claims & future predictions for Investment Funds.

Into the Shoes of the Leader

Being experienced and having worked in the insurance & takaful sector for years, the Chief Executive Officer states that 121Advisor’s mission was to provide disruptive InsurTech & FinTech solutions for insurers, takaful operators & banks. As a CEO & a ‘techie’, Kevin has always been looking for new disruptive solutions to continue evolving the business. It all started with his working for an Artificial Intelligence Company in 1986, which piqued his interest in AI. Kevin states that when 121Advisor started seeing the evolution of Chatbots, Robo Advisors, Predictive Analytics, Behavioral Intelligence & Robotic Process Automation—the company started researching on AI solutions and the team implemented 24×7 multi-lingual Chatbots, Robo Advisors for lifestyle financial planning, as well as implementing Predictive Analytics solutions for predicting new products to buy, lapsation of policies, fraudulent claims & future grow/decline of investment funds; which are integrated with RPA solutions to trigger workflows to notify the relevant people. Moreover, he highlights in the year 2014 the company became profitable and 121Advisor used the profits for R&D on developing new disruptive solutions. Here is a graph that shows the company’s growth over the past decade.

Overcoming the Challenges

Kevin addresses the fact that as most millennials in Asia Pacific do not understand financial planning, and often max out their credit cards and get into debt; there is a need to help educate them on their lifestyle financial goals and recommend products that they can buy online. With the launch of u12know, he states that one might see that this will become a disruptive knowledge portal offering advice on lifestyle financial & (in future) health goals. Making them understand their needs and create a plan to help them build their lifestyle & business financial plans. “For each country, this will be translated into the local language,” quotes Kevin.

During COVID-19 pandemic, 121Advisor saw the need to offer financial services and health services online with lifestyle financial & health advice. Kevin and his team recently launched a knowledge portal u12know ( in Malaysia, that provides lifestyle financial advice—for single, married, family, retired & my business. This will continuously be extended to include lifestyle financial goals with recommendations for financial and business products, including company’s multi-lingual chatbot & Robo Advisor—which provides advice on financial goals.

A peek into Key aspects

When asked about the factors of the company which helps business, Kevin emphasizes over some key aspects which are listed below, in his own words:

Referral Management

He states that a bank in Malaysia, wanted his company to deliver a Referral Management solution in 3 months, this included defining KPIs for each product, interfacing with back-end sales, and synchronizing status of agents daily, then auto assigning to the relevant sales agents based on the referral product required. 121Advisor delivered the solution and went live in 3 months, currently used by 6,700+ users referring an average of 170,000 referrals per annum.

Mobile Point of Sales for Insurance

He mentions that one of company’s insurance customers wanted an agent mobile sales solution delivered in 4 months, this includes product setup, quotation, and proposal, auto-underwriting and online submission to the insurer—121Advisor delivered the solution and went live in 4 months currently used by 700+ Agents across 3 insurers.

Agent Distribution Solution

With its agent distribution solution, Kevin states that a number of Agent Leader Corporations (ALCs) wanted company to compute their commissions, bonus; then based on n-tier hierarchy, manage the performance and track KPIs for agent promotion / demotion—depending on whether they met their targets, including integration with their insurance/takaful companies. Once the ALC managers approve payments, it makes online payment direct to the agents. Then 121Advisor delivered these solutions in 2 – 4 months, based on the integration requirements with the insurance/takaful company, currently utilized to compute 2,000+ agents across 4 insurers.

Customer Service Portal

Kevin addresses that the Customer Self Service Portal is an on-demand access point enabling customer to view their insurance/takaful account, anywhere and anytime. This enables the policyholders to view their policies and certificate details via a simple internet connection. The portal provides a safe avenue for customers to update their personal information, pay premium, switch funds, print documents, update beneficiary details, request policy changes and engage in filing claims and processing, which traditionally would take weeks to be executed due to siloed lines of business. The platform also supports automated workflows that are triggered by certain customer activities which are routed to relevant departments and customers are kept informed via emails or messaging. “Providing a portal for your customers with the convenience of self-servicing, customers can enjoy the freedom of doing what’s convenient for them, when they want anywhere,” says Kevin.

Predictive Analytics Models (PAM)

121Advisor solutions focus on predictive marketing & sales, customer service, new business underwriting, personalization and claims management to build Predictive Analytics Models (PAM) for Banking, Insurance & Takaful.

Multi-lingual Chatbot for Financial Insurance & Takaful (FITbot)

Kevin states Multi-lingual Robo Advisor and chatbot that utilizes hybrid trees and natural language processing (NLP) to engage with customers to offer a more personalized customer experience and generate more referrals. He also mentions company’s 24×7 multi-lingual FITbot which has benefits such as:

  • It changes the way people think about customer engagement.
  • It reduces customer service costs by up to 40% by implementing 24×7 intelligent bots.
  • It delivers personalized customer experiences by proactively understanding the customer via real-time lead scoring algorithms and providing a personalized interactive user experiences.
  • Its personalized experiences generate more warm leads that can be routed to financial advisors, live chat direct marketing, or direct online purchase.
  • It leads continuous improvement using machine learning algorithms that adapts to changes in topics and conversations over time.
  • When it cannot answer a question, it directs to live chat customer support.
  • Its predictive personalization rules engine enables companies to quickly configure their financial product recommendations based on lifestyle goals and identified needs.
  • It integrates with sales tools and customer databases via secure authenticated APIs.

Choices Online Store (COS)

Kevin states that through Choices Online Store (COS) insurers and takaful operators can provide direct purchase of products online. It also can integrate with Multi-lingual Chatbot for Financial Insurance & Takaful (FITbot) robo-advisor services as well as referrals via Referral Management & Marketing Automation (ReMMA). Also, the Choices Online Store (COS) allows insurer and takaful operators to leverage a mix of technological innovations from the Enterprise Digital Framework and allows carriers to configure their online products through the Enterprise Product Configurator (EPC) and offer directly to consumers via WebPortal Solution (WebPoS). It also allows businesses to setup a product catalogue, via customizable product page templates, for categorized and convenient research on multiple product comparisons to enhance the selection process. Kevin also asserts that online buyers are allowed with benefit and cost comparison, quotations generation, online purchase and e-payment for convenient purchase process. The sales are guided with needs analysis based on client’s financial needs and lifestyle, so clients make informed decisions. If clients need hands-on advice FITbot can help them guide through the process or get connected with e-advisors online. The e-advisor can be registered with the chat service which can help track KPIs and referrals for performance management

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