Dr. Sam Swapn | CEO | Strategism Inc | Tycoon Success | Business Success

Dr. Sam Swapn: Helping Organizations Train Their Employees

Headquartered in Fremont CA Strategism Inc offers the best online and in-class training, certification, staffing, and consulting services. Founded in 2008 by Dr. Sam Swapn, CEO, the firm currently employs more than 100 employees across the planet. The firm’s strength lies in its training courses, which are mainly geared towards obtaining accredited and industry-leading certifications in management and information technology (IT).

As the founder and CEO, Dr. Sam Swapn brings a formidable reputation of working for more than 25 years in the project management field, having worked as an entrepreneur, consultant, investor, corporate trainer, educator, and mentor to several companies and executives in the Bay Area.

Dr. Sam is a well-known figure in television debates, panelists, and keynote speaker at various events. He has also authored several books related to Project Management, FDI, etc. His latest book, ‘World War III: Corona’ is already a top seller on multiple e-commerce platforms.

Tackling Professional Failures

Dr. Sam believes failure is a must, risk-taking is a must, and learning from failure is very important. Twice in his career, he felt this thing is coming to an end in 2016 and 2019 but he came out of them successfully as the biggest mantra is- ‘keep trying’, ‘do not give up, ‘there is something you are missing’. Failure and crisis are the best opportunities that cannot be wasted. Dr. Sam has learned most from his failures and tries not to make the same mistakes tough it is a constantly changing landscape. He is a lifelong learner and wants to learn from everyone including a ‘kid’.

Dr. Sam loves challenges and enjoys the uncertainty and complexity of decision-making. He thinks the biggest asset leaders should have, is to be a person who does not get afraid of any situation, applies his intellect to find solutions consistently. The ability to stand quiet and calm and find answers for an ever-changing environment is the key to success, and he is ready to face that challenge.

Handling Success

According to Dr. Sam, business success is achieving numbers, making an impact on larger numbers, and building a positive cash flow in the business. On his side, success is creating constant ‘happiness’ for him. He believes money and power do not bring success, it facilitates it, beyond that is how we nurture relationships and personal friends.

Dr. Sam believes the greatest achievement for him and the entire team of Strategism in the training business has been to understand the pulse of the market and design training courses suited to that specific need of the employers because at the end of the day companies want to hire people who have the right skills.

Associating with Good Guys

When we asked Dr. Sam Swapn, about his leadership style, he says “Well, the bad news is that you cannot please everyone.” He also adds, “In the corporate world, there are some good guys and some bad guys. Bad guys create a negative culture. Good guys want to create a change. I want to associate with good guys and build on their energy.”

As the CEO and founder of the firm, Dr. Sam wants to try and engage the bad guys if he cannot let them go from the company. His leadership style is to be open to change and constant learning. Learning from anyone is the key.

He says, “I do make a lot of mistakes but I am willing to always say ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you to people who help me learn and grow.”

Also, when it comes to the attributes of a good leader, Dr. Sam Swapn believes a good leader is a good listener and a problem solver. It is also someone, who tries to take everyone along, and creates a positive & happy atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and open to learn and contribute.

The Vision

Dr. Sam’s vision in life is to move into the non-profit world in the next few years. He has already created a non-profit, Dr. Sam Foundation that will work on educating girls all over the world from 5 years of age, till they start earning. It is called “Sabla”. Dr. Sam wants to serve humanity and make a bigger impact on the lives of people globally. He wants to give back to society. Manavta and University are two pieces of his plan.

Future Roadmap

Currently, Strategism has a training arm that teaches people Project Management, Agile, Data Science, AI, ML, Blockchain, etc. The firm also has a consulting arm where it works with its clients and provides the latest and most equipped human capital. Dr. Sam says, “Our plan is to grow the business to 100 people on consulting side in 2022 and make it a 10-million-dollar business.”

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