Fai Chan | Founder | CEO | Deli Aroma LLC | Tycoon Success | Business Magazine

Fai Chan: Redefining the Beauty through Science

Like many of you, we too are on a hunt for clean skincare products that also goes distances with the results. Deli Aroma has long been one of our go-to brands for that exact reason. We appreciate how intentional they are with sourcing natural ingredients at the peak of freshness, and it is clear such emphasis maakes a visible difference with results.

Fai Chan, Founder and CEO of Deli Aroma LLC understands the cause and wants people to feel better about themselves, by harnessing science to deliver. With her experience in the beauty industry and passion for research and innovation, Fai founded Deli aroma LLC in the year 2014. She is focused on making effective and ethical products available in the market.

She was born in China but grew up in Hong Kong, got married, and immigrated to the United States when she was 30 years old. She applied what she had learned in her previous life and maintained a positive relationship with the citizens of the USA—who not only treated her well but also provided her with possibilities in the fields in which she was interested. One of the many reasons behind setting up the business was to increase her self-worth. She recalls a meeting with the tour guide in Hawaii who advised her to get a job to improve her self-worth. He explained to her, “those who have self-worth appear differently than those who have not.”

A Coin has Two Sides

Deli Aroma LLC is a research-oriented company that strives for its excellence in providing custom-made integrative approaches to people with health concerns. The products made are tested repeatedly for ensuring their effectiveness and safety. It came up with an approach, ‘a coin has two sides.’ It implies in researching the treatment regimens of all-natural medicines and mainstream medicine’s intervention can make things better in an inescapable way.

While skin beauty can be achieved through a skin-deep approach, a bone-deep methodology can bring customers less work and more long-term results. Deli Aroma takes concerns in both inside and outside aspects of protocols, taking part in research conferences and peer-reviewed publications. It desires not to be limited to traditional medicines but also explores pharmacology with toxicology, to keep the company abreast of time.

The foundation for this paradigm was laid by Deli Aroma in Fai’s latest publication on Alzheimer’s healing in Drug Designing Journal Open Access. She believes that it is best not to interfere with her teammate’s jobs when they are working independently. “Your teammates won’t be able to grow if you intervene too much. The most difficult thing to strike a balance on is this,” she says. She attempts to establish an environment where they are free to express themselves; backed with her knowledge and skills from her marketing degree, she is interested in targeting the market niche to ensure that her works are of market value. She believes in exemplifying the positive aspects of one’s practice and creating some pleasant encounters while maintaining company ethics, making people to returning to Deli Aroma. She feels that one must not give up on his/her dreams even though the results are not pleasing as expected. “Building people up and encouraging each other to live the ‘best’ life they can is very important than letting negative emotions take control of your life,” she mentions.

Fai Chan believes that ‘invisible hands’ have aided her in achieving many goals in life. “I am a slacker, but I believe in reciprocity in this world. You need to lend your hand to others before you can receive other people’s help to advance too. That is why I do a lot of charitable work,” she says and believes to have charitable associations to help unite and achieve a greater good in both business and non-business spheres. “I devised a five-year strategy to encourage the work of a few artists. If this world is all about money, we won’t be able to develop our greater inner calling on the spiritual side,” she implies. She understands that many artists rely on others, thus she proposes establishing a balance between materialism and spiritualism. Being a curious and hardworking individual, she spends most of her time in research expressing research as her second nature. Moreover, she is a believer of God thus she paraphrases the Bible, “There is a time for everything. When you are on bad days, you will know that this will pass away… When you are in good company, then you should cherish what you have, as this will pass away too.”

Future Endeavours

When asked about her plans regarding Deli aroma, Fai Chan responded, “In three years, I intend to open my laboratory and assemble a team to carry out further ground-breaking research. For the time being, I can only build on what others have done in terms of foundation work to build on my own. After setting up my lab, I can have more in-depth and untouched areas in science or medicine that haven’t been discovered yet. I enjoy discovering new things, and discovering new things adds excitement to my life. Although I was able to tackle some of the challenges that lead to more advanced healing in this world, it is the exploration that offers the most fulfillment.”

To conclude, being an entrepreneur, she assures to ensures maintaining the quality of the products. Fai Chan considers this as a personal responsibility to provide happiness along with benefits to the people using her products.

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