Grace De Alvaro | Founder | Sports HAI | Tycoon Success| Business Magazine

Grace De Alvaro: Sweat Solutions

Grace De Alvaro discovered a need to disrupt the existing cosmetics solutions when sweating and getting soaked doing sports. Noticed her skin blotching and her makeup running down her face she investigated the options. She wanted makeup to be healthy while staying on through activities. The existing waterproof formulas often contain questionable ingredients and are difficult to remove. We tasked ourselves to reformulate making lighter, cleaner and easy to get off product free from toxic ingredients. Free diver and swim/yoga coach Ruth Osborn, often in remote places, takes off the mascara with simple coconut oil.

Sports HAI is currently in the process of creating new products that perform to the highest standards for those who sweat, discovering that it was gaining consumers who sweat for reasons other than sports. Sports HAI’s clients play a major role in the brand-building process, taking client feedback into consideration when creating formulas. We want to make effective products using healthy ingredients, that we use ourselves and our loved ones.

Journey of a Women Entrepreneur

Grace’s entrepreneurial journey hasn’t been without challenges, as any woman-led start-up, the statistics are that only 2.3 percent of venture capital goes to Women Founded Start-ups. When asked about her journey as a woman entrepreneur in a male-dominated world, she said, “I’ve been lucky to find investors with experience in the beauty space, who are not venture capitalists.”

As part of the market research for Sports HAI Grace De Alvaro has participated in a couple of Marathons, in New York and London, as well as multiple half Marathon’s and triathlon. Getting out of the comfort zone is part of the job. Starting a startup is not glamourous, it is high risk and full of challenges. keeping focused and finding ways to inspire people to come on board who are prepared to believe in the idea and work with no financial reward, at the start.

Effects of the Pandemic

We all know the effect of the ongoing pandemic on the industry. Coronavirus has changed the way beauty business used to work. Covid-19 gave the startup some time to re-strategize the brand and its offerings.


HAI’s line up of products have been designed to help athletes look and feel great about themselves, whether they are running a triathlon or sweating it out on a gym. The company’s launch of the Active Skincare range includes a tinted SPF 50 and a conditioning lip complex, have both won Independent Beauty Awards. The line-up is great for daily use, to keep face and hands protected from sun damage during those outdoor running sessions. Our products speak for themselves.

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