Katarina Maloney | CEO | MCNB Holding Corporation | Tycoon Success | Business Magazine

Katarina Maloney: Solving Complexities of Minds by Using Hemp Based Products

Meet Katarina Maloney, the CEO of MCNB Holding Corporation. Her story began in her youth, during which she had spent growing up in continental Europe. When the time came for Katarina to attend the university, she decided to pursue a degree in Political Science at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.

At the age of 20, a friend from college asked Katarina to go to the United States, an opportunity she decided not to pass up. Without any knowledge of the English language and only $300 in her pocket, she found her way to Los Angeles, California.

From the moment she stepped foot in California, Katarina knew she was right where she was meant to be. She continued working her way up the ladder-climbing from a position as a bartender up to working as the right-hand woman to a successful entrepreneur by the time she was 25.

Shortly after, Katarina worked as the CEO of Livecustomer Inc., a company specializing in SEM Consultancy marketing. While there, she gained valuable insight that would one day help her build a company that aligns with her mission in life- a mission she found after becoming diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

During this challenging journey, Katarina learned about the many benefits CBD offers. The more she learned, the stronger desire she felt to create more access to it for everyone. That is why she invented one of the first CBD retail vape product and worked her way to becoming the industry frontrunner. As she watched customer after customer find a better quality of life from having greater access to CBD, I worked to continue growing my product’s reach.

After a traumatic accident in 2018, Katarina found herself fighting for her life once again. As she recovered, her company and herself have continued to push toward their mission to help those suffering from brain injuries and mental health issues.

Today, Katarina is a biotech executive who is currently the founder of MCNB Holding Corporation and COO of Labyrinth Sphere Inc. As the CEO, she oversees how the organization works toward the vision, mission, and direction she has dreamt it would follow. She works every day to develop and implement both MCNB Holding Corporation’s and Labyrinth Sphere Inc.’s business strategies and act as a guide for these company’s executives to run a high-quality, unique business with the best customer service.

Katarina also spends her days working closely with scientists and doctors, running clinical trials to learn more about the effects of CBD, THC, Psilocybin, MDMA, and DMT. As she pushes to learn more about the advantages these substances offer, Katarina has created a team that fights for making progressive treatments that have been found to provide quicker, more effective, and more natural pathways to recovery mainstream.

“Live a life worth writing a book about”

Inception Story

Katrina discovered the healing properties of CBD when she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. As she experienced the symptoms, she found herself quickly losing weight and being unable to digest anything. After giving CBD a try, she found it completely healed her digestive problem and wanted to spread the word to everyone she knew.

That desire to spread the benefits of this natural, very simple, and yet widely unknown substance led Katarina work hard to ensure the benefits of CBD be widely available to customers worldwide using the business knowledge she gained throughout her career.

This only pushed her to continue to build her CBD business as she dreamt of making the medical benefits of CBD accessible to those who genuinely need it. In pursuing this dream, she and her colleagues introduced many oral, topical, and even rectal application products to the market, supplying options that can work for everybody.

In 2018, Katarina faced one of the most difficult challenges in her life, an accident that caused a traumatic brain injury. Just as she was taking some of the biggest steps in her career as an entrepreneur, Katarina found herself on bed rest and unable to move for three months. Understandably, she hit rock bottom.

Through those months, Katarina found traditional Western medicine ineffective in her recovery. As she grew tired of waiting to feel better, she decided to create her own healing plan using innovative healing practices like CBD, neurofeedback, self-care, micro-dosing supplements, etc.

“Ask yourself what you would like to accomplish workwise if money was no object. That is what you need to do. Once you find your calling, pursue it with all you might. Becoming a frontrunner in any industry will never be easy. You must be willing to put in the work if that is truly your dream.”

A few years later, she found herself fully recovered and full of motivation to support those who suffer from brain injuries or mental health issues themselves. She now works closely with scientists and doctors to run clinical trials to learn more about CBD, THC, Psilocybin, MDMA, and DMT. As they learn more about the benefits these substances have to offer the world, Katarina Maloney and her team continue to fight to allow more people to have access to these progressive treatments.

Transforming Lives

To Katarina Maloney, success currently lies in creating a greater world in which everyone has access to the healing powers of hemp and psychedelics. She wants to witness more transformative stories and see more people experiencing a better-quality life. She knew what her life mission was from the moment she experienced life-changing healing from this natural medicine. And that mission is to help others reap those benefits.

Note to Younger self

When we requested Katarina Maloney for some suggestions for upcoming entrepreneurs, she said, “Setting out to do something impossible, against the odds- not something that society pushed you to do, but something you are doing because the universe has called you to it- is what I consider success. It does not matter whether you ever reach that destination. What makes it a success is the fact that you are choosing to be your own destiny.”

Future Roadmap

Katarina Maloney sees herself and her company playing a significant role in creating more accessibility to the medical benefits of CBD, cannabis, and psychedelics. As they continue running clinical trials, she hopes that the world can see just how effective and fast-acting these compounds can be for recovery from many different mental ailments.

The primary mission of MCNB is to improve the quality of life for those who are interested in overall wellness and who have been unable to find safe, affordable, and effective alternative treatments.

MCNB’s vision is to create physician-backed, reliable products, provide completely transparent clinical trials, and educate society further on caring for their mental health and well-being.

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