Rehab 2 Perform

Rehab 2 Perform: Redefining Physical Therapy

Born and raised in Montgomery County, MD, Dr. Josh Funk grew his interest in becoming a physical therapist when going through Physical Therapy as a D1 lacrosse player at Ohio State.

Through the rehabilitation of his torn labrum and rotator cuff, Dr. Josh successfully avoided surgery and played at his peak performance for the remainder of his college and professional lacrosse career. After avoiding his surgery, Dr. Josh got entrenched in the world of physical therapy and sports performance. Since then, he has continually developed his expertise and knowledge base as a physical therapist and as a business owner.

A lifelong athlete, Dr. Josh earned his B.S. degree from the Ohio State University and a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Maryland-Baltimore.

During the rehabilitation process, Dr. Josh noticed that the sports rehabilitation and physical therapy environment for Division one athletes was completely unique compared to what was available to the masses.

Because of this significant difference, he established Rehab 2 Perform in 2014, which provides. Division One Athletics experience for competitive athletes, active adults, and those looking to be more fit and active.

The firm helps by providing fitness-focused physical therapy, sports rehabilitation, concussion care, and wellness services to competitive athletes, active adults, and those looking to increase their activity. Rehab 2 Perform is now present at 7 locations across Maryland, planning to open its 8th location in Virginia.

Understanding the Pulse of the Industry

As the CEO, Dr. Josh believes being connected to people and companies who are constantly innovating is the key to being on top of something new. The firm does its best to keep a pulse on the thought leaders and high achievers operating in the same industry or being incredibly impactful in other sectors.

Adding to his physical therapy expertise, Dr. Josh is entirely committed to the growth of his firm. Since the company’s inception, he has made sure that his personal development is not just reserved for the clinical side of things. Instead, he made Rehab 2 Perform one of the most well-run and well-known health care companies in its area. Dr. Josh has also made significant efforts to ensure that the customers and employees receive everything they need to perform at their best.

Tackling Challenges

The biggest challenge for the firm is the overall distaste and distrust of the U.S. healthcare system. Especially in the U.S, many view healthcare as a grudge purchase. Dr. Josh believes the way care is being provided and communicated, the cost, and the overall perception of value make sure that Rehab 2 Perform needs to create an environment of trust. He believes the firm still needs to climb a significant hill in order to introduce a ‘Get To’ environment where people are genuinely invested in the health and wellness system and feel that by interacting with the healthcare system and getting a good return on their investment.

Since the emergence of the pandemic, most countries have imposed strict lockdown measures to keep their citizens safe. Social distancing was made mandatory, which heavily impacted firms that are dependent on physical interaction.

Rehab 2 Perform is no different; the pandemic caused challenges for the people interacting with the business in person. So, it shifted its focus towards virtual visits and ensured the team and patients felt comfortable while interacting.

However, Rehab 2 Perform quickly realized that the pandemic would not be here forever, so it focussed on improving its processes, which would help the firm build a better business post-pandemic.

Mission and Vision

With a mission to lower the risk of re-injury, Rehab 2 Perform empowers its clients to stay physically active and achieve performance in areas that matter to them. Focused on providing education and physical competency, the firm caters to athletes irrespective of their background. It also offers a hybrid solution between traditional physical therapy and personal training to improve movement and increase physicality.

Advice for Young Leaders

Dr. Josh advises young entrepreneurs to find their tribe. He says, “The right people in your corner personally and professionally will make or break you. They will keep you moving forward during the trials and tribulations you go through and keep you grounded when you are doing well.

Future Roadmap

In the future, Dr. Josh aspires to transform his company beyond the physical rehabilitation space. He feels the firm should expand as a lifestyle and performance company, not just as a physical therapy and sports rehabilitation company. The leadership team already has the ideas and initiatives internally to make that a reality.

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