Women entrepreneurs

The 5 Advantages Women Entrepreneurs Have Over Men

Women entrepreneurs in Mexico only represent 16% of the business sector (INEGI, 2012). So much
has been said that men have more access to education, business, technology, justice and security.
And although it is true, and this should change, we must also recognize that being a woman has its
advantages in the business world. It is true that with the passage of time women have gained ground
in the business field, however, it is still not possible to have equal conditions for men and women, so
it is important to know the advantages that exist when being a woman and being enterprising.
The main advantage that women have is the commitment and dedication they have with their
company. In a world where the command most of the time is in the power of men, women have the
need to stand out, so the commitment and dedication to their company is greater in order to be able
to position it as the best.

1. You stand out from the rest automatically

As there are more men, women entrepreneurs are easily detected and it allows your presence to be
more visible.

2. They create more loyal friends in the business sector

Being few women, you will easily find a loyal friend who is going through the same thing as you,
someone you can trust and unconditional mutual support.

3. There are supports and events only to empower women entrepreneurs

At present, specific events are created to empower or empower women, as well as associations of
businesswomen and public entities in order to support women. Yes, focused only for women.

4. Women live longer than men

Women live on average longer than men, in 2014, life expectancy was 77 years for women, and 72
years for men. (INEGI) In other words, we can: undertake, make mistakes, start again, be successful,
and even then we will have a few more years.

5. Women learn to make the most of time

This is experienced a lot by businesswomen with children, since having to combine personal, family,
professional, couple life, etc .; They learn to manage their time very well, to do things very well the
first time, and to prioritize objectives.

You are accepted more easily

According to a survey carried out by the Center for Social Studies and Public Opinion, 78% of people
believe that women are more trustworthy versus 21.7% men. That is, by being considered as more
reliable, you will have more opportunities if you decide to be an entrepreneurial woman.

There is less to expect from you

And it does not mean that they do not take you into account, but that there are few women, you will
not have stereotypes extracts to follow, and you can build your style little by little.

You will never get bored because you will have constant changes

Unlike men, women can become pregnant and have children, which will require changes from
pregnancy, birth and at each stage of development, which will require you to adapt
In short, being a woman is not the easiest thing in the world, but it does have its advantages. We
must continue fighting to leave behind all the disadvantages, we must recognize all the good that we
have and help more women to undertake.

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