Zack Blakeney

Zack Blakeney: Capitalizing Expertise and Passion To Help Leaders Maximize their Potential at Invincible Intelligence

In 2019, a visionary took the entrepreneurial plunge with Invincible Intelligence LLC, a unique and innovative blend of science-based methodology, consciousness, and accountability that quickly shifts your limiting perceptions and rapidly accelerates the development of your emotional intelligence and authentic habitual alignment.

Among the few pioneers to bring innovation in the industry, Zack Blakeney has been graciously awarded as one of the best influences on the Austin, Texas health community by Austin Fit Magazine. He has also been recognized by Fox, NBC, and CBS for his work with business leaders and founders.

He is the CEO of Invincible Intelligence and works as a peak performance and consciousness coach, published author and accomplished public speaker. His mission is to help raise the collective consciousness of the world by guiding business leaders, founders, and businesses to develop emotional intelligence to master their emotions and navigate through change efficiently and effectively.

Empowering Entrepreneurs & Businesses

There are two verticals that they serve in both B2C and B2B.

For B2C, Zack Blakeney works 1-on-1 with the support of his team to guide leaders and founders to maximize their potential and create sustainable balance with their Freedom 4 Framework: Physical, Emotional, Relational, and Financial. They provide one of the most in-depth analyses of their client’s current state using their proprietary Invincible Intelligence© Assessment, hormone, cell, and metabolic testing, and gut intelligence testing. We use this data to create one of the most in-depth and truly personalized programs that unlock their peak performance and maximum potential.

For B2B, they package their Invincible Intelligence© Assessment and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) coursework for HR Departments to optimize their hiring process for the best candidate selection, team EQ discovery, and team workshops to foster emotional intelligence development.

What Influenced Your Decision to be an Author?

“Writing stimulates my version of the flow state. It allows me to express myself fully and truthfully and unlocks new understandings of myself and my teachings. I also enjoy the challenge of creating consumable analogies for complex concepts and offering perceptions that can create instantaneous understandings and, in some cases, healing”, said Mr Blakeney.

Clientele & Unbreakable Faith

The visionary works 1-on-1 with business leaders and founders and he finds it both challenging and fulfilling. He creates the opportunity for his clients to achieve an invincible self-belief from his own certainty while showing up for them consistently with love, truth, and my intention to serve them to the best of his ability. His passion for emotional intelligence and personal development drives him to continuously learn, teach new relevant concepts, and stay ahead of the game.

Major Hurdles & The Driving Force

The biggest challenge was overcoming Zack’s own pride and trusting his team to do the tasks he no longer needed to do. He told them when he brought them on he only wanted to create content, coach, and do deals and they have stepped up to the plate to make that happen for him. He is so incredibly grateful for his life because he gets to wake up every day doing what he loves, with the people he loves.

For Zack Blakeney, it’s been a journey to discover his authentic self, as it is for all. It was filled with a string of painful experiences stimulating from addiction to substances and porn that ultimately led to a divorce. He learned so much from the emotional intensity of these experiences that granted him the vision to know what he wants, and who he wants alongside him. He has had many mentors in his life across business, mindset, and spirituality that have given him the guidance and permission to be the man he is today.

Creating a Balanced and Equal Industry

The leading man does not believe the industries should be balanced and equal because it’s not about the industries, it’s about the people in them. It is his belief that there is more than enough for all to succeed. Infinite resources are available to anyone wanting to live their purpose and passion, but many do not recognise this. Instead, they allow fear, uncertainty, and doubt to imprison them into limiting beliefs that contribute to the imbalance industries. In order to create balance in the industries, they must create balance within themselves first.

A Day in Zack Blakeney’s Life

He wakes up at 5:30 am every morning and immediately drinks 16 oz of ice-cold water to wake up, then he takes his two dogs out and enjoys some fresh air. After he comes in and starts his meditation with morning devotion to the Creator, practice singleness of thought, set his intentions for his day, and give gratitude for his life. Then he hits the gym for a little over an hour, eats breakfast, and begins looking over his schedule to create priorities and affirm his intentions. Most of Zack’s workday is filled with communicating with his team, coaching clients, creating content, and creating strategic connections and partnerships. He ends his day by reviewing his tasks and looking ahead to the next day and week to ensure he knows his priorities and direction for the next day.

Favourite Book

Zack’s go-to book for his clients because of the sustainable impact it made on his life is Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Road Ahead

“We find ourselves in a market with emotional intelligence that is an immediate need and desire by businesses, but sorely under-resourced. I believe we are in the next phase of business evolution that has come from the technology and internet integration of the late ’90s and early 2000s. This integration has created a need for greater empathy, compassion, and trust in both company cultures and with customers. We are most excited about developing our proprietary technology that will house our Invincible Intelligence© Assessment and EQ position-specific courses to support emotional intelligence development in organizations, specifically for non-supervisory roles”, Zack Blakeney further apprised.

A Piece of Advice for Female Entrepreneurs

Do not sacrifice your feminine energy to conform to the predominantly masculine marketplace. Your intuition and empathy are superpowers needed now more than ever to create sustainable change that fosters a new standard of business excellence with trust and transparency leading the way.

Favourite Quote 

“Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage.” – Thucydides

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