Sierra Circuits: A One-Stop Support to all PCB Needs

The Indian electronics market is one of the fastest growing in the world, having crossed US$ 140 billion in 2016 and is anticipated to reach the magical figure of US$ 400 billion in 2022, with domestic electronics manufacturing climbing to over US$ 100 billion. This will create tremendous opportunities for PCB manufacturers. Considering this booming market as well as the recent government policies like ‘Make in India’ and ‘Smart Cities’, the PCB market in India is expected to reach new heights. Further the global PCB market was valued at US$ 63.1 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 76.9 billion by 2024, at a CAGR of 3.1 per cent as per a report published by Energias Market Research. Sierra Circuits is an ISO 9001:2015, certified, Silicon Valley-based, high- technology manufacturer and assembler specialized in quick turn PCBs and medium production. “Building Sierra Circuits was no walk in the park. In fact, building a multi-million dollar company almost never is. But the journey that took us to where we are today was essential.  It taught us commitment, discipline, and integrity – three metrics we like to measure ourselves by. Sierra Circuits was built upon the idea to end the PCB industry inefficiencies. Inefficiency to work with the designers hand in hand sequentially to make quality rhyme with time and to step out of the box,” says Ken Bahl, CEO, Sierra Circuits.

Sierra Circuits offers various services such as High-Density Interconnect printed circuit board manufacturing services to customers in the High-End automotive industry, semiconductor test equipment industry, medical electronic device industry, mobile, computing, aerospace and Defence industry. The PCB components, including all types of BGAs, QFNs, CSPs, 0201, 01005, POP, and Press fit components in small quantities. Sierra Circuits is proud to offer high-quality, high-reliability quick turn flexible printed circuit boards in two days or less. In 2005, the firm opened a new Microelectronics Division to serve the fastest growing need for really small, complex PCBs for the Microelectronics market. The company’s engineering support and the stack-up team provide valuable suggestions with their knowledge of controlled impedance for high-speed designs. “Our latest offerings include Flex PCBs, Rigid-flex PCBs, and Microelectronics PCBs down to 1 mil trace/space,” Ken Bahl adds.

The potential leaders

The CEO, Ken Bahl is the dreamer and the consummate optimist with a passion for the solution driven technology and impeccable standards. With dozens of patents bearing his name, he has been revolutionizing the tech industry for decades. He is currently working on a new adventure that encompasses 1-mil traces and spaces, as well as better signal integrity, in a circuit board as thin as a business card. Bala, wife of Ken Bahl is the Vice President of the company and also the backbone of the firm. Her unrelenting determination to get things done makes her a perfect counterbalance to her husband’s visionary ideals. Their love for family and strong company culture is reflected in the integrity of Sierra Circuits’ products. Additionally, Ken Bahl has also received a few times the ACQ5 Gamechanger of the Year Award for his achievements and innovations in the industry

In the quest of serving the clients better

Sierra Circuits has collected many awards over the years. “We are really proud of being recognized as part of the Top Minority and Women-Owned Businesses in Silicon Valley. The company is also honoured to have won many environmental awards, such as the Silicon Valley Water Conservation Award. Unlike some PCB companies that are simply brokers/middlemen, we are the actual manufacturer and assembler of our PCBs. As Sierra Circuits own their own manufacturing house, therefore it controls every aspect of the production schedule and quality. And this is why the firm can provide the customers unprecedented quality, reliability and a single point of support,” explains Ken.

The major factor that differentiates the firm from that of its counterpart is the reliability. “Our customers can explain that we are all about quality. Our consistency is no secret. Designers always come back for they know our DFM department will catch design issues and make their boards manufacturable the first time. A feedback survey conducted by the company this year found out that customers also described Sierra Circuits as ‘‘a technology leader’’ that ‘‘will do what others won’t even try.”

Long term relations are created by commitment to excellence on every order we work on for our customers, sincerity in every communication we have with our customers and integrity in all dealings with every entity Sierra deals with. Long term relations are created being true to our motto,” Ken Bahl says.

Sierra Circuits continuously update their capabilities and equipment, like sophisticated direct imaging machines and laser drills, enabling the firm to do reliable and repeatable 3-mil trace/space with an aspect ratio of more than 10. “Sierra’s high technology boards have features like HDI, Blind vias, Buried vias, Filled vias (via-in-pads), Controlled Impedance (with +/-5% tolerance), high aspect ratios and micro-BGAs. We regularly make specialty products with special materials. Other more complex boards include Burn-in Boards, Metal Core PCBs, boards with Carbon Print features, Backer boards, and rigid boards with Coverlay. Further we can do boards with multi-stage milling, step milling, laser milling and plated cavities,” Bala elaborates.

Our high technology boards have features like HDI, Blind vias, Buried vias, Filled vias (via-in-pads), Controlled Impedance (with +/-5% tolerance), high aspect ratios and micro-BGAs. We regularly make specialty products with special materials. Other more complex boards we make include Burn-in Boards, Metal Core PCBs, boards with Carbon Print features, Backer boards, and rigid boards with Coverlay. We can do boards with multi-stage milling, step milling, laser milling and plated cavities. Our latest offerings include Flex PCBs, Rigid-flex PCBs, and Microelectronics PCBs down to 1 mil trace/space (some restrictions apply).

The factor that has led to the success of the firm is the values which guide everybody to make the right decisions to service and nurture the primary customers, the designers, everybody in the company. “We are designers’ best friend, in every thought and every action.  We never knowingly ship a non-compliant product to our customers, which has given us our reputation of high quality shop. Continuous investment in capital equipment and software technologies has enabled us to produce the highest technology PCBs in the industry. Our continuous innovations to invent new process evidenced by our multiple patents, to reach the levels of technology never thought possible in the PCB industry and lastly dedication to take care of all people working at Sierra and create a family environment which helps us ship a little love for our customers with every job we ship,” Bala continues.

The future ahead

The firm with a confident outlook aspires to increase its revenue in the year to come. “We are very successful as a company doing about $75MM year revenue but, the present way of doing business will not get us to the level of opportunity that is provided to us by electronic industry. We have products that are satisfying the highest technology levels expected from PCB companies. We believe we have an unprecedented way of communicating with designers. And, because communication is always the key to success, this is what sets us apart in the industry. Watch our tip videos on YouTube, read our blog posts and design guides, talk to our engineering team… We don’t just sell PCBs, we help designers understand how we do things so they can get their boards manufactured the first time,” Ken concludes.

An Overview on Real Estate Industry- Definition, Types, and Work

“Real estate is the property, buildings, land air rights above the land and underground rights below the land. The term real estate means real, or physical, property. “Real” comes from the Latin root or things.”

Types of Real Estate

There are four types of real estate:

Residential Real Estate: The residential real estate involves new construction as well as resale homes. The most common category is single-family homes. It also involves townhouses, high-value homes, multi-generational homes, condominiums, co-ops, and vacation homes.

Commercial Real Estate: Commercial real estate includes all commercial buildings like shopping centres, medical and educational buildings, hotels, offices, etc. Apartment buildings are always considered as commercial, even though they are used for residence. This is because they are owned and built to mainly generate income.

Industrial Real Estate: Industrial real estate includes the building of property and warehouses. The buildings are used for research, storage, and distribution of goods, production and many more. Some buildings under the industrial real estate process are considered commercial real estate. The classification is important because the zoning, construction, and sales are handled in different ways.

Land: Here, the land is about vacant land, working farms, and ranches. If we talk about the subcategories within vacant land include undeveloped, early development or reuse.

How Real Estate Perform?

Apart from the building work, real estate is also referred to as producing, buying and selling real estate. Here is the step by step process how real estate work

The first and major work of real estate is the construction of the building. It incorporates residential, commercial as well as industrial buildings. The net is a new home building; it is known as the critical category. It involves the construction of single-family homes to townhouses and condominiums.

The real estate agents assist homeowners, businesses and investors buy and sell all four kinds of properties. The industry is mainly divided up into specialists that focus on one of the kinds.

The agents of sellers find buyers through different listing services or their professional contacts. They price your property by using comparative listings recently sold properties known as comps. It supports you spruce up your property so it looks its best to the buyers. While the agents of buyers provide similar services to the home purchaser. They are completely aware of the local market. It means they can find a property to meet buyers’ criteria.

They also decrease cost, known as doing comps. It allows them to guide you to areas that are possible at an affordable range.

Investment in Real Estate

A lot of people buy and sell a home and invest in real estate. It is an important factor to consider when you are talking about real estate. Many people own homes and rent them out. You can also invest in housing without buying a home. Many people buy stocks of homebuilders. Their stock cost increased and decreased with the housing market. Another way is Real Estate Investment Trusts, called REITs.

Impact of Technology On Education System

The rapid transformation and increased complexity of today’s world present new challenges and put new demands on our education system. There has been generally a increasing awareness of the necessity to change and enhance the preparation of students for productive functioning in the continually changing and highly demanding environment.

In confronting this problem it is important to consider the complexity of the education system itself and numerous problems that must be addressed.  Day by day as technology is increasing, the problem which is created by them is just rapid and many are suffering from it. The world is behind new and modern technology that makes their work smoother and easier. While the world is progressing more in technologically advanced, thus increasing the need for balanced, bright, educated and healthy individuals but our school systems are falling further and further behind in fulfilling the needs.

With the going addiction to using technology in education, many parents and schools are providing computers to children at young ages to make their life easier. It is considered as the best way to make them know lots of things, new things just on surfing rather than reading books. The present guiding generation just gives their children a head start on developing academic skills and well also to prepare themselves for the workplace of a better future to competitiveness.

But in recent past, educators, psychologists, and different organizations like WHO have raised their voice for the concern about children using a computer at an early age.

No doubt, disability, and difficulty can be easily bridged by technology but different questions that are raised on whether this form of educating children will be helpful and beneficial for their physical, emotional and mental taking care.

We all know that there are various health problems in using a computer and other electronic gadgets at an early age. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common cause. It has a greater risk for students who are just using a computer from an early age.

Today, parents select the school for their children based on the infrastructure and luxury the children want without even thinking about the negative impacts. The continuous usages of the computer may cause the risk of eye-strain and eye-rashes that may include dryness due to not blinking enough, and get headaches and blurry vision.

Another factor is emotional issues; due to the intensive usages of the computer at an early age, children are badly affected, their interaction with human decrease. It also reduces the amount of time a child spends in creative play. Educators emphasize that direct interaction with others has the greatest impact on modern education we do not find it.

On teaching certain subjects such as History, Social and Sciences, teachers find some problems to teach them as they cannot completely fully described on the blackboard or by oral recitation.

All in all, technology is great for growth but, we have limits in each technology and should use it as per our use otherwise it may bring adverse affect on children.

Emerging Startup Companies in Healthcare

Medical development and innovation have always been important for human growth. But in the recent past, the healthcare industry has made great progress with the support of the latest technological development like AI, 3D printing and many more. Here, emerging healthpreneur or healthcare start-ups are making major breakthroughs and shaping the future of the Indian healthcare industry.

They are introducing easy and more accurate diagnoses, improved treatments, drug discovery, customized prosthetics, and many more.

We are here presenting top 5 start-ups in Healthcare, who have introduced great solutions with the support of cutting-edge technologies in their field:


An online platform, Netmeds has firmly established itself as India’s leading online pharmacy. Today, it has millions of active customers and deliveries to more than 19,000 PIN codes. It allows people to shop for all kinds of medicines and healthcare products easily through its 24×7 online portal and mobile application. Netmeds is widely-known as ‘India ki Pharmacy’, providing a multilingual voice, chat and email customer care center and a team of licensed pharmacists.


Practo was started as a one-stop healthcare platform for appointments, consultations, health records, insurance, and ordering medicines online. The start-up entered the market in 2007 as a SaaS platform and today it has a team of over 1,500 people. This is a Bengaluru-based health-tech company working in 38 Indian cities, and Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Brazil.


Established in 2015, PharmaEasy is a Mumbai based pharma platform. The foundation of this start-up was taken with a vision to deliver medicines at reasonable rates by optimizing the supply chain and logistics and now serves more than one lakh families. PharmaEasy is based on a concept to build an ecosystem using technology to connect patients, pharmacies, doctors, diagnostic centers and healthcare service providers and allow them to interact with each other.


The Bengaluru-based start-up, AddressHealth works to make pediatrics affordable and holistic and provides primary pediatric healthcare service to schoolchildren. It takes a holistic approach; here children are screened for hearing, vision, dental health, anthropometry, alongside a complete medical examination. With four standalone clinics across the city and numerous school-based clinics, AddressHealth makes use of tech at each step to make healthcare holistic and affordable for children.


Nirmai was founded in 2016 with a special focus on saving ladies from breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women. A lot of people take it for granted in the initial stage. The vision behind Nirmai was to make it easier to detect breast cancer in its early days and doing it at the lowest expense. The organization uses advanced technology like thermal analytics and artificial intelligence to make it easier to screen breast cancer.

So these are the five start-up companies of Indian Healthcare. Hopefully, you like the article. For more such interesting content often visit our site.

Follow the Techniques to Creating Effective Marketing Ads

All businesses need advertisements. Companies waste millions of dollars on ineffective poor or unattractive ads. None wants to waste money but marketing is important to expand and progress the business.

Fortunately there are some methods you can follow to create an effective marketing through magazine ads:

  1. Stand Out from the Competition

People come in contact with ads from all kinds of businesses all the time.

So, what will make your potential people purchase the product of your company? That is why; you have to figure out and focus on your ads. Show your potential customers why your business is their number once select and why they should not even consider your competitors.

  1. Use the Powerful Headline

People have the habit of scanning. They see a lot of ads every day. So you need to make sure that your ads grab and keep their attention.

  1. You can do with an effective and fascinating headline.

A great advertising man, David Ogilvy, said “on average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

  1. Try to Present an Offer People cannot Refuse

We all love a bargain. So when you offer a good one to your customers, they will come back to you again and again.

You can offer an unbeatable price, a free trial, free shipping or a bundled package, do something different to provide your customers with a good deal with help you be successful.

  1. Explain the Advantages

When you add any of your products by presenting its features is a good way of marketing. But when you explain the benefits for the customers, it is going to crack the deal. Every person wants to know how they are getting benefits from any particular product or service in which they are investing.

You can easily do so by listing all your services, find out the features of each of your offerings and at last, get the result of each feature that will benefit the client.

  1. Follow the Concept of Advertorial

Advertorial is an advertisement, which imitates the editorial format. In simple words, it is an ad that looks like a news article.

Data says that people are seven times more likely to read a news article than an ad. People see ads daily; they do not get any kind of interest in it. With the ad, you cannot grab attention but with article based ads, you can encourage readers to get interested in your company.

People want to read more when they realize the article is not just advertising your business but helping them also.

  1. Present Your Offers as the Best Cost

People always get doubts when it comes to spending money. They think a lot before investing their money on any particular product or service. If you can remove these doubts, people get an incentive to give your offering a try. Offer them a risk-free guarantee.

For example, if customers know that they get their money back, if they are not satisfied, they will more likely to try your service or product.

  1. Call to Action

Informing customers is not enough, encourage them to take action. Tell them to contact you to order your product or click on your ad online.

The 10 Best Mobile Applications to Maintain Weight

The mobile application is incredibly useful in maintaining weight and taking care of health. You can easily download them to your mobile device and use it to track different lifestyle habits like calorie intake and exercise. Some of them hold unique characteristics and different financial rewards and support forums that help keep motivate towards your weight loss goal.

We have rounded up 8 great applications for the support you manage your weight effectively, and work on better and more intelligently:

  1. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal presents a huge food database, offering more than 5 million various foods. It works as an effective calorie counter; it can take you less than 5 minutes a day to track your diet and exercise. The app works in conjunction with over 50 devices and application including Fitbit, Garmin devices, Apple Health, etc.

  1. MyPlate Calorie Tracker

MyPlate Calorie Tracker is considered as a user-friendly option for losing weight. This application supports you find out which food you eat contains the most calories, allowing you to set personalized daily calorie goals. It also allows you to keep track of your water intake, and create custom goals for micronutrients and macronutrients.

  1. Headspace

The Headspace application is a winner as far as bringing the practice of meditation to the masses. It is said that optimal health needs more than just logging 30 minutes at the gym. The Headspace application is on top of bringing the practice of meditation to the masses.

  1. Fitness Buddy

If you are looking for a personal trainer in your pocket, then go for Fitness Buddy. It holds more than 100 gym workouts for all types of fitness goals, over 1,000 home workouts, and eight comprehensive fitness programs, animations, instructions, and videos.

  1. Aaptiv

A specially designed app for fitness freaks, Aaptiv is the best option for personal training. It is an in-ear personal trainer who takes your exercises to a whole next level. It has over 2,500 audio sessions, 1 personal trainer, creating new courses every week. Aaptiv holds everything you need for comprehensive training.

  1. Keel

Get yourself into a fast and effective workout with the Keelo app. This application provides fast-paced workouts by taking leverage of training methods. It lasts from a minimum of 8 minutes to 20 minutes that will provide results when done at least thrice in a week.

  1. Sworkit

Do you hate the gym due to the crowd or any other reasons? Sworkit is a perfect option and you do not worry too much about working out. With it, you only need to set your goal and provide your current details, and that is it. You will be able to get a 6-week program with goals to accomplish every week.

  1. Lose It!

Have you heard about Lose It! It is goal-oriented applications that will support you accomplish your fitness goals through food and exercise tracking. This app is the perfect way to log what you are eating to reach your goal weight. This app feature makes doing so even easier by taking a photo of your meal to log it and get the calorie count.

5 Best Web Browsers in 2020

Today, over 55% of the world’s population is using a browser to explore the digital world. That’s about 4.3 billion people in number. Internet is a large forest with web Browsers working as passages to find out what lies inside internet Websites.

There are numerous browsers with different features and functionalities. But which are on the leading positions? Here we have compiled a list of top web browsers in 2020, which are feature-rich, faster, and secure and have great popularity among users.

  1. Google Chrome

On the date of today, Google Chrome is the most used web browsers across the world. It was released in the year 2008 as a freeware that was written in C++. Google Chrome is widely known for its performance, ease of use, syncing with Google database, security, great support for WebKit, HTML5, CSS3, and other latest web standards. With Chrome, Google has built an extendable, browser that deserves its position at the top ranking.

  1. Firefox Browser

Firefox Browser is one of the best Android browsers; it provides a remarkable browsing experience to its users. This is the second most popular web browser in the world and is a freeware from Mozilla organization that was released in the year 2002 by the name “Phoenix. Apart from all the essential features, it has HTML5 support, Firefox sync, add-ons support, and allows multiple panels. You can send video and web content from your phone to any TV which is equipped with supported streaming capabilities. It is a secure Android browser that is available for free in the Play Store.

  1. Opera

One of the oldest web browsers, Opera was released in the year 1995 by Opera Software. The freeware browser was written in C++ and is available in over 40 languages. Opera browser is available for Windows, UNIX and OS X. It is also available as Opera Mini, Opera Mobile and Opera Coast for different mobile Operating Systems such as Android, iOS, Symbian, Windows Phone, Bada, Maemo, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry.

  1. Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is the default browser in Windows and is the fourth most popular and used browser in the world. This browser is not as free as needs a Windows license to use. It is the semi-active browser for Windows and remains discontinued for UNIX and Mac. The UI of the browser has been improved in comparison to its older versions. But still, this does not contain many advanced features.

  1. UC Browser

UC Browser is the number one most used browser in India. It has a huge market share in India and China. And, by the end of 2014, it became the number one browser in China, India, and Pakistan.

UC Browser was launched in the year 2004 by a Chinese internet company named UCWeb. It is a mobile browser and was originally launched as a J2me-only application. Present-day, UC Browser is available for Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Phone and Java ME.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Working in Film Industry

Working in the film industry is a lot of fun. By presenting stories through the camera and creating one masterpiece after another, a job at a film production company is just like working with a dream team. But as it is said, all that glitters are not gold, and things are different on the way how they are imagined outside.

In this article, we will show both sides of the coin; the advantages and disadvantages of working in film production.

  • The Pain

There are a variety of jobs in film product like a production assistant or intern. One has to do everything that no one else wishes to do. Besides, there are many different tasks in other fields of the film industry, where you can learn a lot.

After all, this important learning for beginners is an experience worth having. So if you are completely a fresher to the film industry, you will probably start with one of these jobs. But no need to worry, there is always a way to work your way up.

There are a lot of artists out there, but in reality, no one can assure you that you will manage to make a name for yourself. The fact is that it takes a lot of talent and luck to climb up high on the career ladder.

To get success in the industry, one needs to be in the right place at the right time and know the right people; it is something you cannot learn or buy from money. It takes a lot of courage and the blessing of luck. Frankly, when you are at the initial phase of your career, do not set your expectations too high. However, to get success and accomplish a goal, dreaming is important.

When you decided to do something different, de-motivation is common.  Your relatives, friends and even your family members will stop you from going on this path. This situation might seem discouraging, but don’t worry: everyone had to start this way.

Try to see the positive points of constructive criticism, but stay confident at the same time. Then, you will learn to flourish as a person and artist.

In several sectors in the creative business, it is not normal to only work the regular job. Certainly, you will work overtime during the production phase of the film.

  • The Joy

The art of film making includes giving your creative side free reign. You get the independence to express yourself and live out your talent. Some people can just dream about it, but you can make living at it.

Perhaps the most interesting part of creating a movement is how many different kinds of creativity are incorporated into a project.

In the film industry, almost all persons have ambitions, dreams, and mindsets like yours. So if filmmaking is completely your things, you can easily connect with amazing people. One of the best advantages of the film industry is an interesting environment and the experiences you create.

For a film artist, there is almost nothing more satisfying than watching a movie you are the part of once it is finally done. You will know it is the work for you, and your team, mainly when you realize all the time and work that went into making the film.

Accounting Vs Finance – Which Should You Study?

Finance or Accounting, which should you select?

It is a mind-blowing question, or so it would seem at first glance. But don’t worry! Deciding which option you should select in the question of “finance degree vs accounting degree” is easier than you would first assume.

Doing a Bachelor’s in Accounting will make you prepared you to record transactions and analyze the financial statements, in order to have a clear picture of the financial health of the company.

If you get an undergraduate degree in Finance means you will learn about long-term financial and budget planning. You will easily get how to make sure a company reaches its financial goals. Finance activities include raising funds, and gathering cash flow into from the accounting department so you create projections.

As an accountant, you will need to deal with numbers expressing sums that reflect taxes owned tax returns, income, revenue and more.

The role of a financial analyst is to create draft budgets, compare them and come with the best option to cut the financial risks and uncertainties.

  • Pursue a finance degree or an accounting degree?

Well, it is actually tough to select one. A person who gets an accounting degree can work in the fields of finance. In the same way, the person who gains a finance degree can also work in accounting although, it does not always apply.

If you have an interest in a particular field, you can go for that. It allows about what you are expecting to do in the long run.

Like in case, you are interested in getting a CPA, go for an accounting degree or finance degree as you wish. Here, many people say students to pursue an accounting degree because of the preparation that an accounting degree would provide for the CPA exam, and because CPAs have more job opportunities for them.

  • Differences in Salaries

This is a fact that there is a wide salary range in the fields of both finance and accounting. Both fields hold very strong progressive prospects. As per the data presented by BLS, the median pay for Financial Analyst in 2014 was $78,620 yearly, $37.80 per hour. In 2014-2024, the number of Financial Analyst jobs is estimated to flourish by 12%.

As per the BLS, the median pay for Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks in 2014 was $36,430 every year, $17.51 hourly.

Actually, salaries in finance tend to be high, but their exceptions.

  • Bottom Line

In the end, it depends on you whatever you think the right choice for you and your career goal is. Both fields are equal; both need high-level fo skills, education, and interest in quantities analysis. They are dependent in some ways actually if you are working in accounting your recording and reporting of financial transactions will support the work o the finance team. In the same way, if you are working in finance you are depending on the work of the folks in accounting.

Ways To Lose Your Extra Fat Without Dieting

Whether you want to improve your overall health or simply slim down, burning off extra fat is a tough task. There are various fed diets that work to shed pounds instantly-while leaving you feeling hungry as well as deprived. But how it is beneficial to lose weight to regain it? If you wish to get rid of overweight permanently, always go for the slow process. Many diet experts suggest that instead of going on a diet for fat burning; make some small changes in your lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight.

Let see, one pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. So when you shave 500 calories in a day by doing some physical activity and following a dietary plan. If you want to maintain your current weight, shave 100 calories every day to avoid the extra pound.

Many people misunderstand that skipping breakfast works in cutting calories. But it leads to eating more throughout the day. Many studies have proved that the people who take breakfast have lower BMIs than those who skip their breakfast.

If you are seriously looking to lose fat, the most important thing you need to do is to crowds out the foods that are higher in fat and calories. Instead, eat lots of low-calorie, high-volume fruits and vegetables. Move the meat off the center of your plate ad pile on the vegetables. Start your lunch or dinner with a vegetable salad or a bowl of broth-based soup.

Fix a time when you will stop eating then you will have the ability to avoid those late-night snacks while watching television like a cup of tea, ice cream or frozen yogurt. In case, you want to eat something after dinner, then go for it. But make sure to brush your teeth then it will decrease the possibility that you will eat or drink anything else.

Having a sweet drink pile is great for your tongue but it is not good for your health mainly when you are thinking to control weight. Satisfy your thirst with water, you can also drink sparkling water with citrus; here low-fat milk is also a good option. If you get hungry and thinking to drink something, try a glass of nutritious and low-calorie vegetable juice to hold you over if you get hungry between meals.

Purchase a pedometer and add more steps until you reach 10,000 per day. Throughout the day, do what you like but make sure to engage in some physical activity like take the dog out of for an extra walk, pace while you talk on the phone.

No doubt, physical activity, and food play a major role. But you can make the change effective, easier and earlier by controlling your environment in some way like stock your kitchen with a lot of healthy options, choose the right restaurants and few more.

All in all, for losing weight you do not need to compromise with your food but try to switch to lighter alternatives whatever you can from using the low-fat dairy products, mayonnaise to using salsa or hummus as a dip to get a fit and slim body.

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