6 Ways to Burn Fat When You Sleep

Weight loss is a primary concern for a large percentage of the population all over the world. One of the major factors that contribute to weight gain is the accumulation of fat in the body. This fat accumulates slowly but gradually and before people know it, there are fat pockets and areas of the body that have an excessive amount of fat.

Fat can collect in various areas of the body, including face, breast, stomach, arms, thighs, buttocks and can also enlarge the waistline. Burning fat is essential to stay in shape and also be energetic in daily life. There are various ways like a healthy diet and exercise that help burn fat which is used by people facing this problem. However, once excessive fat accumulates it is extremely difficult to get rid of it.

It needs a holistic approach in which fat burning becomes a top priority twenty-four hours a day for a long period of time. Weight loss is a gradual process that can take months or even years. Burning fat as mentioned above is a gradual and continuous process. There are ways in which fat can be burned even during sleep. This means that instead of gaining fat during sleep there are ways to actually lose fat while sleeping. This helps in burning fat in a faster way as the body works to reduce fat even while sleeping. The following are some of the ways in which fat is reduced and gradually burned by the body while sleeping:

Have a Protein Shake before Going to Bed

There are many types of protein shakes available in the market. Protein shakes can also be made at home as there are many recipes of protein shakes available online. These shakes usually include whey, casein, soy protein and other natural forms of proteins found in grains, milk products, and vegetables. Having a protein shake before bed helps to keep the metabolism active throughout the night and this in turn helps burn fat while sleeping.

Eat Cottage Cheese before Sleeping

Generally speaking, the rule is to avoid food a few hours before going to bed. The principle behind this is it is not digested before morning that leads to accumulation of fat. Eating cottage cheese is an exception to this rule. Eating a little bit of cottage cheese before going to bed, as a snack, helps in burning fat during sleep. Cottage cheese has casein protein which aides in burning fat. It also has amino acid tryptophan which improves the quality of sleep and relaxed sleep helps in burning fat.

No Carbs after Lunch

For burning fat at night during sleep, it is essential to maintain a diet which helps in this process. For burning fat at night people should consume all the carbs in their diet during the day or in the afternoon. Having carbohydrates during the day reduces the insulin hormone in the blood while going to bed at night. This helps metabolized fat in the body into energy while sleeping at night.

Stay Hydrated

Most fitness experts usually recommend their clients to drink at least eight cups of water a day. Drinking this quota of water increases the chances of calorie and fat burning during sleep. Water is a natural suppressant of appetite, helps in metabolism and is a necessary ingredient in burning fat. Moreover, ice-cold water burns more calories as these calories are required to heat up the body that is cooled by the ice cold water.

Include Spices and Nuts in Your Diet

There are many types of food products that improve sleep and help in the fat burning process during sleep. Various types of nuts like almonds and walnuts increase the melatonin of the body which improves sleep and improves the fat burning process during sleep. Another way to burn fat during sleep is to include spices like cayenne pepper in the diet. These type of spices aide in fat burning and also help in burning fat during sleep.

Exercise before Bed

Resistance training is a type of exercise which uses weights and resistance bands which improve the muscle strength over the long run. Pre-bedtime workout helps increase the metabolic rate of the body. This helps people burn fat during sleep as metabolic rate is high for a few hours immediately after a workout. Exercise also tires the body before sleep which helps people get a more sound and relaxed sleep. Relaxed sleep is essential for losing weight and burning fat while sleeping.

As mentioned above, there are various ways in which fat can be burnt while sleeping. Burning fat and losing weight is a process that people with excessive fat accumulation need to think about constantly in their lives. This fat can lead to lethargy and many health problems. Fighting the fat and burning it even during sleep shows a commitment towards a healthier lifestyle.

7 Common Credit Card Mistakes People Make & Then Regret Later!

There are many types of modes of payment available in the market all over the world today. This includes cash, credit cards, debit cards, e-payment, net banking, and payment apps. Credit cards are commonly used all over the world and millions of people make monthly payments through credit cards. A credit card is a card given by the bank that can be swiped at purchase points to make payment and the credit card bill has to be paid at the end of the month. The payments made through credit cards are done on a credit limit given to the customers by a bank. But while using a credit card we have to be a little careful and there are many mistakes that people make while using this mode of payment. Using a credit card is also about being able to protect the credit score, making payments and adopting smart credit card habits. People commit bad credit card mistakes and these mistakes can be easily avoided as people can have a healthy relationship with their bank and their credit cards. The following are some of the common credit card mistakes all over the world:

Late Payment of Bills

It is very important to pay all the credit card bills on time. Failing to pay a credit card bill or paying the credit card bill late negatively affects the credit score which is an important parameter that determines the interest rate and the credit limit on credit cards. Also, late payments increase the interest on the payments as people have to spent more money on their credit cards.

Not Changing Credit Card Terms

Most people have not read the fine print about the terms and conditions of their credit cards. Many people do not know that they can change the terms of credit cards with the bank. Negotiating lower interest rates and annual fees and also changing the terms of this agreement is possible.

Not Knowing the Credit Score

The credit score is very important in determining the credit limit and the interest rates that are available for any given customers. Most people get credit cards without knowing their credit. They later regret this when they get their credit card bill and they have been charged a high-interest rate because of their low credit score.

Not Reporting the Credit Card being Stolen or Lost

It is very important to report to the police and to the bank about the lost or stolen credit card. That card may be used and if the credit card company is not told to stop the card, the credit card owner may be charged with the bill.

Only Paying Minimum Balance Payment

Only paying the minimum balance on payments lets people pay only a small amount that is due to the credit card bills. However, the due payment keeps accumulating on the credit and the interest on accumulating payments also keeps increasing. This then leads to a large credit card debt that people regret later.

Spending More Money Than People Have

People do not realize the amount of money that they spend as credit cards are easy to use and actually paying cash for purchases makes people more cautious. Maxing out credit cards and then not being able to pay credit card bills is a common mistake that people regret.

Having Too Many Credit Cards

A common credit card mistake is not being able to keep track of the money spent on credit cards. First applying for too many cards at once increases the chance of reject from the credit card company and then using multiple cards makes people lose track of their spending which they regret later when the credit card bills arrive.


Australia is a famous destination as the place of study abroad for those students, especially those in a search to take a certain degree overseas. The high-quality education system of Australia attracts International students to study in that country. And it’s a friendly atmosphere, multicultural society, and easy access to student support services constantly attract students. With more than twenty thousand courses and one thousand one hundred institutions, this country typically offers diverse study options for international students.

Are you in search of the Australian education system? Then without any delay, let’s find about it.

These institutions can be younger than some of the other universities of another country. You can also get some of the same facilities in terms of demand and quality.

In Australia, it is common for students to enrol themselves in the double program, which can successfully lead them to secure two bachelor degrees. It usually is expected in the field of commerce, law, science, and arts.

  • Vocational Training and education

Vocational education and training are based on the partnership between industry and governments. These qualifications are usually provided by government institutions and private institutions also. There are many vocational training courses you can find in business administration, information technology, art and media, transport and logistics and construction, tourism, and hospitality.

  • Higher Education quality assurance program

This country has the national quality and regulatory agency for the field of higher education- the TEQSA. An Australian government set it up for monitoring the quality and regulating the anniversary and non-university higher education providers against the best of standards development by an independent Higher Education standards panel.

  • Academic rules and cultures

Here students are constantly encouraged to attend the classes, and at the same time, it is mandatory to be a part of the lectures. It would be best if you matured to understand the main reason for attending that session. In practical and lab-based units, attendance is very much stringent. The Australian universities’ faculty members and teaching staff are very punctual and stick to every deadline. Usually, students are penalised if the submission deadlines are being missed.

Each student is equally encouraged to take active participation in the class, offer opinions and ask questions. Always active engagement is welcomed by the lectures and valued by every person rather than quiet and passive.


Another essential aspect you have to keep in mind is that Australian educational institutions will consider plagiarism a serious offence. Are you willing to know about the best study places in Australia? You can easily find various websites to check it out. And if you have some queries about the education loan, you should feel free to contact the provider, who is always available on the internet. You can easily access them on their websites. So why are you waiting? You can find more about the entire process of the Australian Education System by searching their prospective sites.

Why do Enterprise Agile transformation fail?

The recent trends have been in such a way that almost many technology-based entities and enterprises have been making a changeover, that could precisely be termed as ‘Agile enterprises.’ Every entrepreneur dream would be to make their enterprise strong, fast and rapid and much more flexible for their customers. It is obvious to expect such entrepreneurs to take the necessary steps for this. However, transformation of an entity into an agile enterprise requires not some but a lot of planning and decision making involved. There are a lot of chances for any enterprise to fail if this is not done rightly.

What is agile?

To give a short note about what agile transformation means, it is when the operational model of an enterprise is changed for getting the organisation fast moving, flexible in operations and quick responses to unexpected external or internal forces within the enterprise.

The most common reasons for failure of agile:

So, here in this article you would be reading about the most common reasons for the failure of such transformation of enterprises.

  • One of the most common reason observed in the market for the failure of such transformations would be when the existing culture doesn’t get in sync with the new expected functioning. This means that, while an enterprise may have a great vision, understanding the reality of the organization’s existing culture, how a drastic change would evoke reactions and how this would be affecting the way people work.
  • On that note, it is important for any enterprise to ensure every department or team’s co-operation in handling such a change. Every employee in the enterprise perform their work based on their salary, incentive, wages, etc. When such a change has a direct monetary act, the willingness of the employee to work further may definitely be affected.
  • While it is the need of the company to address the employees and teams on one hand, it is also very important to understand the need to address the executive managers and directors while bringing about an agile element in the enterprise. While implementing such changes in the basic organisation hierarchy and functional structure, the people of the company may acknowledge it, while not everyone may support it.
  • Sudden changes are hard to handle for everyone. So, when agile transformation is being planned for the enterprise, another common mistake every person fails to undertake is to go through earlier records of how the organisation has responded to previous changes and analyse this from every perspective like how the sales been affected, how have the employees been affected, how has the working pattern been affected, etc. Once, this is analysed, the way to approach in bringing about such transformation could be worked on.
  • Everyone in the field of IT would definitely be aware of the key principles of agile. When it comes to the implementation of these principles, one common element that almost everyone fails to bring in to practicality is measuring progress. As the data in the enterprise keeps flowing in, it is vital that steps are taken and required technical arrangements are made to analyse and evaluate the data. Such measurement, would depict the scenario of the impact of bringing in agile.
  • While all these internal reasons may lead to failure of such agile transformation, there is one crucial external reason that has to be taken into consideration. It is most likely that co-operation from the customer side may not be as expected every time. Not every customer’s demand is the same and to stay ahead of their expectation and demands defining a successfully agile transformed enterprise, is not an easy task and many enterprises fail to work this out.
  • With the various teams working on a product like coding, testing, analysis, etc., there are certain established ways of working within such teams. When a team completes their task, the other team begins their work. In the market, this is referred to, as the traditional methods of working. When agile is introduced and effective changes are implemented, the working pattern will be changing and not everyone may adapt to this system. Failure of focusing on such transition strategies is another important reason for the overall downfall of the agile.
  • Investment in training of the members by leaders in the organisation should mandatorily be done for better performance of the teams. Appropriate efforts should be taken with necessary strategies to tackle disputes. This is not done by every organisation and thus results in lack of knowledge and practical application of such knowledge in handling unforeseen changes.

With this being said, these are some of the most common and popular reasons for the failure of agile transformation of an enterprise. At the end, it lies in the hands of the leaders and entrepreneurs on how the enterprise functions as a whole in contributing to the objectives and goals envisioned by the entrepreneur.

Best Practices in Automation of Ecommerce

e-Commerce is a vast domain that literally spans a large footprint all around the world. We try to simplify our e-Commerce design every time so that things would go on smoothly and the processes can be carried out faster. But times have changed, and with it, the strategies have changed as well.

This is the age of automation, and e-Commerce has also benefitted from this immensely. Automation is carried out in increasing numbers and frequently so that it fosters a better association with the clients. It would also ensure that as the boss, you don’t have to do the same things repeatedly and all over again.

Some things can be automated and left it to the system for saving up time.

 Best Practices in Automating Ecommerce

Let us take a comprehensive look at how some of these practices would help out your e-Commerce website in effectively managing things. Some of these steps are given below,

  1. Have an E-mail Workflow ready with you.

It is important to make a first impression every time you set up a meeting or communication with new clients. You must ensure that you as a customer would be bound to cater to them at every step of the way. This is why you must have the facility of automated welcome emails, which is actually an important step concerning email marketing.

Having a complete email workflow for every step would help you keep in touch with your clients without missing an update. Be it welcome emails or at any other step in the workflow, it always helps.

  1. Track up your High-Profile Clients

The one possible way to know whether your e-Commerce business is doing great or not would be the testimonials that you receive from the clients. It is essential that you always make the client feel special when they use your services since they provide you with the required capital.

You can place up some reward systems for the clients that are high up your list, the ones with whom you can take in a large sum guaranteed. Target these clients specifically, and accordingly invite them to the loyalty programs.

  1. Contact your Infrequent Customers as well

This might come to you as a weird point but this is important as well. It is a great practice to contact the ones with whom you are in touch with frequently, but it is equally important that you contact the ones that are not. Engaging such customers positively is something that people rarely focus on which is not a great practice.

Try maintaining a good relationship with every one of your clients, and automation would help you in this case immensely.

  1. Merchant Accounts & Merchant Processing

It is important for an e-Commerce business to employ the strategy of merchant processing and possessing merchant accounts. Merchant account basically means that the e-Commerce companies will have tie-ups with the credit card companies thereby allowing a process called merchant processing.

It ensures that the merchant in question accepts the payments done by a credit card. The inclusion of automation will also ensure that online transactions be carried out swiftly, all thanks to merchant processing.

  1. Focus on Customer Engagement

Whilst creating your automation workflows for your e-Commerce company, you also need to figure whether your customers would fit into this or not. Many companies fail to comprehend this fact and this can lead to serious disasters in a manner of speaking.

You can engage your customers for product reviews, suggestions related to some contents, providing some hot information on upcoming product launches, etc.


Automation is the next best thing in e-Commerce and it can help so many companies out there get through all the mundane stuff in a snap. But even that requires a lot of strategizing and a lot of planning to make sure that the workflow is top-notch and on par with your competition.


The global COVID pandemic has shaken the earth for quite some time now. It has also shaken the stock market with volatility in it being so spontaneous to consumer sentiments. The month of July had seen quite some dips and ups in the stock market, but even with its fair share of heart-stopping moments, it managed to finish in gains. The market saw one of the worst one-day sell-offs since last October with the rise in Delta strain of the Covid-19. But despite all such factors, equities also ended in gains by the end of the month, S&P also made almost 2.3% gain by the end.

So, keeping all such factors in mind and the market being so volatile that it is operating at very high superfluous rates, below are the TOP 5 Stocks that one should buy every time.

  1. Adobe INC.

This software company has been in the play for quite some years now. It recently announced the $300 million valuations, which have raised the value of the company. In 2021, it outperformed in the second quarter of every analyst’s expectations, thus sealing it as a top market performer. Recently, subscriptions of its softwares like Lightroom and Photoshop have helped the company in its $3.8 billion turnovers. On the other hand, the company derives the largest profit from its digital sector, contributing $2.8 billion of the total revenue. It has shown promising growth year after year and is surely one of the market’s best choices at the moment.

2. BJ’s wholesale warehouse Club Holdimngs Inc.

This stock has been continuously growing since the pandemic and has shown promising returns in this quarter especially. During the pandemic, most consumers were looking for affordable products in larger quantities which helped bulk retailers like BJ’s hold on the pandemic market. Other than that fact, it was trading at 5 times lesser price than its direct competitor Costco. This gave BJ’s an extra benefit. Also, BJ’s was pulling in P/E 18 times more than Costco, which was 41. This made BJs a favourable stock for many investors. The company has plans of expanding its business and is surely one of the best stocks to invest in 2021 at this point.

3. The Walt Disney Co.

Even though 2021 has not been the year for Disney, it still remains one of the safest long-term blue chips to invest in. The lacklustre performance of Disney this year is due to the parks, entertainment division, and cruise line completely shutting down. But with new hopes, the cruises have started operating again since August. However, the new future of COVID-19 with the Delta strain is a risk. But still, Disney+ has been garnering triple subscribers every quarter, with now more than 100 million subscribers. So with such interests in its streaming platforms, investors can surely reply on its OTT platform revenue if Delta strikes.

4. Facebook Inc.

The world has gone digitally rightly, with Facebook’s return of this quarter being almost 21%. The company is valued at a humongous $1 trillion. It still continues to evolve with AI technology integration and better search features. It stands in the market with three other constitutes of its- Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram. The CEO, Mark Zuckerberg even has been planning on adding e-commerce to Instagram with the intent to create what he calls ‘metaverse’ with the aim of people working, playing, and living together in a digital world.

5. SONOS Inc.

The idea behind the growth of this premium speaker company is that when so many people are working from home, they will surely like an AI connected to the home system. It has been rightly proven with the company’s growth year-over-year being 15% and 90% respectively.

6. Lowe’s Cos Inc.

Lowe is a simple home improvement business that has a very strongly built foundation. The company has almost 16 times more forward earnings than its direct competitor Home Depot. It has been raising its dividend payout for 25 years now and currently has an almost 1.7% payout, which is quite attractive. Also, Lowe bought back its own shares in the first fiscal quarter and paid a whopping $440 million in dividends. This surely makes Lowe an attractive long-term investment.

Final thoughts!

These are the best stocks which have been performing really well, keeping in mind the current market situation. The list is obviously not exhaustive, but these are surely some of the best bets. It must also be mentioned that anyone who decides to invest should do their own research as we hold no responsibility for deciding one’s own actions.

The Top Richest Women In the World in 2021

Science says women are smarter and more active than men. They have also proven themselves in the field of business, and that too managed to be the wealthiest personalities all around the world. A woman has patience, perseverance, smartness, and a brain, all qualities required to be a successful entrepreneur or a leader leading an organisation to the highest point in terms of success and popularity. The year 2020 has brought up many changes in everyone’s life in various aspects. It has also resulted in the women identifying their talent and interest, which made them step into the business world, and studies have proven that it has increased to 36% more than the previous year. They came from all around the world from various countries and cultures and made themselves the best business person ever. So let’s have a look at their journey and success to become a rich personality as listed below.

 10 Richest Women in 2021

 1. Francoise Bettencourt Meyers

 Francoise is none other than the granddaughter of the Founder of the L’oreal Paris Cosmetic Brand. She got her business as an inheritance from her mother, Liliane Bettencourt. Her grandfather worked at his company since the year 1997. Francoise, a 67 years old woman, helped Loreal be more precise and diversified than before by adding new products using various technologies and has built up the business in a profitable way. The company has a net worth of about 33.6 billion dollars but has been noticed to fall down about 6%in 2020 as the need for makeup decreased in the quarantine days. Recently the manufacture of the skincare products of Loreal has made the company more profitable due to the increase in cosmetic demand.

2. Miriam Adelson

 Miriam holds a wealth of about 39 billion dollars only with the help of Casinos. She got this art from her husband, who has been a stake controller, and now she controls about 56% stake in casino operator Las Vegas Sands. As 2020 has affected us all, the same happened here. The company lost 985 million dollars as Sheldon Adelson died in January as the resorts and casinos remained closed due to lockdown. Although it opened in June 2020, it ended up losing 1.69 billion as its net loss. Miriam is 75 years old, currently living in the United States and has now decided to focus on the business in Macau in Asia and to sell the property in Vegas.

 3. Sussanne Klatten

 Sussane inherited a 19.1% stake from her mother, Johanna Quandt, who has passed away. Whereas her father, Herbert Quandt, made the BMW industry one of the most successful luxury vehicle markets. The car making company has been reported to get a profit of about 119 billion dollars in 2020 as the company has recovered from great losses from their past. The BMW company has increased its stock price by more than 93% since March 2020, being wealthier than ever before. Apart from this, Sussane has also got a pharmaceutical company from her grandfather, which is well known all around the world. She is a 58 years old woman residing in Germany having a net worth of 28 billion dollars.

 4. Julia Koch

 Julia is a 58 years old aspiring woman of the most famous United States. She lost her husband in 2019, David Koch. Now she is the owner of America’s largest private company as per the net revenue calculated recently. The company called Koch Industries has a net worth of 46.4 billion dollars. And Julia now serves as the board of directors in the company having a stake of 42% stake. Besides her, David’s older brother also holds the 42% stake.

 5. Alice Walton

 Alice is the daughter of Sam Walton and has lost a bit from being the world’s richest woman. But anyway, she owns a net worth of about 62 billion dollars and is expected to soon raise up her revenue in the near future. She is 71 years old and is currently staying in the United States who owns a company named Walmart. She gained about 7.4 billion dollars due to rising stock of about of her company up to 5% since March 2020.

 6. Gina Rinehart

 Gina Rinehart is a woman of 67 years, having a net worth of about 23.6 billion dollars and is a citizen of Australia. She is well known for being the richest person in Australia who serves as the chairperson of Hancock Prospecting Group, which is a mining and agriculture company. This was founded by her father, Land Hancock, which partially affected in 2020 but soon recovered by a stake of about 77% in the whole group. The majority affecting the company comes from the Iron ore department during the pandemic times.

 7. Yang Huiyan

Yang is the only owner of 58% who owns the China-based real estate. Having got it from her father as the equity of the business since 2007 has the bet worth of 30 billion dollars. She is a 39 years woman staying in China currently.

8. Iris Fontbona

 Iris is 78 years old and recently stayed in Chile. Her husband passed away in 2005, whose name was alAndronico Luksic, who established a beverage and mining fortune. She has a net worth of 24 billion dollars.

 9. MacKenzie Scott

 MacKenzie is the ex-wife of Jeff Bezoz, who was the Founder of Amazon, and as per the data, it is reported that they got divorced in 2019. This news became very famous because of his splitting property and business, which overall holds as the financial state. Then at the time of separation Bezoz gave away about 6 billion dollars to many non-profitable companies for social work. However, MacKenzie still has a net worth of about 53 billion dollars.

10. Jacqueline Mars

 Jacqueline and own the pet care and food company Skittles and M&M with 40 billion sales. Their grandfather founded this company, Frank. C. Mars in the year 1911. She is an 812 years woman staying in the United States has an estimated worth of 32 billion dollars.


Women are doing extremely wonderful in the field of career and life and have also shown their charm in the business and monetary world. And has built up many business empires with a lot of revenues and success.

Top 10 Billionaires in the World 2021

The rest is an attribute of a person that everyone wants to acquire at a certain point in time. This is one of the most important aspects for most people who have been earning billions over the past. Most of the people globally look forward to these business tycoons are their icons as they make great monetary figures and have played a crucial role in the revolution of the world through their business ideologies.

  1. Bernard Arnault

Bernard Arnault is one of the most prominent and successful French investors, businessmen and art collectors that has been ever known. He has been setting a benchmark in the entire investment platform and has revolutionized the world through his amazing vision. He was born on the 5th of March 1949, and he had been known as the richest man on earth through his net figures by August 2021. He has a net worth of 198.5 Billion USD. Bernard is the chairman of LVHM and Christian Dior. He started his professional career in 1971, and since then, he has been setting up a legacy for himself after he took the acquisition of LVHM.

2. Jeff Bezos

One of the most prominent names, which most people worldwide have a clear idea about, is Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos is one of the most successful and globally known business ideas as he has been the president of Amazon. Amazon is one of the most prominent E-Commerce platforms which has been functioning all over the globe, and just basis is the mastermind behind this huge company. Jeff Bezos was born on the 12th of January 1964. He is a business tycoon and an investor. Jeff Bezos has a huge net worth of 194.9 billion dollars

3. Elon musk

A name which has been gaining a lot of attention in today’s date because of his knowledge and expertise and his visionary of revolution of the entire world, it’s very obvious to talk about Elon Musk. Elon Musk has been one of the most prominent names in the entire evolution of automobiles and space. Elon Musk is a person who generated and provided the world with the idea of PayPal. After a certain amount of time, Elon Musk started a company known as Tesla, which field which luxury cars were completely based upon electric motors. Tesla cars were highly ambitious, and the designs were made in a specific way to create a huge boom in the market. He also all the company is known as space X, which deals with a different type of researches associated with space. Elon Musk has a net worth of 185.5 Billion USD

4. Bill gates

Technology has always been a blessing in the modern era. Most technological gadgets like a laptop or mobile phone do need an operating system. One of the most common operating systems widely seen in most computers and laptops is Microsoft. The mastermind behind Microsoft has created a huge empire of technological gigs in today’s world is bill gates. Bill gates are the founder of Microsoft and have been one of the most prominent business types in the whole world. He has a net worth of 132 billion dollars.

5. Mark Zuckerberg

A person who has shaped the world of social media in today’s date is Mark Zuckerberg. Mark. Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook and is one of the world’s leading business tycoons of today’s date. Facebook recently acquired huge social media companies like WhatsApp and Instagram, which does an extended arm for Mark Zuckerberg and his business. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook and his co-founder in the year 2004, and since then, he has been witnessing the growth of social media. He has been widely famous for his extensive work of different methodologies of Facebook and has a net worth of 130.6 Billion dollars.

6. Larry Page

Larry Page is an American business magnate, Internet entrepreneur and a great computer scientist. He is famously known as the co-founder of Google, along with Sergey Brin. Page was born on March 26, 1973. He was not only the chief executive of Google but also became the CEO of Alphabet Inc. It has also been known that Page is an investor in Tesla Motors and has also invested in renewable energy technology with the help of Google, which is one of the most widely spread platforms. The page has a net worth of 11,640 crores USD.

7. Larry Ellison

Lary Alison is an American businessman who is also an investor, executive chairman, chief technology officer and former chief executive officer of oracle corporation. He was born on 17 August 1944. He was listed as the ninth wealthiest person in the US and the tenth wealthiest person in the world. He has a net worth of 11,630 crores. Ellison wrote a book named “An Intimate Portrait of Larry Ellison and Oracle. In the year 1997, Ellison was awarded the golden plate award of the American academy of achievement. He was also inducted into the bay area business hall of fame and was recognised as a successful businessman.

8. Sergey brin

When every person has to look out for something over the internet, the one website everyone relies upon, Google, is. Google has been the largest search engine that has been functional in a long period, and the co-founder of this huge company is Sergey brin. Sergey brin, along with Larry Page, founded the huge search engine known as Google. He was born in the year 1973 on the 21st of August. After completing his education Larry Page and started working on search engines and then launch Google. Brin is not only the co-founder of Google but also is the co-founder of alphabetic. And PageRank. Sergey brin has a net worth of 112.8 B dollars.

9. Warren Edward Buffet

Warren Edward buffet has been widely popular all around The World because of his theory of investments. He has truly fascinated many investors worldwide with his great fascinating investment method, which provides guaranteed success to the investors but in the long term. He is an American philanthropist and the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.  Warren buffet has a net worth of 101.6B.

10. Francoise Bettencourt Meyers & Family

Francoise Bettencourt has been one of the world’s largest businesswomen. She is also the world’s richest woman. Francoise Bettencourt has been a huge name for herself after becoming the founder of loreal, one of the world’s largest companies that deal with their associated products. She had been dressed in a stick catholic home but has had great Wall exposure, which provided her with the platform she has today. She has a net worth of 92.9billiom dollars.

These are the top 10 richest individuals which the world has seen. They have utilised their business ideas in the best possible way and has created a signature in the whole world of business philanthropy.

Yoga is better than Gym for losing weight

Exercise has always been a part of daily life for generations. However, the concept of exercise and the way it is done has evolved. As man evolved and discovered modern comforts of life, the daily physical effort or toil, has reduced for many. That is why exercise happens either at the gym or people do yoga. Yoga is a physical, spiritual, and mental form of exercise that originated in ancient India. It is much better than going to the gym for losing the weight.

Weight loss is a problem for many in the 21st century, as obesity has increased in the populations over the last few decades. For weight loss, it is essential to do physical exercise and also to change the mental dependency of people on food. At the gym, people can burn calories and take care of the physical aspect of weight loss. With Yoga, they can change the way they approach life, change their eating habits and gain control over their mental dependency on food.

The following are the reasons why Yoga is better than going to the gym:

No Expensive Equipment Needed

Different gym workouts require expensive exercise machines and equipment at the gym. The monthly gym subscription fees are quite high and experienced trainers need to be teaching members how to use this equipment. With yoga, at a yoga class, or at home, a simple yoga mat is sufficient. It is basically about simple physical exercise that benefits the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga helps in losing weight with no harmful effect.

Improves Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is the goal for many people who hit the gym and the ones that do yoga. Though the gym helps burn calories and tone the body, it is a simple physical exercise that requires continuous membership of the gym. Many people who leave gym exercises put on the flab and calories almost immediately. Yoga exercises can be done at home and yoga can easily become a way of life. It helps to tone the overall body and detoxifies it from within.

Benefits Mental Health

One of the biggest advantages of yoga over simple gym exercise is that it aides the improvement of overall mental health. The yoga asanas have been designed in such a way that they help physical and mental health. It helps calm the mind and reduce the stress in this fast and difficult world. It helps reduce anxiety, weight loss and helps people get a sense of inner strength, balance, and relaxation which gym exercises cannot help achieve.

Improves Core Strength

Though gym equipment helps people burn calories and build muscles, it not necessarily helps in increasing strength. Core strength creates stamina, endurance, flexibility and this can be achieved through Yoga asanas. Many Yoga asanas decrease body fat, build upper and lower body strength, and make people feel more active and agile.

Yoga, if done in the right way with proper guidance is much more useful and beneficial than going to the gym. It is a discipline that has been practiced for centuries with documented and well-proven results in weight loss.

Budget Tips to Save to Buy Homes

Buying a dream home is definitely one of the toughest jobs there is if you are a working professional. It is every individual’s dream to have a home that personifies everything that they have worked for. A house represents that person’s blood, sweat and tears went through it. There are those who are still trying to get there, trying to make ends meet and doing whatever they possibly can to reach there.

So, we would be discussing some of the important budget tips you could employ to buy a home of your own. There is little rocket science and more common sense that is involved over here.Brace up for that.

Budget tips for your dream home

Before even thinking about hunting a house, you should be asking yourself, how much would you be able to afford? Money is important, and that is something which would be in the article’s centerpoint. Let us look at some of the points mentioned below,


  1. Accumulating your Total Income

It is impossible to make a budget if you don’t know how much you can spend, that is the basic rule which needs to be understood. If you are a repeat offender in blowing up too much money, saving is not for you apparently. If you have a goal in mind, and if you want to do everything in your power to achieve it, then saving should not be your problem.

Start saving up money that you receive every month in the form of your pay-checks. Crunch up the numbers by maintaining a financial diary and add up every piece of income that you have saved up over time. The first step towards controlling your budget for your dream home should be to keep track of your monthly salary.

  1. Count up your Household Expenditure

You have counted up your salary, good but we have got work to do. The next step should be to list out all of your household expenses. Each and everything should be noted down in that financial diary of yours. You can’t save up money if you cannot keep a tab on how much you spend away. Some of the things that might be included in this category generally should be,

  1. Rent
  2. Utilities
  3. Food expenses
  4. Clothing
  5. Transport expenses
  6. Medical
  7. Personal
  8. Recreational

The list would go on and on if you have a healthier appetite in terms of spending. Track this daily or as per your convenience but do keep a check on this if you are overspending.

  1. Calculating Home Ownership Costs

As the term suggests, home ownership is the type where you need to accumulate the minimum possible amount of surplus to name the house your own. If you have to buy a house in a certain area that you have in mind, you would then also know what is the capital that you need to save.

Furthermore, you would need to reduce the expenses list which we just formulated to keep the excessive spending at bay. Since you need to have the minimum amount for a home, controlling your expenses is necessary. Place a buffer in the expense sheet which you have just created, and try to not spend anything beyond that buffered amount. Record everything in your financial diary.

  1. Give your budget some room to grow

You have a budget in place, since you have your savings in track, your expenses in track and in control. Another important factor that most people fail to take into consideration is time. Good things do not happen swiftly, it takes time for your efforts to bear fruit. Give yourself and the money some time to nourish and flourish. You will witness the magic happen.

  1. Adjust Accordingly

You never know what additional expenses you might have to face in the future. Even the savings graph would be significantly higher since it would take years to form up the budgeted amount that you desire to reach. So, some new things would be added in both the savings and expenses sheet, and the rate of expenses and savings would increase against the original. But keeping things in control is the essence, and adjusting accordingly is the key.


You now know what to do. The steps are in place, and a strategy is set. What you do with it is completely in your hands now. The budget is the singular most important factor if you have the goal in your mind. Happy savings!!!

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