How to find initial customers

If you have just started your business in any sector and your primary objective of earning revenue is through providing services; then your burning question should, “How do I find initial customers?” Finding initial customers can be a bit tricky since there are a lot of measures and steps that need to be undertaken to get to that point. We will be discussing some smart points on how you can find initial customers to boost your business.

Strategies on finding initial customers

We will now be taking a look at some of the strategies for finding an initial set of customers as they are important in taking your business forward,

  1. Create a list – Since you have laid the groundwork for establishing a business, you would have met a potential set of customers. You could have met them through social media interactions, focus groups, and other similar instances. Create a list and add them as potentials that would help you in establishing your business. You can even set aside some time to browse online for potential clients and interacting with them.
  2. Referrals – Ask around and know people who might have an interest in buying what you are selling. Getting good referrals can also be important in getting more like-minded customers and connections that are interested in you. You can even speak with your friends who are veterans and get ideas on how to score big through referral connections.
  3. Work upon your network – You need to search for some local business networking groups and gain perspective about your domain and industry. Understand how you would be able to help others as opposed to how they can help you. Creating a connection with these business owners is a great way to meet prospects if you are selling B2B or B2C.
  4. Show off – Yes, you heard it right. You need to showcase your services at trade events that would attract a sizeable amount of customer base that you would cater to. Doing this will help you in getting clients, potential customers, interested buyers, referrals, and even great contacts.
  5. Industry events – Another important way in finding prospects and initial customers is through industry events. There is no need to have a separate booth installed for yourself where you would want to sell your services. Instead, you can just meet your clients, have a one-on-one interaction about the industry, its potential growth, how each of you is contributing towards making it flourish. Focus on creating your connections first instead of making a hard sale of your services, that might not bode well. Building a relationship is a slow process and you must nurture it with time to see it grow.
  6. Team up with business owners – You can also find an entrepreneur whose products and services are not competitive and also ask them to connect you with some of the potential customers and clients. Having a partner who has an understanding of these matters also goes a long way when it comes to developing contacts with initial customers. You can use the online social network to connect with business owners and ask them for their assistance with regards to approaching the initial customers.


Getting the initial set of customers whilst starting your business can be challenging since it is the initial phase of revenue generation. There would be a lot of things involved, a lot of disappointments, and a lot of learning; but when you get there, it is important to nurture your relationship with them with care. Make sure that they are satisfied with the work that you provide to them, as this would help you attract more customers.

Lean Startup Methodology

What is Lean Startup Methodology?

If you are an entrepreneur and you had an idea on launching a startup, then you must have heard about the “lean startup methodology”. Entrepreneurs usually build their product for their startup and then they assume that customers will flock around to buy them which is the incorrect way of approaching this scenario. Lean Startup methodology provides you with a step-by-step and scientific approach to launching a startup that will take feedback from the users to guide you and then enhance the development of your product.

The methodology provides some very key differences between the traditional business models and the startups. It stems from innovations as opposed to a rigid business model that is already in use and still being used by many companies around the world.

Principles of the Lean Startup Methodology

Let us, deep-dive, into some of the principles of the lean startup methodology,

  1. Entrepreneurs are ubiquitous

If you own a startup firm, then you are an entrepreneur who can apply the lean startup methodology. Irrespective of the space that you are working at, be it your living room or garage, or office space; if you can save time and space and this methodology works for you, go for it.

  1. Management

Startups also need management. The process will not be traditional but entrepreneurship involves non-protocol-based and risk-inclined management which you might have to employ.

  1. Validated Learning

Lean startups are about creating a viable business model through validated learning. This will mean considering the above points and accordingly basing your decisions.

  1. Innovation Accounting

If you have a startup, and you have the lean methodology in place then entrepreneurs would need to objectively monitor their progress, set up deadlines, and make the right decisions as per the relevant data.

  1. Build, measure, learn

This loop enables validated learning through minimum viable products where the experiments are conducted. This is one of the main principles of the lean startup methodology.

Business Model Creation

Business models are the baseline of any business, and one of the easiest ways to make it is through a standard business canvas or a one-page business plan. The reason for making it this simple is because lean startups are dynamic and fast-paced. It keeps the entrepreneurs on their toes which is why a one-page business model is an obvious choice.

This is the point where you initiate the problem-solving process, create your hypothesis and a plan of action. This now takes us to the following part of the process, which is the three stages of the lean startup, and these are as follows,

  1. Problem/Solution Fit – Validating that the issue to be resolved is genuine, do customers want a solution to this problem, and would they pay you for it?
  2. Product/Market Fit – You should be validating the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and the business model. Your product will then be trying to mitigate the customer issues based on how you have designed it and will also determine if it is fit for the market.
  3. Growth Stage – Once your startup is fully functional you would need to think about growth opportunities and scaling the product to a wider range of customers. Funds would need to be brought in and this will require making your product better for a smoother experience.


Lean Startup Methodology is helpful if entrepreneurs want a scientific, proven, and step-by-step way to create a startup. It provides them with options and opportunities as per the relevant data it pulls which in turn is helpful to build a startup that is sustainable in the long run.

How to get funding for a business


There will be time when you need to raise money or get a new financing round in business. There are many ways to invest cash into your business, but debt or capital is the two most common. Both are very different, and you can see which one is right for your business. Let’s dig deeper to understand and simplify the process. You should know how to raise funds for a business.

Debt finance is the process of borrowing money from a lender and paying it back with interest over a period of time. The most common way to raise debt is to borrow from a bank or NBFC. Debt lending is a common way to raise money for millions of companies across the country. When you collect money through a loan, you haven’t let go of any stock in your business, which means your property remains intact. This makes loans a popular option among borrowers. After all, in addition to an innovative business idea, new businesses depend on financial resources to make their expected rapid growth sustainable. Of course, the amount of capital a company needs depends on the business model. But where did the funds come from?

In addition to traditional creditors such as banks and state institutions, several sponsors nowadays specialize in financing new businesses.

Top funding options apart from a traditional bank.


The concept of crowdfunding is very similar to mutual trust at a basic level. This option involves multiple investors and offers a fixed amount based on business ideas, goals, action plans, and profitable plans. All you need are people who believe in your business ideas. This is one of the easiest ways to raise money without a loan.

Consider Self-funding

Commonly known as bootstrap, this plan is an ideal action plan when it is difficult to convince others of your business ideas and visions. Investors often seek traction before investing. The first self-financing round allows you to demonstrate your thoughts’ feasibility and build investor confidence in the new round of financing.

Bootstrap is an excellent idea for startup financing, especially if your initial business requirements are small. It also gives you the freedom to be your boss. You can’t answer anyone, which also allows you to control your income growth.

Private Lending

In addition to the funding options mentioned above, private lending can be a viable option for businesses seeking capital. These are often individuals or investment groups that offer loans with terms and conditions that can be more flexible than those of traditional banks. This can be particularly appealing to startups or businesses with unique funding needs who might not meet the strict requirements of banks.

Some platforms that connect borrowers with a private lender are adopting a “”people-first”” approach, emphasizing transparency, personalized service, and a focus on building long-term relationships with borrowers. These platforms can be a good starting point for businesses exploring private lending options.

Get in touch with the Venture Capitalists.

Venture capitalists, a safe destination for big bets, offer professionally managed funds looking for funding for startups. The best part of venture capital investment is the experience and follow-through they bring. Venture capitalists usually invest in stocks, and they leave when a company initiates an initial public offering or is acquired.

Venture capitalists often look for startups with sufficient traction and a strong team. However, if you choose to raise funds from venture capital, be flexible enough to be informed and accept scrutiny.

Try Angel Investment

Cash surplus people invest in promising startups and try to gain market share when they reach their potential. They can work alone or collectively in a network to find new companies with great potential. This funding option has a business mindset that wants you to be interested in your success and expect up to 30% equity.

The investors for startup are expected to be of high interest and low investment compared to venture capitalists. Still, it’s important to remember that even Google, Yahoo, and Alibaba were the result of angel investing.

Borrow vs. fundraise: which is best for your business.



Finding an investor may be a better strategic move to help you grow your business, Des Marteau said. Investors often offer more than just capital. They may have business connections, manufacturing capabilities, distribution experience, etc. He was inaccessible by other means. If that’s what your business needs, you may also be able to receive a much more considerable amount from a venture capitalist or angel investor than from a loan.

When using a crowdfunding route, unlike certified equity investors, entry barriers are much lower than getting a loan. Instead of going through a lengthy application and credit check process, anyone can launch a crowdfunding campaign with just a few clicks. This is also a wise option if you need to raise a small amount of money. Both commercial lenders and investors tend to negotiate large amounts of capital.

Finally, financing works for businesses at any stage. On the other hand, most lenders’ “business hours” requirement eliminates startups that need to procure seed capital to get going.


One of the most significant drawbacks of equity financing is the need to relinquish ownership of the business. According to Chan, investors are more likely to maintain a larger share of earnings than mortgage repayments and often seek in-house decision-making power as part of their stock.

Consumer crowdfunding sponsors may not demand fairness, but these platforms usually have low success rates, and campaigns take a lot of time and energy to raise money.



Loans are one of the most profitable ways to fund your business. When you get a loan through a bank or SBA (Small and Medium Business Administration) lender, the interest rate is usually lower than a personal loan. You can also enjoy some tax incentives. Taking a loan also allows you to increase your business credit score when you repay the loan.


The application process is very long if you consider getting a traditional bank loan or an SBA bank loan. You often need to meet a long list of prerequisites, including being an established business rather than a new company. Mr. Chan also pointed out that the loan also means that if the loan cannot be repaid, there is a risk of losing collateral.

Benefits of alternative funding 

Alternative lenders often charge a higher interest rate for their convenience, although the approval and financing process is usually much faster. Evan Singer, general manager of SBA loan provider, is beneficial in the easiest business loan. It helps in a pinch. They might not be a good long-term strategy because of the highest rates. I warned you.

  • Rapid application process.

It can take weeks, or even months, for a bank to confirm a loan application. Also, disagreements and concerns about collateral valuation (because banks usually underestimate collateral to reduce their risk exposure) can slow down the process.

At the other end of the speed, the spectrum is alternative financing. Evaluating an application typically takes a few days, or up to a day for National Business Capital & Services.

  • Access to unsecured business finance solutions.

All bank loans are secured by business and personal assets. This is not always the case with alternative financing, where many financing solutions are not guaranteed in approval of business loan. For example, National Business Capital offers unsecured working capital loans, credit lines, and Merchant Cash Advances.

  • Impairment or lousy credit approval.

Banks claim good personal and business credit scores. The latter is especially problematic for some applicants who don’t even know they have a business credit score in the first place.

  • Corporate financing through a capital increase

One way to raise money for your company without going to the bank is to decide to increase your equity capital. This will allow the entry of capitalist partners who will fund the company to exchange shares or participation.

Before publishing your capital increase offer, we recommend that you first research and elaborate on the amount of funding you need and then adjust the offer to your financial goals.

One way to do this is to use Equity Crowdfunding, which follows the same system as crowdfunding, with the difference that investors receive shares in the lending company. This allows the company to raise funds.

Tips for finding the best funding options

  1. Financing to companies by factoring

This is one of the more common ways to raise money among large companies than small businesses. Therefore, this is a way to proceed with collecting company invoices without resorting to commercial discounts.

  1. Corporate financing through venture capital

If your company is a startup with high growth and innovation potential, this is one of the best options for raising private funding for entrepreneurs. Venture capital is a company managed by so-called general and limited liability companies responsible for the funds raised through private investors.

  1. Financing to companies through IPO

This is a financing tool for large corporations, as it requires a minimum of € 1.2 million in capital to do so. If your business is listed, it will be an important way to raise money for your business.

  1. Funding my company with public assistance

Before assessing a company’s financing through this option, remember that the aid or subsidy is a public incentive, not the source of funding itself, as the subsidy rarely fully covers the project’s entire cost.


Financing is an essential aspect of realizing your business vision. Funding and financing are both basic modern business scenarios that support the growth of startups startup. The first round of funding, commonly known as seed funding, forms the basis for financing. Series A, B, and C funding rounds follow. Seed funding usually refers to the essential initial funding round, but Series A, B, and C differ in the business’s maturity and investors’ types. Financing the series will help you evolve your start-up into a full-fledged organization by supporting it with the funds calculated in crucial steps.

5 lessons you can learn from some of the world’s best businesswomen

A businesswoman is defined as someone who is actively involved in the business world. She is responsible for undertaking activities, whether commercial or industrial, to generate cash, sales, flow, etc. Many great businesswomen worldwide work in an important position in a company or who own their own company. Nowadays, businesswomen are much in demand, and almost every country has top businesswomen with them. Many young businesswomen stepped into the business field at a very young age and still are doing wonders. Still, at the very same time, some businesswomen have been excellently ruling their businesses from the past.

5 lessons you can take away from some of the most successful businesswomen in the world

1st lesson

The first lesson to learn is always to put yourself first. We have always been that serving is one of the top characteristics of good businesswomen but along with this one of the most things which we are unaware of is that we only try to instruct our employees about what to do rather we should always think and start asking what it is which we can do to help them.

2nd lesson

First, Impressions are powerful and are long-lasting. This is the second lesson which we need to learn. We should always keep in mind that first impressions are everything and are very long- lasting in anyone’s mind. Starting from the greeting, the handshakes and the presentation, everything you do should be formal so that the other person feels valued and respected. Whenever in a meeting, walk with full confidence from the door and give it your best. In this way, your first impression will be much powerful and empowering.

3rd lesson

Don’t concentrate much on what you say. Rather concentrate on how you say it. Even if you are pointing a mistake at someone in front of them, try not to shout a raise your voice against them. The use of a positive tone of voice or a negative response might influence the other person’s thinking. Your reactions and behaviour matter more than the actual words which you say in the office. Whatever you want to say to your employees, clients or anyone present in the office, you should always come to your anger and talk politely to everyone. This is the key to maintaining good relations in the office.

4th lesson

It is completely ok for the leaders to work in the business. A good businesswoman does not think if she is just a leader or mentor and should not do the employees’ work. In challenging circumstances, be certain that you and your staff put out their best effort to help your company flourish. Always think your business to be small so that it grows bigger each day. And if you start thinking that your business is already in a good state and has already achieved many things, then your business might grow small.

5th lesson

Stop comparing yourself access with others and start focusing on building your business more. You can surely learn more from others, but once you start comparing the success they have, the new might get discouraged, and your good going business can get worse. Learning from other companies or even from your employees to better your business should always be done. You need to stay focused and work hard and make your business better each day.

The above mentioned are the most important lessons that every business aspirant should know and learn to be successful like these businesswomen.

How Women Successfully Perform Home Based Business

Home business refers to a small business that operates from the business owners’ home—the number of employees in-home business isis very small in number. Usually, the immediate family of the business owner, and sometimes it is also called a family business. Many people want to have a home business as they cannot go outside and work. We got plenty of the best home business ideas for those people, and a few of them are listed below.

Home-based business ideas for women – 

1. Blogging
When it comes to home-based business ideas for women blogging is the first in the best picture which comes to mind. The advantage of blogging for most women is that They get flexible hours for work As per their convenience. Blogging is not much difficult to do, and You need to create a website of yours and start writing articles about your favourite things. You can include many items in your blog based on your interest, such as you can start with food blogging, Beauty blocking, travel blogging etc.

2. Freelance Writing
Freelance writing is referred to as the practice of writing for earning money. It is working on one’s own and not being employed by a company. The freelance writers considered their clients need and create a written text according to that. Working as a freelancer can either be working from home or also from a rental office space. The money the freelancer charges depends on the amount of work they will have to put into the project. The amount may vary according to work done.

3. Social Media Influencer
A social media influencer has an active account in any social media platform and has established credibility in a specific industry. Is social media influencer access to a large audience and achieve this by maintaining an active online presence on their social media accounts. Many social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram Radio can find the number of social media influencers. The more the number of followers these influencers have, the more amount of money they earn.

4. Life Coach
A life coach helps people deal with all the difficult circumstances in their lives and make them believe in life again. If you are one of those people who Would like to help people, being a life coach is a good option. Many people experience stress in their day to day life, and some people can’t even bear with that stress, and sometimes this dress causes serious emotional issues within them. As a life coach, you can help them out in these situations and on a handsome amount of money. Also, if you add a certified life coach, then the amount of money can increase.

5. Owning Rental Properties
If you have rental properties such as cars, houses, furniture, pottery, party chairs, air conditions or even any kind of electronic items, then you can easily rent these things to someone and get a good amount of money in return. The best way to promote this business is to create an app to list these things, and people can have a clear idea about them. The app users will know what they want to rent from you after seeing the list. In this video, work will be in a structural and organized form.

As we know in today’s time, women are no less than anyone and particularly in the home-based business, they have done excellent and are pretty successful. The home mentioned above business ideas are ideal for anyone sitting in their home and want to earn a good amount of money.

TOP 5 Life lessons that Shark Tank’s Barbara Corcoran Teach us

Shark tank is denoted as one of the leading real estate mogul. Barbara Corcoran has not become the highest-paid female investors within one day. She has to grow up her business from nothing to the peak of success.

She belongs from a poor family where she has to earn everything to come to the position in which she is now. With the help of her strong imagination, she has gained the position where she is now.

At the age of 23, she gets a loan from her future husband to start their real estate business, though later he left her to marry his secretary according to Barbara Corcoran, without him cannot be succeeded in life. She teaches us the meaning of life. These are the top 5 lesions remain at the top list it will help you to gain ultimate success in life.

Went through a struggle to gain the actual success

According to the highest-paid female investor, you have to go through a long struggle in order to get the actual success that you want from life. If you got succeed without any struggle, you will not be able to get the help of success. In case you are searching for a success story, you have to remember it in your mind.

Make failure the stair of your success

Success and failure remain as a circle of life. If you got failed in one task, you need to make the failure your success path. In this scenario, you also have to accept the failure to get success in life.

Hear more

You need to hear more from people who follow you. You have to accept the truth in order to know about the truth of life. While you will be able to get success in life, you need to hear more without having an ego.

Grades matter

According to her education can give you the topmost success in daily life. Once you will get the grade, you will be able to know more about life and you will be able to be succeeded in life. So, while reading, make sure you are reading to gather more knowledge, this you have to utilize in daily life.

Your past is not your identification for whole life

It does not matter from which section you belong to. It does not matter you were poor or rich in the future it cannot be the whole identification for your life. You have to create your own success story to shine in life.

Sum It Up

Here are some of the important factors that she teaches us. We have to follow these lines if you want to get success for life. Once you will memorize the entire success story in your mind from heart, once you will memorize all the factors, you will be able to get success for your whole life. Hopefully, these 5 factors will also help you to shine in life to be succeeded in life.

Common mistakes should be avoided by a Female Entrepreneur

Digital transformation is the most growing and strategic opportunity for the women entrepreneurs who want to make the most of technologies in 2020. For the global pandemic and crisis that happened by the COVID-19, many organizations and companies face many different challenges and problems. This pandemic made them re-think their sales channels again and again. When the pandemic started they had no choice but to avoid losing more and more.

As a female entrepreneur, it is obviously more challenging than others. So here are some mistakes every woman entrepreneur should avoid in 2020 globally.

1. Know The Time :
Most of the businesses failed because choose ing the wrong time. Transforming a business when the problems are start occurring, rather than taking power to transform it before they do is the biggest challenge here. In some scenarios like the complexity of the process, risky- ness, or when the process is too intimidating it is understandable to some extent. The transforming idea of adapt or die should be taken by studying the Standards & Poor’s data. It will help you in many ways because it is the main stock index in the world. We have noticed a huge number of women entrepreneurs have not achieved their digital goals because of this reason. That is why this point is important for organizations to understand this transformation as a priority thing.

2. Act Quickly :
For a business acting quickly defined as the power and ability of an organization’s to react or respond in a creative and innovative way to changes. It helps to generate more profits as well. It is also responsible for the adaptation power of your system to the world and environment.
To discuss it, it is important to analyze it through the main three dimension
Strategic Agility – It focuses on the market response and the balance between strategy and execution.
Tactical Agility – It focuses on the creation or solution of a particular product.
Cultural Agility – It focuses on the internalization by the company members of the principles and the values that mark the power of a company to adapt. Without a quick response, it is difficult to generate expected value in the market.

3. Try To Forget Human Resources :
According to The Global Leader In Change Management Solutions companies that manage changes effectively are six times more likely to achieve success in their path than others. We need to understand that people are the most important and valuable part of any digitization process of a company. It is more important than the technologies also. At the same time, companies or consumers cannot ignore the changing speed.

4. Innovative Leadership :
Leadership is important for innovation and transformation. In past centuries each change of the company had to face a long time-consuming procedure. And that ended up affecting the innovation power of the company. Today the main question asked by every company is how to support the growth of innovation for a long time?. The short and simple answer is innovative leadership.

Here we discuss the things every woman entrepreneur should avoid for a digital transformation. Keep in mind it is the most important opportunity of the moment for every woman entrepreneur in the world.

Some business acumen for building a business

Being an entrepreneur is difficult and takes an incredible amount of hard work. The past years were difficult for many entrepreneurs, and due to the current economic slowdown, many entrepreneurs thought about what is important personally and professionally to them. Let’s get to know some business lessons that will help those entrepreneurs looking to build a business.

  • It’s not necessary to have all the answers.

It’s totally fine and unnecessary for successful entrepreneurs to know every aspect of the business, but sometimes we assume so. Knowing everything is not feasible, but it is important to have enough knowledge about the industry as an entrepreneur.

  • Developing a clear brand identity is essential.

One must know the importance of having a known brand name. It helps the organization to have their unique and own identity. Also, it ensures your customers that a certain organization is there to stay. Moreover, customers could connect to a company’s mission and vision correction for those who are having a clear and meaningful brand identity.

  • Always believe and don’t take anything personally.

To be treated equally, there are times when BIPOC feel whether they have to work harder. When starting as an entrepreneur, that could be a huge challenge. There will be times when some people might underestimate you and try to make your self-esteem low or take you for granted. But, never let these kinds of negativity surpass you. Instead, take it as a motivation to succeed.

  • Never try to hide your background, be proud of it.

For being an aspiring entrepreneur, it doesn’t matter what background you are having. It’s not an easy road to success. Something that no competitor can replicate is one’s identity and authenticity. There are many successful business owners with amazing success stories, and you must get it a read.

  • Use every encounter to learn new things.

Start-up a business or any other thing is hard. One has to go through a lot of ups and downs. And, every business person has to start somewhere. Also, it is known that we daily learn new things, get new experiences throughout our lives. As an entrepreneur, you must learn from everyone around you, as everyone has something to give. Also, you must try to find the best in everyone around you and learn from it. It doesn’t matter what stage an entrepreneur is in or how successful he/she is. There is still more to learn.

  • Always try to spread love.

It is essential for an entrepreneur to value the people you work with that demonstrates care for the person through your actions. Words are not always enough, and you must always find ways to uplift others. It is also essential to remain humble every step of the way, and it is a trait that more entrepreneurs should develop.

Lastly, you must never forget who you are, where you came from, and who was there during your tough time and helped you to be there where you are now.

The Richest People in the World

Humans nowadays are well skilled to make the best out of their talent and time. And we have to agree that success makes us happy because of the respect and mostly for the money we get from that. And many have made billions and trillions of money just from their job or business all on their own. It’s pretty obvious that it involves a lot of hard work and dedication, but it also places them in the list of few, which included the wealthiest personalities around the world. This makes them famous and respectful, thus adding more to their net worth. These brainy persons are well known for their economic status and have always been the most inspiring. There are many ways to gain money and fame. Mostly the method includes business, but there are many other methods too. Let us briefly know about them in the following context.

People who are known for their enormous money

  1. Bill Gates

Bill made a remarkable change of dropping out of Harvard in his junior year to become the founder of Microsoft. And due to its hard work, sensibility, and good knowledge of computer software, Microsoft, the largest software company in the world. Apart from this, the company has also shown great achievement in producing a set of their email services, video games, devices, computers, and laptops. It also publishes books via the Press, owned by Microsoft.

Besides this, Gates also runs two welfare organizations combined now to make a foundation named as Bill and Melinda Foundation, where he and his ex-wife are co-chairpersons. Bill is 65 years old as of 2021 but holds great enthusiasm to work for his company and has a net worth of about 124 billion dollars. He has been residing in Medina, Washington, for a few years. The recent data state that he took the responsibility of a chairperson in 2008 before being the chief software architect. And has also joined Berkshire Hathaway’s board in 2004, but finally, he took himself off from both the boards.

  1. Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh is the richest man in India who is the owner of Reliance Industries. It was established in 1966 by Dhirubhai Ambani, his son Mukesh Stanford Business School but left after a year he came back to India to lead Reliance. And in his early days, Mukesh was seen to create and manage the petroleum refineries and petrochemical industries in an amazing manner. As per the recent news, Mukesh and his brother Anil got the entire business after their father’s death a few years.

The business was distributed among the brothers as Mukesh keeps petrochemicals, gas oil, and refining but with the dispute regarding the natural gas business. It has been reported that as of 2021, Mukesh has a net worth of 84.5 billion dollars besides having the property costing about 410 million dollars. He is a 64 years old man who is currently staying in Mumbai, India.

He has taken the company to the height of success with flying colors as one of his biggest achievements was the Reliance Retail and telecommunication known as Jio, which is well known around the county of having about 80% of the population using it because of its facilities and adding a lot to the company’s revenue.

  1. Jeff Bezos

He is a 57 years old man who runs the most widely recognized company ’Amazon’ and is the founder and Executive Chair of the same. It initially started as a one-stop bookstore but was revolutionized slowly, firstly acquiring Whole Foods in the year 2017ad then launching its over-the-counter drugs in the same year in August. In the year 2020, the shares of Amazon increased to a high rate due to lockdown around the world, and then Jeff decided to be the executive chair and left the CEO post of the commerce giant.

He has a net worth of around 177 billion dollars, and he has stayed in Seattle since the day he founded Amazon and built it as a successful business and entertainment company known as Amazon Prime. He is recognized as the first man after Bill Gates to have a net worth of 100 billion dollars in the early days in 1999.

  1. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark is known as the youngest business sensation to develop the most famous social networking site at the age of 19, which created an entirely new world for friends to connect and communicate worldwide. Mark Zuckerberg is at the age of 37 currently and stays in Palo Alto, Calif. Facebook owns various other companies, including the all-famous Instagram, the Oculus, which leads a virtual reality set, messaging app Whatsapp, and the all-new Novi,’ its own new digital payment platform used in the Diem payment System. He currently serves as the CEO and chair of Facebook, which whole handedly runs many software and apps. It has been reported that he holds a net worth of about 97 billion dollars other than his 225 million property worth.

  1. Elon musk

Elon is the most aspiring money man today in the world and out to have it all, starting from digital currency, vehicles, and space gadgets. He used to study at Stanford University but dropped it because of the earliest navigation setup Zip2. Then his business career started when he was the main funder of Tesla Motors, which produces SUVs, sedans, Cyber trucks, and many other electric vehicles. Now he has been the co-founder of Tesla, which manufactures merchandise, automobile devices with the help of SolarCity in 2016, which is a solar power system. In the year 2020, Tesla had a tremendous rise for about 700 times more than ever before. Elon is a 50 years old man staying in Austin, Texas, and having a net worth of about 151 billion dollars.


Money is not absolutely everything in our life, but what matters is the success and respect we get in our lives around us. This part of being rich is beautiful because everyone sees you as an inspiration with the utmost respect. Being a rich person involves a lot of grinding in certain parts of the process along with the process, and it is quite ultimate that everyone wishes to be at their place without knowing the struggle. Still, one can surely reach there if they dedicate themselves to it.

Alternative for Whatsapp | Whatsapp New Privacy Policy

Currently Whatsapp is the biggest and was first of its kind to be social engaging and connecting mobile application with contact-detailed identification. With over a billion users in 180 countries and counting, WhatsApp is the undisputed to-go instant messaging app on the globe. The social media giant—Facebook and its applications, including FB Messenger, Instagram, and other third-party apps, have been involved in several security breaches and have breached user privacy over the years. WhatsApp, on the other hand, is a Facebook-owned app that has resisted introducing user-centric security features such as End-to-End Encryption and other security protocols. WhatsApp began as an instant messaging service before being purchased by Facebook in the year 2014. While Facebook did not insert advertisements or violate users’ privacy on WhatsApp during the early years of its acquisition, it did cause security-conscious users to be worried about their privacy and security.

Facebook recently changed its privacy policies, allowing the company to use the data collected by WhatsApp in whatever way it sees fit. Instead of having to download three separate applications, As per various reports, Facebook is rumored to be merging Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger into a single platform, allowing users to communicate with others via messages and more in a single app. In certain cases, this will also include WhatsApp’s robust E2E encryption.

The changed policies by Facebook for Whatsapp, are stated below:

The latest privacy policy concerns WhatsApp’s service and how it manages user data. It provides end-to-end encryption, but with the recent policy update, WhatsApp and its family of applications and businesses under Facebook will be able to receive and transmit data from other companies. Operating, providing, understanding, improving, customizing, supporting, and marketing programs are all part of this.

One of the most surprising provisions of the privacy policy is the ability of WhatsApp to send necessary user data to the government in the case of unusual incidents. WhatsApp stores a large amount of data and is able to gather knowledge about these facets of your identity. Contact information, financial information, user material, usage data, diagnostics, identifiers, contacts, venue, and transactions are all included.

Moreover, Facebook and its subsidiaries, including WhatsApp, would be able to use data collected on the apps to enhance user experiences such as product recommendations, among other items.  Users’ messages are not saved, according to the privacy policy, but the user’s profile image, status message, profile name, and account information are. In layman’s words, WhatsApp stored user data on its servers that could be used for marketing purposes directly or indirectly on WhatsApp or any of Facebook’s other apps/companies.

1. Skype

Millions of people use Skype around the world. Skype has established itself as one of the most popular instant messaging and voice/video calling apps on the market. It allows you to hold a high-definition video call, and it won’t lag or display a pixelated or blurred video feed of other participants if you have 3 to 4 or more people on board. On Skype, you can have an HD video call with 1 to 49 of your family and friends.

You may form groups with other people. Make new connections by searching for people on Skype by username, email address, or even phone number. You can set your Skype status to “Busy” or “Available” so that others can contact you. If they aren’t on Skype, you can communicate with them using Skype Credit, which is a pay-as-you-go service. You can also make phone calls and send SMS messages to non-Skype users.

2. Signal

Signal—founded by the founder of Whatsapp, is one of the most obvious options for users. It has millions of users and was recently endorsed by Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Signal Private Messenger uses the open-source Signal Protocol to provide end-to-end encryption. This protects your chats and conversations while allowing security experts to identify and patch vulnerabilities and flaws.

Signal protects every call and message with open-course encryption. It is completely free to use and contains no trackers or ads, so go ahead and try it out. If you don’t want the brightness of your screen to irritate you, particularly at night, the application has a Dark Mode. There are a few drawbacks, such as the lack of animated emojis, but hey, if you’re serious about protecting your privacy from intruders and prying eyes, Signal is one of the best WhatsApp alternatives.

3. Telegram Messenger

When it comes to the best WhatsApp alternatives, Telegram Messenger is at its best. It’s fast, secure, and synchronizes across all of your devices. Telegram, which has over 400 million users, allows users to share unlimited multimedia files of any size or kind. Since it is a cloud-based app, the entire chat history will not take up a single byte of your internal storage. Above all, it protects your data from prying eyes and places a premium on privacy.

It has open-source encryption for chats and calls (both voice and video calls), but you must turn it on manually. It helps you to build groups of up to 200K people. Telegram is capable of sharing extremely large videos and files, such as 1.5GB of any movie. It is fully ad-free and has no advertisements at all. You can also download movies, TV shows, and other content from Telegram’s various channels.

4. Session private messenger

An email address or phone number is usually required when creating an account on any instant messaging app. Is that correct? To build an account with Session Private Messenger, you don’t need a phone number or an email address. Session generates a Session ID that you can ask anyone to enter once you’ve set up your account. Session has set up user-operated servers all over the world, which means it doesn’t have power over them and therefore reduces the risk of them leaking any user data.

When you use the app, no metadata is recorded, and no UP addresses are ever recorded on the servers. End-to-end encryption ensures that no one is expecting your messages. Session has no idea who you are, who you’re communicating with, or what the messages are about. One of its mottos is “free expression,” so if you use Session, you’re in for a treat.

5. Threema

It prioritizes your safety and privacy above all else. Despite the fact that there is no free edition, it is one of the most common safe messengers. On Threema, you will have uninterrupted and seamless end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls. E2E encrypted instant messaging is also included in the app. Unlike every other app you’ve used, the app is designed to produce as little data as possible. It employs the aforementioned encryption method for all audio, video, group chats, media files, and other elements of Threema that users communicate with on a daily basis. Threema Site, Dark Theme, Syncs Contacts Optionally, and Private Instant Messaging are some of the features.

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