Ways To Lose Your Extra Fat Without Dieting

Whether you want to improve your overall health or simply slim down, burning off extra fat is a tough task. There are various fed diets that work to shed pounds instantly-while leaving you feeling hungry as well as deprived. But how it is beneficial to lose weight to regain it? If you wish to get rid of overweight permanently, always go for the slow process. Many diet experts suggest that instead of going on a diet for fat burning; make some small changes in your lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight.

Let see, one pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. So when you shave 500 calories in a day by doing some physical activity and following a dietary plan. If you want to maintain your current weight, shave 100 calories every day to avoid the extra pound.

Many people misunderstand that skipping breakfast works in cutting calories. But it leads to eating more throughout the day. Many studies have proved that the people who take breakfast have lower BMIs than those who skip their breakfast.

If you are seriously looking to lose fat, the most important thing you need to do is to crowds out the foods that are higher in fat and calories. Instead, eat lots of low-calorie, high-volume fruits and vegetables. Move the meat off the center of your plate ad pile on the vegetables. Start your lunch or dinner with a vegetable salad or a bowl of broth-based soup.

Fix a time when you will stop eating then you will have the ability to avoid those late-night snacks while watching television like a cup of tea, ice cream or frozen yogurt. In case, you want to eat something after dinner, then go for it. But make sure to brush your teeth then it will decrease the possibility that you will eat or drink anything else.

Having a sweet drink pile is great for your tongue but it is not good for your health mainly when you are thinking to control weight. Satisfy your thirst with water, you can also drink sparkling water with citrus; here low-fat milk is also a good option. If you get hungry and thinking to drink something, try a glass of nutritious and low-calorie vegetable juice to hold you over if you get hungry between meals.

Purchase a pedometer and add more steps until you reach 10,000 per day. Throughout the day, do what you like but make sure to engage in some physical activity like take the dog out of for an extra walk, pace while you talk on the phone.

No doubt, physical activity, and food play a major role. But you can make the change effective, easier and earlier by controlling your environment in some way like stock your kitchen with a lot of healthy options, choose the right restaurants and few more.

All in all, for losing weight you do not need to compromise with your food but try to switch to lighter alternatives whatever you can from using the low-fat dairy products, mayonnaise to using salsa or hummus as a dip to get a fit and slim body.

Top Hacks To Beat The Sleeping Disorders

 Do you feel sleepy in the middle of the day, so tired and drowsy that is almost hurts?

You understand the feeling very well. Your eyelids have giant weights attached to them and the words on the system look blur. For some time you may close your eyes and no one will notice.

This feeling is every worse when you have to sit in the meeting after lunch. In this situation, the seconds feel like hours. In this place, if you close your eyes during one of those meetings, someone is bound to notice!

What if there few techniques to wake up energized ad maintain that throughout the day, you can do so by just making some simple adjustments in your daily routine?

In this article, we will share the best sleep hacks, so that you can learn how to beat the sleeping disorders in the best possible way:

  • Start by doing four-seven-eight

Four-seven-eight is actually a breathing exercise that are followed at night on bed:

  1. Take a breath through your nose for four seconds
  2. Hold your breath for seven seconds
  3. Now, breathe out through your mouth for eight seconds

You need to repeat the same process until you fall asleep.

  • Keep Eyes on Food and Drink

Reduce your caffeine and cigarette intake, mainly in the afternoon and evening. Besides, eat your large meals earlier in the evening and make sure not to take large meals just before you go to bed. Have some sip of milk; milk contains the amino acid that makes your sleepy. Warm it up a little and add some honey as a night time treat.

  • Go to bed earlier

Apart from all the techniques, getting to bed a bit earlier can make all of the difference when you want to get quality sleep during the night. Experts say that sleeping during the hours of 10 pm to 2 am is when we get the most rejuvenating effects of sleep. Because during this point, the significant amount of hormone secretion and recovery happen in our circadian rhythms.

  • Do Physical Activity

Proper diet and physical exercise are important for a healthy body. But exercising too close to bedtime can raise your internal temperature, release endorphins and make the sleeping tough. Beat your sleeping disorder; get your work out done at least 4 hours before bedtime.

  • Eliminate Distractions

The major issue behind sleeping disorders these days are gadgets like phones, laptops, and others. Turn your phone in an airplane mode; put your laptop and television in another room. Try your best to ensure that your brain associates the bedroom with sleep.

  • Limit Your Naptime

No doubt, a nap greatly helps you feel more rested and alert. But make sure to practice with caution, however. In case you are an insomniac, avoid napping at all costs. Studies say that people suffering from insomnia and take naps have much more trouble falling asleep  in night. You can take naps to 25-30 minutes. It is called a power nap. Whatever you do, don’t nap after 4 pm.

Top Ed-tech Startups – Changing The Face Of Education

Modern technologies are introducing tremendous transformations in the education system from distance education to cultural preservation. Digital platforms are shifting the way learning is visualized and presented, with wide-ranging implications for publication of educational content.

Start-ups are the main driving force behind this development. They have emerged as the growth engine. Young Indian minds are introducing unique ideas to resolve existing problems.

Here we are presenting the list of 5 most impressive start-ups in the education sector of India:

  1. Unacademy

Unacademy is one of the most renowned names in the contemporary edtech industry it holds over 2400 online course and most of the course is free on the platforms. Unacademy is a Bangalore-based online learning marketplace; it was introduced by Hemaash Singh in 2010.

The ultimate goal of Unacademy is to provide all the education in the world for free and it has ventured into numerous fields like Banking, CA, CAPF, UPSC, CLAT, CAT, JEE, Pre-Medical and more.

  1. Leverage Edu

Started as a college admission platform, Leverage Edu today has grown to a full-stack marketplace in the last one year. It supports students in their careers through mentorship products, end-to-end college admissions guidance, programs to help get first-job ready, and one-to-one virtual career advisory for multiple career streams.

Leverage Edu also works to provide students with exclusive scholarships, educational loans, and help on housing, forex/VISA, and more, through multiple global partnerships.

  1. Toppr

A Mumbai-based start-up, Toppr is an online exam preparation platform for K-5 to K-12 students focused on school curriculum syllabus and entrance examinations like JEE, UPSC, NEET, SAT, etc.

It was founded by Zishaan Hayath in 2013 to offer structured courses that feature interactive video lectures, practice question sets, doubt clearing by professionals and all India test series.

  1. Next Education

The Hyderabad-based learning website, Next Education is the brainchild of Beas Dev Ralhan.  Started in the year 2007, next Education focuses its technology-based education solutions firm on K-12. It has many leading products on its platform like TeachNext, LearnNext, MathsLab, ScienceLab and EnglishLab which are used in more than 6,000 schools across the country.

The study material and products of the site cover the syllabus and curriculum of CBSE, ICSE and 23 state boards in 8 major Indian languages.

  1. NoPaperForms

NoPaperForms is a SAAS, i.e. Software-As-A-Service based enrolment automation solution start-up. It is focused on transforming the admission process in the educational institutions in India and abroad.

The platform supports institutions to boost their outreach capabilities, enhance recruitment efforts, expand customer service offerings and improve results. To date, NoPaperForms has grown by around 500% in a year to 100 crores when it rose its Series B funding in December of 2018 from the existing investors.

So, these are the top start-ups in the Indian education system. These start-ups have not only been instrumental in working for a societal transformation which has depend the roots and reach of education across the country but has also played an essential role in terms of contribution to the overall economy.

Best Technological Innovations In 2019

In this modern era, technology plays a critical role in finding solutions to all the challenges our world faces today from income inequality to climate change. Today’s technological solutions always shape tomorrow’s world. This year’s emerging technologies demonstrate the rapid pace of human innovation and offer a glimpse into what a sustainable, inclusive future will look like.

Here are the best technological revolutions of 2019 that are disrupting the existing workflow and industry:


5G network has greatly emerged and enhanced the ability to move, manipulate, and analyze data across wireless platforms. As 5G is coming fully in the near future, it will bring great growth in more complex apps to resolve issues and enhance progress across industries.

No other technological developments have impacted business as effective as 5G. It has wireless connectivity at the speed and latency that are needed for complex solutions like driverless vehicles. Additionally, once 5G gets fully deployed geographically, it will help emerging markets realize the same ‘speed of business’ as their mature counterparts.


Microbiomes are basically the genetic analysis of bacteria and microbes. As technology evolves, so do the microbes like bacteria that enter the human food chain– in farms, factories, and grocery stores – increasing the quantity of food while also posing a health risk. The latest advancement in the genetic analysis will make it easier to monitor and track the spread of these microbes and also understand the impact on human health.

With the support of Microbiomes, we will be able to understand how they travel and interact with the food chain will lead to further reductions in food waste and lessen the human cost of illness due to contamination.


The recent revolution in recycling will increase the efficient ways of breaking up plastics and man-made polymers. Apart from spreading awareness about the pollution being caused by our reliance on disposable plastic, development in this field will cut the damage to the ecosphere ad also cut the environmental cost of the production of plastics.

Advancement in recycling means new methods of catalytic polymer “digestion” like VolCat that include developing chemical processes to more effectively break down plastic refuse into a state where it can be fed back into the manufacturing process.


Blockchain is the latest innovation of the technological world. These days, many organizations are exploring and implementing blockchain to tackle the increased demand for securing and managing transactions across the internet. Drones are amazing and are used in multipurpose.

Drones enable robotic automation with some geographical restrictions. As drones have numerous advantages, opportunities for development and integration are high for this market. Soon, in the coming days, drones will be used for different work.

These are the top solution for the modern world that will simplify the task and bring enhancement in the world. Hopefully, you find this article interesting and informative.

Tell Your Stress Goodbye With These 9 Amazing Foods

These days, we have a lot of stressful days at work or home. Every day, we get deadlines to meet and a new problem to resolve. Different studies have shown that your diet can influence your stress level. Hence, eating smart can help you relax and deal better with hectic situations.

While there is not a cure-all food to magically remove stress and frustration, you can get some stress relief with a combo of exercising, eating small meals throughout the day and getting more of these fresh goodies.

  1. Dark Chocolates

Dark Chocolates are considered as one of the best solutions to reduce the stress level. A study was published in the International Journal of Health Sciences that says that the polyphones contained in cocoa beans cut the stress hormones in the blood. So the next time you are feeling stressful and a lot of burdens, try a piece of dark chocolate melting on your tongue.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries are high in anthocyanins that are able to reduce stress. It also contains vitamin C, which boosts your immune system. Blueberries are particularly important for people who are constantly stressed tend to be sick more often.

  1. Tea

Tea is considered as the best solution when you are feeling sleepy, calm frazzled nerves with a steaming cup of your favourite tea blend. The soothing warmth and tea’s plant compounds work together to level off your body’s response to stress.

  1. Milk

A glass of milk is great in getting more B-vitamins, protein, vitamin D and bone-building calcium to relieve tense muscles. Make sure to stick to the low-fat (1%) or skim varieties. If you like to add more flavour in your milk, have some with whole-grain cereal in the morning or sip on some chocolate milk around bedtime to bring on more restful sleep.

  1. Banana And Avocado

Banana and Avocado are loaded with potassium, a vital mineral; it amazingly keeps the blood pressure low. To make the food interesting, add sliced banana to your morning oatmeal or a half-cup of sliced avocado to a lunchtime salad or sandwich.

  1. Fatty Fish

The heart-healthy omega-3 fats in fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna manage adrenaline levels to support keeps you calm, cool and collected. Fatty Fish is also awesome for just about every part of your body like eyes, skin, and hair.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables

We are aware of the advantages of green leafy vegetables; they are lighter on calories and also better for your figure. Besides, green leafy vegetables like spinach contain folic acid. The human body needs this B vitamin to make the neurotransmitter dopamine that can support relieve and ease symptoms of depression.

  1. Carrots

Now, forget about pizza and other crunchy foods, try carrots to beat the stress. Carrots are nutrient-rich and are able to offer satisfying crispness.

  1. Nuts

Different types of nuts like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts are high in the antioxidant vitamin E and zinc that is effective in boosting your immune system.  Those nuts are rich sources of B-vitamins, which help the body manage stress, too.

Customer Relationship Management – A Complete Guide

A single repository to brig sales, marketing, and customer support activities together, CRM or Customer Relationship Management is basically an approach that helps businesses improve existing customer relationships and acquire new customers. This amazing software helps you focus on your organization’s relationships with individual people- including customers, service users, colleagues or suppliers-throughout your lifecycle with them.

CRM software gives everyone- from sales, customer service, business development, recruiting, marketing or any other line of business- a better way to manage the external interactions and relationships that bring growth. It allows business owners to store customer and prospect contact information, identify sales opportunities, record service issues, and manage marketing campaigns, all in one main location.

Types of Customer Relationship Management

  • CRM Software
  • CRM Cloud Solutions
  • CRM Human Management and Artificial Intelligence

Importance Of CRM For Business

Garner has presented a report saying that CRM software revenues have now overtaken database management systems to become the largest of all the software markets. In this highly competitive era and with so many products and services to choose for, customers are picky and customer loyalty seems to be a thing of the past. The moment a product is launched in the market, it has taken a very short time and it becomes a commodity. CRM helps prioritize sales and marketing efforts when dealing with different customer groups.

How Does It Work?

CRM is considered just technology but, it is much more than that. Let’s see the work of CRM in customer-centricity, customer data management, and automation.

  • Supports a customer-centric strategy
  • Centralizes all your customer data
  • Automates customer-facing business processes
  • Customer-facing process automation


  • Small Businesses

If you have a small business and you wish a competitive edge in your marketplace, a CRM solution can work here. It will take the burden of IT management off your employees by automating your business process and let you focus on more important aspects.

  • Giant Business

In case, you have a well-established business, you can simplify and improve even the most complex customer engagements with an array of CRM tools that scale to fit your needs. Bring CRM software in your business and communicate with the customer in an improved manner, track all sales leads efficiently and grow your business overall.

Running A Business Without CRM

Without the technological solution, you get more administration; more administration means less time for everything else. Your sales team can generate a flood of data, meeting prospects and finding out valuable information- but all this information gets stored in handwritten notes, laptops or in the head of your salesperson.

In this modern age, buyers no longer need you to tell them what they need anymore. They are award what they want since they have been searching on the Internet through different channels. Now, they wish to be treated as individuals. They want to feel like their business matters to you and that you care.

Overall, go beyond sales force automation to better understand customer needs, engage more effectively and win more deals with the support of CRM solution.

An Overview Of Indian Real Sector In 2019-2020

In the last few years, the real estate industry has gone through a lot of challenges and opportunities. The Union government in India has implemented major policies and rule from demonetization, Real Estate Regulation Act and REITs in 2016, to the GST in 2017 that affected the industry effectively. The real estate is going through various massive changes. Lately, with the budget 2019 and other recent transformations in the economy, the legal field has brought numerous changes in positive as well as negative ways.

All these newly introduced regulations positive have brought some impact. The RERA brings uniformity into the industry, it also protects people’s rights. Besides, GST has also introduced different positive shifts in the industry.

  1. Digitalization

In this modern age, there is not a single industry where the internet and digitalization have not made their impact. When it comes to the role of digitalization in real estate, although it is almost impossible to sell property or land online. But by using different digital mediums, markets manipulate the minds of the prospective buyers.

Today, the power of internet and digital media is unquestionable; this modern technology holds the solution to every problem that can arise in the industry. Although digitalization is not evolved in Indian real estate as much as it is in developed countries, then it is becoming famous as a lot of brokers are assisting the people through online platforms and tools.

  1. FDI

Real estate plays a major role in the development of any country. Present-day, real estate is considered one of the most fluctuating industries in the country. India is the fastest-growing economy into the world; its tremendous growth provides great opportunities to foreign investors. Most of the policies that are applied by the government are to essentially maintain the surplus-deficit situations of the country.

A lot of investors invest in property as it yields wonderful results. The investors who buy the properties, they mostly resell it in the future when the prices go high. The real estate industry of India is yielding a huge amount of FDI, and in the recent future, it will go higher.

  1. Recent Collaborations

In the recent past, many buyers have collaborated with the government organizations to ensure the minimization and mitigation of the risks, which may arise because of the schemes.

These collaborations help both parties to have a fair chance to make the industry to be economical. Now, the government takes steps to bring development in urban real estate and infrastructure.

  1. Sustainable Housing

These days, Sustainable Housing has become the motto for many countries, but in practice, this concept is very limited.  Many real estate agents and builders are working to created buildings with sustainable infrastructure and also follow the concept of green housing and better management of resources and water.

The overview of India’s real industry in 2019 and the future in 2020, the real estate in India will flourish greatly. The recent innovations and changes will take the industry on a better stage.


Latest Innovation in Electronic that are shaping the Future of the Industry

The era of modern electronics initiated with the invention of the transistor in the year 1947 and silicon-based semiconductor technology. Now after so many years, we are surrounded by numerous advance technologies, electronic devices and we rely on them in our everyday lives.

Here, we have come up with latest modern innovations that have completely transformed the industry:

  1. Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality works great in electronic manufacturing companies to enhance manufacturing efficiency. It mainly referred to as digital design, integration, and simulation. It enables companies to inspects design objects at all conceivable scales, thereby removing defects in the product in the design stage.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has become a mainstay of the electronics sector in consumer tech. AI works on different verticals from big data analytics to speech recognition to predictive teach. It is virtually integrated into every piece of IoT technology and is transforming the way companies do business. AI took the center stage at the CSE 2019 and showed how this will affect every aspect of life.

  1. Robotics and Automation

Today, various electronics equipment companies use robotics and automation to boost the efficiency and productivity of the crop. These sensors are widely used on different machines to access priceless data to enhance efficiency as well as decrease the potential damage. Thereby increasing the use of automation and robotic technology to boost productivity and cut production cut.

  1. IoT Technology Driving Smart Household Appliances

Home appliance manufacturers integrate their products with IoT technology to ensure that your customers are comfortable and convenient. IoT is the interconnection of physical objects and devices that are integrated with sensors and software. These technological solutions allow them to exchange and collect data. The major technologies allow smart home appliances like Wi-Fi, micro servers, micro-electromagnetically systems and Bluetooth Low Energy.

  1. 5G to Open Up New Verticals

5G is the next-generation mobile data network technology; it offers more speeds than those provided by today’s cellular and cable operators. However, the applications of mobile 5G are very far away from being available for the public. Verizon unveiled its 5G Ultra Wideband; it will alter the virtual gaming landscape with the ability to deliver heightened virtual reality experiences. 5G technology is bringing revolutionary changes in the electronic field.

  1. Self-driving Vehicles

As technology is continuing to transform the auto industry, it has also brought amazing transformations. This year’s CES provided a lot of advanced automotive tech, some of them can be seen in the not-so-distant future. Some of the innovations unveiled at the CES this years in the electronics industry include electric vehicles, large-screen infotainment systems, talking cars, flying taxis, autonomous cars, etc.

  1. Voice-assisted Personal Entertainment Systems

When it comes to personal entertainment spaces in the electronic space, voice-assisted systems have opened up a new level of work quality. LG unveiled its latest Signature Series OLED R, a rollable television that rises out of a box on the touch of a button. facilityresults.com


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Trump signs bill that creates the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

US President Donald Trump signed today a bill into law, approving the creation of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

The bill, known as the CISA Act, reorganizes and rebrands the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD), a program inside the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as CISA, a standalone federal agency in charge of overseeing civilian and federal cybersecurity programs.

The NPPD, which was first established in 2007, has already been handling almost all of the DHS’ cyber-related issues and projects.

As part of the DHS, the NPPD was the government entity in charge of physical and cyber-security of federal networks and critical infrastructure, and oversaw the Federal Protective Service (FPS), the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM), the Office of Cyber and Infrastructure Analysis (OCIA), the Office of Cybersecurity& Communications (OC&C), and the Office of Infrastructure Protection (OIP).

As CISA, the agency’s prerogatives will remain the same, and nothing is expected to change in day-to-day operations, but as a federal agency, CISA will now benefit from an increased budget and more authority in imposing its directives.

“Elevating the cybersecurity mission within the Department of Homeland Security, streamlining our operations, and giving NPPD a name that reflects what it actually does will help better secure the nation’s critical infrastructure and cyber platforms,” said NPPD Under Secretary Christopher Krebs. “The changes will also improve the Department’s ability to engage with industry and government stakeholders and recruit top cybersecurity talent.”

With its promotion to the rank of federal agency, CISA is now on the same level as the US Secret Service or FEMA, but still under the DHS’ oversight. The new agency is expected to improve the cyber-security defenses across other US federal agencies, coordinate cyber-security programs with states, and bolster the government’s overall cyber-security protections in the face of mundane criminals and nation-state hackers.


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