Search Engine Optimization: foundation of online marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a blend of techniques to drive targeted traffic to a website from search engines. It is a critical component of web marketing. It includes various onsite and off-site strategies to produce top results. In short, SEO is basically a process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results.

Presently, Google processes billions of searches on a daily basis, and the vast majority of searchers go through the first page only. If a company is not at the top of the rankings, it might be invisible. SEO technique pushes a website above the competition

According to Hubspot, 57% of B2B marketers accepted that SEO marketing generates more leads than any other marketing techniques. Also, it is proved that more than 50% of all traffic on the web begins with a Google search. And if you add together traffic from other popular search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube, 70.6% of all traffic originates from a search engine.

The best part is that there is no need to have a search engine scholar to rank for valuable terms in search results with SEO. There are some proven, repeatable and result-oriented practices for optimizing websites for search that can drive targeted traffic through search without having to reverse-engineer the core competency of one of the world’s most valuable companies.

There are three types of SEO that are helpful in creating a perfect marketing strategy- technical SEO, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is completely related to the non-content elements of a website. It is focused on improving the backend structure of a site. Strategies of technical SEO also improvise a site’s readability that makes it easier for search engines to crawl and provides users a good experience. It becomes the foundation for search engines to see that the site is high quality and affects the overall traffic and engagement rates of a site positively.

SEO Technical includes:

  • Site speed
  • Crawlability
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Site architecture
  • Indexing

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO includes strategies to optimize a particular page on a website. These factors support search engines to understand the topic of the give content and see that the website is a valuable source that people are looking for.

On-Page SEO includes:

  • Keyword research: Here, one makes efforts to efforts to find the most relevant keywords to target on a page of content
  • Content creation: Submitting high-quality and fresh content targeting any keyword
  • Keyword optimization: Placing the relevant keywords on the right places and using good Meta tag SEO.

Off-Site SEO

Off-page SEO methods effectively strengthen the influence and relationship, a website holds with other websites. This type of marketing aims to create the reputation and authority of a website. It makes search engines see that a website is an ideal search result as; the site is from a reliable, recognized and trusted source.

Off-site SEO is mainly related to the high–quality backlinks. A large volume of links pointing to a site from relevant, authoritative sites shows search engines that this particular site is valuable and reputed. These trust signals can be achieved through a variety of link building and guest posting tactics.

All in all, it is essential to enhance the online presence, traffic and ultimately results in a better ranking of a website. The ultimate goal of any search engine optimization is to get more exposure and traffic for a business.  Marketing experts always look for ways that can help their business and site position on higher position.

Is The Ban On Mobiles Phones In Classroom Ineffective?

Smartphone has become an integral part of our daily lives. But should mobile phones used in classrooms?

It is not the first time the debate around smart phones in schools has made its presence known, and it certainly will not be the last. Despite teachers’ concerns and strong policies of schools, the number of Smartphone users has risen to 71 billion in 2019 on the global level; it is expected that this figure will surpass in 2020.

Today, smart phones are everywhere. As per the Pew Research Centre, 95% of teens in the US have access to smart phones, and half of them say they are online all the time. Teens spend more than nine hours every day consuming media through mobile devices according to the estimation of the Center for Media and Child Health at Harvard Medical School.

No doubt, smart phones have transformed the way we communicate, but there is a question they can be a major headache for teachers as well as administration. This is the reason why several schools have put in place restrictions or bans on students’ use of cell phones in school.

Researchers believe that children’s rapidly growing use of smart phones may contribute to declining mental health and the inability to learn well in school.

This change shows a pivot away from the more open student cell phone policies that districts instituted in preview years. But many people think that this restriction is not the right decision. Reason being, the recent changes are fuelled by educators, who worry that by allowing students to spend their time on their devices, they are raising an addiction and stunting students’ development of face-to-face communication skills.

In this world, children are born with a life where digital gadgets are a normal part of life. From an educational perspective, banning smart phones in schools may be an easy solution but not necessarily the smartest one.

Many experts believe that it is better to keep mobiles in schools and help train students on how to use them responsibly instead of just banning their use.

They say devices can be a great teaching tool. And, ban it just hiding from reality; it is just common, everyday practice these days. And, we can teach kids to live safe, responsible and healthful lives with and without their mobiles and other devices.

Education is the perfect medium to teach children to practice self-control and to live a better life. But schools cannot do this alone; parents must support schools in that.

Parents should give some time to their kids. Stat with sleep; a teen needs nine to 11 hours of sleep but because they sleep with their smart phones, it steals their sleeping times. Keep your eyes on your kids and make sure they sleep on time.

Always motivate your children to play outside. Physical activities are important for healthy growth and kids playing are the way. Today, children are spending much more time daily with digital devices than before, stop it. Make it a tool, not a treat. Motivate your kids to read more books. So these are the techniques, parents can adopt to decrease the use of Smartphone without banning it.

How Education Creates a Difference in Human Life?

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.”  – Nelson Mandela

Education is considered as the fundamental to sustainable development; it is a powerful driver of development and one of the strongest instruments for decreasing poverty and enhancing health. It makes people more productive, to earn a better living and enjoy a happy life. Besides a good education system prepare people to contribute to the country’s overall economic growth.

Here, in this article we will see how education impacts us and its significance in human life:

The first step is that education helps to become good students, parents, entrepreneurs, doctors, siblings and honest citizens. Being in contact with an educated person and having an intelligent conversation with him expands knowledge and introduces a certain creativity and joy in the mind.

Education is the major factor in our life because it is the foundation on which we create everything else. First of all, education is being enlightened to new thoughts, ideas or potential. It can be accomplished systematically, but that does not have to be that way. Education is when the mind progress and expands.

If someone wants to try, get or participate in something, they have to learn. That first time a kid realizes they want to be able to get to the table and grab that toy themselves. By looking around, they soon come to know that there is a faster way to get what they want-walking and hence that milestone of the progress starts.

Education has become one of the best indicators of life outcomes like employment income and social status, and is strong of attitudes and wellbeing, as per the report.

Higher levels of education are associated with various positive outcomes including higher social trust, greater political interest and more. The level of education is the strongest predictor of outcomes compared to age, gender, income in all models, except for the outcome of wellbeing as well as health.

Education is vital for children to address global warming, increased vulnerability to disease, the increasingly rapid development of technologies and the accompanying need for ethical governance and protections. In this modern age, education helps to under the advanced robotics and artificial intelligence, human potential and contribution are maximized.

The future needs much more than a simple knowledge of facts and basic skills. Education is the main driving force for building a society that can interpret, analyze, and think critically and creatively through the unpredictable problems across disciplines.

Education prepares a person to fully participate in our world in two different ways, first is a knowledge perspective, a comprehensive education exposes you to a shared sense of identity, language as well as purpose.

Education teaches you to move within social and professional spaces, and at its best education deepens the emotional as well as psychological intelligence. People learn to be more empathetic to different compassionate to the self and flexible with our view of the world.

These are some common examples to show the significance of education in human life. Besides, it has plays role in our life in different ways.

How Technology is Changing the Face of Banking Industry?

These days, technology is changing the way businesses operate and deliver products to consumers in different industry verticals. Today, we have alarms to detect poisonous substances in the air, medication equipment that identifies life-threatening conditions before they become a problem, or smarter computer software to make controlling vital equipment easier than ever before.

An industry that has seen huge innovations in the last few years is the innovation of technology within the banking world. Banking was traditionally something that was done in the non-virtual world. People would go into town to their bank to withdraw money transfer funds from one place to another and sort out their banking. People will easily speak to the staff member and interact with people in brick and mortar buildings.

These types of premises are rapidly becoming redundant. Online banking is becoming more and more sophisticated on a daily basis- we can transfer money or pay for goods with just a click.

With technological evolution, the banking process has become faster than before and more reliable. Also, it has improved the maintenance and retrieval of documents and records have become much faster and easier.

When the computer is making tasks smoother and easier in a different field, banking is not an exception. Computerized banking brings improvement in the core banking system. With core banking or CBS, all branches have access to common centralized data and are interconnected. The innovation of the MICR cheque processing system the processing of cheques has become faster and more efficient than before.

In the olden days when banking was fully dependent on human accuracy and skill, mistakes and errors were more apparent. As human capabilities have a limit, they are prone to skip several things or make calculation errors. With the emergence of computers, the frequency of errors has decreased to almost nil. Besides, it protects data much more efficiently. The present modern tech provides complete protection of your transactions and safety of your data that there is a very rare occasion on which the data is misused.

In ancient times, banking was very tiring and lengthy to boost the overall profitability in the industry. The business Intelligence system provides data for historical, current and future trends. This data aids in a way that they are able to take accurate decisions and hence can enhance the overall system and bring efficiency and profitability.

Technology has brought a revolution in the payment process; instant payment options are available in many markets despite the lack of immediate payment infrastructure. The presence of an instant payments platform offers banks an enticing opportunity to achieve the transaction speed consumers expect of their banking experience and increase customer satisfaction.

Overall, there are storm clouds on the horizon. With the evolution of technology in the sector, banking has improved significantly, revenue growth has increased and today the industry has various smart solutions for the developing problems.

Latest Innovation in Technology that are shaping the Future of the Industry

The era of modern electronics initiated with the invention of the transistor in the year 1947 and silicon-based semiconductor technology. Now after so many years, we are surrounded by numerous advance technologies, electronic devices and we rely on them in our everyday lives.

Here, we have come up with latest modern innovations that have completely transformed the industry:

  1. Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality works great in electronic manufacturing companies to enhance manufacturing efficiency. It mainly referred to as digital design, integration, and simulation. It enables companies to inspects design objects at all conceivable scales, thereby removing defects in the product in the design stage.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has become a mainstay of the electronics sector in consumer tech. AI works on different verticals from big data analytics to speech recognition to predictive teach. It is virtually integrated into every piece of IoT technology and is transforming the way companies do business. AI took the center stage at the CSE 2019 and showed how this will affect every aspect of life.

  1. Robotics and Automation

Today, various electronics equipment companies use robotics and automation to boost the efficiency and productivity of the crop. These sensors are widely used on different machines to access priceless data to enhance efficiency as well as decrease the potential damage. Thereby increasing the use of automation and robotic technology to boost productivity and cut production cut.

  1. IoT Technology Driving Smart Household Appliances

Home appliance manufacturers integrate their products with IoT technology to ensure that your customers are comfortable and convenient. IoT is the interconnection of physical objects and devices that are integrated with sensors and software. These technological solutions allow them to exchange and collect data. The major technologies allow smart home appliances like Wi-Fi, micro servers, micro-electromagnetically systems and Bluetooth Low Energy.

  1. 5G to Open Up New Verticals

5G is the next-generation mobile data network technology; it offers more speeds than those provided by today’s cellular and cable operators. However, the applications of mobile 5G are very far away from being available for the public. Verizon unveiled its 5G Ultra Wideband; it will alter the virtual gaming landscape with the ability to deliver heightened virtual reality experiences. 5G technology is bringing revolutionary changes in the electronic field.

  1. Self-driving Vehicles

As technology is continuing to transform the auto industry, it has also brought amazing transformations. This year’s CES provided a lot of advanced automotive tech, some of them can be seen in the not-so-distant future. Some of the innovations unveiled at the CES this years in the electronics industry include electric vehicles, large-screen infotainment systems, talking cars, flying taxis, autonomous cars, etc.

  1. Voice-assisted Personal Entertainment Systems

When it comes to personal entertainment spaces in the electronic space, voice-assisted systems have opened up a new level of work quality. LG unveiled its latest Signature Series OLED R, a rollable television that rises out of a box on the touch of a button.

An Overview on Real Estate Industry- Definition, Types, and Work

“Real estate is the property, buildings, land air rights above the land and underground rights below the land. The term real estate means real, or physical, property. “Real” comes from the Latin root or things.”

Types of Real Estate

There are four types of real estate:

Residential Real Estate: The residential real estate involves new construction as well as resale homes. The most common category is single-family homes. It also involves townhouses, high-value homes, multi-generational homes, condominiums, co-ops, and vacation homes.

Commercial Real Estate: Commercial real estate includes all commercial buildings like shopping centres, medical and educational buildings, hotels, offices, etc. Apartment buildings are always considered as commercial, even though they are used for residence. This is because they are owned and built to mainly generate income.

Industrial Real Estate: Industrial real estate includes the building of property and warehouses. The buildings are used for research, storage, and distribution of goods, production and many more. Some buildings under the industrial real estate process are considered commercial real estate. The classification is important because the zoning, construction, and sales are handled in different ways.

Land: Here, the land is about vacant land, working farms, and ranches. If we talk about the subcategories within vacant land include undeveloped, early development or reuse.

How Real Estate Perform?

Apart from the building work, real estate is also referred to as producing, buying and selling real estate. Here is the step by step process how real estate work

The first and major work of real estate is the construction of the building. It incorporates residential, commercial as well as industrial buildings. The net is a new home building; it is known as the critical category. It involves the construction of single-family homes to townhouses and condominiums.

The real estate agents assist homeowners, businesses and investors buy and sell all four kinds of properties. The industry is mainly divided up into specialists that focus on one of the kinds.

The agents of sellers find buyers through different listing services or their professional contacts. They price your property by using comparative listings recently sold properties known as comps. It supports you spruce up your property so it looks its best to the buyers. While the agents of buyers provide similar services to the home purchaser. They are completely aware of the local market. It means they can find a property to meet buyers’ criteria.

They also decrease cost, known as doing comps. It allows them to guide you to areas that are possible at an affordable range.

Investment in Real Estate

A lot of people buy and sell a home and invest in real estate. It is an important factor to consider when you are talking about real estate. Many people own homes and rent them out. You can also invest in housing without buying a home. Many people buy stocks of homebuilders. Their stock cost increased and decreased with the housing market. Another way is Real Estate Investment Trusts, called REITs.

Impact of Technology On Education System

The rapid transformation and increased complexity of today’s world present new challenges and put new demands on our education system. There has been generally a increasing awareness of the necessity to change and enhance the preparation of students for productive functioning in the continually changing and highly demanding environment.

In confronting this problem it is important to consider the complexity of the education system itself and numerous problems that must be addressed.  Day by day as technology is increasing, the problem which is created by them is just rapid and many are suffering from it. The world is behind new and modern technology that makes their work smoother and easier. While the world is progressing more in technologically advanced, thus increasing the need for balanced, bright, educated and healthy individuals but our school systems are falling further and further behind in fulfilling the needs.

With the going addiction to using technology in education, many parents and schools are providing computers to children at young ages to make their life easier. It is considered as the best way to make them know lots of things, new things just on surfing rather than reading books. The present guiding generation just gives their children a head start on developing academic skills and well also to prepare themselves for the workplace of a better future to competitiveness.

But in recent past, educators, psychologists, and different organizations like WHO have raised their voice for the concern about children using a computer at an early age.

No doubt, disability, and difficulty can be easily bridged by technology but different questions that are raised on whether this form of educating children will be helpful and beneficial for their physical, emotional and mental taking care.

We all know that there are various health problems in using a computer and other electronic gadgets at an early age. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common cause. It has a greater risk for students who are just using a computer from an early age.

Today, parents select the school for their children based on the infrastructure and luxury the children want without even thinking about the negative impacts. The continuous usages of the computer may cause the risk of eye-strain and eye-rashes that may include dryness due to not blinking enough, and get headaches and blurry vision.

Another factor is emotional issues; due to the intensive usages of the computer at an early age, children are badly affected, their interaction with human decrease. It also reduces the amount of time a child spends in creative play. Educators emphasize that direct interaction with others has the greatest impact on modern education we do not find it.

On teaching certain subjects such as History, Social and Sciences, teachers find some problems to teach them as they cannot completely fully described on the blackboard or by oral recitation.

All in all, technology is great for growth but, we have limits in each technology and should use it as per our use otherwise it may bring adverse affect on children.

Emerging Startup Companies in Healthcare

Medical development and innovation have always been important for human growth. But in the recent past, the healthcare industry has made great progress with the support of the latest technological development like AI, 3D printing and many more. Here, emerging healthpreneur or healthcare start-ups are making major breakthroughs and shaping the future of the Indian healthcare industry.

They are introducing easy and more accurate diagnoses, improved treatments, drug discovery, customized prosthetics, and many more.

We are here presenting top 5 start-ups in Healthcare, who have introduced great solutions with the support of cutting-edge technologies in their field:


An online platform, Netmeds has firmly established itself as India’s leading online pharmacy. Today, it has millions of active customers and deliveries to more than 19,000 PIN codes. It allows people to shop for all kinds of medicines and healthcare products easily through its 24×7 online portal and mobile application. Netmeds is widely-known as ‘India ki Pharmacy’, providing a multilingual voice, chat and email customer care center and a team of licensed pharmacists.


Practo was started as a one-stop healthcare platform for appointments, consultations, health records, insurance, and ordering medicines online. The start-up entered the market in 2007 as a SaaS platform and today it has a team of over 1,500 people. This is a Bengaluru-based health-tech company working in 38 Indian cities, and Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Brazil.


Established in 2015, PharmaEasy is a Mumbai based pharma platform. The foundation of this start-up was taken with a vision to deliver medicines at reasonable rates by optimizing the supply chain and logistics and now serves more than one lakh families. PharmaEasy is based on a concept to build an ecosystem using technology to connect patients, pharmacies, doctors, diagnostic centers and healthcare service providers and allow them to interact with each other.


The Bengaluru-based start-up, AddressHealth works to make pediatrics affordable and holistic and provides primary pediatric healthcare service to schoolchildren. It takes a holistic approach; here children are screened for hearing, vision, dental health, anthropometry, alongside a complete medical examination. With four standalone clinics across the city and numerous school-based clinics, AddressHealth makes use of tech at each step to make healthcare holistic and affordable for children.


Nirmai was founded in 2016 with a special focus on saving ladies from breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women. A lot of people take it for granted in the initial stage. The vision behind Nirmai was to make it easier to detect breast cancer in its early days and doing it at the lowest expense. The organization uses advanced technology like thermal analytics and artificial intelligence to make it easier to screen breast cancer.

So these are the five start-up companies of Indian Healthcare. Hopefully, you like the article. For more such interesting content often visit our site.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Working in Film Industry

Working in the film industry is a lot of fun. By presenting stories through the camera and creating one masterpiece after another, a job at a film production company is just like working with a dream team. But as it is said, all that glitters are not gold, and things are different on the way how they are imagined outside.

In this article, we will show both sides of the coin; the advantages and disadvantages of working in film production.

  • The Pain

There are a variety of jobs in film product like a production assistant or intern. One has to do everything that no one else wishes to do. Besides, there are many different tasks in other fields of the film industry, where you can learn a lot.

After all, this important learning for beginners is an experience worth having. So if you are completely a fresher to the film industry, you will probably start with one of these jobs. But no need to worry, there is always a way to work your way up.

There are a lot of artists out there, but in reality, no one can assure you that you will manage to make a name for yourself. The fact is that it takes a lot of talent and luck to climb up high on the career ladder.

To get success in the industry, one needs to be in the right place at the right time and know the right people; it is something you cannot learn or buy from money. It takes a lot of courage and the blessing of luck. Frankly, when you are at the initial phase of your career, do not set your expectations too high. However, to get success and accomplish a goal, dreaming is important.

When you decided to do something different, de-motivation is common.  Your relatives, friends and even your family members will stop you from going on this path. This situation might seem discouraging, but don’t worry: everyone had to start this way.

Try to see the positive points of constructive criticism, but stay confident at the same time. Then, you will learn to flourish as a person and artist.

In several sectors in the creative business, it is not normal to only work the regular job. Certainly, you will work overtime during the production phase of the film.

  • The Joy

The art of film making includes giving your creative side free reign. You get the independence to express yourself and live out your talent. Some people can just dream about it, but you can make living at it.

Perhaps the most interesting part of creating a movement is how many different kinds of creativity are incorporated into a project.

In the film industry, almost all persons have ambitions, dreams, and mindsets like yours. So if filmmaking is completely your things, you can easily connect with amazing people. One of the best advantages of the film industry is an interesting environment and the experiences you create.

For a film artist, there is almost nothing more satisfying than watching a movie you are the part of once it is finally done. You will know it is the work for you, and your team, mainly when you realize all the time and work that went into making the film.

Accounting Vs Finance – Which Should You Study?

Finance or Accounting, which should you select?

It is a mind-blowing question, or so it would seem at first glance. But don’t worry! Deciding which option you should select in the question of “finance degree vs accounting degree” is easier than you would first assume.

Doing a Bachelor’s in Accounting will make you prepared you to record transactions and analyze the financial statements, in order to have a clear picture of the financial health of the company.

If you get an undergraduate degree in Finance means you will learn about long-term financial and budget planning. You will easily get how to make sure a company reaches its financial goals. Finance activities include raising funds, and gathering cash flow into from the accounting department so you create projections.

As an accountant, you will need to deal with numbers expressing sums that reflect taxes owned tax returns, income, revenue and more.

The role of a financial analyst is to create draft budgets, compare them and come with the best option to cut the financial risks and uncertainties.

  • Pursue a finance degree or an accounting degree?

Well, it is actually tough to select one. A person who gets an accounting degree can work in the fields of finance. In the same way, the person who gains a finance degree can also work in accounting although, it does not always apply.

If you have an interest in a particular field, you can go for that. It allows about what you are expecting to do in the long run.

Like in case, you are interested in getting a CPA, go for an accounting degree or finance degree as you wish. Here, many people say students to pursue an accounting degree because of the preparation that an accounting degree would provide for the CPA exam, and because CPAs have more job opportunities for them.

  • Differences in Salaries

This is a fact that there is a wide salary range in the fields of both finance and accounting. Both fields hold very strong progressive prospects. As per the data presented by BLS, the median pay for Financial Analyst in 2014 was $78,620 yearly, $37.80 per hour. In 2014-2024, the number of Financial Analyst jobs is estimated to flourish by 12%.

As per the BLS, the median pay for Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks in 2014 was $36,430 every year, $17.51 hourly.

Actually, salaries in finance tend to be high, but their exceptions.

  • Bottom Line

In the end, it depends on you whatever you think the right choice for you and your career goal is. Both fields are equal; both need high-level fo skills, education, and interest in quantities analysis. They are dependent in some ways actually if you are working in accounting your recording and reporting of financial transactions will support the work o the finance team. In the same way, if you are working in finance you are depending on the work of the folks in accounting.

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