Liliane Mubanga: Solving Cllient’s Legal Issues

Meet Liliane Mubanga, a result-oriented and passionate lawyer spearheading Thambwe-Mwamba & Associates in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Liliane completed her education in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which makes her a prime example of DRC’s world-class educational system. She holds a law degree from the University of Lubumbashi, majoring in Judicial and Private law.

After obtaining her law degree, Liliane applied for a registration as a lawyer to join the Bar Association of Kinshasa/Gombe as a trainee lawyer in Law firm BOKUMA & KENEM. Once Liliane earned her aptitude certificate for a lawyer, she renewed her registration and obtained the inscription to the Roll. Then, a law firm named John Claude Crespy and Associates recruited her as an associate, which acted as a stepping stone for her to enter the world of real estate law and other real estate contracts. Later, when the partners of the said firm decided to separate, Liliane moved to Thambwe-Mwamba & Musafiri Law firm.

With time Liliane has obtained her certificate of competence in production sharing and oil rent law, a certificate in Insurance and public procurement, and a Master’s Degree in Commercial law from Robert Kennedy College, Zurich, and Salford University, Manchester. She has also taken a course in leadership and personal development. Liliane is currently training in Financial Analysis at ICCF (HEC- Paris online courses).

A Law firm with Human Face

In 2005, when the partner Thambwe-Mwamba decided to create his own firm under the name “THAMBWE-MWAMBA & Associates”, he asked Liliane to manage the firm, since at the time, he held a ministerial position in the government.

Thambwe-Mwamba & Associates combines the ability to leave a personal mark in its relationship with the client and professionalism when it comes to handling businesses. With the ever-changing complex world of legal matters, the law firm’s members keep increasing their knowledge base in different matters, maintaining a multidisciplinary vocation. The synergy of its skilled members, reinforced by external consultants recognized for their specialties, enables the law firm to master a broad area of law.

Tackling Organizational Challenges

As Liliane had no prior experience in managing a company, initially leading a firm like Thambwe-Mwamba proved to be a challenge for her. At first, there were several challenges like choosing competent and intelligent collaborators, creating a portfolio of confident and satisfied clients, and establishing/maintaining the reputation, which was already well established due to the founder’s reputation. Although her task was stressful and exciting, Liliane had confidence in herself from the start, which was further reinforced by the founder’s trust and support.

Solving Legal Issues and Staying Competitive

Thambwe-Mwamba & Associates offers the traditional lawyer services in criminal, commercial, and civil matters, with good expertise in: Labor and Social security law, Mining and hydrocarbons law, Business and Corporate law, Tax law, Real-estate law, Insurance law, criminal law, Family law, special procedures, legal audit, etc. As a senior executive of her law firm, Liliane’s main objective is to look after the firm’s growth and gain a competitive advantage over its competitors with great expertise in several areas of law.

With a small but competent team of seven attorneys, the law firm offer integrated services. This team of attorneys brings the needed experience from various verticals. Thanks to their knowledge and expertise, the law firm is now standing tall, with a solid reputation, and is well quoted on Kinshasa’s market.

“There are many changes to face, and for each area of life for each change, the law is present, and the need for a professional will also be present.”

Liliane Mubanga sees this as the result of years of sacrifice, sharing, and complementarity between the members. So, the client is entirely entrusted to the lawyer who is best equipped to give the necessary advice and appropriate opinions a case requires.

She feels that the area of consulting is very competitive, so it is extremely important to be armed with courage and patience to build yourself and your business in the long term.

Advice for Young Entrepreneurs

As per Liliane, one must have a love for him/herself, for others, and for what they do to achieve it. Liliane Mubanga makes her own what Saint Augustine said: “Have in your heart the root of love, from this root nothing bad can come out.”

Antonella Rubicco: Transforming Servers into Super Computers

To provide computing power at an affordable cost, so small researchers with limited budgets could have a supercomputer, A3Cube Inc was Co-founded, by its CEO, Antonella Rubicco. It all started as a game for Antonella, an experiment to build a Cray-like supercomputer, using standard hardware. To do this Antonella and her team studied a lot and every single progress was so exciting that soon it became their mission.

Antonella was born in Italy, where she completed her scientific studies. During her University days in 1996, Antonella and Emilio Billi, who is also the CTO of A3Cube, Inc started to work on the possibility to build a supercomputer using standard hardware, it started as an experiment of two students. Antonella says, “We realized the first “personal-supercomputer” SC-12 in 2005 and during these 10 years our knowledge grow a lot, I studied business, management, law in order to complete my education and to be able to manage and drive a company.”

Path Breaking Services

A3Cube was founded back in 2012. Thanks to the unconventional and crazy vision of the firm’s co-founder and CTO Emilio Billi, the company was and is a pioneer in several fields with its technologies and solutions. The firm currently develops and realizes supercomputers for Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence, solutions for data acceleration.

At present A3Cube have 3 product families:

  • DB-Turbo accelerates data access while reducing TCO and energy costs.
  • KIRA Supercomputer large-scale data processor for ML, Analytics, and AI problems.
  • GRIFO massively scalable GPU array for large deep neural network training.

Awards and Accolades

A3Cube is amongst the very few companies that, understood the key role of data in transforming every aspect of modern society, years ago. This vision has led A3Cube to become the game-changing enterprise of today, pioneering the transition from High-Performance Computing systems to High-Performance Data systems.

A3Cube has received several awards over the years, which proves the means the organization is going in the right direction, and it is working well. However, Antonella feels there’s still a long way to go. Antonella was honored and happy to be selected as a member of Dell’s 50 Founders cohort 2016, it was the first time she felt like a good CEO who was doing a good job. From a personal perspective, the best accomplishment is her family, which is the best place to live.

“There are no shortcuts to a stable and strong outcome, determination, knowledge hard work and optimism are key.”

Picture of the Bright Future

Antonella sees her company as a small jewel, well organized, with a happy, committed and knowledgeable team. A3Cube is the benchmark for innovation and new technological challenges. In the future, Antonella Rubicco would like to have a good group of collaborators with whom she can discuss market changes, and new business opportunities and delegate some responsibilities so that she has a little more time for family.

Mission and Vision

A3Cube was founded by passion and is driven by the mission to lead the revolution of the new data age. The organization’s goal is to enable the Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, High-Performance Data, and High-Performance Computing revolution. Only through new system architectures can new challenges be overcome. The firm designs the future “elastic” computation by combining its innovative use of AI, new algorithms, and applications to realize the next step in the human revolution.

The organization’s mission is to be the premier provider of supercomputing solutions specifically tailored for machine learning, data analytics, and high-performance computing. A3Cube’s products solves the most challenging problems by providing hardware, software, and strong expertise to its customers. The firm strongly believes that the data center of the future is a supercomputer like a data center, and it wants to lead this transformation.

The firm fosters an environment that motivates its employees, empowering them to work as one integrated team where the efficiency of business organization is combined with human dignity, and values such as creativity, harmony, and a sense of beauty.

Advice for Younger Self

Antonella Rubicco explains that building a company is not easy and there is a lot of work to do, there are no shortcuts. An entrepreneur must never stop studying, must know the evolution of technologies, the evolution of customers, and the market, to be one step ahead of the competition and be able to execute the best possible strategy. And another important thing is never stop dreaming. Everything is possible, it’s not easy, it’s hard, but knowledge and determination make the difference. Never stop studying and never stop dreaming.

Quintel Sumrall: Solving People’s Credit Problems

With the intent of helping people to solve their credit problems, Quintel Sumrall founded, My Credit Approve, LLC in 2020. Quintel was a credit repair specialist for more than seven years and has enough experience in how credit score works and how to manage them. To date, Quintel has helped many people to reach their credit goals. He started his firm, My Credit Approve to educate people and help all American to improve their financial stability.

Quintel believes each one of us can get behind our bills or loan installments. Being aware of what impacts the credit score is an added advantage when it comes to planning the expenses accordingly. Repairing and maintaining a good credit score can be done with self-research and studying and My Credit Approve can help its customers get their much easily. Thanks to Quintel Sumrall and his team, users will not get any surprises like getting unapproved of their mortgage, finance, or insurance. According to the Federal Trade Commission, 1 out of 5 people has at least one issue on their credit report. Having bad credit leads users to get their loans at higher rates and usually they pay more than usual.

Why Credit Score is Important

The credit score is often the most trusted source of the lender if an individual has the potential to pay back a loan. In other words, the credit report is the trusted source between the lender and the borrower. At the moment when users apply for a loan, credit card, or mortgage, the first thing checked by the credit issuer is the credit score. If the users’ credit score is lower than expected, then they have to improve it and show their reliability in paying off the loan on time. If a user doesn’t meet the required credit score standards, it may be in result disapproval. Some lenders are ready to provide money for people who have bad credit reports. But they have a lot of conditions and higher interest rates than the regular money lenders. This will make the borrower pay more than the loan’s worth and fall into deeper financial issues at the same time.

A good credit score can help you as a user to get the loans without any hassle and with a lower risk. The most important thing is, that users can find lenders who are ready to lend money at a lower interest rate. Therefore, My Credit Approve can save its users from trouble and help them maintain good credit.

Helping People with Credit Score

Quintel Sumrall explains, that My Credit Approve is cloud-based software, which checks its users’ credit scores. It has a user-friendly interface and can be set up quickly. The process has four steps and begins at only $29.99. The process eventually teaches its users, how to obtain the FICO credit score and credit report and monitor it just for $1. There are more than 100 customized dispute letters available in My Credit Approve, and they are created by experienced attorneys in the field.

Users can now monitor, repair, and maintain their credit score with the new approach of My Credit Approve. With the firm, there’s no need of spending hard-earned money or depending on a third party.

My Credit Approve helps its users to practice good financial habits and makes them aware even of simple financial matters.

My Credit Approve also educates its users about the financial situations that can negatively affect their credit score and the way to get rid of them.

“The best scenario is when someone takes care of their credit score on their own and tries to educate themselves about repairing and maintaining it.”

Path Breaking Service

The firm provides three customized options according to the clients’ requirements. My Credit Approve understands that the financial situation is different from person to person and the software should be appealing to everyone. All the details submitted by users are protected as My Credit Approve respects the privacy of its users. With a few steps, users can check their credit and find out the short comes in it.

My Credit Approve is the new approach to leading people to take care of their credit status themselves. It is also affordable software for credit advice and credit management. The affordability and user-friendliness have made the software popular among users.

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