Lona Alia: Helping Distributed Companies & Remote Workers

With the pandemic wreaking havoc, organizations across the globe moved to work from home otherwise known as working remotely, which helped people move out of their comfort zone and work from anywhere. Those that were part of the first wave before the pandemic started were called digital nomads and their numbers were growing exponentially each year. However, the pandemic and more remote working opportunities are making this lifestyle much more common than ever before. So, SafetyWing, headquartered in San Francisco was founded to build the first global safety net for remote companies, remote workers, and nomads worldwide. It offers medical insurance for nomads and remote companies around the world. It is also developing other insurance products such as retirement, income protection insurance, life insurance and more. Its products are built and designed by a fully remote team of nomads distributed across three continents.

Meet Lona Alia, who is a venture-backed Y Combinator Founder at StyleLend, and Head of Revenue at SafetyWing. Lona is also an advisor to start-ups and EU for innovation, remote work advocate, and expert at building fully remote teams. The avid traveller in her has taken her to more than 80 countries. She is interested in building things that people want, teams that employees want to be a part of, and companies with a mission, that is greater than making money.

Be Insured

As an insurance company SafetyWing provides multiple insurance services for its clients;

  • Nomad Insurance: Nomad insurance is a global travel medical insurance that covers people across the planet, while outside their home country. This policy is specifically made for digital nomads. It can be purchased while already aboard, covers home trip visits, and operates as a monthly subscription.
  • Remote Health: Remote health insurance is fully-fledged health insurance for those who are working as remote teams. It provides a flexible solution that no other company offers.

Through Remote health insurance, full-time nomads can stay safely abroad, no matter where they go or how long they stay.

Influencing Factors

Freedom is the biggest factor that influenced Lona. She always wanted freedom over her time and location. She wanted to be able to live the best life possible under her terms and not have to follow orders, which eventually drove Lona to start her first company.

Lona believes freedom is the only condition for happiness. And she has found that independence in the flexibility that SafetyWing affords it’s team to work from anywhere in the world.

The Best Company Culture

Lona says, “We have created the best company culture in my opinion that exists out there.” SafetyWing’s team members are happy to be given the freedom and flexibility to work from any location and most times zones that are in line with the Americas and Europe. They have the freedom to be creative and be entrepreneurial within their positions in the company.

Authenticity is one of the ingredients the organization values very highly. “Be the same on the outside as you are on the inside. Be brave enough to say what you think is true instead of what other people want to hear.”- adds Lona.

Tackling Challenges

Lona Alia believes, keeping the company’s culture intact while growing rapidly is very important to the success of the company, their customers and their team members. The entire team of SafetyWing values it’s culture so dearly that every team member makes sure to have regular brainstorming sessions quarterly as a team to come up with tactical steps that are necessary to implement in order to preserve the organization’s culture.

Future Roadmap

SafetyWing currently offers 2 products to its customers. However, the organization is planning to launch at least two more services for its clients in the coming year;

  • Remote Doctor: This service will help SafetyWing’s clients to consult with a doctor remotely. No matter where the clients are, they will be able to get premium medical care from the comfort of their homes.
  • Remote Retirement: This is a retirement product that prepares SafetyWing’s clients for their future when they are ready to leave work.

Advice for Leaders in Organizations during the Great Resignation

When asked about suggestions for organizations on contributing to a balanced industry, Lona Alia says, “Listen to your team members the same way you listen to your customers. 

Your team is creating tremendous value for your company and they should be treated with care, respect, and appreciation. Implement the things they want and you will be surprised how much your bottom line will benefit.”

Also, when it comes to advise for female entrepreneurs, Lona Alia says, “You live in the best possible time to be alive in terms of global opportunity. No matter where you come from if you have an internet connection you can learn the skills needed to get the position that you want by standing out from the crowd.” She adds, “Put a presentation together of what you can do for the company you want to work for and reach out to the hiring manager and present it. You will be surprised with how few people go above and beyond.”

Christine Stoffel-Moffet: Helping Companies to Succeed

Everyone in this world has a story. Now it is up to us how we acknowledge the learnings along the journey of life. Christine Stoffel-Moffet is one such person who acknowledges all the learnings during her journey. She has enjoyed a wonderful career of more than 30 years in technology. Additionally, she also excelled in the areas of operations, sales, and marketing, which enabled her to become a multidimensional transformational leader.

Many people in the arena of global sports know Christine as the Founder and CEO of one of the most iconic sporting consortiums and annual conferences in the world S.E.A.T.

She leveraged her collaborative leadership style by building SEAT to be known across the Globe as a “Community” of like-minded professionals creating life-long relationships through sharing experiences, sharing projects, lessons learned, and the true essence of thought-leadership. Over the last two years, she served as the Interim Head of Enterprise Technology at NASCAR.

With her massive experience of driving transformation across the organization, as well as for 15 years through SEAT transforming leaders and global industry, she decided to take 30+ years of technology, operations, and business experiences and her entrepreneurial mindset to launch her new consulting company, Christine Moffett LLC to help as many organizations embrace evolution and transformation as possible!

Innovative Solutions

Thanks to the encouragement of several of Christine’s global sports colleagues and friends, the offerings of Christine Moffett, LLC are complementary to each other and leverage her core specialties as an executive leader.

Christine’s business consulting offerings are:

  • Mentoring & Coaching: Through coaching and mentoring, Christine provides individuals an opportunity to be heard. Through this process, Christine provides unique perspectives and insights giving them the tools to become the very best version of themselves with the ultimate goal of finding success in life through happiness, confidence, and empowerment.
  • Virtual CIO/CXO: Christine provides fractional, interim, or temporary executive-level strategy, guidance, advisory services, and supports HOW and WHEN businesses want it. From technology, data strategy, digital transformation, business operational optimization, network, and data security, staff coaching, mentoring, training, and optimization to leading your organization to embrace innovation and strategy for business growth.
  • Interim CIO- Transform IT Organizations: Through this service, Christine looks to guide under-performing and culturally-broken technology organizations to evolve into confident, service-oriented, strategic, collaborative, and innovative organizations becoming trusted advisors across their company through compassionate leadership, mentoring, skill assessments; enabling empowerment to deliver a well-defined strategic technology roadmap alongside the business and reducing technical debt to increase the operational bottom-line.
  • Board and Advisory Roles, including Start-ups: With 30+ years of expertise, she welcomes opportunities to leverage her multi-dimensional, executive, and global perspective, with unique insights in a collaborative format through Board positions or Executive Advisory roles.
  • Event Consulting: Christine believes a conference event should not be treated just as an event but as an adventure and a journey that everyone in attendance has the amazing opportunity to experience something special and feel proud that they attended. While creating successful, exciting, and engaging events for the global sports and entertainment industry, she has developed various unique methodologies that, if followed, will take an event from ordinary to extraordinary

Tackling Challenges

As a business leader, Christine faces multiple challenges. However, the biggest challenge she faces as a business owner is continuing to create new and creative ways to market her services enabling business visibility and growth. While the other challenge is to continue finding those ‘gem’ clients. For Christine, gem clients are those who are willing to change, willing to listen and have a deep desire to be the best company they can be for their employees.

Christine’s motivation comes from reading. She is an advocate of Audible, so she can listen to books while driving, working out, and doing daily chores. Once she used to tell people that she is a great multi-tasker. However, with growing experiences, she now looks to continue learning every day, which will eventually grow her experiences and knowledge.

Motivating People at Work

Christine believes keeping people around her motivated in order to be innovative and productive is a mindset and it’s all about attitude. She always keeps a positive mindset and constantly inspires creativity by involving people to be a part of the journey.

During her long leadership career and being a parent Christine has discovered that motivating people can be accomplished by trusting, showing appreciation, rewarding, and showing belief. So, she always suggests finding unique ways to inspire them every day!

A Business Leader’s Journey

As a business leader, Christine’s journey has been filled with heartbreaks, joy, fun loss, failures, excitements, successes, and basically everything that has made her who she is today. She has no regrets of mistakes along the way, only lessons learned along this journey and Christine is striving to continue being the best version of herself, every day.

For her there’s nothing more thrilling than mentoring and coaching professionals at all levels, helping them to look at their own situations through a completely different lens. Christine believes her journey as a business leader provides her the opportunity to share her life experiences with others in a hope that they are not alone, there are people to support them and listen to them.

Helping People to Succeed

Success to Christine is helping people to move beyond their current vision of themselves and be able to provide them mentoring and support to evolve as an individual and as a professional beyond what they ever believed could be possible.

Success to Christine is being able to use her 30 years of technology, operational, sales, and marketing experiences through her business consulting and advisory services, in order to enable organizations to transform their company or organizational culture, business processes, and strategy to embrace innovation, employee empowerment, increased operational optimization and renewed excitement in their business mission and visions for the future.

Christine says, “It’s exhilarating to watch professionals as well as organizations desire to change, and then for me to be able to be a catalyst in the change, is incredibly rewarding!”

Fai Chan: Redefining the Beauty through Science

Like many of you, we too are on a hunt for clean skincare products that also goes distances with the results. Deli Aroma has long been one of our go-to brands for that exact reason. We appreciate how intentional they are with sourcing natural ingredients at the peak of freshness, and it is clear such emphasis maakes a visible difference with results.

Fai Chan, Founder and CEO of Deli Aroma LLC understands the cause and wants people to feel better about themselves, by harnessing science to deliver. With her experience in the beauty industry and passion for research and innovation, Fai founded Deli aroma LLC in the year 2014. She is focused on making effective and ethical products available in the market.

She was born in China but grew up in Hong Kong, got married, and immigrated to the United States when she was 30 years old. She applied what she had learned in her previous life and maintained a positive relationship with the citizens of the USA—who not only treated her well but also provided her with possibilities in the fields in which she was interested. One of the many reasons behind setting up the business was to increase her self-worth. She recalls a meeting with the tour guide in Hawaii who advised her to get a job to improve her self-worth. He explained to her, “those who have self-worth appear differently than those who have not.”

A Coin has Two Sides

Deli Aroma LLC is a research-oriented company that strives for its excellence in providing custom-made integrative approaches to people with health concerns. The products made are tested repeatedly for ensuring their effectiveness and safety. It came up with an approach, ‘a coin has two sides.’ It implies in researching the treatment regimens of all-natural medicines and mainstream medicine’s intervention can make things better in an inescapable way.

While skin beauty can be achieved through a skin-deep approach, a bone-deep methodology can bring customers less work and more long-term results. Deli Aroma takes concerns in both inside and outside aspects of protocols, taking part in research conferences and peer-reviewed publications. It desires not to be limited to traditional medicines but also explores pharmacology with toxicology, to keep the company abreast of time.

The foundation for this paradigm was laid by Deli Aroma in Fai’s latest publication on Alzheimer’s healing in Drug Designing Journal Open Access. She believes that it is best not to interfere with her teammate’s jobs when they are working independently. “Your teammates won’t be able to grow if you intervene too much. The most difficult thing to strike a balance on is this,” she says. She attempts to establish an environment where they are free to express themselves; backed with her knowledge and skills from her marketing degree, she is interested in targeting the market niche to ensure that her works are of market value. She believes in exemplifying the positive aspects of one’s practice and creating some pleasant encounters while maintaining company ethics, making people to returning to Deli Aroma. She feels that one must not give up on his/her dreams even though the results are not pleasing as expected. “Building people up and encouraging each other to live the ‘best’ life they can is very important than letting negative emotions take control of your life,” she mentions.

Fai Chan believes that ‘invisible hands’ have aided her in achieving many goals in life. “I am a slacker, but I believe in reciprocity in this world. You need to lend your hand to others before you can receive other people’s help to advance too. That is why I do a lot of charitable work,” she says and believes to have charitable associations to help unite and achieve a greater good in both business and non-business spheres. “I devised a five-year strategy to encourage the work of a few artists. If this world is all about money, we won’t be able to develop our greater inner calling on the spiritual side,” she implies. She understands that many artists rely on others, thus she proposes establishing a balance between materialism and spiritualism. Being a curious and hardworking individual, she spends most of her time in research expressing research as her second nature. Moreover, she is a believer of God thus she paraphrases the Bible, “There is a time for everything. When you are on bad days, you will know that this will pass away… When you are in good company, then you should cherish what you have, as this will pass away too.”

Future Endeavours

When asked about her plans regarding Deli aroma, Fai Chan responded, “In three years, I intend to open my laboratory and assemble a team to carry out further ground-breaking research. For the time being, I can only build on what others have done in terms of foundation work to build on my own. After setting up my lab, I can have more in-depth and untouched areas in science or medicine that haven’t been discovered yet. I enjoy discovering new things, and discovering new things adds excitement to my life. Although I was able to tackle some of the challenges that lead to more advanced healing in this world, it is the exploration that offers the most fulfillment.”

To conclude, being an entrepreneur, she assures to ensures maintaining the quality of the products. Fai Chan considers this as a personal responsibility to provide happiness along with benefits to the people using her products.

Sarah Lines: Answer your Awakening with Sarah Lines through Goddess Alchemy Academy

Meet Sarah LinesFounder of Goddess Alchemy Academy, an influential leader who enhances your awakening and helps you explore an unexpected yet beautiful journey of spirituality. She leads visionary women into superconscious creation., she assists them to awaken the goddess within and shine their light to the world. She offers an exceptional experience where these women are able to manifest the life and business they desire.

A compassionate leader

Sarah describes herself as a soul-driven and heart-centered individual, who is very much fond of cats. Through her work, she helps spiritual entrepreneurs on their mission disrupt the old paradigms to more deeply connect with their inner being and activate their purpose. As a Soul Coach and channel, she assists visionary women to become a superconscious creation and catapulting them into a new energy of radiance, abundance and purpose-driven lives.

Sarah Lines admires discipline. She understands that well-being requires a perfect blend of compassion with discipline to motivate oneself every day. She wakes up at 7 am, without delay, to help her son who has special needs, and help him to ready for school. At 8 am, she spends an hour having coffee, attaining peace, meditating, and talking to her spirit team about the day ahead. Later after an hour till 10 am, she integrates her energy in office-related work and where she facilitates a meeting or prepares for presentations or launches. The rest of the day she spends with her son and cats, whom she loves the most, and channelizes her energy towards peace of mind state. Through her daily routine, she encourages women to follow their call and accept their well-being at first. It was Sarah’s soul calling to go big, to help women across the globe birth their dreams into reality.

Be the Goddess with the Goddess

Her company—Goddess Alchemy Academy is an educational, healing school for women who want to ascend in their life and business. She and her team teach women how to achieve success and 5 figure months while living their soul mission. Her clients are dedicated to changing their typical early lifestyle to accept their spiritual calling. Her clients are female spiritual entrepreneurs and are ready to create their dream life through sharing their sacred purpose work with the world. These clients are aware of the honesty Sarah Lines offers on the platter and she will never break integrity to win popularity. She always advises everyone, to tell the truth, be authentic and serve their purpose wholeheartedly. Her team understands that she must maintain the integrity and be heart-centered when dealing with any aspect of her business. “Good Intention, honesty and soul-service is very important to me,” she asserts.

She, too, encountered difficulties along the way and did not change course. She stayed soul-aligned and followed the next right thing to do each month. In 2014. Sarah Lines was homeless and was suffering from addiction, but she found her awakening and changed her life altogether. She lived her life in poverty, addiction and despair thus wanted to share how possible transformation is. Because she truly believes that it’s possible for anyone. It was her determination that helped her in achieving many milestones in her pathway, she says, “I never considered giving up. Ever.” She has consistently released blocks, beliefs, and people in the way of her success. “Anything not of my highest good – goes,” she adds. She always has a coach at any given or specific time, as it is very important for her to have someone that carries out the functioning and holds her space in her absence.

With over 4 books published, she has become a multi-best-selling author on Amazon with books also being published by Lovely Silks and Austin Macauley. She was always fond of writing and thus she invested her energy and time into it. She states that each one of us could live from our hearts— “we truly could change the world through successful heart-centered entrepreneurship,” she adds.

Insight worth Appreciating 

Being a self-help enthusiast, she suggests every individual, suffering and non-suffering, to not give up on his/her ambitions or life. Rather one must furiously adapt to an ideology to be optimistic and apply decisiveness to evolve. He/she must fabricate a growth strategy that depicts a crystal-clear notion of one’s approach and try to sustain that strategy. Whereas, if a business aspirant desires to make a name and influence others with the work, then he/she should also implicate the above-discussed points. One must offer all of the energy to make prevail in achieving their ambitions and set an example for others to follow. She suggests leaders never back down from an opportunity and invest whenever seems fit. Lastly, she also mentions her favorite book Secrets of a Millionare Mind by T Harv Ecker, and recommends every individual to read this masterpiece as it assists them in the early bit of entrepreneurship. “I loved it. I still go back to it,” she highlights.

She comprehends the sufferings of the less fortunate and feels compassionate towards helping them. She desires to become to secret millionaire so that she can help such individuals across the globe and end their sufferings. She paraphrases Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Moreover, she is at the beginning stages of planting a forest in partnership with tree-nation., and desires to contribute towards the well-being of the environment.

Chelsea Simon: A Captivating Woman spearheading Advanced Pain Care with Exuberance and Excellence

A diligent and charismatic personality, Chelsea Simon is leading Advanced Pain Care with a top-notch skillset and compassionate being. With a vision to become the COO of a clinic or hospital before the age of 30, Chelsea worked with utmost dedication to turn her vision into reality. Living her dream and accomplishing many more along the way, Chelsea is successfully fulfilling her role and enjoying every minute. She has succeeded at implementing multiple specialties and managing operations for 13 clinic locations and three surgery centers.

About Advanced Pain Care  

Founded in January 2003, Advanced Pain Care is a multidisciplinary practice that offers Pain Management, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Neurology, Addictionology, and Behavioural Health. The goal is to treat the patient and their pain as a whole. Advanced Pain Care and its Physicians have become the leaders in the industry for a minimally invasive procedure known as the spinal cord stimulator.

Spinal Cord Stimulation is similar to noise-cancelling headphones but for pain. It has experienced excellent outcomes and success stories from this procedure. Advanced Pain Care CEO/FounderDr. Mark Malone, was a pain patient himself with failed back surgery and has made a full recovery due to the Spinal Cord Stimulator. Advanced Pain Care performs surgeries and procedures at Ambulatory Surgery Centers, allowing the patients to feel comfortable with a quicker recovery at home.

A Sneak Peek into Early Days

Chelsea started in the healthcare industry when she was 15 years old. In the beginning, she could see where process improvements were needed and found herself going above and beyond to help. At the age of 17, she underwent eight surgeries in a year. Having been in the hospital and clinic system over that year, she recognized where the systems were failing the patients.

At this point, Chelsea made it her ambition to work her way up in the industry and help patients in pain. To reach the position she is now at, she had to work in many different positions within a clinic and received multiple certifications to expand her knowledge. She also went back to school and obtained a Master’s in Business Administration with a minor in Healthcare Administration.

A Home away from Home

At Advanced Pain Care, our goal is to make each patient feel as if they are family. The patients come from all walks of life. There is no stereotype for a pain patient.

Advanced Pain Care goes above and beyond to provide incomparable service to its patients from the initial phone call through their appointments in the clinic. It ensures the patient’s trust by providing appropriate patient care and spending time with each patient to discuss their needs.

Cherishing a Family-oriented Work Environment

Chelsea Simon states that Advanced Pain Care is an amazing team. It is an honor to work with a determined team; who is always supportive and motivated to do their best. She could not ask for a better group of people to work with. Everyone is so dedicated to the patient and their well-being. Advanced Pain Care’s culture is one of family.

“I want to hear about the staff members’ families, pets, children’s sports activities, etc. We have a lot of team-building activities from kickball tournaments to cornhole tournaments. The team is also heavily involved in giving back to the community and we incorporate that into every activity we do.”

To be surrounded by like-minded people and work every day is a win-win situation.

Overcoming Challenges Efficiently

There are many challenges in the pain management industry and the healthcare industry. As the company has grown, there have been challenges with protocols and processes. Advanced Pain Care has always strived to provide the best and safest patient care and continues to do so. Rapid growth was one of the challenges that Advanced Pain Care faced. The company had to quickly scale from 10 Physicians to 26 Physicians and staff appropriately.

Chelsea’s Support System

Chelsea Simon is a hard-working and dedicated professional. She made it to the top with her zealous nature and determined efforts. Moreover, Chelsea’s family has been her biggest strength. Her husband, Brad has been a support system throughout her career and has always encouraged her to go the extra mile and take risks when needed. Without his help at home and emotional support, it would have been difficult to reach where she is today.

Embrace a Close-Knit Approach

Healthcare is such a fast-paced environment, which is also demanding. Chelsea Simon thinks many companies forget that their staff members and patients are not just numbers. Her advice to everyone is to slow down and be involved with every team member. Also, make sure they feel supported as this ensures that they can slow down and be involved with every patient.

Chelsea pens a Day in her Life

My day starts fairly early. I typically wake at 5 am and my daughter, Jade, and I get ready for the day. Once on the road, I drop her off at school and head to work. Depending on the day of the week, I will be in administrative meetings or actively on the clinic floor with staff. I feel that as the COO, sitting behind the desk is not where I should be all day. I need to be front and center to understand the frustrations or needs of the clinic and patients. After the workday ends, I pick up Jade from afterschool. We then head to gymnastics where she practices with her team for two hours. While she is practicing, I typically head to the gym and work out for an hour. Once the activities are complete, we then get back on the road and head home. We are typically home by 8:30 pm, eat dinner, and then off to bed.

Notable Recognitions

Here are a few noteworthy titles won by Advanced Pain Care:

  • Made it to the top three for Best Company Culture by the Austin American Statesmen.
  • Advanced Orthopedics made the top five for Best Orthopedics group by the Austin American Statesmen.
  • Many of our Physicians have won the Top Doctor award by Austin Monthly Magazine: Dr. Glenn Harper (2020 & 2021, Neurosurgery), Dr. JM Paterno (2020, Pain Management) Dr. Mark Malone (Top Doctor of the Week, Pain Management)

A Compelling Insight for Female Entrepreneurs 

Inspired by this Mahatma Gandhi quote, “A sign of a good leader is not how many followers you have, but how many leaders you create.” Chelsea Simon is abiding by it and encouraging female entrepreneurs to lead their journey.

Chelsea’s best advice is to work hard for everything, give 110%, and never expect anything to be handed to you. Female entrepreneurs are strong-willed and have to maintain their strength. There will be instances; where you think you want to give up but remind yourself who you are and where you came from. 

Expand Horizons

Advanced Pain Care has exciting plans for 2022. It plans to expand its Killeen and Waco locations and open surgery centers. It has many satellite clinics in the works that will be opening in 2022. Also, it has two more pharmacies coming.

Janifer Wheeler: An Influential Womanpreneur, Creating A Success Path For Other Aspiring Entrepreneurs

The Proud Entrepreneur and Productivity & E-Learning Consultant, Janifer Wheeler, Founder, JOYFully BadAss Business Academy is an influential business figure. Apart from being a Time Management Junkie and Growth Mindset Enthusiast, Janifer is renowned as an International, Best-Selling Author, and Award-Winning Speaker.

She has a Masters in Education – Integrating Technology in Grades 3-12 from Walden University and a Bachelors in Education, Field Of Study Early Childhood Education from Georgia Southern University.

JOYFully BadAss and Its Unique Solutions

The JOYFully BadAss Business Academy™ provides training courses and consulting as follows:

  • Custom Curriculum and Workshop Design
  • Productivity Courses and Consulting
  • Keynote Speaker or Workshop Facilitator
  • E-Learning Consulting and Design

While searching for an innovative way to swizzle from in-person to completely online, she discovered an exciting new method for delivering courses and content via TEXT messages.

  • NO ZOOM!
  • No logging in!
  • No weekly calls!
  • Just short, easy to access, easy to implement e-learning delivered right to your phone!

The primary goal of the  JOYFully BadAss Business Academy™ is to help other small business owners, coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs’ burnout prove their business with JOYFull Productivity!

Janifer’s clientele includes busy, badass female business owners and entrepreneurs who are overwhelmed and overworked. They are struggling to stay organized and work efficiently. Their To-Do Lists are endless. They may be constantly stressed, exhausted, and irritable. Many are headed for burnout. Most don’t have employees or any assistance. Or, if they do, they aren’t utilizing them.

Janifer Wheeler works closely with Virtual Assistant Agencies. Although their clients may be delegating to a VA already, many are still underutilizing their contracted hours. New clients may not know where to start and feel overwhelmed by weeding through their task lists to figure out what to delegate.

The Source of Inspiration

In May 2011, Janifer Wheeler realized that after nearly 20 years of working for schools and small businesses, she was burned out…not just on work, but on the goals and expectations she was trying to achieve. She felt trapped by her own choices and decided to take a risk and quit teaching so she could get to know herself better and forge a new path. It wasn’t easy, but she learned so much about her work style, work attitude, the type of work she wanted to do, and her values. Her highest value is freedom … no wonder it was so hard to work for other people! All of this information helped her confirm that she was born to be an entrepreneur.

Major Hurdles on the Way & The Driving Force

Before Covid, Janifer Wheeler was presenting workshops, training, and consulting in person. Although she can do it, she is not a fan of teaching via Zoom and wanted to find another way to deliver her courses that did not include a lot of virtual presentations. This was a huge challenge and it took her several months to find a Learning Management System that would meet her needs. This led to a total rebranding and redesign of offers, programs, etc., so she has spent most of the last year reinventing herself.

This is Janifer’s confidence and her self-belief that keep her growing. Some of it she was born with but so much of it came from the amazing people who encouraged her, validated her, and gave her suggestions for growth over the years.

From the Founder’s Desk

When I’m not helping you crush your goals and level up your productivity, you can find me in my little RV… by the water, communing with nature.  It’s what I do to drop my stress and re-focus. I’m also a super big reading nerd (yes, I’ve been known to read on the treadmill #likeaboss).

I’ve built my life on the idea that efficiency and productivity have the power to make life spacious enough to hold your dreams. If you snuck a peek at my resume, you’d see that I’m a Certified Teacher & Curriculum Designer, Certified Diversity Professional®, and I have over a decade of experience as both an adult educator and business operations expert. Did I mention I take getting things done seriously? I can’t give you more hours in the day, but I can help you get so much more juice and life out of the hours you have.

Have you ever found yourself thinking…?

…how in the heck can I do it all?

…oh snap – did I forget something seriously important?

…I’d accomplish so many goals if I just had a little more time.

…nobody understands how many plates I’m juggling right now.

…building my own business wasn’t supposed to feel this way.


I’ll come alongside you, create a clear path for success, and put my proven productivity and organization strategies to work for you. Because I know how much amazing stuff you can accomplish with the right systems and perspective—and I want to share my know-how with you.

A Day in Janifer’s Life

She does not have a strict daily schedule or routine. She generally begins her day with coffee and some journaling. Then, she does household chores and appointments in the morning when possible and works on business tasks throughout the afternoon. She tries to finish working by 4:30 or 5. From there, she has dinner, watches movies, or sees live music. Bedtime is usually around 10:30 and she ends her day with a book.

Favorite Books & Favourite Quote

STRONG and FREE! This collection features stories of women from around the globe who broke up with society’s expectations and lived life on their terms. The Values Factor by John DeMartini is the second favorite.  This book showed her that freedom was her most important value.

“Beautiful girl, you can do hard things.” – Sloane Ketchum

This is a go-to quote for Janifer Wheeler. It reminds her to believe in herself and not let “what ifs” get in the way of what she wishes to achieve.

Future Roadmap

While talking about her future goals, the leading lady apprised, “I hired a new marketing agency in November. I am thrilled with our strategy for 2022 and SUPER excited about the launch of two new JOYFully BadAss Business Academy™ courses in January 2022, along with the paperback copy of STRONG and FREE.”

She continued, “Our strategy also includes adding an affiliate program, a membership model, and more speaking opportunities. I get ideas for new courses all the time so there will certainly be more learning offers in 2022. I am considering a JOYFully BadAss Business Academy App and/or another book!”

Jewels in the Crown

Here is the list of awards won by the business lady:

  • Certified Diversity Professional Designation 2020
  • 2021 Brainz CREA Global Award
  • 2019 Women’s Economic Forum Exceptional Woman of Excellence
  • 2021 Netwomen.co Ambassador
  • 2018-2021 Polka Dot Powerhouse Board Member
  • 2021 Amazon Author: Strong and Free

A Piece of Advice for Female Entrepreneurs

Learn enough to make wise decisions, but don’t try to learn it all. Ask for help! And remember, if it’s not JOYFull, why do it?


Guiding and Transforming your Team with TyAnn “Ty” Osborn

It can be undoubtedly stated that women are changing the paradigm of business throughout various industries. Although gender discrimination still lurks in organizations, female business personalities are working to attain a successful stature in their respective stream. It has been witnessed that gender neutralization is a must in business as it allows an adaptation of cumulative approach for success as a team. To assist such entities, TyAnn Osborn offers authentic and innovative business coaching and training programs so that these companies can establish their employees to become a perfect blend of skilled individuals (a team) that then seamlessly help enterprises achieve their milestones.

Meet TyAnn “Ty” Osborn, an exemplary entrepreneur helping Fortune 500 companies through innovative reforms. She founded Osborn Consulting Group LLC in 2012, a transformational strengths-based coaching and training company that empowers employees to discover the value of their unique abilities so they can learn how to engage with their fellow team members, be more productive, build stronger relationships, and authentically show up in their daily lives. Ty has spent her career enabling business leaders, managers, and employees to improve their performance and effectiveness through innovative professional development and strategic talent solutions. Prior to launching the business, she served as the Global Director of Human Resources for the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, an organization with a $2 billion endowment dedicated to improving the lives of children in urban poverty. The foundation is the family philanthropic foundation started by the founder of Dell Technologies.

Being an entrepreneur, Ty has faced various obstacles while building a name in the industry. There were some difficult times which she refers to as a bottleneck and then the sticking point where her business stagnated instead of growing. “I had said yes to too many things and had too little help to make it happen,” she admits. “That was a recipe for burnout and I actually ended up with a health scare and a trip to the emergency room.” This gave her the urgency and drive to make drastic changes in the business. “Then I started asking for help, which was so hard! But that was a game changer,” she adds.

A peek in Osborn Consulting Group

Her venture can be defined as a speaking, training, and coaching company that focuses on strengths-based performance, leadership development, and organizational effectiveness. She was among one of the first groups of Gallup certified Strengths© coaches and trainers in the world, and the strengths methodology forms the foundation of all of the work that she and her team do. Simply stated, this enables employees to understand their unique gifts and then apply those gifts to their roles. Research shows that people who know and use their strengths are more engaged at work, are more productive in their roles, and are happier and healthier. The global pandemic brought about unexpected benefits to her business. “I am delighted that we can offer our services in dynamic in-person events as well as engaging virtual formats,” she highlights.

Her clients range from small-scale non-profits to Fortune 500 companies. Her services span functions and industries, so they are useful regardless of what an organization’s industry definition is. “If they have employees and are interested in accelerating human potential, then they are a client for us,” Ty says. She feels fortunate to have been able to work with amazing companies over the years such as Dow Chemical, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, PayPal, EA Sports, Indeed, EY, Abbvie, Qualcomm, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), Realtor.com, the University of Texas, and many more. Her company ensures continued business by delivering on its promises, being easy to work with, and customizing each solution. “There is no ‘one size fits all’ product in a box that we offer – each client deserves a solution tailor-made for their unique environment,” she highlights.

Osborn Consulting is also certified as a HUB – a Historically Underutilized Business- by the state of Texas. It is very important for Ty to provide growth and business opportunities to other women and minorities. She feels delighted that her team is comprised of amazingly talented people who are specialists in their fields, from administration to operations, social media to coaching. One of Ty’s Top 5 personal strengths is futuristic. People equipped with this gift often energize others with their visions of the future. Being a visionary, she is always planning to keep one step ahead by looking at future possibilities.

Advice from the Expert

Ty takes pride that in 2022 she is celebrating her tenth year in the business. “It has absolutely flown by! Each year has been more successful than the previous,” she asserts. She envisions continuing to impact clients by helping them discover their potential and shine at every point. She looks forward to expanding her business by recruiting more skilled professionals in her team.

Currently, among other clients, she and her team are working on an innovative full-scale strengths rollout with a large, distributed campus school district from the superintendent down to the students, and they are looking forward to the opening of many more possibilities in the future. “Clients often ask “what’s next” so I’m excited about building custom solutions for them,” she mentions.

She values bringing a tangible and meaningful difference in their lives through a speaking, training and coaching company. “What keeps me going is seeing my clients light up from within,” she says. Her clients have always been the inspiration for her continued success. She recommends that every individual be open and stay curious in learning new things about themselves through the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment. “If you want to be successful then study success. Hang out with successful people. Read about success. Be careful with what you ingest – if you only take in negative things then that is what you will become,” she offers.

Leian Harosky: Building Life-long Relationships

Every individual deserves to build wealth and financial freedom through real estate, either by investing in a house or buying a home to retire in. Many realtors in the industry offer to make this dream into reality, but few have earned a name in the market through remarkable strategies blended with kindness.

Leian Harosky—the principal broker and Owner of Harosky Homes LLC—is one such compassionate business leader who has remarkably contributed in bringing her decades of experience to the local real estate landscape. Through her venture, she and her team have dedicatedly worked to help current and prospective homeowners make their dreams come true. It is a full-service real estate office conducting various real estates seminars such as home buying, home selling, 1031 exchange, luxury transactions, shortfall and lender sale. Her team holds expertise in home buying and selling, 1031 exchanges, short sales, and Veterans Affairs (V.A.) home purchases.

Moreover, her company arranges buying seminars to talk about all the details involved with the process so prospective clients are ready when looking to buy and sell properties, as well as learn about rental property strategies, and Oahu market trends. It also assists a lot of military families stationed in Hawaii.

Into the Shoes of Leian

At the age of 28, Leian worked at a U.S. Embassy in an Islamic country where she had coveted security clearance and received vital training. This experience helped her to build relationships with multiple countries and an array of people, as she kept up with foreign affairs and helped employees of the embassy with housing needs. She recalls, “I grew up on a farm, so that helps me remain grounded and down to earth, we treat the business and our clients like a family. Through my business, I believe in giving back so I give to organisations and feel to promote goodness to others to create a better world.” She is one of the VA educators for veterans, active military and their dependents and teaches two times a month at VA centers and once a week inside a military base. As Harosky Homes LLC includes four retired military officers on its team, Leian explains the diversity within the company shines through as everyone can speak different languages. The staff can speak Tagalog, Mandarin, Malay, Indonesian, Spanish, Italian, Thai, and Korean to further assist clients.

Leian cherishes every day of her life; she feels blessed to have an exemplary team through which she can help many people to have their dream home. “The balance in work life is a big factor was the reason why I choose to pursue a career in real estate,” Leian adds. But the work is not as simple as it seems. She states that the primary challenge that she faces is establishing everything from scratch, and later finding good vendors to work together as a team, as it is crucial. There is a need for good vendors that work as hard for the company as the company works for their clients. Fortunately, Harosky’s Homes has a diverse group of realtors who vary in age, ethnicity, and culture but work together to create a promising experience for their clients.

Building lifelong Relationships

Leian has completed almost 18 years in the business, since then she has developed various abilities including being multilinguistic. Growing up with a diverse family and being exposed to various cultures helped her learn and adapt quickly, be respectful and think differently while helping people. Her diverse background also helped her in connecting with a distinctive range of people. Most of her clients whom she has assisted have been able to resell their properties and make money because of her strategies and brainstorming sessions. Firstly, she prefers to educate everyone on the significance of a true team effort, and later provide them with the crucial education to equip clients with achieving their real estate goals; be it a home to retire in or an investment. Her clients can benefit from the energy, creativity, and technology reach that Harosky Homes LLC brings to the industry. It has directed thier attention on building local relationships and immersing itself in the community by focusing on leveraging their professional sphere to expand the local network.

Leian has been awarded Hawaii Women Means Business 2019 along with the listing in AREAA A-list 2022; number 1 closed transaction in Hawaii; and number 3 in sales & volume. She has also earned the Soaring Eagle Award and Fallen Warrior Award. Moreover, Leian is also a real estate investor with experience working internationally, as well as with the U.S. State Department, US Embassy in Asia assigning houses for Military Diplomats and Foreign Service Officers. “So, with that government and corporate background, I learned how to be discreet and diplomatic,” she asserts.

A Glimpse into the Future 

Leian Harosky is planning to establish a non-profit organization called Helping O’Hana and Untraffick. She envisions expanding to other branches to share their experience in helping others find a home and contribute to orphanages and their non-profit organizations. She looks forward to getting more involved in the local community and giving back. She believes that a woman should not fear and embrace their womanhood and not let themselves get pushed aside because they are female. “You can think like a man and act like a lady. You are more powerful than you think.” she states.

To conclude, we can state that Leian Harosky is instilled with the importance of homeownership, equity, and property maintenance, and believes in running an ethical and honest business. “If there is no space for you in whatever you intend to do, then create space and invite them to your space,” she adds.

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