Milan Krajnc

Dr Milan Krajnc: The Business Expert, Helping Companies to Grow By Sorting Out Their Difficulties

Everything begins and ends in the mind of the individual. – Milan Krajnc

Dr. Milan Krajnc, a man with many hats, is an academic and university professor, author, mentor, business expert, and problem-solver. He is an expert in resolving the challenges that arise from the interaction of different personality types within a company or organization. He is skilled in personal advising, psychology, marketing, negotiation, and lobbying at organizations of any size and scope, from local to national levels. He is an expert on State psychology and local authorities. Mr. Krajnc is the creator of the Dynamic Leadership Model, an exceptional method for helping organizations and companies, using the laws of nature. He has written more than 300 books in the field of management and relationships.

In academics, Milan studied physics, at the Faculty of Education in the belief that one day, he would become a physics teacher at school. However, he started teaching during his studies and realized that this would not be his future, so at the end of his studies, he quit school and started working for various companies in the field of business process optimization, where he quickly realized that the problem was in the way of thinking, in leaders. So, he started studying psychology and psychotherapy while working and working on projects all the time. Present-day, Mr. Milan Krajnc is a Doctor of Science in Management Psychology and a University Professor of Public Management. However, he spends most of his time in companies where he teaches leaders a different way of thinking.

While talking about his successful journey from scratch Dr Milan apprised, “My company was in the beginning, a family business, but my wife and I were too young, for business and personal life, so at some point, we decided to continue only business cooperation. Today, I led the entire business group. It was named after the brightest constant star in our visible sky, SIRIUS, as I studied physics and earned a degree in astronomy. Astronomy and space have been my hobbies since early childhood. And this hobby also broadened my horizons in a way. The company is constantly engaged in the innovation, development of business solutions that allow users to easily manage the company. You could say we sell time to give our customers more time to live!”

Overcoming the Challenges & Staying Motivated

“I do not face any challenges, but I take it as a laboratory where we can develop solutions for all companies on our own examples. namely, we sell better communication, a better organization to other companies … Everything is based on the personality of the employees. Because we have a very diverse nationality in the company, we treat employees as our customers, they are kings for us. We try to understand their personal and business problems and create a business environment to foster their potential. Above all, we want to separate their personal and business lives, because that way they are happy and the company has more than their creation. Together we are getting stronger,” asserted Milan when asked about his major challenges.

Innovations on the Way

As a scientist, Dr Milan founded the new scientific method Dynamilogy. Dynamilogy is the active study of “living” processes and phenomena related to humans and nature! It is a new branch of science that he formed based on physics, psychology, and economics. It is decoding nature’s secrets of a sort. Only if we look at nature, we see that everything is simple, that everything works on its own. And we often say that it would be great if it was like that also in our lives.

Let’s examine a diamond as an example. A diamond is made of carbon. But graphite is also made of carbon. The difference between the two is only in the atomic structure. And if we transfer this fact to our economy, how much graphite would we have to sell to get a value that is equal to the value of one diamond sold?

The whole secret is therefore in the right order. The code of nature is in the right order. If we compare a business process or a process in personal life with natural processes, we quickly figure out what we are doing wrong. This way we will also quickly come up with a formula for success. All we need to do is to put the process in our personal or business life in the right order.

And in the end, you will realize that happiness is just a decision! Dynamilogy aims to put a person before work and to reverse the course of the current chaos in the world.

The following models are derived from dynamilogy:

  1. The Dynamic Leadership Model, a business methodology that puts people first.
  2. The Dynamic Leadership Model for Administrative Systems on a Local Level, which puts the potential of the environment and people first.
  3. The Dynamic Communication Model, which creates a refined flow of information.
  4. Sirius Personal Transformation, a psychological method of self-discovery.
  5. Sirius Business Transformation, a business methodology of process reform.
  6. Project Office, a form of enterprise organization with projects and project management as basic elements, representing a completely natural process.
  7. Dynamic Circle, organization of one’s own life in order to accomplish inner peace.
  8. Dynamic Leader, a New Age business profession.
  9. Dynamic Manager, a New Age business management profession.
  10. Dynamic Engineer, a New Age profession for personality-based process planning.

Dr Milan and his want companies to start operating like nature because only then we all be able to save the world and humanity.

This model (Dynamic Leadership Model) has saved thousands of lives, which has been recognized by the most influential intellectuals in the world and nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Future Outlook

In the near future, the company will be a public institute where new ideas for the future of the world will be developed.

A Piece of Advice

Be honest with yourself and keep your balance at all times.

Favorite Quotes

True power lies in awakening our own nature, returning to the source, and becoming aware of our calling.

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